Undefined Element displayed with JavaScript - javascript

I am able to display the sum value of 6 DOM elements with a "line_cost" tag name- this is displayed as a sub-total(seen as "ST" methods). Unfortunately, while dynamically calculating the delivery-cost using the sub-total values, I consistently get "undefined" as a value being displayed under the delivery-cost tab while sub-total works perfectly.
I thought to believe the problem was occurring due to the DOM not fully loading before the method was called, yet even with the decision if(document.getElementById("sub_total") != null), I still achieve an 'undefined' value. What could be the problem for this 'undefined' value occurring?
function calcST()
var i;
var sum = 0; // initialize the sum
let p = document.getElementsByTagName("line_cost");
for (i = 0; i < p.length; i++)
if (!isNaN(Number(p[i].innerHTML)))
sum = Number(sum + Number(p[i].innerHTML)); // p[i].innerHTML gives you the value
setST(sum, "sub_total");
function setST(sum, item_id)
let i = document.getElementById(item_id);
i.innerHTML = sum;
function getST()
if (document.getElementById("sub_total") != null)
let i = document.getElementById("sub_total");
let v = i.innerHTML;
return v;
function calcDelivCharge()
var delCharge;
var e = getST();
if (e < 100)
delcharge = e*0.10
delcharge = 0;
setDelivCharge("delivery_charge", delCharge);
function setDelivCharge(item_id, delCharge)
let i = document.getElementById(item_id);
i.innerHTML = delCharge;
function getDelivCharge()
let i = document.getElementById("delivery_charge");
let v = i.innerHTML;
return v;


Trying to make a function that returns selected CSS properties but is pretty laggy

I was trying to make a function that gives you the selected CSS properties of an element those you want. But it's pretty laggy if used in console as of it needs to get and match all CSS properties.
function styleOf(elementUseSelectors, propertiesToCheck, tellInConsole) {
var element = elementUseSelectors;
var Arguments = propertiesToCheck;
var calculatedProperties = [];
var matchedProperties = [];
if (tellInConsole !== undefined && tellInConsole == true) {
console.warn("Running styleOf() Please Don't Do Other Calculations This Function Disables Console.")
for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(getComputedStyle(element)).length; i++) {
var value = getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(Object.entries(getComputedStyle(element))[i][0].replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1').trim().replaceAll(" ", "-").toLowerCase());
if (value !== "") {
calculatedProperties.push(Object.entries(getComputedStyle(element))[i][0].replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1').trim().replaceAll(" ", "-").toLowerCase() + ": " + value);
for (var i = 0; i < calculatedProperties.length; i++) {
for (var a = 0; a < Arguments.length; a++) {
if (calculatedProperties[i].includes(Arguments[a])) {
window.splitted = calculatedProperties[i].split("");
window.joinThis = [];
for (var k = 0; k < splitted.indexOf(":"); k++) {
if (joinThis.join("") == Arguments[a]) {
if (tellInConsole !== undefined && tellInConsole == true) {
console.warn("StyleOf() Calculations Completed You Can Now Use Console.")
return matchedProperties
The TreeWalker object is designed to quickly parse DOM nodes in a document. If you expand on the example given above in the MDN Web Docs you can output the computed CSS properties for a given node.
The first property of the method is the node you want to traverse – in this case it's document.body:
var treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(
{ acceptNode: function(node) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; } },
var nodeList = [];
var currentNode = treeWalker.currentNode;
while(currentNode) {
const style = getComputedStyle(currentNode)
currentNode = treeWalker.nextNode();
console.log("moving to next node...");
Welp #kaiido answered the question.
function styleOf(element, properties) {
const computed = getComputedStyle(element);
return properties.map( key => key + ": " + computed[ key ] )};
var style = styleOf(document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0], ["height", "width", "background-color", "font-size", "color", "font-family"]);

