Word Wrap detection in JavaScript - javascript

I am trying to work out a way to detect wordwrap in a specific span tag inside a banner. If it wraps to 2 lines then increase the overall height of the container by 56px. There is also a sub headline (headline2) which also needs to increase (or decrease) the height by 40px.
I have written some basic JS code here which checks the div height of the span but its not great & also will only work for 3 lines.
// Variable banner heights
var hl11sub = 368;
var hl21sub = 448;
var hl31sub = 548;
var hl12sub = 416;
var hl22sub = 496;
var hl32sub = 576;
var hLFontSizeCSS = window.getComputedStyle(headlineText, null).getPropertyValue("font-size");
var hL2FontSizeCSS = window.getComputedStyle(headline2text, null).getPropertyValue("font-size");
var bannerHeightCSS = window.getComputedStyle(banner, null).getPropertyValue("height");
var headlineHeight = headlineText.offsetHeight;
var hL2HeadHeight = headline2text.offsetHeight;
var headHeight = headlineText.style.lineHeight = parseInt(hLFontSizeCSS) + 10 + "px";
var hL2Height = headline2text.style.lineHeight = parseInt(hL2FontSizeCSS) + 10 + "px";
// Text Height values
var hL1LineHeight = parseInt(headHeight); // 8 is line height & padding
var hL2LinesHeight = 140;
var hL3LinesHeight = 195;
// HL2 height values
var hL2TextOver1LineHeight = parseInt(hL2Height); // 8 is line height & padding
var hL2TextOver2LineHeight = 84;
if(hL2HeadHeight == hL2TextOver1LineHeight && headlineHeight == hL1LineHeight){
banner.style.height = hl11sub + "px";
else if(hL2HeadHeight == hL2TextOver1LineHeight && headlineHeight == hL2LinesHeight){
banner.style.height = hl21sub + "px";
else if(hL2HeadHeight == hL2TextOver1LineHeight && headlineHeight >= hL3LinesHeight){
banner.style.height = hl31sub + "px";
else if(hL2HeadHeight == hL2TextOver2LineHeight && headlineHeight == hL1LineHeight){
// Single headline with 2 lines sub
banner.style.height = hl12sub + "px";
else if(hL2HeadHeight == hL2TextOver2LineHeight && headlineHeight == hL2LinesHeight){
// 2 headlines with 2 lines sub
banner.style.height = hl22sub + "px";
else {
banner.style.height = hl32sub + "px";
// 3 headlines with 2 lines sub
It needs to only change the height of the banner depending on if the span words wrap once, twice, three times etc.
Any suggestions or help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Here is a very basic implementation on how to detect when a line is wrapped hopefully this gives you a good idea where to start and integrate it into your app.
Heres the docs for stuff used
You mentioned the height changing and you needing to know when its wrapped you can use a mutation observer to check when the style has changed then check if its wrapped.
Resize the demo window to see results
any questions i'll try get to them asap if i've misunderstood i'll happily change :)
const h1 = document.querySelector('h1');
const banner = document.querySelector('.banner');
//handles style changes on banner to check wrapping
const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations =>
mutations.forEach(mutationRecord => onLineWrapDoSomething())
observer.observe(banner, { attributes : true, attributeFilter : ['style'] });
// handles window resize events
window.addEventListener('resize', onLineWrapDoSomething)
function onLineWrapDoSomething() {
const { lineHeight } = getComputedStyle(h1);
const lineHeightParsed = parseInt(lineHeight.split('px')[0]);
const amountOfLinesTilAdjust = 2;
if (h1.offsetHeight >= (lineHeightParsed * amountOfLinesTilAdjust)) {
console.log('your h1 now wrapped')
} else {
console.log('your h1 on one line')
// shows it logs when style changes and it wraps, ignore the disgusting code below
setTimeout(() => {
banner.style.width = '50%'
setTimeout(() => {
banner.style.width = '100%'
}, 1500)
}, 1500)
.banner {
width: 100%;
h1 {
line-height: 1.5
<div class="banner">
<h1>This is some text that will eventually wrap</h1>


Simple Gantt Chart in Tabs

I'm trying to create a simple Gantt chart in a tab that is based from this tutorial - https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/build-a-simple-gantt-chart-with-css-and-javascript--cms-33813.
