I have a jQuery loop that iterates over specifics elements of an HTML page. For every element, I do a switch over a variable and append HTML code in specific places.
The problem is that, one of those appends is an import to another Javascript file. This file uses a variable from the first one but, for some reason, that variable doesn't always have the correct value, depending on the order of the HTML elements in the page.
As requested, I created a Plunker so it's easy to see code:
Note: For this to work, you need to have correct pageId and appId for Instagram.
I'll put the code to be more clear:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="estilo.css">
<section id="rrss">
<!-- If I put this article block as the last one, it works -->
<article id="instagram">
<div data-rrss="instagram"></div>
<article id="facebook">
<div data-rrss="facebook"></div>
<article id="twitter">
<div data-rrss="twitter"></div>
<!-- SCRIPTS -->
<script src='scripts/data.js'></script>
<script src='scripts/jquery.js'></script>
<script>var customJquery = $.noConflict(true);</script>
<script src='../magic.js'></script>
var data = {
"facebook": {
"id": "facebook",
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"custom_style": "border:none;overflow:hidden",
"hide_cover": false,
"show_facepile": true,
"small_header": false,
"adapt_container_width": true
"twitter": {
"id": "twitter",
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"chrome": "nofooter noscrollbar noheader", // noborders transparent
"tweet_limit": 0,
"lang": "es",
"theme": "dark",
"link_color": "#0084b4"
"instagram": {
"id": "123456798123467/9876543219876543",
"hidecaption": false,
"custom_style": "overflow:auto;",
"max_width": 0,
"max_height": 500
"defaults": {
"width": 380,
"height": 500
var rrss = customJquery('div[data-rrss]');
var conf = undefined;
var defaults = undefined;
var node = document.querySelectorAll('[data-rrss="instagram"]')[0];
customJquery.each(rrss, function(ix, it) {
var html = '';
var network = customJquery(it).data('rrss');
if (network === undefined || network == null || network.length <= 0)
conf = data[network];
if (conf === undefined ||conf === null || conf.length <= 0)
defaults = data['defaults'];
//Comprobamos si existe el key y si el value tiene texto
if(conf.id === undefined || conf.id === null || conf.id.length === 0)
switch(network) {
case 'facebook':
html = '<iframe id="iFB" src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/page.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F' + conf.id +
'&tabs=timeline' +
'&width=' + (conf.width <= 0 ? defaults.width : conf.width) +
'&height=' + (conf.height <= 0 ? defaults.height : conf.height) +
'&small_header=' + conf.small_header +
'&adapt_container_width=' + conf.adapt_container_width +
'&hide_cover=' + conf.hide_cover +
'&show_facepile=' + conf.show_facepile + '"' +
'width="' + (conf.width <= 0 ? defaults.width : conf.width) + '" ' +
'height="' + (conf.height <= 0 ? defaults.height : conf.height) + '" ' +
'style="' + conf.custom_style + '" ' +
'scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>\n' +
'<script type="text/javascript">\n' +
' setInterval(() => {\n' +
' customJquery("#iFB")[0].src = customJquery("#iFB")[0].src\n' +
' }, 5 * 60 * 1000);\n'
case 'twitter':
html = '<a class="twitter-timeline" '+
'href="https://twitter.com/' + conf.id + '" ' +
'data-width="' + (conf.width <= 0 ? defaults.width : conf.width) + '" ' +
'data-height="' + (conf.height <= 0 ? defaults.height : conf.height) + '" ';
if (conf.chrome !== undefined && conf.chrome !== '') {
html += 'data-chrome="' + conf.chrome + '" ';
if (conf.tweet_limit > 0) {
html += 'data-tweet-limit="' + conf.tweet_limit + '" ';
html += 'data-lang="' + conf.lang + '" ' +
'data-theme="' + conf.theme + '" ' +
