Trouble stubbing getter method in firebase-admin with sinon - javascript

I'm trying to develop unit tests for cloud functions. Some of them call firebase-admin.messaging().sendToDevice() to deliver notifications that I don't want to actually send during testing.
My reference in Firebase docs
Sinon Stubs Reference
I'd like to know why Object.defineProperty is working but stub.get() (the commented out section) does not. I have a concern it might not get restored using sinon.restore(). By not work I mean it uses the real methods and sends a notification. Thank you.
it('should return resolved promise for success', function(done) {
const num = 99;
const messagingStub = sinon.stub();
const sendStub = sinon.stub();
Object.defineProperty(admin, 'messaging', { get: () => messagingStub });
// sinon.stub(admin, 'messaging').get(function getterFn() {
// return messagingStub;
// });
messagingStub.returns({sendToDevice: sendStub});
sendStub.returns(Promise.resolve({successCount: num}));


How should I get API token before executing Unit Test cases?

Within my unit test cases, I'm trying to do unit tests against some data in the API therefore an API token is required. I'm hoping to find a way to call token API and store it in Redux before firing any API.
I'm aware of setup.js in Jest, tried calling my API there and store in Redux didn't work well. I don't think the setup.js waited the method to finish completely before starting the unit test.
// Within the Setup.js, I was calling method directly
const getAPItoken = async() => {
await getToken();
Currently I'm getting the API token in 1 of the Unit Test files. Upon the method completion, rest of the Unit Tests will run fine since they are getting the API token from Redux.
Sample of what I'm doing now
describe('Get API token', () => {
test('it should return true after getting token', async () => {
// Within the method itself, it actually store the token to redux upon receiving from API, also it will return TRUE upon success
const retrievedToken = await getToken();
Is there a better way to handle this?
You can use globalSetup. It accepts an async function that is triggered once before all test suites.
So you can optain the API key and set it on node global object so you can access if from anywhere.
// setup.js
module.exports = async () => {
global.__API_KEY__ = 'yoru API key';
// jest.config.js
module.exports = {
globalSetup: './setup.js',

How to properly create unit test for logic inside arrow function

I'm working on an existing NodeJS web service using HapiJS, Hapi Lab for testing along with Sinon. The service connects to a Postgres DB using massiveJs. There's a method implemented by someone else, that doesn't have unit tests. Now I'm reusing this method and I want to implement some unit tests for it.
This method executes a massivejs transaction inside of it, persisting to several tables.
async createSomething(payload) {
const { code, member } = payload;
const foundCompany = await this.rawDb.ethnics.tenants.findOne({ code });
if (foundCompany && foundCompany.companyId) {
const { companyId } = foundCompany;
const { foreignId } = member;
return await this.rawDb.withTransaction(async (tx) => {
const foundMember = await tx.ethnics.members.findOne({ foreign_id: foreignId, company_id: companyId });
if (!foundMember) {
//some business logic...
const newMember = await tx.ethnics.members.insert(member);
//more business logic persisting to other tables...
return newMember;
Problem is, I don't know how to stub stuff only inside the arrow function, without stubbing the entire arrow function. I just want to stub the calls of tx. I also don't want to use a database but stub the rawDb property. Is that doable from unit testing perspective?
Yes it is doable. There are 2 alternatives:
Stub MassiveJS methods directly.
Example to stub massive method findOne:
const massive = require('massive');
const sinon = require('sinon');
// Stub massive.Readable class method findOne.
// You need to find where is the real method findOne and stub it.
const stub = sinon.stub(massive.Readable, 'findOne');
// You can resolve it.
// Or you can throw it.
stub.throws(new Error('xxx'));
Use pg in memory for test.
Just for testing purpose, you can use module like: test-pg-pool or pg-mem. Before testing, start the test pg and after the test finish, destroy it.

sinon: when stubs restored?

