Jest testing with Node - Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 5000ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout - javascript

I'm starting to test my code with Jest, and I can't make a seemingly simple test to pass. I am simply trying to check if what I receive from a Maogoose database request is an object.
The function fetchPosts() is working because I hooked it up with a React frontend and it is displaying the data correctly.
This is my function fetchPosts():
module.exports = {
fetchPosts() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Posts.find({}).then(posts => {
if (posts) {
} else {
And my test:
it('should get a list of posts', function() {
return posts.fetchPosts().then(result => {
expect(typeof result).toBe('object')
This makes the test fail, and Jest says
'Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 5000ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.'
QUESTION: How can I make this test pass?

You can expect asynchronous results using resolves, as shown in the Jest documentation.
In your case:
it('should get a list of posts', function() {
const result = posts.fetchPosts();
…although I have a suspicion your list of posts is actually an array, so you probably want this:
it('should get a list of posts', function() {
const result = posts.fetchPosts();
Another tip: You don't need to wrap the body of your fetchPost in an additional promise, you can simply return the promise you get from Posts.find and add a then to it, like this:
module.exports = {
fetchPosts() {
return Posts.find({}).then(posts => {
if (posts) {
return posts;
throw new Error('no posts'); // this will cause a promise rejection

It's also highly possible that you're not getting a response back from the DB at all from your test suite. Test suite's can call different environmental variables / configs that lead to different calls. This error can also be seen if no response is returned, as in - if someone blocks your IP from connecting, on and on.

Also if you are simply looking to increase the timeout, then you can do that by setting
You can use this statement in beforeEach if you want to change the timeout for all your tests in that describe block or in the test/it/spec block if you want it for a single test.

For me none of the above worked so I tried older version of jest and it worked
npm i -D jest#25.2.7.
if you are using it with typescript make sure to degrade ts-jest as well
npm i -D jest#25.2.7 ts-jest#25.3.1


Jest "Async callback was not invoked within the 5000 ms timeout" with monkey-patched `test` and useFakeTimers

This setup is extremely specific but I couldn't find any similar resources online so I'm posting here in case it helps anyone.
There are many questions about Jest and Async callback was not invoked, but I haven't found any questions whose root issue revolves around the use of jest.useFakeTimers(). My function should take no time to execute when using fake timers, but for some reason Jest is hanging.
I'm using Jest 26 so I'm manually specifying to use modern timers.
This is a complete code snippet that demonstrates the issue.
let setTimeoutSpy = jest.spyOn(global, 'setTimeout')
async function retryThrowable(
maxRetries = 5,
currentAttempt = 0
) {
try {
return await fn()
} catch (e) {
if (currentAttempt < maxRetries) {
() => retryThrowable(fn, maxRetries, currentAttempt + 1),
1 * Math.pow(1, currentAttempt)
throw e
describe('retryThrowable', () => {
const fnErr = jest.fn(async () => { throw new Error('err') })
it('retries `maxRetries` times if result is Err', async () => {
const maxRetries = 5
await expect(retryThrowable(() => fnErr(), maxRetries)).rejects.toThrow('err')
for (let _ in Array(maxRetries).fill(0)) {
await Promise.resolve() //
The full error message is
Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 5000 ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 5000 ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.
at mapper (../../node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/queueRunner.js:27:45)
Any ideas would be very appreciated
edit 1: I have tried --detectOpenHandles but no new information is provided
edit 2: I just tried my above code snippet in a fresh project and realized that it passes just fine. So the issue must somewhere else in my Jest config. I'll answer my own question when I determine the root cause
My issue ended up being in my jest configuration.
We execute tests directly against an in-memory DB, and to keep our tests clean we wrap each test in a DB transaction. Jest doesn't provide a native aroundEach hook like many other test runners, so we achieved this by monkey-patching the global test and it functions so we could execute the test callback inside a transaction. Not sure if it matters but to be explicit we are using Sequelize as our ORM and for transactions.
The test I was executing (as seen above) recursively called setTimeout with a function which threw an error / rejected a Promise. Sequelize transactions apparently do not appreciate unhandled rejections, and it was causing the test to hang. I never was able to get to the root of why the test was hanging; the transaction successfully rolled back and all test expectations were run, but for some reason the test never exited.
Solution #1 (not great)
My first solution is not pretty but it is pragmatic. I simply extended the Jest test function with a variant which does not use the monkey-patched test.
// jest.setup.ts
declare namespace jest {
interface It {
noDb: (name: string, fn?: ProvidesCallback, timeout?: number) => void
it.noDb = it
// jest.config.js
module.exports = {
// ...
setupFilesAfterEnv: [
'./jest.setup.ts', // <-- inject `it.noDb` method
'./jest.mokey-patch.ts', // <-- monkey-patching
Then, I modified the test from the OP to call this new function
it.noDb('retries `maxRetries` times if result is Err', ...
More details on how and why this extension works can be found in this blog post.
Solution #2 (better)
After messing with this more, I realized that the root issue was that there were unhandled promise rejections happening in the main thread. I'm not sure why this conflicted with Sequelize Transactions but suffice to say it's bad practice anyway.
I was able to avoid the issue entirely, as well as any bizarre Jest extensions, by simply fixing the method to only throw on the first call. This way, we can handle errors when we call retryThrowable but do not throw errors on subsequent calls.
// ...
try {
return await fn()
} catch (e) {
if (currentAttempt < maxRetries) {
() => retryThrowable(fn, maxRetries, currentAttempt + 1),
1 * Math.pow(1, currentAttempt)
// 💡 this is the new part
if (currentAttempt === 0) {
throw e
// ...

