padStart() not working in IE11 - javascript

I'm using angularjs 1.7.2 and kendo ui scheduler. All routes are working fine in almost all browser except when it comes to padStart() part in IE 11.
When padStart code is taken this error shows up
TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'padStart'
let ret = '#' + ((r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).padStart(6, '0');
Is there a way we can handle this or an alternative way for implementing padStart

IE 11 is not supporting this function. Please take a look here:
What you are looking for are polyfills to fill up missing functions of your browser.
The following code also taken from will help you:
if (!String.prototype.padStart) {
String.prototype.padStart = function padStart(targetLength,padString) {
targetLength = targetLength>>0; //truncate if number or convert non-number to 0;
padString = String((typeof padString !== 'undefined' ? padString : ' '));
if (this.length > targetLength) {
return String(this);
else {
targetLength = targetLength-this.length;
if (targetLength > padString.length) {
padString += padString.repeat(targetLength/padString.length); //append to original to ensure we are longer than needed
return padString.slice(0,targetLength) + String(this);
Edit: As mentioned in the comments, by #Plaute, the function repeat needs also to be polyfilled which can be found here:
Or include this snippet:
if (!String.prototype.repeat) {
String.prototype.repeat = function(count) {
'use strict';
if (this == null) {
throw new TypeError('can\'t convert ' + this + ' to object');
var str = '' + this;
count = +count;
if (count != count) {
count = 0;
if (count < 0) {
throw new RangeError('repeat count must be non-negative');
if (count == Infinity) {
throw new RangeError('repeat count must be less than infinity');
count = Math.floor(count);
if (str.length == 0 || count == 0) {
return '';
// Ensuring count is a 31-bit integer allows us to heavily optimize the
// main part. But anyway, most current (August 2014) browsers can't handle
// strings 1 << 28 chars or longer, so:
if (str.length * count >= 1 << 28) {
throw new RangeError('repeat count must not overflow maximum string size');
var maxCount = str.length * count;
count = Math.floor(Math.log(count) / Math.log(2));
while (count) {
str += str;
str += str.substring(0, maxCount - str.length);
return str;
Alternatively, to work around the String.prototype.repeat dependency, use the following line:
padString += Array.apply(null, Array(targetLength)).map(function(){ return padString; }).join("");


Inserting into a number string

Have the function DashInsert(num) insert dashes ('-') between each two odd numbers in num. For example: if num is 454793 the output should be 4547-9-3. Don't count zero as an odd number.
Here is my code (not working). When I run it, I get the same response as an infinite loop where I have to kill the page but I can't see why. I know there are ways to do this by keeping it as a string but now I'm wondering why my way isn't working. Thanks...
function DashInsert(num) {
num = num.split("");
for (i = 1; i < num.length; i++) {
if (num[i - 1] % 2 != 0 && num[i] % 2 != 0) {
num.splice(i, 0, "-");
num = num.join("");
return num;
Using num.splice you are inserting new entries into the array, therefor increasing its length – and that makes the value of i “running behind” the increasing length of the array, so the break condition is never met.
And apart from that, on the next iteration after inserting a -, num[i-1] will be that - character, and therefor you are practically trying to check if '-' % 2 != 0 … that makes little sense as well.
So, when you insert a - into the array, you have to increase i by one as well – that will a) account for the length of the array having increased by one, and also it will check the next digit after the - on the next iteration:
function DashInsert(num) {
num = num.split("");
for (i = 1; i < num.length; i++) {
if (num[i - 1] % 2 != 0 && num[i] % 2 != 0) {
num.splice(i, 0, "-");
i++; // <- this is the IMPORTANT part!
num = num.join("");
return num;
Once you insert a dash -, the if statement is checking this '-'%2 != 0 which is always true and thus inserts another dash, ad infinitum.
