React-Native (CRNA) Packager stops running - javascript

I'm working on a react native app built with CRNA.
Everything was working fine until yesterday. Everytime I run the packager with
npm start I get this:
Error starting packager: Error: Could not access packager status at http://localhost:19001/status. Are you sure the packager is running and reachable?
at Timeout._onTimeout (C:\xdl#50.8.0\src\Project.js:1350:11)
at ontimeout (timers.js:482:11)
at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:317:5)
at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:277:5)
While running the packager I tried to reach the address through my browser and it seems to work for a while (it says the packager is currently running), but suddenly stops working and the packager throws me the error above.
I tried to run npm install and checked my package.json but I can't find anything helpful to solve it.
I also tried with a different network, same error.
Could it be a typo in my code that makes the packager go crazy or I have to check something else?

There is an open bug on expo-cli GitHub. I believe need to wait until the bug is resolved.
I am too facing the same issue and for a moment I am using Snack Expo to work on the same machine as of now.
Hope this helps!


EXPO EAS BUILD "HTTP Error: Response code 400 (Bad Request)"

I'm trying to build an apk to test my app but every time I run eas build i get the same error. I've already searched everywhere and can't find a solution.
expo update
solved this problem for me and I was able to successfully run eas build again. I believe there were incompatible packages installed that needed to be updated.
I found the problem, it looks like my ISP was blocking the requisition, using VPN solved the problem

React Native App on android build says "Unable to load script from assets'' " requires a system restart

Whenever I run the application on the android phone I get this type of error shown in the image
What I have tried so far is:
regarding packager or metro bundle,I have to shut down my laptop for 10 minutes or some time then the error vanishes, why it is happening? I am using ubuntu as my operating system.
even when it's an error in code and metro bundle error shows up; still the same issue pops up.
I have tried command killing the adb server and restarting the metro too! but nothing good happens.
'yarn start/npm start' etc but it makes nothing for me except another error
on running
yarn start/npm start
i get this error
This error will be no more if I shut down the system & start after sometime & the project works fine! after it until the next error arrives.
It looks you installed some packages through super user privileges, so when you run your project, some files deny Access.
Moreover please check your react and react-native versions and update them to the latest one. To upgrade to latest version run this command
$ npm install -g react-native-git-upgrade then $ react-native-git-upgrade
Or open package.json and change versions of react to "16.6.3" and react-native to "0.57.8".

expo init <project name> throwing npm ERROR (windows OS)

Just started with expo and React-Native and when I run
expo init ProjectName
I am getting an error stating:
Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...,"version":"7.0.0-bet'
Process exited with non-zero code: 1
Set EXPO_DEBUG=true in your env to view the stack trace.
When I add the said thing in env (using set EXPO_DEBUG=true on windows), I get the following error:
Error: Process exited with non-zero code: 1
at ChildProcess.child.on (C:\Users\mohit\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\expo-cli\node_modules\#expo\spawn-async\build\spawnAsync.js:39:21)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:182:13)
at ChildProcess.cp.emit (C:\Users\mohit\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\expo-cli\node_modules\cross-spawn\lib\enoent.js:40:29)
at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:962:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:251:5)
It's something related to 'spawn-async'. I was also getting issues with 'spawn' sometime earlier while creating a node-server...but I resolved that there and then using 'exec' instead. Tried to find this on expo forums and even in react-native issues but couldn't find a solution. Can someone plz suggest something? Is it some "windows" thing only or something related to npm releases?
P.S: I also ran create-react-native-app ProjectName and again got a similar kind of error about end of JSON input!
Now I know what can be the issue, it can be just the trivial one:
Please update node an npm to the newest available version and please init you project again in different directory.
You'll need to have Node.js (version 10 or newer) installed on
your computer. Download the latest version of Node.js.
Additionally, you'll need Git to create new projects with Expo
CLI. You can download Git from here.
Make sure that you have installed these two things in your device.
Go to doc for expo installation
in my case. make sure you have yarn installed and update tour android studio packages, for it to work

WebStorm keeps crashing my locally ran server because of Git's index.lock

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, lstat 'C:\ProjectDirectory\.git\index.lock'
at Error (native)
I'm using WebStorm and everytime I run the local server for testing purposes using npm start, it crashes inevitably sometimes after doing nothing, and sometimes after making a change or so.
I'm using this React boilerplate and the actual author responded to a bug issue I brought up about this saying "Based on the error, it looks like either your editor or your source control system is locking files."
I'm a bit tired restarting the server every time I make a couple changes and would love to fix this.
Full error log
Only IDE have reason to watch .git/ folder. So if something else tries then it's a bug in configuration.
npm start is an alias for npm-run-all --parallel test:watch open:src lint:watch.
Make sure that .git/ is exempted in their configuration.

EPERM: operation not permitted, lstat when running ng build

I'm getting an ERROR when trying to run ng build on my angular 4 app.
EPERM: operation not permitted, lstat '<dist directory>'
Has anyone encountered this issue?
I had the same problem.
As #Mauricio De La Quintana said, the problem is permission.
In my case (Windows environment), I solved the problem by removing the read-only property from the Repos folder and adding write permission to the Everyone user.
This probably a permission issue, just restart your IDE with admin permissions!
In my case I had to restart VsCode as administrator.
While running npm run build - I received error
Open Task Manager -> Select Chrome - > End Task
-> Select VSCode -> End Task
Opened the Project again -> Run npm run Build ---> worked for me
This has happened in my ASP.NET projects. For me this has happened for one of two reasons.
This can be a permission problem so you need to run Command Prompt as Admin.
a. Press win to open the start menu. Type in cmd to search for Command Prompt.
b. Press ctrl + shift + enter to launch Command Prompt as administrator.
This can happen when you build your web project in Visual Studio(or another IDE) and it is currently running.
a. This is a simple fix click the stop debugging and then try 'ng build' again.
Just restarted the VSCode and ran in admin. That solves my problem.
I saw this problem when running IISNODE...
Solution: Ensure that AppPool Identify from IIS has read permissions all the way from root of harddrive to website files.
Full answer is here
I had this issue while running a build on windows at the same time WSL was running in the directory. The issue was resolved by closing the WSL terminal.
Simply follow these steps
Restart VS Code
run npm run build
I think it is a permission problem, when you do ng build you also delete the previous files. I suggest using
sudo chown -R youruser /pathAngularApp
I had the same problem, and it was related to what #goku_da_master commented, I had the vueJs application running even when my VsCode stopped, I figured it out from the task manager and fixed it like this:
I opened the task manager
I searched if Node.js was running
Right click on the Node.js process
Finish Task
"npm run dev" again
I experienced the same problem. The fix for me was to install the correct node version that the project was requiring (an older one), then closing all terminal windows in VS Code, and relaunching VSC.
To switch node versions, I installed nvm and had to make sure the default alias was pointing towards the exact node version I wanted.
Error : Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, lstat 'C:\Users\Administrator'
We encountered this error after the Windows update.
This Solution worked for me;
Go to C:\Users\Administrator
Rename the file NTUSER.DAT as NTUSER-old.DAT