Unit testing NodeJS Promise inside a function

Im trying to unit test a function that calls a promise...
Using Mocha, Sinon. I have a functional block like this:
let OuterDependecy = require('mydep');
function TestFunction(callback) {
OuterDependency.PromiseFunction().then(response => {
//some logic here
}).catch(err => {callback(err)});
inside my test i have used proxyquire to mock the outerdependecy
let proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
let OuterDepStub = {};
let testingFunc = proxyquire('myfile.js', {'mydep': OuterDepStub});
... then inside my testing block
let stubCallback = function() {
console.log('Stub dubadub dub'); //note...i can use sinon.spy here instead
OuterDependency.PromiseFunction = function(arg) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
spy = sinon.spy(stubCallback);
my actual test now calls the main "testfunction"
it('Catches Errors, and calls back using error', done => {
I see the stub being called (the console log, hence why i didnt want to use sinon.spy) but the spy is saying its not called. and unit test fails.
I believe this is probably due to a race condition of sorts where the promise is resolving after my test is run... is there anyway to delay the test until my promise is resolve.
i know in in angularjs promise testing, there was a way to "tick" the promise so it resolves when you want to. possible in nodejs?
is there anyway to delay the test until my promise is resolve.
As far as I understand your issue, yes, you should only call done() after the promise is settled. In order to do that,you need two things:
1- Enforce TestFunction to return a Promise, so you can wait until it resolves:
function TestFunction(callback) {
return OuterDependency.PromiseFunction().then(response => {
//some logic here
}).catch(err => { callback(err) });
2- Wait to that promise to settle, then call done.
it('Catches Errors, and calls back using error', done => {
TestFunction(stubCallback).then(() => {
now, our then block won't run until the catch block within TestFunction, so if the test works as expected (i.e. the catch block fires and the callback gets fired), the expectation and the done calls will always fire after the callback gets called.
I see the stub being called (the console log, hence why i didnt want to use sinon.spy) but the spy is saying its not called. and unit test fails.
That's because your expectation runs right after the TestFunction calls, without waiting for it to settle. However, it will get called lately, thus the console.log appears in the next spec.