neural network backprop algorithm implementation question

I've been writing a neural network from scratch to learn from.
but since i'm still learning - I want to make sure what I'm writing is actually correct.
I have an array of arrays (a matrix), of cell objects. attached to a 'brain' object which has the following method two methods:
train: function(data)
for (let b=0; b< data.length; b++)// for the length of the training data - I.E. we are going assume we are getting many relatively shortly indexed arrays
if(data[b].answers.length != data[b].questions.length)
console.log("bad data");
return false;
for(let c=0;c<data[b].questions.length;c++)
let direction = brain.determinDirection(data[b].answers[c]); //return an array of updateObject with determined weights bias value adjustments, which each cell gets updated order should be from generation by column;
brain.cellMatrix.forEach(cellArray=> cellArray.forEach(cell=> cell.adjust(direction.find(x=> x.ID ===cell.ID))));
console.log("all training data done");
// answer is the array of values of each answer cell we want as a result
let arrayOfUpDateObjectsForCell = [];
for(let e=0; e<answer.length; e++)
let answerCell = brain.cellMatrix[cellMatrix.length-1][e];
let returnBucket = [];
arrayOfUpDateObjectsForCell.push(answerCell.whatIwant(answer[e], returnBucket));
let list = Flat(arrayOfUpDateObjectsForCell);
let realList = Clean(list);
return realList;
so each cell of the last generation (the answer output) calls the whatIwant method at brain.train(), this function propagates backwards through the network... but my question really is this:::
does it look like I am calculating the error / direction to move each value correctly?
is averaging the changes between the duplicated updateObjects correct?
(the desiredObjectchange for cell.gen=3,order=0 gets created from each of the next layer cells calling whatIwant. the changes cell.gen=4,order=0 wants cell.gen=3,order=0 to have is averaged with the changes cell.gen=4,order=1 wants for cell.gen=3,order=0).
is averaging the correct operation here?
whatIwant:function(answerValue, returnArray)
let desiredWeights = this.weights;
let desiredBias = this.bias;
let desiredActivations = this.activations;
let error = (1/2)*Math.pow(cell.value-answerValue,2);
let desiredObjectChange =
if(yourCloneFriend == false)
this.bias = (1/2)*(this.bias+yourCloneFriend.bias);
let cWeight = yourCloneFriend.weights[Symbol.iterator]();
let cActivations = yourCloneFriend.activations[Symbol.iterator]();
this.weights.forEach(x=> (1/2)*(x+cWeight.next().value));
this.activations.forEach(y=> (1/2)*(y+cActivations.next().value));
return this;
this.value = Sigmoid(arrayMultiply(this.weights, this.activations)+this.bias);
for(let k = 0; k< this.weights.length; k++)
let lastValue = Sigmoid(arrayMultiply(desiredWeights, desiredActivations)+desiredBias);
let lastError = (1/2)*Math.pow(lastValue-answerValue,2);
for(let l=0;l<3;l++)
let currentValue = Sigmoid(arrayMultiply(desiredObjectChange.weights, desiredObjectChange.activations)+desiredObjectChange.bias);
let currentError = (1/2)*Math.pow(currentValue-answerValue,2);
let positiveRange = false;
if(desiredWeights[k] < 0){ positiveRange = true;}
let nudgedWeightArray = NudgeArray(desiredWeights, k, l, positiveRange); //returns a copy array to test, with weight adjusted.
let testWeightChange = Sigmoid(arrayMultiply(nudgedWeightArray,desiredActivations)+desiredBias);
let testWeightError = (1/nudgedWeightArray.length)*Math.pow(testWeightChange - answerValue, 2);
let testWeightResult = compareSmallnumbers('isSmaller', currentError, testWeightError);
desiredWeights = nudgedWeightArray;
currentError = testWeightError;
if(desiredBias < 0){positiveRange = true;}
let nudgedBiasVal = this.nudge(desiredBias,l,positiveRange);
let testBiasChange = Sigmoid(nudgedBiasVal+desiredWeights[k]*desiredActivations[k]);
let testBiasError = (1/1)*Math.pow(testBiasChange - answerValue, 2);
let testBiastResult = ('isSmaller', currentError, testBiasError);
desiredBias = nudgedBiasVal;
currentError = testBiasError;
let nudgedAcitivationArray = NudgeArray(desiredActivations,k,l,positiveRange);
let testActivationChange = Sigmoid(arrayMultiply(nudgedAcitivationArray,desiredWeights)+desiredBias);
let testActivationError = (1/nudgedAcitivationArray.length)*Math.pow(testActivationChange - answerValue, 2);
let testActivationResult = compareSmallnumbers('isSmaller', currentError, testActivationError);
desiredActivations[k] = nudgedAcitivationArray[k];
currentError = testActivationError;
//and the end of the loop, update the error to the new value
let errorResult = compareSmallnumbers('isSmaller',lastError, currentError);
lastError = currentError;
desiredObjectChange.weights[k] = desiredWeights[k];
desiredObjectChange.bias = desiredBias;
desiredObjectChange.activations[k] = desiredActivations[k];
desiredObjectChange.value = Sigmoid(arrayMultiply(desiredObjectChange.weights, desiredObjectChange.activations)+desiredObjectChange.bias);
let combineObject = returnArray.find(x=>x.ID === desiredObjectChange.ID);
//that was this object - simple stuff, now we need to call this function
if(Array.isArray(cell.lastGenerationTargetKeys) && cell.lastGenerationTargetKeys.length)
let nextActivation = desiredObjectChange.activations[Symbol.iterator]();
brain.cellMatrix[cell.generation-1].forEach(x=> x.whatIwant(nextActivation.next().value, returnArray));
return returnArray;
clean,flat and NudgeArray are these::
function Clean(array)
let rArray = [];
let search = rArray.find(y=>y.ID ===x.ID);
if(search === undefined)
return rArray;
function Flat(array)
let holdBucket = [];
let flatten = function(array)
for(let i = 0; i<array.length;i++)
return holdBucket;
function NudgeArray(array ,arrayIndex, Nudgeindex, isPositive)
{//nudge index is designed to act like a variable learning rate modifier, as it tests, jumps decrease in size
let returnArray = [];
let value = returnArray[arrayIndex];
value = Sigmoid(value);
value = Sigmoid(value);
return returnArray;