I am able to create the timeline in the tabs but the offsetLeft and offsetWidth is not working properly - https://gyazo.com/2e43741d106ecd4eac21d72aa520368a.
I wanted to get the offsetLeft and offsetWidth of each li elements but sometimes it returns a value of zero.
Here is the javascript code:
<script type="text/javascript">
//create chart function
function createChart_tab(e) {
const years_tab = document.querySelectorAll('.research-proj-tabs .chart-years li');
const tasks_tab = document.querySelectorAll('.research-proj-tabs .chart-bars li');
const yearsArray_tab = [...years_tab];
tasks_tab.forEach(el => {
const duration = el.dataset.duration.split("-");
const startYear = duration[0];
const endYear = duration[1];
let left = 0,
width = 0;
if (startYear) {
const filteredArray = yearsArray_tab.filter(year => year.textContent == startYear);
left = filteredArray[0].offsetLeft;
// 4
if (endYear) {
const filteredArray = yearsArray_tab.filter(year => year.textContent == endYear);
width = filteredArray[0].offsetLeft + filteredArray[0].offsetWidth - left;
// 1
el.style.left = `${left}px`;
el.style.width = `${width}px`;
// 4
if (e.type == "load") {
// 2
el.style.backgroundColor = el.dataset.color;
// 3
el.style.opacity = 1;
//window.addEventListener("onload", createChart);
window.addEventListener("load", createChart_tab);
window.addEventListener("resize", createChart_tab);
While HTML and CSS is following the same layout here: https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/build-a-simple-gantt-chart-with-css-and-javascript--cms-33813
I just want to figure out what am I missing here. Thanks!

Calculating the maximum/minimum height of a DIV element

The Problem:
Given a DIV element with a fixed height, which contains an unknown number of child elements that are sized relative to its height, calculate the maximum/minimum height that the DIV could resize to, without violating any of the maximum/minimum values of its child elements.
Find the maximum/minimum height of DIV A
Minimum: 150px
Maximum: 275px
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
.border {
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
.A {
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
.B {
float: left;
width: 50%;
height: 75%;
min-height: 125px;
max-height: 225px;
background: yellow;
.C {
float: left;
width: 50%;
height: 75%;
min-height: 100px;
max-height: 250px;
background: green;
float: left;
width: 100%;
height: 25%;
min-height: 25px;
max-height: 50px;
background: blue;
<div class="A border">
<div class="B border">
<div class="C border">
<div class="D border">
Additional Information:
I currently have tried using an algorithm that traverses the DIV's DOM tree and creates an object graph representing the spacial positioning of the elements, using the elements offset. Below is a rudimentary algorithm that examines the spacial relationship of the elements, allowing for a 10px spread between edges to be considered 'touching'.
jQuery and other libraries are allowed as long as they are open source.
var _isContentRoot = function(a,b){
var aRect = a.innerRect;
var bRect = b.outerRect;
//Check if child element is a root node
return Math.abs(aRect.top - bRect.top) <= 10;
var _isLayoutSibling = function(a,b){
var aRect = a.outerRect;
var bRect = b.outerRect;
// If element X has a boundary that intersects element Y, and
// element X is located above element Y, element Y is a child node of
// element X
if(Math.abs(aRect.bottom - bRect.top) <= 10) {
if (aRect.left <= bRect.left && aRect.right >= bRect.left ||
aRect.left <= bRect.right && aRect.right >= bRect.right ||
aRect.left >= bRect.left && aRect.right <= bRect.right ||
aRect.left <= bRect.left && aRect.right >= bRect.right) {
return true;
return false;
Edit: Fixed CSS error. Here is an updated Fiddle
Edit 2: Try to think of this more of a graph problem in the problem space of CSS/HTML. Imagine the CSS and HTML are used to describe a graph where each DIV is a vertex. There exists an edge between the two vertices
1.) if the HTML element's bounding rectA.top ≈ rectB.top OR
2.) there exists an edge if the bounding rectA.bottom ≈ rectB.top
Each vertex has two exclusive sets of edges, set A contains all edges that meet criterion 1. Set B contains all edges that meet criterion 2. Therefor you can traverse the graph and find the minimal and maximal path and that should be the PARENT DIV's max/min height.
