How to split string object and then concatenate and add to array - javascript

This addtoTaskList function needs to split the received task into 2 arrays(?) or two tasks split by a comma, then concatenate them and add them to the tasks array. As the code is currently, it outputs the split values to the taskList, but also outputs a non-split duplicate and clears the task list after every entry as shown below:
I mostly need help with the concatenation, I think-thanks!
"use strict";
var $ = function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); };
var tasks = [];
var displayTaskList = function() {
var list = "";
// if there are no tasks in tasks array, check storage
if (tasks.length === 0) {
// get tasks from storage or empty string if nothing in storage
var storage = localStorage.getItem("tasks") || "";
// if not empty, convert to array and store in global tasks variable
if (storage.length > 0) { tasks = storage.split("|"); }
// if there are tasks in array, sort and create tasks string
if (tasks.length > 0) {
// tasks.sort();
list = tasks.join("\n");
// display tasks string and set focus on task text box
$("task_list").value = list;
var addToTaskList = function() {
var task = $("task");
if (task.value === "") {
alert("Please enter a task.");
} else {
// add task to array and local storage
var partsOfStr = task.value.split(',');
tasks = partsOfStr.concat(task.value);
localStorage.tasks = tasks.join("|");
// clear task text box and re-display tasks
task.value = "";
var clearTaskList = function() {
tasks.length = 0;
localStorage.tasks = "";
$("task_list").value = "";
window.onload = function() {
$("add_task").onclick = addToTaskList;
$("clear_tasks").onclick = clearTaskList;

You are trying to concatenate an array (partsOfStr) with a string (task.value). Perhaps you meant to use tasks instead of task.value?
tasks = partsOfStr.concat(task.value);
Should be:
tasks = tasks.concat(partsOfStr);


Call variable value in another .js file

I have 2 soy.js and lib-dialogs.js files.
I need to make lib-dialogs pass the value of the lineCount variable to soy.js.
I was able to do this with localStorage but because it saves in a cookie it does not update the values correctly.
In lib-dialogs there is a function called BlocklyDialogs.congratulations that calls the necessary data.
BlocklyDialogs.congratulations = function() {
// Add the user's code.
if (BlocklyGames.workspace) {
var linesText = document.getElementById('dialogLinesText');
linesText.textContent = '';
// Line produces warning when compiling Puzzle since there is no JavaScript
// generator. But this function is never called in Puzzle, so no matter.
var code = Blockly.JavaScript.workspaceToCode(BlocklyGames.workspace);
code = BlocklyInterface.stripCode(code);
var noComments = code.replace(/\/\/[^\n]*/g, ''); // Inline comments.
noComments = noComments.replace(/\/\*.*\*\//g, ''); /* Block comments. */
noComments = noComments.replace(/[ \t]+\n/g, '\n'); // Trailing spaces.
noComments = noComments.replace(/\n+/g, '\n'); // Blank lines.
noComments = noComments.trim();
var lineCount = noComments.split('\n').length;
var pre = document.getElementById('containerCode');
pre.textContent = code;
if (typeof prettyPrintOne == 'function') {
code = pre.innerHTML;
code = prettyPrintOne(code, 'js');
pre.innerHTML = code;
if (lineCount == 1) {
var text = BlocklyGames.getMsg('Games_linesOfCode1');
} else {
var text = BlocklyGames.getMsg('Games_linesOfCode2')
.replace('%1', String(lineCount));
example "var count = BlocklyDialogs.congratulations(lineCount);"
In soy.js I need to receive the values of lineCount. I've already managed to do this using localStorage but I needed to do something more direct.
In testing I verified that the problem is in the lineCount variable because it is not passing a value to any variable even within the file itself.
I created a variable outside the blocklyDialogs.congratulations function and entered a value of 5.
I called the variable in the soy.js file and got it normally.
I need to make the lineCount pass its value.
You can use event driven programming, pub-sub model.
class EventManager {
constructor(...listeners) {
this.listeners = listeners;
register(fn) {
const id = this.listeners.push(fn);
return () => {
this.listeners.splice(id - 1, 1);
emit(data) {
this.listeners.forEach(fn => fn(data));
const pushEvents = new EventManager();
// JS 1
const unsubscribe1 = pushEvents.register(x => {
console.log("event:", x);
pushEvents.register(x => {
console.log("event:", x);
// JS 2
pushEvents.emit("Tets data");
// event: Tets data
// event: Tets data
pushEvents.emit("Tets data2");
// event: Tets data2
.as-console-row {color: red!important}