Here's one way to do it with replace using a regex and function:
function DashInsert(n) {
var f = function(m,i,s) { return m&s[i+1]&1 ? m+'-' : m; };
return String(n).replace(/\d/g,f);
DashInsert(454793) // "4547-9-3"
When you are adding a dash, this dash will be processed as a number on the next iteration. You need to forward one step.
function DashInsert(num) {
var num = num.split("");
for (var i = 1; i < num.length; i++) {
if ((num[i - 1] % 2 != 0) && (num[i] % 2 != 0)) {
num.splice(i, 0, "-");
i++; // This is the only thing that needs changing
num = num.join("");
return num;
It's because there are cases when you use the % operator on dash '-' itself, e.g. right after you splice a dash into the array.
You can correct this behavior by using a clone array.
function DashInsert(num) {
num = num.split("");
var clone = num.slice(0);
var offset = 0;
for (i = 1; i < num.length; i++) {
if (num[i - 1] % 2 != 0 && num[i] % 2 != 0) {
clone.splice(i + offset, 0, "-");
return clone.join("");
Output: 45-7-3-9
To complement the great answers already given, I would like to share an alternative implementation, that doesn't modify arrays in-place:
function DashInsert(num) {
var characters = num.split("");
var numbers = {
return parseInt(chr, 10);
var withDashes = numbers.reduce(function(result, current) {
var lastNumber = result[result.length - 1];
if(lastNumber == null || current % 2 === 0 || lastNumber % 2 === 0) {
return result.concat(current);
} else {
return result.concat("-", current);
}, []);
return withDashes.join("");
It's longer, but IMHO reveals the intention better, and avoids the original issue.

Convert column index into corresponding column letter

I need to convert a Google Spreadsheet column index into its corresponding letter value, for example, given a spreadsheet:
I need to do this (this function obviously does not exist, it's an example):
getColumnLetterByIndex(4); // this should return "D"
getColumnLetterByIndex(1); // this should return "A"
getColumnLetterByIndex(6); // this should return "F"
Now, I don't recall exactly if the index starts from 0 or from 1, anyway the concept should be clear.
I didn't find anything about this on gas documentation.. am I blind? Any idea?
Thank you
I wrote these a while back for various purposes (will return the double-letter column names for column numbers > 26):
function columnToLetter(column)
var temp, letter = '';
while (column > 0)
temp = (column - 1) % 26;
letter = String.fromCharCode(temp + 65) + letter;
column = (column - temp - 1) / 26;
return letter;
function letterToColumn(letter)
var column = 0, length = letter.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
column += (letter.charCodeAt(i) - 64) * Math.pow(26, length - i - 1);
return column;
This works good
even for columns beyond Z.
Simply replace COLUMN() with your column number. The value of ROW() doesn't matter.
No need to reinvent the wheel here, use the GAS range instead:
var column_index = 1; // your column to resolve
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var range = sheet.getRange(1, column_index, 1, 1);
Logger.log(range.getA1Notation().match(/([A-Z]+)/)[0]); // Logs "A"
This takes your cell, gets it's address as e.g. C1, and removes the "1".
How it works
COLUMN() gives the number of the column of the cell.
ADDRESS(1, ..., <format>) gives an address of a cell, in format speficied by <format> parameter. 4 means the address you know - e.g. C1.
The row doesn't matter here, so we use 1.
See ADDRESS docs
Finally, SUBSTITUTE(..., "1", "") replaces the 1 in the address C1, so you're left with the column letter.
This works on ranges A-Z
formula =char(64+column())
js String.fromCharCode(64+colno)
an google spreadsheet appscript code, based on #Gardener would be:
function columnName(index) {
var cname = String.fromCharCode(65 + ((index - 1) % 26));
if (index > 26)
cname = String.fromCharCode(64 + (index - 1) / 26) + cname;
return cname;
In javascript:
X = (n) => (a=Math.floor(n/26)) >= 0 ? X(a-1) + String.fromCharCode(65+(n%26)) : '';
console.assert (X(0) == 'A')
console.assert (X(25) == 'Z')
console.assert (X(26) == 'AA')
console.assert (X(51) == 'AZ')
console.assert (X(52) == 'BA')
Adding to #SauloAlessandre's answer, this will work for columns up from A-ZZ.
