Setter not called in one place, working fine elsewhere - javascript

I created a js class:
class Drawer {
Then added a constructor with a single argument:
constructor (elemId) {
// get element by passed id
this.elem = document.getElementById(elemId);
// make sure the element was found
// listen for clicks on the found element
this.elem.addEventListener('click', this.handleDimClick);
// listen for touch events (start, move, cancel, end)
document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', this.handleTouchStart);
This logs the correct element to console.
The handleDimClick function sets a property to false.
Here's the relevant property:
get open() {
return this.isOpen;
set open(value) {
console.log('setting open to ' + value);
this.isOpen = value;
// code omitted
Here is the handleDimClick method:
handleDimClick() {
console.log('handleDimClick setting open to false'); = false;
console.log('handleDimClick open should be false');
This, for some reason, only logs 2 lines to the console:
handleDimClick setting open to false
handleDimClick open should be false
One of the touch handling functions also sets the open property:
handleTouchEnd(e) {
console.log('handleTouchEnd setting open to ' + (irrelevant)); = (irrelevant);
console.log('handleTouchEnd open should be ' + (irrelevant));
And as expected logs to the console:
handleTouchEnd setting open to false
setting open to false
handleTouchEnd open should be false
I'm absolutely out of ideas on why this happens. I tried Ctrl+Shift+R to refresh without cache, but it didn't help. I can see the file is ok in the developer console. The behavior is consistent.


chrome.tabs.update stops working when called from extension

I tried the following code. It basically takes a screenshot from all tabs open in the current window:
function captureWindowTabs(windowId, callbackWithDataUrlArray) {
var dataUrlArray = [];
// get all tabs in the window, { populate: true }, function(windowObj) {
var tabArray = windowObj.tabs;
// find the tab selected at first
for(var i = 0; i < tabArray.length; ++i) {
if(tabArray[i].active) {
var currentTab = tabArray[i];
// recursive function that captures the tab and switches to the next
var photoTab = function(i) {
chrome.tabs.update(tabArray[i].id, { active: true }, function() {
chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(windowId, { format: "png" }, function(dataUrl) {
// add data URL to array
dataUrlArray.push({ tabId:tabArray[i].id, dataUrl: dataUrl });
// switch to the next tab if there is one
if(tabArray[i+1]) {
else {
// if no more tabs, return to the original tab and fire callback
chrome.tabs.update(, { active: true }, function() {
When I call this code from popup.html opened as a webpage, it works as expected (I trigger this from a button click in the popup.html). When I call it from the browser extension, it just gets interrupted from the first tab it selects. Any idea why that is? I can't share errors, since the debugger gets closed when called from the extension.
Supplementary, is there a way to achieve desired result without needing the visual tab switching?
While updating the next tab as active tab. make sure current tab is no more active tab by doing
chrome.tabs.update(tabArray[i-1].id, { active: false }, ()=>{});
Moving the extension to a background script fixed the problem.
Reasoning is that the popup will close once the tab switches. Hence it is required to run in the background where it is not interrupted when the popup closes.

