nativescript 4.2. Error while building android app with release flag - javascript

I've done some app for IOS and Android.
IOS is working fine and it's poblished on App store since 3 weeks.
So, the time has come for android. I have to do some css tweaks, beacuse android was looking different in some aspects.
After when i did it, i run tns run android, next emulator appear.
All is working well, so i've run tests on Firebase console.
It was a suprise for me, beacuse i saw this error: (Emulator installed is launching app without issues.)
Nativescript fails to load code that holds common js functions.
Here is part of my app.js
And, right now i'm able to see this error in my emulator.
Steps to reproduce:
- run tns run android (app is working well)
- do some typo in any js file (make any error): livesync will run again, and as result i will see this error.
My question is: do android have problems with requiring this file? IOS is working very well, but i'm unable to deploy android.
Thank you.


React Native White Screen on iOS Simulator

Up until recently, my app was running on iOS. I am now running into a white screen issue when running npx run-ios.
When running npx run-ios, the simulator starts up and builds the application, but Metro bundler says warn No apps connected. Sending "reload" to all React Native apps failed. Make sure your app is running in the simulator or on a phone connected via USB. on the terminal. Which is odd as the command itself opens the simulator and builds the application.
I am also unable to access the developer menu in both the terminal and on the simulator. So I can't access/edit bundler configs.
Things I've tried:
I've tried to delete the node_modules and run npm-install.
Deleting the Pods folder and Podfile.lock and then running pod install.
As I was working in a development branch, so I checked out to the main branch, which was working fine before, but the same issue persists, so I am doubtful that it's my code (I might be wrong however".
Doing Clear device and settingson the simulator.
Trying a different simulator.
I've seen on different similar posts that the simulator and my dev environment should be on the same network. However, this was never an issue before, and there is also no wifi edit function on the simulator.
Running the iOS application from Xcode instead

Can i make console logs visible in a cordova app running on an emulator?

Hello i'am currently building an app with cordova and the quasar framework.
I'm experiencing some problems in my android version running on an emulator that dont happen in my web version.
Is there a way to make the errors visible in some way or another.
Im using android studio as my emulator.
Open a chrome window on the same machine the emulator is running on. Navigation to chrome://inspect/#devices, you should be able to debug the emulator from there, giving you the full devtools, providing the APK is a dev build. This will not work for production builds.

Meteor: Can’t get updates to Android Emulator (Hot Code Push)

I'm doing mobile development on an Android Emulator with Genymotion. I can't get any code changes to show up on the emulator. I always get this error, even on Startup:
Skipping downloading new version because the Cordova platform version or plugin versions have changed and are potentially incompatible
I know this a protection mechanism from bad updates, but It happens all the time. I can't even make a small CSS or JS change. They all get blocked. I tried it on Android 4.4.4, 5.0 and 6.0.
I'm using Meteor and I simply run meteor run android-device and it pops up on the Genymotion device.
Anyone know what's causing this?

ionic-material demo on android bowser/hybrid-App templates not showing

I successfully build the ionic-material demo
Ionic-material Demo
when I do ionic server
the browser opens and the app works as excpected but
when compiled on android
ionic platform add android
ionic build android
ionic run android
the app compiled and run but I'm not able to show diffrent screens on navigate the url changes and the floting action buttons show up but not te template files ?
what I'm doing wrong or what might be the problem ??
I added alert("debug") in the controller and the alert is showing up on navigation so just the template not rendering
note ionic is built over AngulaJs so Angular experts can help too
any help appreciated
Steps i'd take to debug this are:
run ionic serve, and check the console for angularJS errors and resolve any if there are any
run - ionic platform add android + ionic run android with a connected android device and from another console window run the following command to run logcat via ADB
adb logcat CordovaActivity:V CordovaWebView:V CordovaWebViewClient:V IceCreamCordovaWebViewClient:V CordovaLog:V *:S
Resolve any errors the ADB flags
Try ionic platform add android + ionic run android again
Note: ionic handles touch events in browser and on device so this will not be the issue, it is likely it is a syntax error that has stopped the compile to device

Cordova directory error when Android running Meteor App on Mac OS

I'm trying meteor at this times. I wrote sample app and working correctly but when I trying run my app in android mode, I got an error on terminal screen.
Terminal screenshot below
What I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
You need to run meteor add-platform android and then you can use meteor run android.