save table rows count in local storage

Hello I am currently using a script that takes your table data and saves it in local storage where I call it in another js file.
I have a script that succesfully can save the table data exactly how I would like, But I have been struggling on how to implement a count for how many table rows there are in the table before the data is saved in local storage.
Here is what I have tried:
$(function() {
$("#addTask").click(function() {
let cells =$("#items-table")[0].rows, row => {
return, cell => cell.innerHTML);
var task = {
cells: cells
task.Name = $("#taskName").val();
var itemCount = $("#items-table tr").length - 1;
var count = {
itemCount: itemCount
function saveTaskInStorage(task) {
var savedTasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tasks'));
if (!savedTasks || typeof(savedTasks) !== "object")
savedTasks = {};
savedTasks[task.Name] = task;
localStorage.setItem('tasks', JSON.stringify(savedTasks));
alert("Task has been Added");
function saveCountInStorage(count) {
var savedCount = localStorage.getItem('counts')
savedCount = {};
savedCount[task.Name] = count;
localStorage.setItem('counts', savedCount);
function loadCountFromStorage1(taskName) {
var savedCount = localStorage.getItem('counts');
return savedCount[taskName];
function loadAllTasks() {
var savedTasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tasks'));
if (!savedTasks || typeof(savedTasks) !== "object")
for (var taskName in savedTasks) {
$("#loadTask").append('<option>' + taskName + '</option>')
function loadTaskFromStorage1(taskName) {
var savedTasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tasks'));
return savedTasks[taskName];
then in the other js file I call these functions:
function loadAllTasks() {
// Get all saved tasks from storage and parse json string to javascript object
var savedTasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tasks'));
// To be sure that object exists on localStorage
if (!savedTasks || typeof (savedTasks) !== "object")
// Get all property name of savedTasks object (here it means task names)
for (var taskName in savedTasks){
$("#select-task").append('<option>' + taskName + '</option>')
function loadTaskFromStorage(taskName) {
var savedTasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tasks'));
// Return the task by its name (property name on savedTasks object)
return savedTasks[taskName];
function loadCountFromStorage(taskName) {
var savedCount = localStorage.getItem('counts');
return savedCount[taskName];
var task = loadTaskFromStorage($("#select-task").val());
then I just do:
this works perfectly, it alerts all the custom saved data in the table that I saved.
I then have tried a bunch of different options for this:
and a bunch of variations of that.
I want to be able to do:
this then will alert me the number of rows in the table of the saved task I currently have selected in my select html.
I also tried getting rid of the saveCount functions and just modifing this:
var task = {
cells: cells,
count: count
but unfortunately this also does not work.
I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me on how I would save the table row count in local storage and be able to call it on each different saved task in the select on my html/ js file.
each saved task will have a different count so I want to do task.count
Thanks for the Help <3!
You should really look into using a front end framework like React or Angular. You are looping through dom elements and saving its inner html as values in your task when what you really need is something data driven. However, I think this might solve your issue.
In your click handler for #addTask you have
let cells =$("#items-table")[0].rows, row => {
return, cell => cell.innerHTML);
var task = {
cells: cells
Try adding in a counter here
let count = 0;
let cells =$("#items-table")[0].rows, row => {
count += 1;
return, cell => cell.innerHTML);
var task = {
cells: cells
count: count
Hopefully that works for you

Updating local storage value with array

I created some form that after submit is storing some data in localstorage as an array:
var anInput = {'name':'John', 'age':'23'};
if(localStorage.getItem("artikli") === null) {
var artikal = [anInput];
} else {
var artikli = localStorage.getItem("artikli"),
a = JSON.parse(artikli),
b = a.replace(/\[|\]/g, ""),
artikal = [b,anInput];
I tried this but I get error:
a.replace is not a function
I am trying on new form submit to update existing item in localstorage.
Once you call JSON.parse(), you have an array, not a JSON string. You can use normal array operations on this -- use .push() to add a new object to the array.
var anInput = {'name':'John', 'age':'23'};
var json = localStorage.getItem("artikli");
if (json) {
artikli = JSON.parse(json);
} else {
artickli = [];
localStorage.setItem("artikli", JSON.stringify(artikli));

Node/Javascript only send changed values

I'm writing a simple application where I send values to a mqtt broker given by a pot-meter (variable resistor). The thing I am trying to accomplish is that I only send changed values to save bandwidth. I am trying Object.observe, but that does not do anything. Can anybody help me?
My code:
var analogValue = 0;
every((0.5).second(), function() {
analogValue = my.sensor.analogRead();
var values = {values:[{key:'resistance', value: analogValue}]}
//another experiment here
var arr = ['resitance', analogValue];
Array.observe(arr, function(changes) {
arr[1] = analogValue
console.log('sent ',values,'to ',thingTopic)
client.publish(thingTopic, JSON.stringify(values));
var o = [analogValue];
Object.observe(o, function (changes) {
//eventually publish only changes to broker here
}) = [analogValue]
You don't need to use Object.observe. You can just save the last measurement and check the new one against it. Like this:
// I'm assuming that any actual measurement will be different than 0
var lastMeasurement = 0;
every((0.5).second(), function() {
var analogValue = my.sensor.analogRead();
if (lastMeasurement !== analogValue) {
// the new value is different
var values = {values:[{key:'resistance', value: analogValue}]};
client.publish(thingTopic, JSON.stringify(values));
// update the last measurement value
lastMeasurement = analogValue;

knockout push values array

when I click on button1 I get object with 50 contacts array (containing collection of arrays with phoneNumbers, Addresses...), then when I click on button 2 I get the same object but my first object is erased whereas I would like to display 50 + 50 = 100 contacts array. I tried concat method but I have some difficulties to implement.
viewModel.initializeListener = function() {
$('#button1').click(function() {
document.getElementById("button2").style.visibility = "hidden";
nbDisplayedContacts = 0;"test");
$('#button2').click(function() {
}; `
viewModel.WeHaveMoreContacts = function(data) {"test:", data)
if (viewModel.MoreContacts) {
var newArray=ko.mapping.fromJS(data, viewModel.MoreContacts);
var concatenated = newArray.concat(dataArray);
} else {
viewModel.MoreContacts = ko.mapping.fromJS(data);
var dataArray = viewModel.MoreContacts.contacts();
I have a parameter with number of contacts to skip for the server.
function which call the server then call the mapping function :
Problem : Object # has no method 'concat'
I made a fiddle that may help you.
The first part of the function generates new contacts and the second one add them to the existing contacts.
var VM = function () {
var self = this;
self.contacts = ko.observableArray();
self.addMore = function () {
// simulate server response
var offset = self.contacts().length;
var dataFromServer = [];
for (var index = 0; index < 10; index++) {
name: 'contact ' + offset + index
// add each new item to existing items.
ko.utils.arrayForEach(dataFromServer, function (item) {
Feel free to ask more explanation.
I hope it helps.