'data-link-color="' + conf.link_color + '"' +
'>Tweets by ' + conf.id + '</a>\n' +
'<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>';
case 'instagram':
node = node.parentElement;
html = '<script async src="https://connect.facebook.net/es_ES/sdk.js"></script>\n' +
'<script src="../insta.js"></script>\n' +
'<script async defer src="https://www.instagram.com/embed.js"></script>\n' +
' setInterval(() => {\n' +
' if (document.readyState === "complete") {\n' +
' window.instgrm.Embeds.process();\n' +
' }\n' +
' }, 100);\n' +
' setInterval(() => {\n' +
' fbAsyncInit();\n' +
' }, 5 * 60 * 1000);\n'
html = '';
if (html != '') {
window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
var html = '';
var style = '';
// When the Instagram's article bloke in HTML isn't the last one, this shows data from Twitter bloke
if (node !== undefined) {
if (document.getElementById('instagram') !== null) {
document.getElementById('instagram').innerHTML = '';
if (conf !== undefined && conf !== '') {
if (conf.max_width !== undefined && conf.max_width > 0) {
style += 'max-width: ' + conf.max_width + 'px;';
} else {
style += 'max-width: ' + defaults.width + 'px;';
if (conf.max_height !== undefined && conf.max_height > 0) {
style += 'max-height: ' + conf.max_height + 'px;';
} else {
style += 'max-height: ' + defaults.height + 'px;';
style += conf.custom_style;
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = 'instagram';
if (style !== '') {
div.style = style;
var pageId = conf.id.substring(0, conf.id.indexOf('/'));
var appId = conf.id.substring(conf.id.indexOf('/') + 1);
appId: appId,
autoLogAppEvents: true,
xfbml: true,
version: "v3.1"
FB.getLoginStatus(function (response) {
if (response.status === "connected") {
"/" + pageId + "/",
"GET", { "fields": "instagram_business_account" },
function (response) {
if (response.error && response.error !== '') {
console.log("Error recovering 'instagram_business_account': " + response.error.message);
} else {
"/" + response.instagram_business_account.id + "/media",
"GET", { "fields": "shortcode" },
function (response) {
for (var i = 0; i < response.data.length; i++) {
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
html = JSON.parse(this.response).html;
document.getElementById("instagram").innerHTML += html;
xhttp.open("GET", "https://api.instagram.com/oembed/?url=http://instagr.am/p/" + response.data[i].shortcode + "&omitscript=true&hidecaption=" + conf.hidecaption, true);
} else {
console.log("Error recovering access token: Not connected.")
Well, I've solved with some ugly lonely line:
case 'instagram':
node = node.parentElement;
instaconf = conf; // ***** Saved the conf here *****
html = '<script async src="https://connect.facebook.net/es_ES/sdk.js"></script>\n' +
'<script src="../tecInsta.js"></script>\n' +
'<script async defer src="https://www.instagram.com/embed.js"></script>\n' +
' setInterval(() => {\n' +
' if (document.readyState === "complete") {\n' +
' window.instgrm.Embeds.process();\n' +
' }\n' +
' }, 100);\n' +
' setInterval(() => {\n' +
' fbAsyncInit();\n' +
' }, 5 * 60 * 1000);\n'
Then changed the conf references to instaconf in insta.js file.
Since this file was loaded after the jQuery loops ended, the configuration was the last one in that loop (the last article in index.html file).
Here the problem is you are appending HTML elements dynamically. Here jquery will append in DOM then browser will some time to parse. Until that controller wont wait for the operation so loop continue execution. so here config is hold last element of twitter configuration.
And we can't pass reference to html string as per my knowledge. This we can achieve by passing config as string into html string from there we can pass to fbAsyncInit() method.