This is my proposed algorithm for determining the max/min height of the inner contents. I'm very much open to less complex solutions.
If I understood your question correctly, would this work?
// - I use two support functions that can probably be found in other JSes frameworks, and they're down below.
function calculateMySizes(someElement) {
var childDiv = findChild(someElement, "DIV");
var totalWidth = 0;
var totalHeight = 0;
var maxWidth = 0;
var maxHeight = 0;
if(childDiv.offsetLeft > maxWidth) {
maxWidth = childDiv.offsetLeft;
totalWidth += childDiv.offsetLeft;
if(childDiv.offsetTop > maxHeight) {
maxHeight = childDiv.offsetTop;
totalHeight += childDiv.offsetTop;
while (childDiv = nextElement(childDiv));
alert("object's current width is: " + totalWidth + " and it's child's largest width is: " + maxWidth);
alert("object's current height is: " + totalHeight + " and it's child's largest height is: " + maxHeight);
// - Returns the next Element of object
function nextElement(object) {
var nextObject = object;
while (nextObject = nextObject.nextSibling) {
if (nextObject.nodeType == 1) {
return nextObject;
return nextObject;
// - Returns the first child of elementName found
function findChild(object, elementName) {
for (var i = 0; i < object.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (object.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1) {
if (object.childNodes[i].nodeName.toUpperCase() == childName) {
return object;
if (object.childNodes[i].hasChildNodes()) {
var child = findChild(object.childNodes[i], childName, countMatch);
if (child) {
return child;
I can think of a scenario where the child object's bounding box is deceptively smaller than it's own children, in the case of a float or position:absolute element, and to fix that a recursive call for all the children would be required, but other than this scenario, this should give you the minimum width/height of any element according to their children's sizes.
This is what I'm thinking:
Find the nearest ancestor with an explicit height
Find all the ancestors with percentage heights and calculate the height of the nearest one of those ancestors to find the available height. Lets call that ancestor NAR and the height NARH.
Find the distance your element is from the top of its parent (with getBoundingClientRect). Call it DT
Subtract the top boundary of NAR from DT. Call this A.
Your maximum height should be NARH-A
Something similar could be done for the minimum.
UPDATE: Ohhhh kay, I implemented this idea and it works! There's a lot of crap it takes into account including margins, borders, padding, scroll bars (even with custom widths), percentage widths, max-height/width, and sibling nodes. Check out this code:
exports.findMaxHeight = function(domNode) {
return findMaxDimension(domNode,'height')
exports.findMaxWidth = function(domNode) {
return findMaxDimension(domNode,'width')
// finds the maximum height/width (in px) that the passed domNode can take without going outside the boundaries of its parent
// dimension - either 'height' or 'width'
function findMaxDimension(domNode, dimension) {
if(dimension === 'height') {
var inner = 'Top'
var outer = 'Bottom'
var axis = 'Y'
var otherAxis = 'X'
var otherDimension = 'width'
} else {
var inner = 'Left'
var outer = 'Right'
var axis = 'X'
var otherAxis = 'Y'
var otherDimension = 'height'
var maxDimension = 'max'+dimension[0].toUpperCase()+dimension.slice(1)
var innerBorderWidth = 'border'+inner+'Width'
var outerBorderWidth = 'border'+outer+'Width'
var innerPaddingWidth = 'padding'+inner
var outerPaddingWidth = 'padding'+outer
var innerMarginWidth = 'margin'+inner
var outerMarginWidth = 'margin'+outer
var overflowDimension = 'overflow'+axis
var propertiesToFetch = [
dimension,maxDimension, overflowDimension,
innerMarginWidth, outerMarginWidth
// find nearest ancestor with an explicit height/width and capture all the ancestors in between
// find the ancestors with heights/widths relative to that one
var ancestry = [], ancestorBottomBorder=0
