run a callback function after forEach loop finish - javascript

how to callback timer() function after forEach loop is finished, using the same code. or is there is a better way to loop through each user with delay then after the loop is done, the timer() is called back using forEach.
const usersProfile = () => {
let interval = 1000;
let promise = Promise.resolve();'*').from('users')
.then(users => {
users.forEach((user, index) => {
}, index * 1000)'*').from(`${}`)
.then(userdata => {
userdata.forEach(data => {
promise = promise.then(function(){
if(data.status === 'online'){
console.log(`${} ${data.items} ${data.profile} ${data.images}`)
return new Promise(function(resolve){
}, interval)
const timer = () => {
setTimeout(usersProfile, 1000)
===============ALL THE ABOVE ARE MY OLD CODE ================
but thanks to it solved most of the problem but can i do this to serve the purpose of the app
const usersProfile = async () => {
let interval = 1000;
const delayPromise = (data, delayDuration) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if(data.status === 'online'){
console.log(`${} ${data.items} ${data.profile} ${data.images}`);
}, delayDuration)
const userInfo = (data, delayDuration) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`${}`);//info about user from his table each user has his own table besides users table that has only the user tables
}, delayDuration)
try {
const userData = await'*').from('users').returning('*');
const promises =, index) => delayPromise(data, index * interval));
const userData = await'*').from(`${}`).returning('*');
const info =, index) => userInfo(data, index * interval));
await Promise.all(promises);
// here you can write your effects
} catch (e) {

Another approach using async-await to avoid callback hell.
const usersProfile = async () => {
let interval = 1000;
const delayPromise = (data, delayDuration) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if(data.status === 'online'){
console.log(`${} ${data.items} ${data.profile} ${data.images}`);
}, delayDuration)
try {
const userData = await'*').from('users').returning('*');
const promises =, index) => delayPromise(data, index * interval));
await Promise.all(promises);
// here you can write your effects
} catch (e) {

it is hard for me to fully understand what you wanted to accomplish through the code, but I will try to explain what you can do to solve the issue.
First of all, if you want to wait for multiple promises, you should use Promise.all and not promise = promise.then
You can do this as so:
let promises = [];
users.forEach((user, index) => {
let promise =*).from('users') //should return a promise
//promises have already started to execute (in parallel)
.then(() => console.log('all promises finished successfully'))
.catch((e) => console.error('received error at one of the promises'));
// when the program arrives here we know for a fact that either all promises executed successfully or one of the promises failed
Explanation: because promises execute asynchronously the forEach() function does not wait for any of the promises created to finish, so the solution is to wait for all of them at then after the entire loop.
This means the promises are created, and are being executed while the forEach() loop executes, in parallel, and when the program reaches Promise.all it stops and waits for all of them to finish.
Second, I would strongly advice you to use functions as a way to simplify your code, that way it would be easier for you to grasp every thing that is happening, even if its complicated.
Good luck !


