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I am trying to build a site using React.js which when you click on the link to find more info, a sidebar appears with the additional information. The problem that I am having is that when the sidebar appears, I want the url to change as well. It is similar to a sliding page transition but the sliding page is a sidebar instead that only covers half the page. I hope that makes sense. Any help in which direction I can go in to investigate if this is possible will be a great help!
Website page navigation layout
If you want to change the url I suspect using withRouter will be your best bet. You can get access to history and push in the url you want. Cool design, man.
You'd want to push in the new url in the history on click of the link btw. Also as I can see by the first comment that showed up always try googling first cause people are assholes on this site and will just shit on you for not googling this since it is pretty common to use the history and change the url.
Good luck!
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have tried googling this with many combinations of words but the results returned were always about creating a website.
What I want to do is, when a user opens the web page, he will get a little introduction, something like in codility, for example you can click on this button to do something and at the same time highlight the button. How is that done? I am not looking for ready made code, just some instructions to point me in the right direction, or a tutorial on how to do that.
I would have deleted this question if I thought it does not conform to the rules of the website. I don't think it is off topic because it can happen to anyone to not know a specific word, which is tour not tutorial. I am leaving it here so that the next person who searches for this knows that the word is tour not tutorial.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
The keyword you're looking for is tour or features introduction.
A quick Google search came up with:
You can create a function (JavaScript/JQuery) that targets the elements you want to highlight (buttons, divs or inputs) and displays a small tooltip/infotip containing instructions and navigation buttons, clicking a button pops up an other tooltip in a different location.
If you're using angular, you can use "website tour" directives/modules that does that out of the box.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I would like to find a js library that allow me to do similar things as same as gmail:
They got a textarea, when you typing it, it search things and provide a list of contract list for you to choose from, when you tab it, it becomes a separate element, you can delete it by pressing the X. I know it is not come with textarea, or standard html element, how can I describe / search related lib on the web? Any keywords ideas?
stackexchange tags and Pinterest filters work similarly.
I did a google search with
"tags interface" filter
I searched both normal and images.
The images quickly allow you to focus in on an interface.
For example, the jQuery plugin Bootstrap Tags Input jumped out.
A further search on the following brought up more google images which seem right on.
"Tags Input"
I suggest this is better suited for the UX - User Experience StackExchange site. There is one discussion I found here
Good luck. I will likely write something myself in the not too distant future. It is a user friendly interface.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking to implement a full page slider on the home page of my app(made with Angular 1.x)
I have tried couple of libraries, but to no avail. They seem to have incomplete instructions or not full proof bug-wise
Here are the ones I tried.
Example of what I am trying to achieve is home page. If I scroll up or down the slider, the pages change with different content.
Hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
My library pagePiling.js creates exactly the same effect than tumblr home page.
Doing it with angular or not should be irrelevant. Just do no use anchors in the URL and initialize it only once, and you should be fine with it.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a webpage in which I need to realize something that looks like the following sketch:
As you can see, there are basically two sections:
a side-block (preferably) on the right that serves as image-thumbnails scroller;
a contents-block on the left (in my draw) in which there are text parts and an image that is selected from the right side-scroller.
Side scrolling may be achieved by a browser sidebar or (very much preferably better) by apposite up/down buttons.
When clicking on a different image on the side-scroller that image get shown in place of the previous one.
Last thing, clicking the image selected shall make it show in full-size (not larger than browser window anyway) with a lightbox-like-effect.
Anyone know of a jQuery plugin that already provide all this?
Thank you very much.
Swiper ( should help you with this, it covers most (if not all with a bit of a creative layout on your part) of the things you're looking for. It's got some very thorough documentation, for the light box behaviour you're looking for - I'd use one of the baked-in methods to create your own event handler.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am told by Google Page Test speed to remove the script below from my HTML <head> tag because it blocks the rendering of the page. From my research this script load a library or something like this. Is it wise to remove it? Can I do this without consequences on running other JavaScript on my page?
I believe the test page is telling you to put the script tag in the bottom, but still within, the html/body tags. The reason for this is the browser will load that file before continuing on with the rest of the page, thus briefly blocking any content yet to be loaded. You're also using a CDN so if there is a bad network connection then you can expect for there to be perceived performance issues. Inserting the script tags at the bottom yields better perceived performance.
As to whether or not you need jQuery, depends on if your are utilizing it or not, as #Dave Newton said.
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