Extend Javascript Syntax to Add Typing

I'd like to extend javascript to add custom type checking.
function test(welcome:string, num:integer:non-zero) {
console.log(welcome + num)
which would compile into:
function test(welcome, num) {
if(Object.prototype.toString.call(welcome) !== "[object String]") {
throw new Error('welcome must be a string')
if (!Number.isInteger(num)) {
throw new Error('num must be an integer')
console.log(welcome + num)
What's the most straightforward way of doing this?
So far i've looked at:
sweet.js (online documentation looks out of date as I think it's going through some sort of internal rewrite)
esprima and escodegen (not sure where to start)
manually parsing using regular expressons
After evaluating all the various options, using sweet.js appears to be the best solution. It's still fairly difficult to get working (and I am probably doing stuff the wrong way) but just in case someone want's to do something similar this here was my solution.
'use strict'
syntax function = function(ctx) {
let funcName = ctx.next().value;
let funcParams = ctx.next().value;
let funcBody = ctx.next().value;
//produce the normal params array
var normalParams = produceNormalParams(funcParams)
//produce the checks
var paramChecks = produceParamChecks(funcParams)
//produce the original funcBody code
//put them together as the final result
var params = ctx.contextify(funcParams)
var paramsArray = []
for (let stx of params) {
var inner = #``
var innerStuff = ctx.contextify(funcBody)
for (let item of innerStuff) {
inner = inner.concat(#`${item}`)
var result = #`function ${funcName} ${normalParams} {
return result
function extractParamsAndParamChecks(paramsToken) {
var paramsContext = ctx.contextify(paramsToken)
//extracts the actual parameters
var paramsArray = []
var i = 0;
var firstItembyComma = true
for (let paramItem of paramsContext) {
if (firstItembyComma) {
param: paramItem,
checks: []
firstItembyComma = false
if (paramItem.value.token.value === ',') {
firstItembyComma = true
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < paramsArray.length; i++) {
var checks = paramsArray[i].checks.join('').split(':')
checks.splice(0, 1)
paramsArray[i].checks = checks
return paramsArray
function produceNormalParams(paramsToken) {
var paramsArray = extractParamsAndParamChecks(paramsToken)
//Produces the final params #string
var inner = #``
var first = true
for (let item of paramsArray) {
if (first === true) {
inner = inner.concat(#`${item.param}`)
} else {
inner = inner.concat(#`,${item.param}`)
return #`(${inner})`
function produceParamChecks(paramsToken) {
var paramsArray = extractParamsAndParamChecks(paramsToken)
var result = #``
for (let paramObject of paramsArray) {
var tests = produceChecks(paramObject)
result = result.concat(#`${tests}`)
return result
function produceChecks(paramObject) {
var paramToken = paramObject.param
var itemType = paramObject.checks[0]
var checks = paramObject.checks
if (itemType === undefined) return #``
if (itemType === 'array') {
return #`if (Object.prototype.toString.call(${paramToken}) !== "[object Array]") throw new Error('Must be array:' + ${paramToken})`
else {
throw new Error('item type not recognised: ' + itemType)

