How to resize the widget at the bottom of the screen in the gridstack.js? - javascript

As i'm using gridstack.js . As i'm facing a problem when resizing the widget at the bottom of the screen. That is scroll is not moving and resize has been blocked.
Can any one suggest me any workaround method to resize the widget.

If you looking on the docs ( you'll find the draggable option, if you alter the "scroll:false" to "scroll:true" that should allow for dragging to automatically scroll when you drag the widget off the page.


HTML 5 JS Draggable Below Viewport

I have a problem with dragging an element below the viewport. When I try to drag the element below the viewport the page will not autoscroll. As you can see in the image I have provided I am trying to drag an element below. The only way I can scroll below the viewport to drop my element in Firefox is to use the mouse wheel.
If I left click and hold while dragging down on this Stack Overflow page the viewport autoscolls downward. This is how I need my web app to perform.
I'm not really sure where to start with this as it is a paid WordPress plugin called Learndash that not properly coded.
Can anyone point me to the correct solution to this problem?
Checkout this link to automatically scroll the window.
Add a margin below your div to allow space to insert
Or add the CSS properties height:500px and overflow-y:scroll in your div

How can I disable mouse-drag scrolling on an element with overflow:scroll

I have a container that holds a chart and I wanted to allow the user to click and drag to pan the chart. It works fine until the user drags the mouse outside the container and then the chart is scrolled rapidly in the wrong direction. This seems to be caused by the default scrolling behavior for example if you click and drag in any other element with a scrollbar and drag the mouse out of it, it will begin to scroll.
Is there a way to disable this behavior or some workaround that could make this work?
I only need this to work in chrome (for now at least)
Check out this site. They are using a jQuery plugin dragscrollable, which you can look up or get it from the view source on that page.

Jquery ui rotated image resize issue

I have an issue, I am using jquery ui resizable. When I rotate the element in chrome, the controls get rotated too but when i resize the div with handles, they are inverted. I mean if i am using sw control, it acts in weird way i.e. i move towards top and the image gets bigger while in actual it should get smaller. This is the problem with rotated divs only not the normal ones.
Here is the js fiddle
You will see two images, one rotated and one normal. Normal works fine for resizing while rotated one resizes as well but in opposite direction. Try to resize the rotated image from the bottom right control and you will see the problem.
I think you need jQuery UI Rotation (it's Russian). Here is a direct download:
Here is a fiddle I made up that implements the plugin:
After including the plugin just add. You can also add a parent div and apply it to that with .parent():
Here is another topic that talks about rotating: jquery rotation plugin - that works like jquery ui resize

Can I show the scrollbar on iPad even when I'm not scrolling?

I'm using "-webkit-overflow-scrolling": "touch" to show the scrollbar on a scrollable element on iPad.
The scroll button appears only when i'm touching the screen but I would like to be permanently visible so the user can see that there is more content.
Any suggestions?
There is no function available to make scrollbar permanently visible. But if you want to implement some thing like this, you should customize this using delegate function for UIScrollView.

Scrolling a div vertically using buttons

I'm building a mobile app using HTML, CSS, Javascript and jQuery.
Is there a way to scroll a div that is longer (700px) than the mobile screen (480px) using only two buttons, one for down and one for up?
So when a user presses and holds the down button it appears to scroll down the div by about 10px at a time.
The mobile app is actually being compiled with Phonegap, so it won't be a mobile website but an actual application.
The application features dragging and dropping quite heavily and in order to do this using JQuery and HTML, I've had to bind the mousedown, mouseup and mousehover events to touch events.
Because of this the user cannot simply drag the screen to scroll as they would a typical application. Therefore, I have decided to go with physical buttons instead of scrolling the navigation div.
The navigation div is set to have a greater height than the canvas (screen height and width) div. This will be the div the user is scrolling.
Is the div you're talking about scrolling the full page itself? Or is it a specific div that you want to "scroll" within the page (kind of like an iframe)?
Both can be done. If you're scrolling the full page, I'm not sure why you'd want to use buttons rather than let Safari simply handle the standard swipe gestures. But, it could be done this way:
Use fixed positioning on the buttons so that they don't move as the rest of the screen scrolls.
Use use jQuery's .scrollTop method to do the scrolling.
If, on the other hand, you want to make a scroll effect on a single div, without the rest of the page scrolling, then just do the following:
Wrap that div in another div that has overflow:hidden; position:relative
Make the inner div position:absolute
Animate the inner div's top property to create the scrolling effect.
You may find this plugin useful:
Anyway, why would you need that? The user may be able to scroll normally with a finger swipe if the content is bigger than the screen.