for(var x=domNode.parentNode; x!=null && x!==document.body.parentNode; x=x.parentNode) {
var styles = getFinalStyle(x,propertiesToFetch)
var h = styles[dimension]
if(h.indexOf('%') === -1 && h.match(new RegExp('\\d')) !== null) { // not a percentage and some kind of length
var nearestAncestorWithExplicitDimension = x
var explicitLength = h
ancestorBottomBorder = parseInt(styles[outerBorderWidth]) + parseInt(styles[outerPaddingWidth])
if(hasScrollBars(x, axis, styles))
ancestorBottomBorder+= getScrollbarLength(x,dimension)
} else {
ancestry.push({node:x, styles:styles})
return undefined // no maximum
var maxAvailableDimension = lengthToPixels(explicitLength)
var nodeToFindDistanceFrom = nearestAncestorWithExplicitDimension
ancestry.forEach(function(ancestorInfo) {
var styles = ancestorInfo.styles
var newDimension = lengthToPixels(styles[dimension],maxAvailableDimension)
var possibleNewDimension = lengthToPixels(styles[maxDimension], maxAvailableDimension)
var moreBottomBorder = parseInt(styles[outerBorderWidth]) + parseInt(styles[outerPaddingWidth]) + parseInt(styles[outerMarginWidth])
if(hasScrollBars(ancestorInfo.node, otherAxis, styles))
moreBottomBorder+= getScrollbarLength(ancestorInfo.node,otherDimension)
if(possibleNewDimension !== undefined && (
newDimension !== undefined && possibleNewDimension < newDimension ||
possibleNewDimension < maxAvailableDimension
) {
maxAvailableDimension = possibleNewDimension
nodeToFindDistanceFrom = ancestorInfo.node
// ancestorBottomBorder = moreBottomBorder
} else if(newDimension !== undefined) {
maxAvailableDimension = newDimension
nodeToFindDistanceFrom = ancestorInfo.node
// ancestorBottomBorder = moreBottomBorder
} else {
ancestorBottomBorder += moreBottomBorder
// find the distance from the top
var computedStyle = getComputedStyle(domNode)
var verticalBorderWidth = parseInt(computedStyle[outerBorderWidth]) + parseInt(computedStyle[innerBorderWidth]) +
parseInt(computedStyle[outerPaddingWidth]) + parseInt(computedStyle[innerPaddingWidth]) +
parseInt(computedStyle[outerMarginWidth]) + parseInt(computedStyle[innerMarginWidth])
var distanceFromSide = domNode.getBoundingClientRect()[inner.toLowerCase()] - nodeToFindDistanceFrom.getBoundingClientRect()[inner.toLowerCase()]
return maxAvailableDimension-ancestorBottomBorder-verticalBorderWidth-distanceFromSide
// gets the pixel length of a value defined in a real absolute or relative measurement (eg mm)
function lengthToPixels(length, parentLength) {
if(length.indexOf('calc') === 0) {
var innerds = length.slice('calc('.length, -1)
return caculateCalc(innerds, parentLength)
} else {
return basicLengthToPixels(length, parentLength)
// ignores the existences of 'calc'
function basicLengthToPixels(length, parentLength) {
var lengthParts = length.match(/(-?[0-9]+)(.*)/)
if(lengthParts != null) {
var number = parseInt(lengthParts[1])
var metric = lengthParts[2]
if(metric === '%') {
return parentLength*number/100
} else {
if(lengthToPixels.cache === undefined) lengthToPixels.cache = {}//{px:1}
var conversion = lengthToPixels.cache[metric]
if(conversion === undefined) {
var tester = document.createElement('div')
tester.style.width = 1+metric
tester.style.visibility = 'hidden'
tester.style.display = 'absolute'
conversion = lengthToPixels.cache[metric] = tester.offsetWidth
return conversion*number
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/number
var number = '(?:\\+|-)?'+ // negative or positive operator
'\\d*'+ // integer part
'(?:\\.\\d*)?'+ // fraction part
'(?:e(?:\\+|-)?\\d*)?' // scientific notation
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/calc
var calcValue = '(?:'+
'('+number+')'+ // length number
'([A-Za-z]+|%)?'+ // optional suffix (% or px/mm/etc)
'(\\(.*\\))'+ // more stuff in parens
var calcSequence = calcValue+
var calcSequenceItem = '\\s*'+
var caculateCalc = function(calcExpression, parentLength) {
var info = calcExpression.match(new RegExp('^'+calcValue))
var number = info[1]
var suffix = info[2]
var calcVal = info[3]
var curSum = 0, curProduct = getCalcNumber(number, suffix, calcVal, parentLength), curSumOp = '+'