' setInterval(() => {\n' +
' if (document.readyState === "complete") {\n' +
' window.instgrm.Embeds.process();\n' +
' }\n' +
' }, 100);\n' +
' setInterval(() => {\n' +
' let configuration = '+ JSON.stringify(conf) +';'+
' fbAsyncInit(configuration);\n' +
' }, 5 * 60 * 1000);\n'
and we can receive as
window.fbAsyncInit = function (con) {
or we can pass call back function to html method and we do operation which is done in magic.js
Reference: http://api.jquery.com/html/#html-function
then we can return html accordingly.
I hope this will help you.
I have javascript code to view a news from RSS as a vertical list.
(function ($) {
$.fn.FeedEk = function (opt) {
var def = $.extend({
MaxCount: 5,
ShowDesc: true,
ShowPubDate: true,
DescCharacterLimit: 0,
TitleLinkTarget: "_blank",
DateFormat: "",
}, opt);
var id = $(this).attr("id"), i, s = "", dt;
$("#" + id).empty();
if (def.FeedUrl == undefined) return;
$("#" + id).append('<img src="loader.gif" />');
var YQLstr = 'SELECT channel.item FROM feednormalizer WHERE output="rss_2.0" AND url ="' + def.FeedUrl + '" LIMIT ' + def.MaxCount;
url: "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=" + encodeURIComponent(YQLstr) + "&format=json&diagnostics=false&callback=?",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
$("#" + id).empty();
if (!(data.query.results.rss instanceof Array)) {
data.query.results.rss = [data.query.results.rss];
$.each(data.query.results.rss, function (e, itm) {
s += '<li><div class="itemTitle"><a href="' + itm.channel.item.link + '" target="' + def.TitleLinkTarget + '" >' + itm.channel.item.title + '</a></div>';
if (def.ShowPubDate){
dt = new Date(itm.channel.item.pubDate);
s += '<div class="itemDate">';
if ($.trim(def.DateFormat).length > 0) {
try {
s += moment(dt).format(def.DateFormat);
catch (e){s += dt.toLocaleDateString();}
else {
s += dt.toLocaleDateString();
s += '</div>';
if (def.ShowDesc) {
s += '<div class="itemContent">';
if (def.DescCharacterLimit > 0 && itm.channel.item.description.length > def.DescCharacterLimit) {
s += itm.channel.item.description.substring(0, def.DescCharacterLimit) + '...';
else {
s += itm.channel.item.description;
s += '</div>';
$("#" + id).append('<ul class="feedEkList">' + s + '</ul>');
I need help to move the list of topics as horizontal one by one, in one line. by used javascript code. this code display just 5 topics, which I need it, but I have problem to how can I movement it as horizontal.
I'm trying to do the next thing:
getChatListMessageString: function(dateObject, userID, userName, userRole, messageID, messageText, channelID, ip) {
var rowClass = this.DOMbufferRowClass,
userClass = this.getRoleClass(userRole),
colon = ': ';
if(messageText.indexOf('/action') === 0 || messageText.indexOf('/me') === 0 || messageText.indexOf('/privaction') === 0) {
userClass += ' action';
colon = ' ';
if (messageText.indexOf('/privmsg') === 0 || messageText.indexOf('/privmsgto') === 0 || messageText.indexOf('/privaction') === 0) {
rowClass += ' private';
var dateTime = this.settings['dateFormat'] ? '<span class="dateTime">'
+ this.formatDate(this.settings['dateFormat'], dateObject) + '</span> ' : '';
return '<div id="'
+ this.getMessageDocumentID(messageID)
+ '" class="'
+ rowClass
+ '">'
+ this.getDeletionLink(messageID, userID, userRole, channelID)
+ dateTime
//start of the code i added
+ '<a href="http://hostname.x/report_chat.php?usernameR='
+ userName
+ '/&useridR='
+ userID
+ '">'
+ '<img src="img/excl.png"></img></a>'
// end of the code i added
+ '<a href="http://www.hostname.x/'
+ userID
+ '" target="_blank"'
+ this.getChatListUserNameTitle(userID, userName, userRole, ip)
+ ' dir="'
+ this.baseDirection
+ '" onclick="ajaxChat.insertText(this.firstChild.nodeValue);">'
+ userName
+ '</a>'
+ colon
+ this.replaceText(messageText)
+ '</div>';
If I remove the portion that I added , the page works just fine. When I add it back , I get an Aw Snap error(cache reloaded -> incognito mode )
I'm pretty new with javascript so I can't really tell what I did wrong.