Use async iterator triggered by a custom function in main scope

What I want to do is to create an iterator, which is only triggered when an external function is called, say an external event.
An iterator that simply waits for custom events.
function createIteratorWithFunction() {
var thingThatResolves;
var asyncIterable = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
next() {
return (new Promise((resolve, reject) => asyncIterable.thingThatResolves = (resolve))).then(_ => ({
value: _,
done: false
return () {
return {
done: true
return asyncIterable;
iter = createIteratorWithFunction();
(async function() {
for await (let val of iter) {
<button onclick="iter.thingThatResolves('execute');iter.thingThatResolves(3)">execute next!</button>
As you can see, it only resolves 'execute', but not 3, of course because promises can't be resolved more than once, and it only is updated asynchronously, I understand this, but since the iterator is async, how would I create a queue, so that any values that could've synchronously been triggered are retrieved by next(), as well?
I have this feeling that there's a more elegant solution involving promise chains, but it's escaping me at the moment. :-) See inline comments:
function createIteratorWithFunction() {
// Our pending promise, if any
let promise = null;
// The `resolve` function for our `pending` promise
let resolve = null;
// The values in the queue
const values = [];
// The async iterable
const asyncIterable = {
add(value) {
// Add a value to the queue; if there's a pending promise, fulfill it
const r = resolve;
resolve = pending = null;
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
async next() {
// If we don't have a value...
while (!values.length) {
// ...we need to wait for one; make sure we have something
// to wait for
if (!resolve) {
pending = new Promise(r => { resolve = r; });
await pending;
// Get the value we waited for and return it
const value = values.shift();
return {
done: false,
return() {
return {
done: true,
return asyncIterable;
const iter = createIteratorWithFunction();
(async function() {
for await (let val of iter) {
document.getElementById("execute").addEventListener("click", () => {
<button id="execute">execute next!</button>
One of the key things here is that an async iterable can have overlapping iterations, and it has to not get confused by that. This implementation avoids that by creating the promise it'll wait on synchronously if it needs one.
function createIteratorWithFunction() {
// Our pending promise, if any
let promise = null;
// The `resolve` function for our `pending` promise
let resolve = null;
// The values in the queue
const values = [];
// The async iterable
const asyncIterable = {
add(value) {
// Add a value to the queue; if there's a pending promise, fulfill it
const r = resolve;
resolve = pending = null;
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
async next() {
// If we don't have a value...
while (!values.length) {
// ...we need to wait for one; make sure we have something
// to wait for
if (!resolve) {
pending = new Promise(r => { resolve = r; });
await pending;
// Get the value we waited for and return it
const value = values.shift();
return {
done: false,
return() {
return {
done: true,
return asyncIterable;
const iter = createIteratorWithFunction();
(async function() {
for await (let val of iter) {
console.log("first:", val);
(async function() {
for await (let val of iter) {
console.log("second:", val);
document.getElementById("execute").addEventListener("click", () => {
<button id="execute">execute next!</button>
I'm never happy when I have to make the promise's resolve function accessible outside the promise executor function (the function you pass new Promise), but as I say, the elegant solution with promise chains is escaping me. I sense strongly that it's there...somewhere... :-)
Another idea & way of doing this, you could use custom events, one advantage is that the code is much easier to reason with.
Below I've knocked up a simple example, it also allows you to cancel the iterator & handle errors. makeIter simple gives you 4 functions,
add = use this to add an item to the itterator.
iter = this is the iterator you can for await on.
done = if were done, you can call this and let the GC do it's thing.
error = allows you to put an error into the iterator, you can test this by un-commenting the last line.
To prevent any race conditions I've simply used a stack..
function makeIter() {
const obj = new EventTarget();
const evName = 'my-iter';
const stack = [];
obj.addEventListener(evName, e => {
async function *iter() {
while (true) {
await new Promise(r => resolve = r);
while (stack.length) {
const s = stack.shift();
if (s.resolve) yield(s.resolve);
if (s.reject) throw s.reject;
if (s.cancel) return;
function ev(p) {
obj.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(evName, {detail:p}));
return {
error: (e) => ev({reject: e}),
done: () => ev({cancel: true}),
add: item => ev({resolve: item}),
iter: iter()
const test = makeIter();
(async function () {
try {
for await (const item of test.iter) {
} finally {
console.log('iter done');
setTimeout(() => test.add('there'), 100);
setTimeout(() => {test.add('1'); test.add('2'); test.add('3'); }, 200);
setTimeout(() => test.add('4'), 400);
setTimeout(() => test.done(), 1000);
//setTimeout(() => test.error(new Error('oops')), 1000);

Promise.race() multiple resolved promises

The Promise.race() method returns a promise that fulfills or rejects as soon as one of the promises in an iterable fulfills or rejects, with the value or reason from that promise.
Taken from MDN site.
I have 5 promises and I need to know once any 2 promises are resolved, taking performance under consideration.
const sleep = ms =>
new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms))
async function swimmer (name) {
const start =
console.log(`${name} started the race`)
await sleep(Math.random() * 5000)
console.log(`${name} finished the race`)
return { name, delta: - start }
const swimmers =
[ swimmer("Alice"), swimmer("Bob"), swimmer("Claire"), swimmer("David"), swimmer("Ed") ];
.then(({ name }) => console.log(`*** ${name} is the winner!!! ***`))
This will return the fastest swimmer but I would like to print once I get 2 promises resolved.
How can I do it?
You could write a custom implementation of Promise.race that returns a promise that is resolved with the result of 2 promises that are resolved before others.
Following code example shows an implementation:
function customPromiseRace(promiseArr, expectedCount) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (promiseArr.length < expectedCount) {
throw new Error(`Not enough promises to get ${expectedCount} results`);
// array to store the results of fulfilled promises
const results = [];
for (const p of promiseArr) {
Promise.resolve(p).then(result => {
// push the promise fulfillment value to the "results"
// array only if we aren't already finished
if (results.length < expectedCount) {
if (results.length === expectedCount) {
}, reject);
const sleep = ms => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));
async function swimmer(name) {
const start =;
console.log(`${name} started the race`);
await sleep(Math.random() * 5000);
console.log(`${name} finished the race`);
return { name, delta: - start };
const swimmers = [
function customPromiseRace(promiseArr, expectedCount) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (promiseArr.length < expectedCount) {
throw new Error(`Not enough promises to get ${expectedCount} results`);
const results = [];
for (const p of promiseArr) {
Promise.resolve(p).then(result => {
if (results.length < expectedCount) {
if (results.length === expectedCount) {
}, reject);
customPromiseRace(swimmers, 2).then(console.log).catch(console.error);
You could use .then(handleMyPromise) inside of Promise.race.
let handlepromise1 = function ( response ){
console.log("Expected response: ",response);
return response;
let promise1 = function () {
return new Promise((r) => {
console.log("Promise1 says");
let timeout = function(){
return new Promise((r) => {
console.log("timeout says");
(async function(){
let func = async function tt(){
let r = await Promise.race([
console.log("Result: ",r);
Result of console:
Promise1 says
Expected response: promise1
Result: promise1
timeout says

Is async code in a Promise always an antipattern?