charAt is not a function

I'm trying to create a key mapping that keeps track of the frequency for each character of a string in my createArrayMap() function but I keep getting this error from firebug: TypeError: str.charAt(...) is not a function
I found the charAt() function on Mozilla's developer website it should be a function that exists.
var input;
var container;
var str;
var arrMapKey = [];
var arrMapValue = [];
function initDocElements() {
container = document.getElementById("container");
input = document.getElementById("inputbox");
function createArrayMap() {
str = input.value;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (arrMapKey.find(str.charAt(i)) == undefined) {
function keyPressHandler() {
function prepareEventHandlers() {
input.onfocus = function() {
if (this.value == "Start typing here!") {
this.value = "";
input.onblur = function() {
if (this.value == "") {
this.value = "Start typing here!";
input.onkeyup = keyPressHandler;
window.onload = function() {
The problem is not with String.charAt(), but with Array.find().
The first argument to find is a callback, but the result of str.charAt(i) is a character and not a callback function.
To search for an element in your array, you could use Array.indexOf() as #adeneo already suggested in a comment
function createArrayMap() {
var str = input.value;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (arrMapKey.indexOf(str.charAt(i)) == -1) {
See JSFiddle
You're not going about things in the most efficient manner... What if you changed it to look like this so you are continually updated with each keypress?
var keyMap = {};
input.onkeyup = keyPressHandler;
function keyPressHandler(e) {
var char = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode);
if(!(char in keyMap))
keyMap[char] = 1;
This has been answered, but here's my version of your problem JSBIN LINK (also has an object option in addition to the array solution).
I moved some variables around so you'll have less global ones, added comments, and mocked with the output so it'll show it on the page instead of the console.
besides the Array.find() issues, you weren't initializing your arrays on the build method, and so, you would have probably ended with the wrong count of letters.
<div id="container">
<textArea id="inputbox"></textArea></div>
<p id="output">output will show here</p>
var input, // Global variables
container, //
output; //
* Initialize components
function initDocElements() {
container = document.getElementById("container");
input = document.getElementById("inputbox");
output = document.getElementById("output");
* Creates the letters frequency arrays.
* Note that every time you click a letter, this is done from scratch.
* Good side: no need to deal with "backspace"
* Bad side: efficiency. Didn't try this with huge texts, but you get the point ...
function createArrayMap() {
var index, // obvious
tempChar, // temp vars for: char
tempStr = input.value, // string
len = tempStr.length, // for loop iteration
arrMapKey = [], // our keys
arrMapValue = []; // our values
for (var i = 0 ; i <len ; i++) {
// These 2 change each iteration
tempChar = tempStr.charAt(i);
index = arrMapKey.indexOf(tempChar);
// If key exists, increment value
if ( index > -1) {
// Otherwise, push to keys array, and push 1 to value array
else {
// Some temp output added, instead of cluttering the console, to the
// a paragraph beneath the text area.
output.innerHTML = "array keys: "+arrMapKey.toString() +
"<br/>array values:"+arrMapValue.toString();
function keyPressHandler() {
function prepareEventHandlers() {
input.onfocus = function() {
if (this.value == "Start typing here!") {
this.value = "";
input.onblur = function() {
if (this.value === "") {
this.value = "Start typing here!";
input.onkeyup = keyPressHandler;
window.onload = function() {
BTW, as the comments suggest, doing this with an object will is much nicer and shorter, since all you care is if the object has the current char as a property:
* Same as above method, using an object, instead of 2 arrays
function createObject() {
var index, // obvious
tempChar, // temp vars for: char
tempStr = input.value, // string
len = tempStr.length, // for loop iteration
freqObj = {}; // our frequency object
for (var i = 0 ; i <len ; i++) {
tempChar = tempStr.charAt(i); // temp char value
if (freqObj.hasOwnProperty(tempChar))
freqObj[tempChar] = 1;

Getting nested obj value

Given the following obj:
var inputMapping = {
nonNestedItem: "someItem here",
sections: {
general: "Some general section information"
I'm writing a function to get that data by passing in a string "nonNestedItem" or in the nested case "sections.general". I'm having to use an eval and I was wondering if there was maybe a better way to do this.
Here is what I have so far and it works okay. But improve!
function getNode(name) {
var n = name.split(".");
if (n.length === 1) {
n = name[0];
} else {
var isValid = true,
evalStr = 'inputMapping';
for (var i=0;i<n.length;i++) {
evalStr += '["'+ n[i] +'"]';
if (eval(evalStr) === undefined) {
isValid = false;
if (isValid) {
// Do something like return the value
Linky to Jsbin
You can use Array.prototype.reduce function like this
var accessString = "sections.general";
console.log(accessString.split(".").reduce(function(previous, current) {
return previous[current];
}, inputMapping));
Some general section information
If your environment doesn't support reduce, you can use this recursive version
function getNestedItem(currentObject, listOfKeys) {
if (listOfKeys.length === 0 || !currentObject) {
return currentObject;
return getNestedItem(currentObject[listOfKeys[0]], listOfKeys.slice(1));
console.log(getNestedItem(inputMapping, "sections.general".split(".")));
You don't need to use eval() here. You can just use [] to get values from an object. Use a temp object to hold the current value, then update it each time you need the next key.
function getNode(mapping, name) {
var n = name.split(".");
if (n.length === 1) {
return mapping[name];
} else {
var tmp = mapping;
for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
tmp = tmp[n[i]];
return tmp;