Thank you!
EDIT: THE AW SNAP ERROR comes from the <img> tag for whatever reason.
//Here a simple test
var Obj = (function(){
DOMbufferRowClass : 'DOMbufferRowClass',
getRoleClass : function()
return 'roleClass';
settings : '',
getMessageDocumentID : function(){
return '123';
getDeletionLink : function(messageID, userID, userRole, channelID)
return 'DeletiongLink'
replaceText : function()
getChatListMessageString : function(dateObject, userID, userName, userRole, messageID, messageText, channelID, ip) {
var rowClass = this.DOMbufferRowClass,
userClass = this.getRoleClass(userRole),
colon = ': ';
if(messageText.indexOf('/action') === 0 || messageText.indexOf('/me') === 0 || messageText.indexOf('/privaction') === 0) {
userClass += ' action';
colon = ' ';
if (messageText.indexOf('/privmsg') === 0 || messageText.indexOf('/privmsgto') === 0 || messageText.indexOf('/privaction') === 0) {
rowClass += ' private';
var dateTime = this.settings['dateFormat'] ? '<span class="dateTime">'
+ this.formatDate(this.settings['dateFormat'], dateObject) + '</span> ' : '';
return `<div id="${this.getMessageDocumentID(messageID)}" class="${rowClass}">
${this.getDeletionLink(messageID, userID, userRole, channelID)} ${dateTime}
<a href="http://hostname.x/report_chat.php?usernameR='${userName}/&useridR=${userID}">
<img src="img/excl.png"/></a><a href="http://www.hostname.x/${userID} target="_blank"
this.getChatListUserNameTitle(userID, userName, userRole, ip) dir="{this.baseDirection}
console.log(Obj.getChatListMessageString("05102017", '1234',"admin", '456', 'Test','11', ''));
I would simplify your code with template literals and avoiding all the concatenation mess.
getChatListMessageString : function(dateObject, userID, userName, userRole, messageID, messageText, channelID, ip) {
var rowClass = this.DOMbufferRowClass,
userClass = this.getRoleClass(userRole),
colon = ': ';
if(messageText.indexOf('/action') === 0 || messageText.indexOf('/me') === 0 || messageText.indexOf('/privaction') === 0) {
userClass += ' action';
colon = ' ';
if (messageText.indexOf('/privmsg') === 0 || messageText.indexOf('/privmsgto') === 0 || messageText.indexOf('/privaction') === 0) {
rowClass += ' private';
var dateTime = this.settings['dateFormat'] ? '<span class="dateTime">'
+ this.formatDate(this.settings['dateFormat'], dateObject) + '</span> ' : '';
return `<div id="${this.getMessageDocumentID(messageID)}" class="${rowClass}">
${this.getDeletionLink(messageID, userID, userRole, channelID)} ${dateTime}
<a href="http://hostname.x/report_chat.php?usernameR='${userName}/&useridR=${userID}">
<img src="img/excl.png"/></a><a href="http://www.hostname.x/${userID} target="_blank"
this.getChatListUserNameTitle(userID, userName, userRole, ip) dir="{this.baseDirection}
Ouch! The best approach is not to build your HTML elements in this manner in the first place and use the DOM to construct and inject them into your document.
This makes the code MUCH easier to read and modify and removes the concatenation issue entirely.
Now, if you have errors, you can focus on the values your are assigning to the properties and not the syntax of the HTML.