var curCalcExpression = calcExpression.slice(info[0].length)
while(curCalcExpression.length > 0) {
info = curCalcExpression.match(new RegExp(calcSequenceItem))
var op = info[1]
number = info[2]
suffix = info[3]
calcVal = info[4]
var length = getCalcNumber(number,suffix,calcVal, parentLength)
if(op in {'*':1,'/':1}) {
curProduct = calcSimpleExpr(curProduct,op,length)
} else if(op === '+' || op === '-') {
curSum = calcSimpleExpr(curSum,curSumOp,curProduct)
curSumOp = op
curProduct = length
curCalcExpression = curCalcExpression.slice(info[0].length)
curSum = calcSimpleExpr(curSum,curSumOp,curProduct)
return curSum
function calcSimpleExpr(operand1, op, operand2) {
if(op === '*') {
return operand1 * operand2
} else if(op === '/') {
return operand1 / operand2
} else if(op === '+') {
return operand1 + operand2
} else if(op === '-') {
return operand1 - operand2
} else {
throw new Error("bad")
function getCalcNumber(number, suffix, calcVal, parentLength) {
if(calcVal) {
return caculateCalc(calcVal, parentLength)
} else if(suffix) {
return basicLengthToPixels(number+suffix, parentLength)
} else {
return number
// gets the style property as rendered via any means (style sheets, inline, etc) but does *not* compute values
// domNode - the node to get properties for
// properties - Can be a single property to fetch or an array of properties to fetch
function getFinalStyle(domNode, properties) {
if(!(properties instanceof Array)) properties = [properties]
var parent = domNode.parentNode
if(parent) {
var originalDisplay = parent.style.display
parent.style.display = 'none'
var computedStyles = getComputedStyle(domNode)
var result = {}
properties.forEach(function(prop) {
result[prop] = computedStyles[prop]
if(parent) {
parent.style.display = originalDisplay
return result
// from lostsource http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13382516/getting-scroll-bar-width-using-javascript
// dimension - either 'width' or 'height'
function getScrollbarLength(domNode, dimension) {
if(dimension === 'width') {
var offsetDimension = 'offsetWidth'
} else {
var offsetDimension = 'offsetHeight'
var outer = document.createElement(domNode.nodeName)
outer.className = domNode.className
outer.style.cssText = domNode.style.cssText
outer.style.visibility = "hidden"
outer.style.width = "100px"
outer.style.height = "100px"
outer.style.top = "0"
outer.style.left = "0"
outer.style.msOverflowStyle = "scrollbar" // needed for WinJS apps
var lengthNoScroll = outer[offsetDimension]
// force scrollbars with both css and a wider inner div
var inner1 = document.createElement("div")
inner1.style[dimension] = "120%" // without this extra inner div, some browsers may decide not to add scoll bars
outer.style.overflow = "scroll"
var inner2 = document.createElement("div")
inner2.style[dimension] = "100%"
outer.appendChild(inner2) // this must be added after scroll bars are added or browsers are stupid and don't properly resize the object (or maybe they do after a return to the scheduler?)
var lengthWithScroll = inner2[offsetDimension]
return lengthNoScroll - lengthWithScroll
// dimension - Either 'y' or 'x'
// computedStyles - (Optional) Pass in the domNodes computed styles if you already have it (since I hear its somewhat expensive)
function hasScrollBars(domNode, dimension, computedStyles) {
dimension = dimension.toUpperCase()
if(dimension === 'Y') {
var length = 'Height'
} else {
var length = 'Width'
var scrollLength = 'scroll'+length
var clientLength = 'client'+length
var overflowDimension = 'overflow'+dimension
var hasVScroll = domNode[scrollLength] > domNode[clientLength]
// Check the overflow and overflowY properties for "auto" and "visible" values
var cStyle = computedStyles || getComputedStyle(domNode)
return hasVScroll && (cStyle[overflowDimension] == "visible"
|| cStyle[overflowDimension] == "auto"
|| cStyle[overflowDimension] == "scroll"
I'll probably put this in an npm/github module cause it seems like something that should be available naively, but isn't and takes a shiteload of work to do right.
