Kendo UI Date Range Picker mobile handle - javascript

i try to use kendo Date Range Picker with template and it works fine on chrome browser desktop version but i get an error on mobile.
this is the error.
Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive.
and i am trying to solve it with this code but it does not working yet
$('body').on("touchstart", function (e) {

Since you're calling preventDefault() on touchstart event, probably you should add CSS rule to disable browser handling for gestures like this:
.body {
touch-action: none;
Note that this setting stops any touch scrolling, if you wish to enable standard gestures then touch-action: manipulation should be used:
.body {
touch-action: manipulation;
You can see all touch-action options in this reference, with a little explanation regarding preventDefault() function usage:
Applications using Touch_events disable the browser handling of
gestures by calling preventDefault(), but should also use touch-action
to ensure the browser knows the intent of the application before any
event listeners have been invoked.
Additional reference: Making touch scrolling fast by default


How to prevent default handling of touch events?

I am trying to do something similar to what embedded Google maps do. My component should ignore single touch (allowing user to scroll page) and pinch outside of itself (allowing user to zoom page), but should react to double touch (allowing user to navigate inside the component) and disallow any default action in this case.
How do I prevent default handling of touch events, but only in the case when user is interacting with my component with two fingers?
What I have tried:
I tried capturing onTouchStart, onTouchMove and onTouchEnd. It turns out that on FF Android the first event that fires when doing pinch on component is onTouchStart with a single touch, then onTouchStart with two touches, then onTouchMove. But calling event.preventDefault() or event.stopPropagation() in onTouchMove handler doesn't (always) stop page zoom/scroll. Preventing event escalation in the first call to onTouchStart does help - unfortunately at that time I don't know yet if it's going to be multitouch or not, so I can't use this.
Second approach was setting touch-action: none on document.body. This works with Chrome Android, but I could only make it work with Firefox Android if I set this on all elements (except for my component). So while this is doable, it seems like it could have unwanted side effects and performance issues. EDIT: Further testing revealed that this works for Chrome only if the CSS is set before the touch has started. In other words, if I inject CSS styles when I detect 2 fingers then touch-action is ignored. So this is not useful on Chrome.
I have also tried adding a new event listener on component mount:
document.body.addEventListener("touchmove", ev => {
}, true);
(and the same for touchstart). Doing so works in Firefox Android, but does nothing on Chrome Android.
I am running out of ideas. Is there a reliable cross-browser way to achieve what Google apparently did, or did they use multiple hacks and lots of testing on every browser to make it work? I would appreciate if someone pointed out an error in my approach(es) or propose a new way.
TL;DR: I was missing { passive: false } when registering event handlers.
The issue I had with preventDefault() with Chrome was due to their scrolling "intervention" (read: breaking the web IE-style). In short, because the handlers that don't call preventDefault() can be handled faster, a new option was added to addEventListener named passive. If set to true then event handler promises not to call preventDefault (if it does, the call will be ignored). Chrome however decided to go a step further and make {passive: true} default (since version 56).
Solution is calling the event listener with passive explicitly set to false:
window.addEventListener('touchmove', ev => {
if (weShouldStopDefaultScrollAndZoom) {
}, { passive: false });
Note that this negatively impacts performance.
As a side note, it seems I misunderstood touch-action CSS, however I still can't use it because it needs to be set before touch sequence starts. But if this is not the case, it is probably more performant and seems to be supported on all applicable platforms (Safari on Mac does not support it, but on iOS it does). This post says it best:
For your case you probably want to mark your text area (or whatever)
'touch-action: none' to disable scrolling/zooming without disabling
all the other behaviors.
The CSS property should be set on the component and not on document as I did it:
<div style="touch-action: none;">
... my component ...
In my case I will still need to use passive event handlers, but it's good to know the options... Hope it helps someone.
Try using an if statement to see if there is more than one touch:
document.body.addEventListener("touchmove", ev => {
if (ev.touches.length > 1) {
}, true);
This is my idea:
I used one div with opacity: 0 to cover the map with z-index > map z-index
And I will detect in the covered div. If I detect 2 fingers touched in this covered div, I will display: none this div to allow user can use 2 finger in this map.
Otherwise, in document touchEnd I will recover this covered div using display: block to make sure we can scroll.
In my case I have solved it with
#HostListener('touchmove', ['$event'])
public onTouch(event: any): void {
console.log('onTouch', event);

preventdefault and stoppropagation not working with pointermove

I'm making an app to draw inside an HTML5 canvas, but I can not do it from the mobile or tablet.
I can not avoid the browser's native scroll or chrome refresh when pushed down
I have created an example in jsfiddle so you can see it.
To suppress default UA behaviour you need to add the CSS property touch-action: none to the canvas element.
touch-action specifies if and how a HTML element should respond to gestures. With touch-action: none no UA behaviour is triggered (e.g. dragging or zooming). The default property is touch-action: auto, which allows all UA behaviour to be triggered.
This looks like a genuine Chrome bug, which I will report using your sample code. Setting a touch-action in CSS isn't a solution if you want to dynamically decide in JavaScript whether to handle the pointerMove with your own code vs. allow the native browser handling.
If you set touch-action: "none", then the native browser handling will never run. Conversely, as you've reported, having no touch-action setting, which is equivalent to the default of "auto", won't work because Chrome ignores calls to preventDefault() on pointerMove and still calls pointerCancel - a bug.
Note that if you added a listener for touchMove instead, using the passive: false flag, then preventDefault() would work as expected, avoiding touchCancel. However, then you've got to use separate mouse event and touch event listeners, which is what you're trying to avoid by using pointer events.