// Create the div element in memeory
var div = document.createElement("div");
// Configure the attributes of that div
div.id = this.getMessageDocumentID(messageID);
// Now, begin populating the div
div.innerHTML = this.getDeletionLink(messageID, userID, userRole, channelID) + dateTime;
// A new element belongs inside the div. Repeat the process:
var a1 = document.createElement(a);
a1.href = "http://hostname.x/report_chat.php?usernameR=" + userName + "/&useridR=" + userID;
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = "img/excl.png";
// Place the image into the anchor
// Place the anchor into the div
// Another anchor is now needed
var a2 = document.createElement(a);
a2.href = "http://www.hostname.x/" + userID;
a2.target = "_blank";
// It is unclear what the following line is based on the fact that whatever it returns, you have that
// being inserted where attributes go. It is commented here for that reason.
//this.getChatListUserNameTitle(userID, userName, userRole, ip) + " dir='" + this.baseDirection;
// Set up event handler for the anchor
a2.addEventListener("click", function(){
// Populate the anchor
a2.innerHTML = userName;
// Insert this anchor into the div
// Insert the final contents into the div
div.innerHTML += colon + this.replaceText(messageText);
// Return the final construct
return div;
I'm trying to retrieve images on Facebook Parse SDK, and I can't because of this error. And I don't know what i'm doing wrong because I use a conditional in order to no not to create a new variable if this is empty or undefined. This is the code (the console log points the error in the line where i'm creating the var ImageFl):
var Encharcamientos1 = Parse.Object.extend("Report");
var query = new Parse.Query(Inundaciones1);
query.equalTo("Tipo_Reporte", "Encharcamientos");
success: function(results) {
// Do something with the returned Parse.Object values
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
if (!object.get('ImageFile') || object.get('ImageFile') !== '' || typeof object.get('ImageFile') !== 'undefined') {
var imageFl = object.get('ImageFile');
var imageURL = imageFl.url();
$('.imagen')[0].src = imageURL;
var object = results[i];
L.marker([object.get('Latitud'),object.get('Longitud') ], {icon: EncharcamientosIcon}).bindPopup(' <p><span class="grande"> ' + object.get('Tipo_Reporte') + ' </span></p><p>Fecha: ' + object.get('Fecha') + ' </p><p>Hora: ' + object.get('Hora') + '<div class="imagen"></div>' + '</p><p>Comentarios:<br /> ' + noundefined(object.get('Comentario')) + '</p>').addTo(Encharcamientos).addTo(todos);
error: function(error) {
alert("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
The object wasn't being set before the if statement. update, added code from comments
var Encharcamientos1 = Parse.Object.extend("Report");
var query = new Parse.Query(Inundaciones1);
query.equalTo("Tipo_Reporte", "Encharcamientos");
success: function(results) {
// Do something with the returned Parse.Object values
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var object = results[i]; // <-- THIS NEEDS TO BE BEFORE IF STATEMENT
var imageFl = object.get('ImageFile');
if (imageFl !== '' && typeof imageFl !== 'undefined') {
var imageURL = imageFl.url();
$('.imagen')[0].src = imageURL;
L.marker([object.get('Latitud'),object.get('Longitud') ], {icon: EncharcamientosIcon}).bindPopup(' <p><span class="grande"> ' + object.get('Tipo_Reporte') + ' </span></p><p>Fecha: ' + object.get('Fecha') + ' </p><p>Hora: ' + object.get('Hora') + '<div class="imagen"></div>' + '</p><p>Comentarios:<br /> ' + noundefined(object.get('Comentario')) + '</p>').addTo(Encharcamientos).addTo(todos);
error: function(error) {
alert("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
This script stopped working in FireFox a couple of weeks ago, around the time I added an SSL certificate to the site. I've confirmed that SSL is being used everywhere, and I've tried disabling all recently installed plugins, to no avail.
I've looked at it with Web Console and don't see any errors there either - though I'm not very experienced with that.