=if(column() >26,char(64+(column()-1)/26),) & char(65 + mod(column()-1,26))
I like the answers by #wronex and #Ondra Žižka. However, I really like the simplicity of #SauloAlessandre's answer.
So, I just added the obvious code to allow #SauloAlessandre's answer to work for wider spreadsheets.
As #Dave mentioned in his comment, it does help to have a programming background, particularly one in C where we added the hex value of 'A' to a number to get the nth letter of the alphabet as a standard pattern.
Answer updated to catch the error pointed out by #Sangbok Lee. Thank you!
I was looking for a solution in PHP. Maybe this will help someone.
$numberToLetter = function(int $number)
if ($number <= 0) return null;
$temp; $letter = '';
while ($number > 0) {
$temp = ($number - 1) % 26;
$letter = chr($temp + 65) . $letter;
$number = ($number - $temp - 1) / 26;
return $letter;
$letterToNumber = function(string $letters) {
$letters = strtoupper($letters);
$letters = preg_replace("/[^A-Z]/", '', $letters);
$column = 0;
$length = strlen($letters);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$column += (ord($letters[$i]) - 64) * pow(26, $length - $i - 1);
return $column;
string(1) "Z"
string(2) "AA"
string(2) "AD"
Simple way through Google Sheet functions, A to Z.
=column(B2) : value is 2
=address(1, column(B2)) : value is $B$1
=mid(address(1, column(B2)),2,1) : value is B
It's a complicated way through Google Sheet functions, but it's also more than AA.
=mid(address(1, column(AB3)),2,len(address(1, column(AB3)))-3) : value is AB
I also was looking for a Python version here is mine which was tested on Python 3.6
def columnToLetter(column):
character = chr(ord('A') + column % 26)
remainder = column // 26
if column >= 26:
return columnToLetter(remainder-1) + character
return character
A comment on my answer says you wanted a script function for it. All right, here we go:
function excelize(colNum) {
var order = 1, sub = 0, divTmp = colNum;
do {
divTmp -= order; sub += order; order *= 26;
divTmp = (divTmp - (divTmp % 26)) / 26;
} while(divTmp > 0);
var symbols = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
var tr = c => symbols[symbols.indexOf(c)+10];
return Number(colNum-sub).toString(26).split('').map(c=>tr(c)).join('');
This can handle any number JS can handle, I think.
Since this is not base26, we need to substract the base times order for each additional symbol ("digit"). So first we count the order of the resulting number, and at the same time count the number to substract. And then we convert it to base 26 and substract that, and then shift the symbols to A-Z instead of 0-P.