detect when challenge window is closed for Google recaptcha

I am using Google invisible recaptcha. Is there a way to detect when the challenge window is closed? By challenge window I mean window where you have to pick some images for verification.
I currently put a spinner on the button that rendered the recaptcha challenge, once the button is clicked. There is no way for the user to be prompted with another challenge window.
I am calling render function programmatically:
grecaptcha.render(htmlElement, { callback: this.verified, expiredCallback: this.resetRecaptcha, sitekey: this.siteKey, theme: "light", size: "invisible" });
I have 2 callback functions wired up the verified and the resetRecaptcha functions which look like:
function resetRecaptcha() {
function verified(recaptchaResponse)
which calls the server to validate
I would have expected that grecaptcha.render has another callback that is called when the challenge screen is closed without the user verifying himself by selecting the images.
As you mention, the API doesn't support this feature.
However, you can add this feature yourself. You may use the following code with caution, Google might change its reCaptcha and by doing so break this custom code. The solution relies on two characteristics of reCaptcha, so if the code doesn't work, look there first:
the window iframe src: contains ""
the CSS opacity property: changed to 0 when the window is closed
// to begin: we listen to the click on our submit button
// where the invisible reCaptcha has been attachtted to
// when clicked the first time, we setup the close listener
recaptchaButton.addEventListener('click', function(){
if(!window.recaptchaCloseListener) initListener()
function initListener() {
// set a global to tell that we are listening
window.recaptchaCloseListener = true
// find the open reCaptcha window
HTMLCollection.prototype.find = Array.prototype.find
var recaptchaWindow = document
// and now we are listening on CSS changes on it
// when the opacity has been changed to 0 we know that
// the window has been closed
new MutationObserver(x => == 0 && onClose())
.observe(recaptchaWindow, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['style'] })
// now do something with this information
function onClose() {
console.log('recaptcha window has been closed')
As I mentioned in the comments of the answer submitted by #arcs, it is a good solution which works but it also fires onClose() when the user successfully completes the challenge. My solution is to change the onClose() function like so:
// now do something with this information
function onClose() {
if(!grecaptcha.getResponse()) {
console.log('recaptcha window has been closed')
This way, it only executes the desired code if the challenge has been closed and it has not been completed by the user, thus the response cannot be returned with grecaptcha.getResponse()
The drawback of detecting when iframe was hidden is that it fires not only when user closes captcha by clicking in background, but also when he submits the answer.
What I needed is detect only the first situation (cancel captcha).
I created a dom observer to detect when captcha is attached to DOM, then I disconnect it (because it is no longer needed) and add click handler to its background element.
Keep in mind that this solution is sensitive to any changes in DOM structure, so if google decides to change it for whatever reason, it may break.
Also remember to cleanup the observers/listeners, in my case (react) I do it in cleanup function of useEffect.
const captchaBackgroundClickHandler = () => { whatever you need on captcha cancel
const domObserver = new MutationObserver(() => {
const iframe = document.querySelector("iframe[src^=\"\"][src*=\"bframe\"]");
if (iframe) {
captchaBackground = iframe.parentNode?.parentNode?.firstChild;
captchaBackground?.addEventListener("click", captchaBackgroundClickHandler);
domObserver.observe(document.documentElement || document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
To work in IE this solution needs polyfills for .include() and Array.from(), found below:
Array.from on the Internet Explorer
ie does not support 'includes' method
And the updated code:
function initListener() {
// set a global to tell that we are listening
window.recaptchaCloseListener = true
// find the open reCaptcha window
var frames = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'));
var recaptchaWindow;
if (x.src.includes('') ){
recaptchaWindow = x.parentNode.parentNode;
// and now we are listening on CSS changes on it
// when the opacity has been changed to 0 we know that
// the window has been closed
new MutationObserver(function(){ == 0 && onClose();
.observe(recaptchaWindow, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['style'] })
My solution:
let removeRecaptchaOverlayEventListener = null
const reassignGRecatchaExecute = () => {
if (!window.grecaptcha || !window.grecaptcha.execute) {
/* save original grecaptcha.execute */