I've also looked at other threads here about js working in Chrome but not FF, but none of the proposed solutions seem to apply to my script.
The problem is that the js is apparently not being called at all - it should show up between the introduction and the "share" graphic.
Any ideas?
This is the page where it should show up, between the text and the "share" graphic: Quiz
And this is the js file: Javascript
Here is the code:
$.each(questions, function (key, value) {
//console.log( key + ": " + value.question ); question = value.question;
qtype = value.qtype;
opts = value.opts;
answer = value.answer;
special = value.special; $('#quiz-form').append('<p> <br>' + parseInt(key + 1) + ") " + question + '</p>'); if (qtype == "radio")
{ opt_array = opts.split(','); for (i = 0; i < opt_array.length; i++)
{ $('#quiz-form').append('<p><input data-ftype="radio" type="radio" name="question_' + key + '" class="question_' + key + '" value="' + opt_array[i] + '"> ' + opt_array[i] + ' </p>'); }
} else if (qtype == "checkbox"}
else if (qtype == "checkbox")
opt_array = opts.split(',');
for (i = 0; i<opt_array.length;i++)
$('#quiz-form').append('<p><input data-ftype="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="question_' + key + '" class="question_' + key + '" value="'+ opt_array[i] + '"> ' + opt_array[i] + '</p>');
else if (qtype == "input")
$('#quiz-form').append('<p><input data-ftype="text" name="question_' + key + '" type="text" class="question_' + key + '" value="" style = "border:1px solid" ></p>');
} $('#quiz-form').append('<p><input name="answer_' + key + '" type="hidden" value="' + answer + '" class="answer_' + key + '" ></p>');
$('#quiz-form').append('<p class="special" id="special_' + key + '" ><strong>Correct answer(s): ' + answer + '</strong> » Explanation: ' + special + '</p>');
$('#quiz-form').append('<p>All done? Check your answers: <input name="submit" id="submit" type="button" value="Submit"></p>'); $('#quiz-form').append('<p>Want another chance? <input name="refresh" id="refresh" type="button" value="Start over"></p>'); $( "#quiz-form" ).on( "click", "#submit", function() {
quest_numb = questions.length;
user_answers = new Array();
real_answers = new Array();
for (i = 0; i <quest_numb;i++)
if ($("input[name ='question_" + i + "']").data('ftype')=='radio') { user_answers.push($(":input[type='radio'][name ='question_" + i + "']:checked").val()); } if ($("input[name ='question_" + i + "']").data('ftype')=='text') { user_answers.push($(":input[type='text'][name ='question_" + i + "']").val()); } if ($("input[name ='question_" + i + "']").data('ftype')=='checkbox') {
var chkArray = [];
$(".question_" + i + ":checked").each(function() {
}); var selected = chkArray.join(',')
user_answers.push(selected); } real_answers.push($(":input[type='hidden'][name ='answer_" + i + "']").val()); // alert($(":input[type='text'][name ='question_"+i+"']").val());
message='<div id="results">';
for(i=0;i<real_answers.length;i++) {
if (typeof user_answers[i]=='undefined' || user_answers[i]=='')
{ //message+='<p>'+parseInt(i+1) + ')' +' You didn't answer this question.</p>';
$('#special_'+i).text(i+inc+') '+'You didn\'t answer this question.');
$(":input[name ='question_"+i+"']").prop('disabled',true);
else if( user_answers[i].toLowerCase().trim()==real_answers[i])
//message+='<p>' +parseInt(i+1) + ')' +' Très bien !</p>';
$('#special_'+i).text(i+inc+') '+'Très bien !');
} else
$('#special_'+i).text($('#special_'+i).text().replace(i+inc+') '+' ',''));
$('#special_'+i).prepend(i+inc+') '+' ');
message+='<p> Your score: ' + points + '/' + real_answers.length + '</p>';percent=points*100/real_answers.length;if(percent>=90)
message+='<p> Chapeau !</p>';
if(percent>=80 && percent<90)
message+='<p> Très bien !</p>';
}if(percent>=60 && percent<80)
message+='<p> Pas mal.</p>';
}if(percent>=40 && percent<60)
message+='<p> Houp ! Il faut étudier un peu plus.</p>';
message+='<p> Oh là là - il faut étudier !</p>';
$('#quiz-form #results').remove();
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
$( "#quiz-form" ).on( "click", "#refresh", function() {
});function getQueryVariable(variable)
var query = window.location.search.substring(1);
var vars = query.split("&");
for (var i = 0; i<vars.length;i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split("=");
if (pair[0] == variable){return pair[1];}
There are numerous JS errors occurring throughout your code. First and foremost, you need to fix the insecure file references, since you are using SSL, so files like this will not load - either change it to relative paths or replace http with https:
<script src="http://www.feedblitz.com/js/tinybox2/tinybox.js" type="text/javascript">
If you are unsure how to view these errors in your browser, please refer to any of these articles:
I am developing an extension for Google Chrome that was working perfectly, but now stopped working with version 2 of the manifest.