Test callback invocation at the end of promise chain

I am dealing with a code mixing node-style callbacks and Bluebird promises, and I need to write some unit tests for it.
In particular, cache.js exposes the init() function, which works with promises. It is then called by the doSomething() function in another file (e.g. index.js) which in turn accepts a callback that has to be invoked at the end of init().
Pseudocode is as follows:
// [ cache.js ]
function init() {
return performInitialisation()
.then((result) => return result);
// [ index.js ]
var cache = require('./cache');
function doSomething(callback) {
.then(() => {
console.log('Invoking callback');
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Invoking callback with error');
A possible unit test could be (showing only relevant code):
// [ index.test.js ]
var mockCache = sinon.mock(cache);
it('calls the callback on success', function(done) {
var callback = sinon.spy();
This test passes, however changing the expectation to not.have.been.calledOnce also passes, which is wrong.
Also, console logs are out of sequence:
Invoking callback
I have looked at several possibilities, none of which worked:
Using chai-as-promised, e.g. expect(callback).to.eventually.have.been.calledOnce;
Refactoring doSomething() to be simply:
function doSomething(callback) {
Can anyone help me understand what I am doing wrong and how I can fix it please?
console logs are out of sequence
The logs are in the correct order because your Promise will be async meaning, at the very least, the internal console logs calls in then & catch will run on the next tick.
As to why the test is failing is the result of a couple of issues, first one is you don't appear to have sinon-chai configured correctly, or at best your calledOnce assertion isn't kicking in. Just to confirm, the top of your test file should something like:
const chai = require("chai");
const sinonChai = require("sinon-chai");
If you have that and it's still not working correctly then might be worth opening an issue on the sinon-chai lib, however, a simple workaround is to switch to sinon assertions e.g.
Secondly, when you do eventually fix this, you'll probably find that the test will now fail...everytime. Reason being you've got the same problem in your test that you have with your logging - your asserting before the internal promise has had a chance to resolve. Simplest way of fixing this is actually using your done handler from Mocha as your assertion
doSomething(() => done());
In other words, if done get's called then you know the callback has been called :)
Following James' comment I revisited my tests like this:
it('calls the callback on success', function(done) {
it('calls the callback on error', function(done) {
doSomething((err) => {
if (err === 'Error') {
} else {

Using promises to wait for function to finish

I've read some tutorials online for the Promises method but I'm still a bit confused.
I have a Node app.js which performs several functions including connecting to a db.
db.connect(function(err) {
if(err) {
logger.raiseAlarmFatal(logger.alarmId.INIT,null,'An error occurred while connecting to db.', err);
Now I have written a mocha unit test suite, which encapsulates this app and performs several request calls to it. In some cases what occurs is that the the test initializes without confirmation that the db has successfully connected i.e: setupServer() has been performed.
How would I implement the promises method to this bit of asynchronous code, and if not promises, what should I use ? I have already tried event emitter but this still does not satisfy all the requirements and causes failures during cleanup.
If you're using mocha, you should use asynchronous code approach. This way you can instruct mocha to wait for you to call done function before it goes on with the rest.
This would get you started:
describe('my test', function() {
before(function(done) {
db.connect(function(err) {
it('should do some testing', function() {
// This test is run AFTER 'before' function has finished
// i.e. after setupServer has called done function
assuming that your setupServer calls the done function when it's done:
function setupServer(done) {
// do what I need to do
You will need to use Promise inside the body of function that has async work. For your case, I think that is setupServer() which you said contains ajax requests.
conts setupServer = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//async work
//get requests and post requests
if (true)
resolve(result); //call this when you are sure all work including async has been successfully completed.
reject(error); //call this when there has been an error
setupServer().then(result => {
//this will run when promise is resolved
}, error => {
//this will run when promise is rejected
For further reading:
Promise - MDN

How do you assert a run loop was used in Ember.js?

I have this code inside an Ember service:
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
semaphore.take(() => {
this.get('limiter').removeTokens(1, () => {
this.get('requestSender').sendRequest(url).then(data => {
run(null, resolve, cache.put(url, data, cacheTime));
}).catch(function() {
run(null, reject, arguments);
I'm going through the limiter callback, so I need a run loop (to my understanding). I would like to assert in a unit test that a run loop was used. I can assert the promise resolves the correct value from the cache, but I don't know how to verify a run loop was used. In other words, I could remove the run call and all my tests would still pass, which is not desirable.
Things I've thought of that I don't want to resort to:
I could use instead of run and use stubbing and restoring, but I like to deconstruct globals at the top of the file (const { run } = Ember;), so I would not like to sacrifice that just for a test.
I could wrap the run loop call in another Ember service so I can stub it, but that seems like overkill.
Basically I'm wondering if there are any events that fire when a run loop is entered that I can listen to in a test. It's OK if involves Ember privates.
You could add argument to your method which would make your method of service more "testable". Analyse this fragment of code:
const Ember = {
run() {
console.log('ORIGINAL METHOD');
const { run } = Ember;
const service = {
method(runMethod) {
let runToCall = runMethod ? runMethod : run;
// in application
// in tests
function mockedRun() {
console.log('REPLACED METHOD');
Which outputs:
Here's demo.
Eventually you could use:
I could wrap the run loop call in another Ember service so I can stub
it, but that seems like overkill.
But seems like passing function as argument is simpler.
Test will fail if run loop is not started because you'll get an assertion. Is this not enough?
Why do you need to assert that run loop was used?