IE11 shunting pointer events into touch events?

I've created a web application that works well with touch events and click events with their own respective handlers.
However, issues are encountered when moving to touch IE11. Touch works fine on other platforms. The mouse on IE11 works great. But if you use both a touch screen and IE11, then the touch events are wrapped as pointer events instead of touch events or click events.
Is there any way to just globally map pointer touch events to pre-defined touch events for the entire window/document? It seems that it is already doing this by default for click events in IE11...
I tried following code example as displayed here: JavaScript mapping touch events to mouse events
And ended up with:
document.onpointerdown = function(e){
var event = document.createEvent("TouchEvent");
However, IE errors at document.crateEvent("TouchEvent") claiming that it is "not supported." However, the TouchEvent object is documented in IE as being supported:
as specified in
I've also tried changing it to
var event = document.createEvent("UIEvent");
which IE allows, but then does later not recognize
I'm starting to believe that IE11 doesn't support creation of touch events.
I've also seen talk about changing the .css files to include combinations of:
touch-action: none
ms-touch-action: none
pointer-events: none
but completely disabling touch tends to break the application in other ways that I was hoping to avoid.
Is there any way to fire touch events instead of Microsoft's pointer events?
I would say you're actually going about this the wrong way. There are several pollyfill libraries to map touch events to pointer events. HandJS and jQuery PEP are two well functioning examples. Given that the only modern browser that doesn't support pointer events at this time is Safari, that seems the better way to go (Who wants pointer events...).

Javascript Drag and drop in windows phone 7.5

I'm trying to get drag and drop functionality to work in a windows 7.5 phone.
Initially i tried using the jquery ui draggable which worked in all browsers except windows 7.5.
Later on exploring further, i found out that there are no touchstart, touchend and touchmove events in windows.
So i tried getting it to work using mousedown, mousemove events which shockingly were firing. But they donot fire in a proper sequence. (mousemove fires before mousedown).
Nor did the dragstart and dragend events work.
I need to get this to work. Do you have any suggestions ?
/*Eg1:does not work*/
/*Eg2:This event does not fire*/
$("#draggable").bind("touchstart touchmove touchend", function(){
alert("touch events supported");})
/*Eg3: In this case, mousemove fires before mousedown.*/
$("#draggable").bind("mousedown", function(){
$("#draggable").bind("mousemove", function(){
I only have experience working with Javascript in Windows Phone 8 which uses IE 10 (as opposed to IE 9 in WP7.5 and WP7.8) but you could give my approach a try.
In WP8 (IE10) Microsoft supports the pointer events MSPointerUp MSPointerMove MSPointerDown instead of touchstart, touchmove and touchend events. Try using these to see if they work.
In the example I had created, however, I did not even need to use those proprietary events as IE 10 happily used the standard mouse events (mouseup mousemove mousedown) and worked well to an extent. I did not have any problem with the order of events (like you stated in the question). The main problem that arose for me while dragging was that the mousemove event stopped being triggered (by the browser) and the browser instead started panning the page leaving my dragged elements in limbo state (no mousemove or mouseup triggered). Using event.preventDefault() did not help either as it did not prevent the page from panning. To overcome this problem I went through Microsoft's documentation about their touch events and came across this CSS line.
-ms-touch-action: none;
I applied this on my elements to be dragged and my problem was solved. You can read all about the above proprietary CSS property here. Be careful not to apply this property to the entire body of the page (I had done that earlier) as it prevents the default browser behaviour of page panning and zooming. As I said apply it only on the elements to be dragged and it works.
Yet again this is my experience for WP 8. I do not know if it works for previous versions of Windows Phone.