const originalExecute = window.grecaptcha.execute
window.grecaptcha.execute = (...params) => {
try {
/* find challenge iframe */
const recaptchaIframe = [...document.body.getElementsByTagName('iframe')].find(el => el.src.match(''))
const recaptchaOverlay = recaptchaIframe.parentElement.parentElement.firstElementChild
/* detect when the recaptcha challenge window is closed and reset captcha */
!removeRecaptchaOverlayEventListener && recaptchaOverlay.addEventListener('click', window.grecaptcha.reset)
/* save remove event listener for click event */
removeRecaptchaOverlayEventListener = () => recaptchaOverlay.removeEventListener('click', window.grecaptcha.reset)
} catch (error) {
} finally {
Call this function after you run window.grecaptcha.render() and before window.grecaptcha.execute()
And don't forget to remove event listener: removeRecaptchaOverlayEventListener()
For everybody that didn't quite get how it all works, here is another example with explanations that you might find useful:
So we have 2 challenges here.
1) Detect when the challenge is shown and get the overlay div of the challenge
function detectWhenReCaptchaChallengeIsShown() {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
const targetElement = document.body;
const observerConfig = {
childList: true,
attributes: false,
attributeOldValue: false,
characterData: false,
characterDataOldValue: false,
subtree: false
function DOMChangeCallbackFunction(mutationRecords) {
mutationRecords.forEach((mutationRecord) => {
if (mutationRecord.addedNodes.length) {
var reCaptchaParentContainer = mutationRecord.addedNodes[0];
var reCaptchaIframe = reCaptchaParentContainer.querySelectorAll('iframe[title*="recaptcha"]');
if (reCaptchaIframe.length) {
var reCaptchaChallengeOverlayDiv = reCaptchaParentContainer.firstChild;
if (reCaptchaChallengeOverlayDiv.length) {
const reCaptchaObserver = new MutationObserver(DOMChangeCallbackFunction);
reCaptchaObserver.observe(targetElement, observerConfig);
First, we created a target element that we would observe for Google iframe appearance. We targeted document.body as an iframe will be appended to it:
const targetElement = document.body;
Then we created a config object for MutationObserver. Here we might specify what exactly we track in DOM changes. Please note that all values are 'false' by default so we could only leave 'childList' - which means that we would observe only the child node changes for the target element - document.body in our case:
const observerConfig = {
childList: true,
attributes: false,
attributeOldValue: false,
characterData: false,
characterDataOldValue: false,
subtree: false
Then we created a function that would be invoked when an observer detects a specific type of DOM change that we specified in config object. The first argument represents an array of Mutation Observer objects. We grabbed the overlay div and returned in with Promise.
function DOMChangeCallbackFunction(mutationRecords) {
mutationRecords.forEach((mutationRecord) => {
if (mutationRecord.addedNodes.length) { //check only when notes were added to DOM
var reCaptchaParentContainer = mutationRecord.addedNodes[0];
var reCaptchaIframe = reCaptchaParentContainer.querySelectorAll('iframe[title*="recaptcha"]');
if (reCaptchaIframe.length) { // Google reCaptcha iframe was loaded
var reCaptchaChallengeOverlayDiv = reCaptchaParentContainer.firstChild;
if (reCaptchaChallengeOverlayDiv.length) {
reCaptchaObserver.disconnect(); // We don't want to observe more DOM changes for better performance
resolve(reCaptchaChallengeOverlayDiv); // Returning the overlay div to detect close events
Lastly we instantiated an observer itself and started observing DOM changes:
const reCaptchaObserver = new MutationObserver(DOMChangeCallbackFunction);
reCaptchaObserver.observe(targetElement, observerConfig);
2) Second challenge is the main question of that post - how do we detect that the challenge is closed? Well, we need help of MutationObserver again.
detectReCaptchaChallengeAppearance().then(function (reCaptchaChallengeOverlayDiv) {
var reCaptchaChallengeClosureObserver = new MutationObserver(function () {
if (( === 'hidden') && !grecaptcha.getResponse()) {
// TADA!! Do something here as the challenge was either closed by hitting outside of an overlay div OR by pressing ESC key
reCaptchaChallengeClosureObserver.observe(reCaptchaChallengeOverlayDiv, {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['style']
So what we did is we get the Google reCaptcha challenge overlay div with the Promise we created in Step1 and then we subscribed for "style" changes on overlay div. This is because when the challenge is closed - Google fade it out.
It's important to note that the visibility will be also hidden when a person solves the captcha successfully. That is why we added !grecaptcha.getResponse() check. It will return nothing unless the challenge is resolved.
This is pretty much it - I hope that helps :)