Here is the best solution I could come up with.
First, if a DIV depends on it's child's contents to determine it's size, I give it an the selector .childDependent and if the div can resize vertically, I give it the selector .canResize.
<div class="A border childDependent canResize">
<div class="B border canResize">
<div class="C border canResize">
<div class="E border canResize">
<div class="D border canResize">
Here is a fiddle to look at:

Text pagination inside a DIV with image

I want to paginate a text in some div so it will fit the allowed area
Logic is pretty simple:
1. split text into words
2. add word by word into and calculate element height
3. if we exceed the height - create next page
It works quite good
here is JS function i've used:
function paginate() {
var newPage = $('<pre class="text-page" />');
var betterPageText='';
var pageNum = 0;
var isNewPage = false;
var lineHeight = parseInt(contentBox.css('line-height'), 10);
var wantedHeight = contentBox.height() - lineHeight;
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
if (isNewPage) {
isNewPage = false;
} else {
betterPageText = betterPageText + ' ' + words[i];
newPage.text(betterPageText + ' ...');
if (newPage.height() >= wantedHeight) {
if (pageNum > 0) {
betterPageText = betterPageText + ' ...';
betterPageText = '...';
isNewPage = true;
} else {
contentBox.craftyslide({ height: wantedHeight });
But when i add an image it break everything. In this case text overflows 'green' area.
Working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/74W4N/7/
Is there a better way to paginate the text and calculate element height?
Except the fact that there are many more variables to calculate,not just only the word width & height, but also new lines,margins paddings and how each browser outputs everything.
Then by adding an image (almost impossible if the image is higher or larger as the max width or height) if it's smaller it also has margins/paddings. and it could start at the end of a line and so break up everything again.basically only on the first page you could add an image simply by calculating it's width+margin and height+margin/lineheight. but that needs alot math to get the wanted result.
Said that i tried some time ago to write a similar script but stopped cause of to many problems and different browser results.
Now reading your question i came across something that i read some time ago:
so i made a different approach of your function that leaves out all this calculations.
don't judge the code as i wrote it just now.(i tested on chrome, other browsers need different prefixes.)
var div=document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].firstChild,
div.style['-webkit-transition']='all 700ms ease';
//if you change the column-gap you need to
//add padding before calculating the normal div.
//also the line height should be an integer that
// is divisible of the max height
here is an Example
adding an image smaller than the max height & width in the first page would not mess up everything.
and it looks like it's supported by all modern browsers now.(with the correct prefixes)
In my experience, trying to calculate and reposition text in HTML is almost an exercise in futility. There are too many variations among browsers, operating systems, and font issues.
My suggestion would be to take advantage of the overflow CSS property. This, combined with using em sizing for heights, should allow you to define a div block that only shows a defined number of lines (regardless of the size and type of the font). Combine this with a bit of javascript to scroll the containing div element, and you have pagination.
I've hacked together a quick proof of concept in JSFiddle, which you can see here: http://jsfiddle.net/8CMzY/1/
It's missing a previous button and a way of showing the number of pages, but these should be very simple additions.
EDIT: I originally linked to the wrong version for the JSFiddle concept
Solved by using jQuery.clone() method and performing all calculations on hidden copy of original HTML element
function paginate() {
var section = $('.section');
var cloneSection = section.clone().insertAfter(section).css({ position: 'absolute', left: -9999, width: section.width(), zIndex: -999 });
cloneSection.css({ width: section.width() });
var descBox = cloneSection.find('.holder-description').css({ height: 'auto' });
var newPage = $('<pre class="text-page" />');
var betterPageText = '';
var pageNum = 0;
var isNewPage = false;
var lineHeight = parseInt(contentBox.css('line-height'), 10);
var wantedHeight = contentBox.height() - lineHeight;
var oldText = '';
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
if (isNewPage) {
isNewPage = false;
betterPageText = betterPageText + ' ' + words[i];
oldText = betterPageText;
descBox.text(betterPageText + ' ...');
if (descBox.height() >= wantedHeight) {
if (i != words.length - 1) {
if (pageNum > 0) {
betterPageText = betterPageText + ' ...';
oldText += ' ... ';
betterPageText = '... ';
isNewPage = true;
} else {
if (i == words.length - 1) {
if (pageNum > 0) {
contentBox.craftyslide({ height: wantedHeight });
live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/74W4N/19/
I actually came to an easier solution based on what #cocco has done, which also works in IE9.