It is giving me the following error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function (aba) {
link = aba.url;
titulo = aba.title;
document.getElementById('mensagem').value = link;
function GrabIFrameURL(feedDescription) {
var regex = new RegExp("iframe(?:.*?)src='(.*?)'", 'g');
var matches = regex.exec(feedDescription);
var url = '';
if (matches.length == 2) {
url = matches[1];
var quebra = url.split("/");
return quebra[4];
$(document).ready(function () {
if (localStorage.nome == '' || localStorage.nome == null || localStorage.email == '' || localStorage.email == null) {
jQuery('#erros').html('Configure seus dados aqui');
jQuery("#resposta").ajaxStart(function () {
jQuery(this).html("<img src='img/loading.gif'> <b>Sugestão sendo enviada, aguarde...</b>");
jQuery('#submit').click(function () {
var nome = localStorage.nome;
var email = localStorage.email;
var mensagem = titulo + "\n\n<br><br>" + link;
jQuery.post('http://blabloo.com.br/naosalvo/mail.php', {
nome: nome,
email: email,
mensagem: mensagem
function (data, ajaxStart) {
return false;
//Listagem de posts
var bkg = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();
jQuery('#close').click(function () {
jQuery('#markeall').click(function () {
$('.naolido').attr('class', 'lido');
jQuery.each(bkg.getFeed(), function (id, item) {
if (item.naolido == '1')
lidoClass = 'naolido';
lidoClass = 'lido';
var thumb = GrabIFrameURL(item.description);
$('#feed').append('<li><a id="' + item.id + '" href="' + item.link + '" class="' + lidoClass + '"><img src="' + $.jYoutube(thumb, 'small') + '" class="' + lidoClass + '"/>' + item.title + '</a></li>');
$('.naolido').click(function (e) {
klicked = $(this).attr('id');
$(this).attr('class', 'lido');
$('.lido').click(function (e) {
var openLink = function (link) {
'url': link,
'selected': true
I think the problem is in this part of popup.js:
jQuery.each(bkg.getFeed(), function (id, item) {
if (item.naolido == '1')
lidoClass = 'naolido';
lidoClass = 'lido';
var thumb = GrabIFrameURL(item.description);
$('#feed').append('<li><a id="' + item.id + '" href="' + item.link + '" class="' + lidoClass + '"><img src="' + $.jYoutube(thumb, 'small') + '" class="' + lidoClass + '"/>' + item.title + '</a></li>');
You problem is actually in background.js on lines 12 and 20, you set localStorage.items to '' initially but then try to run a JSON.parse() on it later, but it's not JSON data so JSON.parse returns Unexpected end of input. And, JSON.parse isn't a function you define but a native browser function so, it shows the error as being on "line 1".
Try defining it as an empty array initially and then "pushing" to it as you are now.