Prevent calling ajax on scroll when already called

I have a plugin that tells me if an element is visible in the viewport with $('#element').visible() (set to true when visible).
Now I want to create a function that I scroll down a page and load new content with ajax. I have this so far:
window.onscroll = function() {
if ($('#ele').visible()) {
//ajax call comes here
As soon as I see the element my log shows true:
I don't have problems implementing the ajax-request now, but shouldn't I block this function to occur only once? How could I prevent that a new element that already has been loaded to load again (prevent using ajax again)?
I thought of using a boolean-variable, but my problem is that I don't know how to implement that because if I set a variable, how would the browser know it's value? Because on every move of my mousewheel it cant remember what that variable's value was?
I tried the code of Ismail and it never reaches the ajax call (alert won't show).
window.onscroll = function() {
var ajaxExecuted = false;
var ele = $('#load_more').visible();
return function() {
if (ajaxExecuted) return;
if (ele) {
var ajaxArray;
ajaxArray = { page: 2 }
ajaxLoadContent(ajaxArray, "load_more", "ajax_load");
ajaxExecuted = true;
You can use this:
window.onscroll = (function() {
var ajaxExecuted = false;
return function() {
if(ajaxExecuted) return;
if ($('#ele').visible()) {
$.ajax({...}).success(function() {
//Your code here;
ajaxExecuted = true;
One easy solution: set a boolean to true when the element first becomes visible and set it to false when it stops being visible. Only fire the request if those states mismatch (i.e. if it's visible but the boolean is false - that means it's the first time you've seen the window. You'd then set the bool afterwards so it won't fire off anymore until it disappears and reappears again).

Click all anchor tags on page with given class, but cancel prior to navigation

Trying to automate some testing for some analytics tracking code, and I'm running into issues when I try passing links into the each() method.
I copied a lot of this from stackoverflow - how to follow all links in casperjs, but I don't need return the href of the link; I need to return the link itself (so I can click it). I keep getting this error: each() only works with arrays. Am I not returning an array?
For each anchor tag that has .myClass, click it, then return requested parameters from casper.options.onResourceReceived e.g. event category, event action, etc. I may or may not have to cancel the navigation the happens after the click; I simply only need to review the request, and do not need the follow page to load.
Testing steps:
click link that has .myClass
look at request parameters
cancel the click to prevent it from going to the next page.
I'm new to javascript and casper.js, so I apologize if I'm misinterpreting.
I've updated the code to instead return an array of classes. There are a few sketchy bits of code in this though (see comments inline).
However, I'm now having issues canceling the navigation after the click. .Clear() canceled all js. Anyway to prevent default action happening after click? Like e.preventDefault();?
var casper = require('casper').create({
verbose: true,
logLevel: 'debug'
casper.options.onResourceReceived = function(arg1, response) {
if (response.url.indexOf('t=event') > -1) {
var query = decodeURI(response.url);
var data = query.split('&');
var result = {};
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var item = data[i].split('=');
result[item[0]] = item[1];
console.log('EVENT CATEGORY = ' + + '\n' +
'EVENT ACTION = ' + result.ea + '\n' +
'EVENT LABEL = ' + decodeURIComponent(result.el) + '\n' +
'REQUEST STATUS = ' + response.status
var links;
//var myClass = '.myClass';
casper.start('', function getLinks() {
links = this.evaluate(function() {
var links = document.querySelectorAll('.myClass');
// having issues when I attempted to pass in myClass var.
links =, function(link) {
// seems like a sketchy way to get a class. what happens if there are multiple classes?
return link.getAttribute('class');
return links;
casper.waitForSelector('.myClass', function() {
this.echo('selector is here');
this.each(links, function(self, link) {
self.echo('this is a class : ' + link);
// again this is horrible'.' + link);
}); {
There are two problems that you're dealing with.
1. Select elements based on class
Usually a class is used multiple times. So when you first select elements based on this class, you will get elements that have that class, but it is not guaranteed that this will be unique. See for example this selection of element that you may select by .myClass:
myClass myClass2
myClass myClass3
myClass myClass3
When you later iterate over those class names, you've got a problem, because 4 and 5 can never be clicked using"." + links[i].replace(" ", ".")) (you need to additionally replace spaces with dots). only clicks the first occurrence of the specific selector. That is why I used createXPathFromElement taken from stijn de ryck to find the unique XPath expression for every element inside the page context.
You can then click the correct element via the unique XPath like this[i]));
2. Cancelling navigation
This may depend on what your page actually is.
Note: I use the casper.test property which is the Tester module. You get access to it by invoking casper like this: casperjs test script.js.
Note: There is also the casper.waitForResource function. Have a look at it.
2.1 Web 1.0
When a click means a new page will be loaded, you may add an event handler to the page.resource.requested event. You can then abort() the request without resetting the page back to the startURL.
var resourceAborted = false;
casper.on('page.resource.requested', function(requestData, request){
if (requestData.url.match(/someURLMatching/)) {
// you can also check requestData.headers which is an array of objects:
// [{name: "header name", value: "some value"}]
casper.test.pass("resource passed");
} else {"resource failed");
if (requestData.url != startURL) {
resourceAborted = true;
and in the test flow:
casper.each(links, function(self, link){
self.waitFor(function check(){
return resourceAborted;
resourceAborted = false; // reset state
2.2 Single page application
There may be so many event handlers attached, that it is quite hard to prevent them all. An easier way (at least for me) is to
get all the unique element paths,
iterate over the list and do every time the following:
Open the original page again (basically a reset for every link)
do the click on the current XPath
This is basically what I do in this answer.
Since single page apps don't load pages. The navigation.requested and page.resource.requested will not be triggered. You need the resource.requested event if you want to check some API call:
var clickPassed = -1;
casper.on('resource.requested', function(requestData, request){
if (requestData.url.match(/someURLMatching/)) {
// you can also check requestData.headers which is an array of objects:
// [{name: "header name", value: "some value"}]
clickPassed = true;
} else {
clickPassed = false;
and in the test flow:
casper.each(links, function(self, link){
self.waitFor(function check(){
return clickPassed !== -1;
}, function then(){
clickPassed = -1;
}, function onTimeout(){"Resource timeout");