For me it was important to keep the backward compatibility and the animation and so on was irrelevant so I stripped them down. You can see it here: http://jsfiddle.net/HNF3d/63/
heart of it is the fact that I dont limit height and present horizontal pagination as vertical.
var parentDiv = div = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
var div = parentDiv.firstChild,
maxWidth = 300,
maxHeigth = 200,
t = function (e) {
div.style.webkitTransform = 'translate(0,-' + ((e.target.textContent * 1 - 1) * maxHeigth) + 'px)';
div.style["-ms-transform"] = 'translate(0,-' + ((e.target.textContent * 1 - 1) * maxHeigth) + 'px)';
div.style.width = maxWidth + 'px';
currentHeight = div.offsetHeight;
columns = Math.ceil(currentHeight / maxHeigth);
links = [];
while (columns--) {
links[columns] = '<span>' + (columns + 1) + '</span>';
var l = document.createElement('div');
l.innerHTML = links.join('');
l.onclick = t;

Execute different code upon second click (JavaScript)

My problem is that I've been working on a "accordion menu", which uses CSS3 transition on the height property to give it an animation when the <li> is expanding, which contains a submenu.
The expansion of the <li> happens when calling a function, triggered by a onclick event.
The function calculates the new height for the containing <li> based on how many <li>'s the submenu contains. All this works fine, but I can't figure out how to reset the height on the second click, to close the submenu.
function accordion(ul){
// Make new height happen
var howManyChildren = document.getElementById(ul).children.length;
var calcSubHeight = 30 + howManyChildren * 31 + 'px'; // "top-padding" + amount of <li>'s * each <li> height + unit
var elementId = ul.replace('_ul','');
document.getElementById(elementId).style.height = subHeight;
else // Code to be executed on secound click.
document.getElementById(elementId).style.height = "";
I want the "else" block to execute on the second click, as the comment states.
So I might have been a bit to elaborate here. And pardon for the bad English, I'm quite Swedish.
Try this, it sees if the height returns false.
function accordion(ul) {
var elementId = ul.replace('_ul', '');
if (!document.getElementById(elementId).style.height) {
var howManyChildren = document.getElementById(ul).children.length;
var calcSubHeight = 30 + howManyChildren * 31 + 'px'; // "top-padding" + amount of <li>'s * each <li> height + unit
document.getElementById(elementId).style.height = subHeight;
} else {
document.getElementById(elementId).style.height = "";
To determine whether it's the first or second click, you'll need to keep a variable that changes on each click. A closure is ideal for this:
var accordion = ( function accordionClosure(){
var count = 0;
return function accordion( ul ){
if ( count === 0 ){
var howManyChildren = document.getElementById(ul).children.length;
var calcSubHeight = 30 + howManyChildren * 31 + 'px'; // "top-padding" + amount of <li>'s * each <li> height + unit
var elementId = ul.replace('_ul','');
document.getElementById(elementId).style.height = subHeight;
count = 1;
else {
document.getElementById(elementId).style.height = "";
count = 0;
}() );

Trouble with onclick attribute for img when used in combination with setInterval

I am trying to make images that move around the screen that do something when they are clicked. I am using setInterval to call a function to move the images. Each image has the onclick attribute set. The problem is that the clicks are not registering.
If I take out the setInterval and just keep the images still, then the clicks do register.