I am using sinon 1.17.6. Below is my codes:
it('should', sinon.test(function(/*done*/) {
const stubtoBeStubbedFunction = this.stub(this.myObj, 'toBeStubbedFunction');
const instance = {
id: 'instanceId',
tCount: 3,
console.log('0 toBeStubbedFunction', this.myObj.toBeStubbedFunction);
return this.myObj.toBeTestedFunction(instance)
.then(() => {
console.log('3 toBeStubbedFunction', this.myObj.toBeStubbedFunction);
// done();
MyClass.prototype.toBeTestedFunction = function toBeTestedFunction(input) {
const metaData = {};
if (input.tCount === 0) {
console.log('1', this.toBeStubbedFunction);
return bluebird.resolve((this.toBeStubbedFunction(metaData)));
return this.myClient.getData(
.then(function _on(res) {
if (res) {
console.log('2', this.toBeStubbedFunction);
.catch(function _onError(err) {
throw new VError(err, 'toBeTestedFunctionError');
console.log output:
0 toBeStubbedFunction toBeStubbedFunction
2 function toBeStubbedFunction(meta) {
// real implementation
3 toBeStubbedFunction function toBeStubbedFunction(meta) {
// real implementation
It seems that during test running, the stubbed function is restored. I thought sinon.test() should restore stubs after returned promise resolved or caught (stubs should be restored after console.log('2', this.toBeStubbedFunction); run). Why? I used done to solve my issue. But are there better solutions? I may use mocha and sinon the wrong way.
Any comments welcomed. Thanks
The sinon.test method provided by Sinon 1.x completely ignores promises returned by tests, which means it does not wait for the promise to resolve before resetting the sandbox it creates.
Sinon 2.x removed sinon.test from Sinon and spun it as its own separate sinon-test package. It initially had the same problem as the sinon.test method provided by Sinon 1.x but the problem was reported and resolved.
The peer dependencies of sinon-test are currently setting a minimum version for Sinon of 2.x so at a minimum you'd have to upgrade Sinon and add sinon-test to your test suite to have support for promises and use the test wrapper provided sinon-test.
Or you could abandon the wrapper and write your own before/beforeEach and after/afterEach hooks that would take care of creating and resetting a sandbox for you. I've used Sinon for years (certainly from the 1.x series onwards, possibly even earlier) and that's always what I've done. I did not even know about sinon.test until I saw the other question you asked about it a few days ago.

Mocking Redis Constructor with Sinon

I'm trying to figure out a way to mock redis in this module:
const Redis = require('ioredis');
const myFunction = {
exists: (thingToCheck) {
let redis_client = new Redis(
connectTimeout: 75,
dropBufferSupport: true,
retryStrategy: functionHere
redis_client.exists(thingToCheck, function (err, resp) {
// handlings in here
Using this test-code:
const LambdaTester = require('lambda-tester');
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const sinon = require('sinon');
const mockRedis = sinon.mock(require('ioredis'));
describe( 'A Redis Connection error', function() {
before(() => {
exists: (sha, callback) => {
callback('error!', null);
it( 'It returns a database error', function() {
return LambdaTester(lambdaToTest)
.expectError((err) => {
expect(err.message).to.equal('Database error');
I also tried a few variations, but I'm kind of stuck as I basically need to mock the constructor and I'm not sure Sinon supports this?
(thing, callback) => {
callback('error!', null);
sinon.stub(mockRedis, 'constructor').callsFake(() => console.log('test!'));
sinon.stub(mockRedis, 'exists').callsFake(() => console.log('test!'));
Not sure what else to try here, I also tried using rewire as suggested here, but using mockRedis.__set__("exists", myMock); never set that private variable.
I want to fake my error paths ultimately.
I would love to hear what others are doing to test redis in node js 😄.
Your problem is not whether Sinon supports this or that, but rather a missing understanding of how "classes" work in Ecmascript, as shown by the attempt at stubbing constructor property in the test code. That will never work, as that property has nothing to do with how any resulting objects turn out. It is simply a reference to the function that was used to create the object. I have covered a very similar topic on the Sinon tracker that you might have interest in reading to gain some core JS foo :-) Basically, it is not possible to stub a constructor, but you can probably coerce your code to use another constructor function in its place through either DI or link seams.
As a matter of fact, a few answers down in the same thread, you will see me covering an example of how I myself designed a Redis using class to be easily testable by supporting dependency injection. You might want to check it out, as it is more or less directly applicable to your example module above.
Another technique, which you already has tried getting to work, is using link seams (using rewire). The Sinon homepage has a nice article on doing this. Both rewire and proxyquire will do the job just fine here: I think you have just complicated the matter a bit by wrapping the require statement with a mock.
Even though I am on the Sinon maintainer team, I never use the mock functionality, so I cannot tell you how to use that, as I think it obscures the testing, but to get the basic link seams working using rewire I would basically remove all the Sinon code first and get the basic case going (removing redis for a stubbed module you have created).
Only then, add Sinon code as required.