Detect if chrome panels are enabled

I would like to detect if panels are enabled in chrome, in javascript.
Currently, you can create a panel with this code:{ url: "[url]", width: 500, height: 516, type: 'panel'});
When panels in chrome are disabled, it opens a popup.
But the problem is that panels are not enabled on every chrome build. but people can enable it by hand on chrome://flags. So when flags are disabled, I want to redirect people to that page so they can enable panels.
You can detect if the opened window is a panel using the alwaysOnTop boolean property in the callback of{
url: '...url...', // ...
type: 'panel'
}, function(windowInfo) {
// if windowInfo.alwaysOnTop is true , then it's a panel.
// Otherwise, it is just a popup
If you want to detect whether flags are enabled or not, create the window, read the value, then remove it. Because the creation process is asynchrous, the value retrieval must be implemented using a callback.
var _isPanelEnabled;
var _isPanelEnabledQueue = [];
function getPanelFlagState(callback) {
if (typeof callback != 'function') throw Error('callback function required');
if (typeof _isPanelEnabled == 'boolean') {
callback(_isPanelEnabled); // Use cached result
if (_isPanelEnabled == 'checking')
_isPanelEnabled = 'checking';{
url: 'about:blank',
type: 'panel'
}, function(windowInfo) {
_isPanelEnabled = windowInfo.alwaysOnTop;;
// Handle all queued callbacks
while (callback = _isPanelEnabledQueue.shift()) {
// Usage:
getPanelFlagState(function(isEnabled) {
alert('Panels are ' + isEnabled);
Because the flag can only be toggled by reloading the Chrome browser, it makes sense to cache the value of the flag (as shown in the function). To make sure that the window creation test happens only once, the callbacks are queued.