My code is here (html, css, JavaScript): https://jsfiddle.net/contini/nLc404x7/4/
The JavaScript is copied here:
var smiley_screen_params = {
smiley_size : 100, // needs to agree with width/height from css file
num_smilies: 20
var smiley = {
top_position : 0,
left_position : 0,
jump_speed : 2,
h_direction : 1,
v_direction : 1,
intvl_speed : 10, // advance smiley every x milliseconds
id : "smiley"
function randomise_direction(s) {
var hd = parseInt(Math.random()*2);
var vd = parseInt(Math.random()*2);
if (hd === 0)
s.h_direction = -1;
if (vd === 0)
s.v_direction = -1;
function plotSmiley(sp /* sp = smiley params */) {
var existing_smiley = document.getElementById(sp.id);
if (existing_smiley !== null)
// delete existing smiley so we can move it
var smiley_to_plot = document.createElement('img');
smiley_to_plot.setAttribute('src', "http://i.imgur.com/C0BiXJx.png");
smiley_to_plot.setAttribute('id', sp.id);
smiley_to_plot.setAttribute('onclick', "my_click_count()");
smiley_to_plot.style.position = 'absolute';
smiley_to_plot.style.top = sp.top_position + "px";
smiley_to_plot.style.left = sp.left_position + "px";
function random_direction_change() {
var r = parseInt(Math.random()*200);
if (r===0)
return true;
return false;
function moveFace(sp_array /* sp_array = smiley params array */) {
var i;
var sp;
for (i=0; i < sp_array.length; ++i) {
// move ith element
sp = sp_array[i];
if (
(sp.h_direction > 0 && sp.left_position >= smiley_screen_params.width - smiley_screen_params.smiley_size) ||
(sp.h_direction < 0 && sp.left_position <= 0) ||
) {
sp.h_direction = -sp.h_direction; // hit left/right, bounce off (or random direction change)
if (
(sp.v_direction > 0 && sp.top_position >= smiley_screen_params.height - smiley_screen_params.smiley_size) ||
(sp.v_direction < 0 && sp.top_position <= 0) ||
) {
sp.v_direction = -sp.v_direction; // hit top/bottom, bounce off (or random direction change)
sp.top_position += sp.v_direction * sp.jump_speed;
sp.left_position += sp.h_direction * sp.jump_speed;
if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') {
Object.create = function(o) {
var F = function () {};
F.prototype = o;
return new F();
function generateFaces() {
var smilies = new Array();
var s;
var i;
var css_smileybox=document.getElementById("smileybox");
var sb_style = getComputedStyle(css_smileybox, null);
// add info to the screen params
smiley_screen_params.width = parseInt(sb_style.width);
smiley_screen_params.height = parseInt(sb_style.height);
// create the smileys
for (i=0; i < smiley_screen_params.num_smilies; ++i) {
s = Object.create(smiley);
s.id = "smiley" + i;
s.top_position = parseInt(Math.random() * (smiley_screen_params.height - smiley_screen_params.smiley_size)),
s.left_position = parseInt(Math.random() * (smiley_screen_params.width - smiley_screen_params.smiley_size)),
setInterval( function(){ moveFace(smilies) }, smiley.intvl_speed );
var click_count=0;
function my_click_count() {
document.getElementById("mg").innerHTML = "Number of clicks: " + click_count;
The generateFaces() will generate parameters (for example, coordinates of where they are placed) for a bunch of smiley face images. The setInterval is within this function, and calls the moveFace function to make the smiley faces move at a fixed interval of time. moveFace computes the new coordinates of each smiley face image and then calls plotSmiley to plot each one on the screen in its new location (removing it from the old location). The plotSmiley sets the onclick attribute of each image to call a dummy function just to see if the clicks are registering.
Thanks in advance.
This is not a complete answer but it could give you some perspective to improve your code.
First of all, your idea of deleting the existing img so wrong. If it does exist, all you need is to just change its position so instead of this
if (existing_smiley !== null)
// delete existing smiley so we can move it
you should do something like this:
if (existing_smiley !== null)
var smiley_to_plot = existing_smiley;
else {
var smiley_to_plot = document.createElement('img');
smiley_to_plot.setAttribute('src', "http://i.imgur.com/C0BiXJx.png");
smiley_to_plot.setAttribute('id', sp.id);
smiley_to_plot.style.position = 'absolute';
smiley_to_plot.addEventListener('click', my_click_count);
smiley_to_plot.style.top = sp.top_position + "px";
smiley_to_plot.style.left = sp.left_position + "px";
As you can see new image is only being added if it's not already there. Also notice that adding events by using .setAttribute('onclick', "my_click_count()"); is not a good way to do. You should use .addEventListener('click', my_click_count); like I did.
Like I said this is not a complete answer but at least this way they response to the click events now.
Good luck!