I see from this question that it can be an antipattern to mix Promises with async code.
Does this, however, apply in all cases?
I can't see an easy way to avoid combining them in the following code:
It's an alternative to setInterval which waits for an invocation to complete before scheduling the next one
However, unlike recursive setTimeout, it does not constitute an open memory leak in browsers that don't yet support TCO
Does this code embody an antipattern? And, if so, how can I remedy it without introducing a memory leak?
See, in particular, line 10: new Promise( async (resolve) => {
—this seems very non-idiomatic, but I don't see another way to accomplish: wrapping an await statement in a while loop per se, dispatching it, and returning a handle to abort the loop.
var [setRepeatedTimeout, clearRepeatedTimeout] = (() => {
const asleep = (delay) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
const repeatedTimeoutIntervals = [];
function setRepeatedTimeout(f, delay, ...arguments) {
//Like setInterval, but waits for an invocation to complete before scheduling the next one
//(Supports both classic and async functions)
const mySemaphores = {notAborted: true};
const intervalID = repeatedTimeoutIntervals.push(mySemaphores) - 1;
new Promise( async (resolve) => {
await asleep(delay);
while(mySemaphores.notAborted) {
await f(...arguments);
await asleep(delay);
delete repeatedTimeoutIntervals[intervalID];
return intervalID;
function clearRepeatedTimeout(intervalID) {
//Clears loops set by setInterval()
repeatedTimeoutIntervals[intervalID].notAborted = false;
return [setRepeatedTimeout, clearRepeatedTimeout];
<p><button onclick="(function createInterval(){
const _ = {intervalID: undefined};
_.intervalID = setRepeatedTimeout( () => {
console.log(`Hello from intervalID ${_.intervalID}`)
}, 2000)
})()">Create timer</button><br />
<form action="javascript:void(0);" onsubmit="(function clearInterval(intervalID){
<input name="intervalID" placeholder="intervalID"/><button type="submit">Clear timer</button></p>
The problem that the other question was warning about, and that could be a problem here, is that if the inside of the async callback passed to the Promise constructor awaits something that rejects, the Promise will hang instead of rejecting. Your current code will not result in f ever rejecting, but setRepeatedTimeout were to carry out a task which may reject, you'd get an unhandled rejection and permanent hanging:
var [setRepeatedTimeout, clearRepeatedTimeout] = (() => {
const asleep = (delay) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
const repeatedTimeoutIntervals = [];
function setRepeatedTimeout(f, delay, ...arguments) {
//Like setInterval, but waits for an invocation to complete before scheduling the next one
//(Supports both classic and async functions)
const mySemaphores = {notAborted: true};
const intervalID = repeatedTimeoutIntervals.push(mySemaphores) - 1;
new Promise( async (resolve) => {
await asleep(delay);
while(mySemaphores.notAborted) {
await f(...arguments);
await asleep(delay);
delete repeatedTimeoutIntervals[intervalID];
return intervalID;
function clearRepeatedTimeout(intervalID) {
//Clears loops set by setInterval()
repeatedTimeoutIntervals[intervalID].notAborted = false;
return [setRepeatedTimeout, clearRepeatedTimeout];
const _ = { intervalID: undefined };
_.intervalID = setRepeatedTimeout(() => {
return Promise.reject();
}, 2000)
If you want the loop to continue when such an error is encountered, there's a way to handle such problems while keeping the async: just catch everything that might reject (either in a try/catch or with .catch):
var [setRepeatedTimeout, clearRepeatedTimeout] = (() => {
const asleep = (delay) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
const repeatedTimeoutIntervals = [];
function setRepeatedTimeout(f, delay, ...arguments) {
//Like setInterval, but waits for an invocation to complete before scheduling the next one
//(Supports both classic and async functions)
const mySemaphores = {notAborted: true};
const intervalID = repeatedTimeoutIntervals.push(mySemaphores) - 1;
new Promise( async (resolve) => {
await asleep(delay);
while(mySemaphores.notAborted) {
await f(...arguments).catch(() => {}); // log error here if you want
await asleep(delay);
delete repeatedTimeoutIntervals[intervalID];
return intervalID;
function clearRepeatedTimeout(intervalID) {
//Clears loops set by setInterval()
repeatedTimeoutIntervals[intervalID].notAborted = false;
return [setRepeatedTimeout, clearRepeatedTimeout];
const _ = { intervalID: undefined };
_.intervalID = setRepeatedTimeout(() => {
return Promise.reject();
}, 2000)
But there's really no need for the new Promise here at all - it never resolves, and never gets used. Just use an async IIFE:
var [setRepeatedTimeout, clearRepeatedTimeout] = (() => {
const asleep = (delay) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
const repeatedTimeoutIntervals = [];
function setRepeatedTimeout(f, delay, ...arguments) {
//Like setInterval, but waits for an invocation to complete before scheduling the next one
//(Supports both classic and async functions)
const mySemaphores = {notAborted: true};
const intervalID = repeatedTimeoutIntervals.push(mySemaphores) - 1;
(async () => {
await asleep(delay);
while(mySemaphores.notAborted) {
await f(...arguments).catch(() => {}); // log error here if you want
await asleep(delay);
delete repeatedTimeoutIntervals[intervalID];
return intervalID;
function clearRepeatedTimeout(intervalID) {
//Clears loops set by setInterval()
repeatedTimeoutIntervals[intervalID].notAborted = false;
return [setRepeatedTimeout, clearRepeatedTimeout];
const _ = { intervalID: undefined };
_.intervalID = setRepeatedTimeout(() => {
return Promise.reject();
}, 2000)
(async () => {
await asleep(delay);
while(mySemaphores.notAborted) {
await f(...arguments).catch(() => {}); // log error here if you want
await asleep(delay);
delete repeatedTimeoutIntervals[intervalID];