Eliminate 300ms delay on click events in mobile Safari

I've read that mobile Safari has a 300ms delay on click events from the time the link/button is clicked to the time the event fires. The reason for the delay is to wait to see if the user intends to double-click, but from a UX perspective waiting 300ms is often undesirable.
One solution to eliminate this 300ms delay is to use jQuery Mobile "tap" handling. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with this framework and don't want to load some big framework if all I need is a line or two of code applying touchend in the right way.
Like many sites, my site has many click events like this:
$("button.submitBtn").on('click', function (e) {
$.ajaxSubmit({... //ajax form submisssion
$("a.ajax").on('click', function (e) {
$.ajax({... //ajax page loading
$("button.modal").on('click', function (e) {
//show/hide modal dialog
and what I'd like to do is to get rid of the 300ms delay on ALL those click events using a single code snippet like this:
$("a, button").on('tap', function (e) {
Is that a bad/good idea?
Now some mobile browsers eliminate 300 ms click delay if you set the viewport. You don't need to use workarounds anymore.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no">
This is currently supported Chrome for Android, Firefox for Android and Safari for iOS
However on iOS Safari, double-tap is a scroll gesture on unzoomable pages. For that reason they can't remove the 300ms delay. If they can't remove the delay on unzoomable pages, they're unlikely to remove it on zoomable pages.
Windows Phones also retain the 300ms delay on unzoomable pages, but they don't have an alternative gesture like iOS so it's possible for them to remove this delay as Chrome has. You can remove the delay on Windows Phone using:
html {
-ms-touch-action: manipulation;
touch-action: manipulation;
UPDATE 2015 December
Until now, WebKit and Safari on iOS had a 350ms delay before single taps activate links or buttons to allow people to zoom into pages with a double tap. Chrome changed this a couple of months ago already by using a smarter algorithm to detect that and WebKit will follow with a similar approach. The article gives some great insights how browsers work with touch gestures and how browsers can still get so much smarter than they are today.
UPDATE 2016 March
On Safari for iOS, the 350 ms wait time to detect a second tap has been removed to create a “fast-tap” response. This is enabled for pages that declare a viewport with either width=device-width or user-scalable=no. Authors can also opt in to fast-tap behavior on specific elements by using the CSS touch-action: manipulation as documented here (scroll down to the 'Styling Fast-Tap Behavior' heading) and here.
This plugin -FastClick developed by Financial Times does it perfectly for you!
Make sure though to add event.stopPropagation(); and/or event.preventDefault(); directly after the click function, otherwise it might run twice as it did for me, i.e.:
event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault();
//do your magic
i know this is old but can't you just test to see if "touch" is supported in the browser? Then create a variable that's either "touchend" or "click" and use that variable as the event that gets bound to your element?
var clickOrTouch = (('ontouchend' in window)) ? 'touchend' : 'click';
$('#element').on(clickOrTouch, function() {
// do something
So that code sample checks to see if the "touchend" event is supported in the browser and if not then we use the "click" event.
(Edit: changed "touchend" to "ontouchend")
I've come across a hugely popular alternative called Hammer.js (Github page) which I think is the best approach.
Hammer.js is a more full-featured touch library (has many swipe commands) than Fastclick.js (most upvoted answer).
Beware though: scrolling fast on mobile devices tends to really lock up the UI when you use either Hammer.js or Fastclick.js. This is a major problem if your site has a newsfeed or an interface where users will be scrolling a lot (would seem like most web apps). For this reason, I'm using neither of these plugins at the moment.
Somehow, disabling zoom seems to disable this small delay. Makes sense, as double-tap isn't needed anymore then.
How can I "disable" zoom on a mobile web page?
But please be aware of the usability impact this will have. It may be useful for webpages designed as apps, but shouldn't be used for more general-purpose 'static' pages IMHO. I use it for a pet project that needs low latency.
Unfortunately there is no easy way to do this. So just using touchstart or touchend will leave you with other problems like someone starts scrolling when click on on a button for example. We use zepto for a while, and even with this really good framework there are some issues that came up over the time. A lot of them are closed, but it seems is not a field of simple solution.
We have this solution to globally handle clicks on links:
on('tap', 'a',function (e) {
var href = this.getAttribute('href');
if (e.defaultPrevented || !href) { return; }
location.href= href;
on('click', 'a', function (e) {
I searched for an easy way without jquery and without fastclick library. This works for me:
var keyboard = document.getElementById("keyboard");
var buttons = keyboard.children;
var isTouch = ("ontouchstart" in window);
for (var i=0;i<buttons.length;i++) {
if ( isTouch ) {
buttons[i].addEventListener('touchstart', clickHandler, false);
} else {
buttons[i].addEventListener('click', clickHandler, false);
In jQuery you can bind "touchend" event, witch trigger code inmediatly after tap (is like a keydown in keyboard). Tested on current Chrome and Firefox tablet versions. Don't forget "click" also, for your touch screen laptops and desktop devices.
jQuery('.yourElements').bind('click touchend',function(event){
// everything else
Just to provide some extra information.
On iOS 10, <button>s on my page could not be triggered continuously. There was always a lag.
I tried fastclick / Hammer / tapjs / replacing click with touchstart, all failed.
UPDATE: the reason seems to be that the button is too close to the edge! move it to near the center and lag gone!
You're supposed to explicitly declare passive mode :
window.addEventListener('touchstart', (e) => {
alert('fast touch');
}, { passive : true});