node jasmine - how to unit test on function that involve redis call?

I just started playing around Jasmine and I'm still struggling on the spyon/mocking things, e.g., I have a function
module.exports = (() => {
function getUserInfo(id) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
redis.getAsync(id).then(result => {
return { getUserInfo: getUserInfo }
Then I start writing the Jasmine spec
describe('Test user helper', () => {
let userInfo
beforeEach(done => {
.then(info => {
userInfo = info
it('return user info if user is found', () => {
expect(userInfo).toEqual('info of userid 123')
It runs well, but my question is how can I mock the redis.getAsync call, so it can become a real isolated unit test?
Good question. You can mock out the redis dependency but only if you rewrite you code, slightly, to be more testable.
Here, that means making redis a parameter to the factory that returns the object containing getUserInfo.
Of course, this changes the API, callers now need to call the export to get the object. To fix this, we can create a wrapper module that calls the function with the standard redis object, and returns the result. Then we move the actual factory into an inner module, which still allows it to be tested.
Here is what that might well look like
module.exports = redis => {
function getUserInfo(id) {
return redis.getAsync(id); // note simplified as new Promise was not needed
return {getUserInfo};
// this is the wrapper that preserves existing API
module.exports = require('./factory')(redis);
And now for the test
const userHelperFactory = require('./user-helper/factory');
function createMockRedis() {
const users = [
{userId: 'userid123'},
// etc.
return {
getAsync: function (id) {
// Note: I do not know off hand what redis returns, or if it throws,
// if there is no matching record - adjust this to match.
return Promise.resolve(users.find(user => user.userId === id));
describe('Test user helper', () => {
const mockRedis = createMockRedis();
const userHelper = userHelperFactory(mockRedis);
let userInfo;
beforeEach(async () => {
userInfo = await userHelper.getUserInfo('userid123');
it('must return user info when a matching user exists', () => {
expect(userInfo).toEqual('info of userid 123');
NOTE: As discussed in comments, this was just my incidental approach to the situation at hand. There are plenty of other setups and conventions you can use but the primary idea was just based on the existing export of the result of an IIFE, which is a solid pattern, and I leveraged the NodeJS /index convention to preserve the existing API. You could also use one file and export via both module.exports = factory(redis) and module.exports.factory = factory, but that would, I believe, be less idiomatic in NodeJS. The broader point was that being able to mock for tests, and testability in general is just about parameterization.
Parameterization is wonderfully powerful, and its simplicity is why developers working in functional languages sometimes laugh at OOP programmers, such as yours truly, and our clandestine incantations like "Oh glorious Dependency Injection Container, bequeath unto me an instanceof X" :)
It is not that OOP or DI get it wrong it is that testability, DI, IOC, etc. are just about parameterization.
Interestingly, if we were loading redis as a module, and if we were using a configurable module loader, such as SystemJS, we could do this by simply using loader configuration at the test level. Even Webpack lets you do this to some extent, but for NodeJS you would need to monkey patch the Require Function, or create a bunch of fake packages, which are not good options.
To the OP's specific response
Thanks! That's a good idea, but practically, it seems it's quite strange when I have tons of file to test in which I will need to create a factory and index.js for each of them.
You would need to restructure your API surface and simply export factories that consuming code must call, rather than the result of applying those factories, to reduce the burden, but there are tradeoffs and default instances are helpful to consumers.