How can I use promises in an infinite loop with delay?

require("./getSongFromSpotify")().then(a => {
require("./instify")(a.artist, => {
if (r.status === "ok"){
console.log("Instagram API have a problem!")
}).catch((r) => {console.error(r)})
}).catch((r) => {console.error(r)})
I need to execute this code in an infinite loop with 2000ms delay. How can I do this?
First of all, stop requiring modules for the each execution. Let's declare those separately, this will also make the code more clear and readable:
const getSong = require('./getSongFrompotify');
const instify = require('./instify');
Now let's write a function which we will call recursively after two seconds passed from the previous execution finish and the promisified timer:
function waitFor(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
function doJob() {
return getSong()
.then(song => instify(song.artist,
.then(result => {
if (result.status === 'ok') {
} else {
}) // no need to have 2 separate 'catch'
.catch(err => console.error(err)) // all errors fall here
.finally(() => waitFor(2000)) // anyway wait 2 seconds
.then(() => doJob()); // and run all again
Now, we simply need to call it:
Note, that this approach will result in endless loop (as you asked for), but I think you'll probably need to setup some additional variable/flag which will be checked before of each iteration in order to be able stop it.
With async await syntax, this can be made to look quite straightforward:
const getSongFromSpotify = require("./getSongFromSpotify");
const instify = require("./instify");
const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function keepPolling() {
while (true) { // forever (or until rejection)
let song = await getSongFromSpotify();
let result = await instify(song.artist,;
if (result.status === "ok") {
} else {
console.log("Instagram API has a problem!");
await delay(2000);

trouble with a while loop

Im trying to use a while loop with my util() function (its commented out at the bottom of the code). When I try to run the program, I am stuck in an endless loop where i dont get farther than where I'm console logging out "getProjects running"
const axios = require("axios");
const _ = require("lodash");
axios.defaults.headers.common["Private-Token"] = "iTookMyPrivateKeyOut";
const user = "yshuman1";
let projectArray = [];
let reposExist = true;
async function getProjects() {
console.log("getProjects running");
await axios
.then(function(response) {
const arr =, "id").forEach(repo => {
function deleteRepo(projectArray) {
console.log("array size", projectArray.length);
const arr = => {
.then(() => {
console.log("deleted project ID: ", item);
.catch(error => {
function util() {
.then(() => {
if (projectArray.length == 0) {
reposExist = false;
if (projectArray.length < 20) {
console.log("array is less than 20");
reposExist = false;
.catch(error => {
// while (reposExist) {
// util();
// }
The while loop is synchronous, while everything in any .then (or promise await) will be asynchronous. The initial thread will never terminate. Your code will simply queue up unlimited calls of getProjects which will only console.log.
The simple solution would be to figure out how often you want to call util (once a second? once every 5 seconds?) and await a Promise that resolves after that amount of time on each iteration.
let reposExist = true;
function util() {
const resolveAfter5 = () => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 5000));
(async () => {
while (reposExist) {
await resolveAfter5();