Anyway, this question is turning into a code golf :)
Java Apache POI
String columnLetter = CellReference.convertNumToColString(columnNumber);
This will cover you out as far as column AZ:
=iferror(if(match(A2,$A$1:$AZ$1,0)<27,char(64+(match(A2,$A$1:$AZ$1,0))),concatenate("A",char(38+(match(A2,$A$1:$AZ$1,0))))),"No match")
A function to convert a column index to letter combinations, recursively:
function lettersFromIndex(index, curResult, i) {
if (i == undefined) i = 11; //enough for Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
if (curResult == undefined) curResult = "";
var factor = Math.floor(index / Math.pow(26, i)); //for the order of magnitude 26^i
if (factor > 0 && i > 0) {
curResult += String.fromCharCode(64 + factor);
curResult = lettersFromIndex(index - Math.pow(26, i) * factor, curResult, i - 1);
} else if (factor == 0 && i > 0) {
curResult = lettersFromIndex(index, curResult, i - 1);
} else {
curResult += String.fromCharCode(64 + index % 26);
return curResult;
function lettersFromIndex(index, curResult, i) {
if (i == undefined) i = 11; //enough for Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
if (curResult == undefined) curResult = "";
var factor = Math.floor(index / Math.pow(26, i));
if (factor > 0 && i > 0) {
curResult += String.fromCharCode(64 + factor);
curResult = lettersFromIndex(index - Math.pow(26, i) * factor, curResult, i - 1);
} else if (factor == 0 && i > 0) {
curResult = lettersFromIndex(index, curResult, i - 1);
} else {
curResult += String.fromCharCode(64 + index % 26);
return curResult;
document.getElementById("result1").innerHTML = lettersFromIndex(32);
document.getElementById("result2").innerHTML = lettersFromIndex(6800);
document.getElementById("result3").innerHTML = lettersFromIndex(9007199254740991);
32 --> <span id="result1"></span><br> 6800 --> <span id="result2"></span><br> 9007199254740991 --> <span id="result3"></span>
In python, there is the gspread library
import gspread
column_letter = gspread.utils.rowcol_to_a1(1, <put your col number here>)[:-1]
If you cannot use python, I suggest looking the source code of rowcol_to_a1() in
Here's a two liner which works beyond ZZ using recursion:
def col_to_letter(n):
return col_to_letter((n-1)//26) + col_to_letter(n%26) if n > 26 else l[n-1]
function colToLetter(n) {
return n > 26 ? colToLetter(Math.floor((n-1)/26)) + colToLetter(n%26) : l[n-1]
If you need a version directly in the sheet, here a solution:
For the colonne 4, we can use :
I keep the row number to 1 for simplicty.
The above formula returns $D$1 which is not what you want.
By modifying the formula a little bit we can remove the dollar signs in the cell reference.
Adding four as the third argument tells the formula that we are not looking for absolute cell reference.
Now the returns is : D1
So you only need to remove the 1 to get the colonne lettre if you need, for example with :
That returns D.
This is a way to convert column letters to column numbers.
=mmult(ArrayFormula(ifna(vlookup(substitute(mid(rept(" ",3-len(filter(A:A,A:A<>"")))&filter(A:A,A:A<>""),sequence(1,3),1)," ",""),{char(64+sequence(26)),sequence(26)},2,0),0)*{676,26,1}),sequence(3,1,1,0))
Screenshot of the Google Sheet
Don't use 26 radix. Like below.
const n2c = n => {
if (!n) return '';
// Column number to 26 radix. From 0 to p.
// Column number starts from 1. Subtract 1.
return [...(n-1).toString(26)]
// to ascii number
.map((c,i,arr)=> {
// last digit
if (i===arr.length-1) return c;
// 10 -> p
else if (arr.length - i > 2 && arr[i+1]===48) return c===49 ? null : c-2;
// 0 -> p
else if (c===48) return 112;
// a-1 -> 9
else if (c===97) return 57;
// Subtract 1 except last digit.
// Look at 10. This should be AA not BA.
else return c-1;
// Convert with the ascii table. [0-9]->[A-J] and [a-p]->[K-Z]
// to char
const table = document.createElement('table');
table.border = 1;
table.cellPadding = 3;
for(let i=0, row; i<1380; i++) {
if (i%5===0) row = table.insertRow();
row.insertCell().textContent = i;
row.insertCell().textContent = n2c(i);
td:nth-child(odd) { background: gray; color: white; }
td:nth-child(even) { background: silver; }
Simple typescript functional approach
const integerToColumn = (integer: number): string => {
const base26 = (x: number): string =>
x < 26
? String.fromCharCode(65 + x)
: base26((x / 26) - 1) + String.fromCharCode(65 + x % 26)
return base26(integer)
console.log(integerToColumn(0)) // "A"
console.log(integerToColumn(1)) // "B"
console.log(integerToColumn(2)) // "C"
Here is a general version written in Scala. It's for a column index start at 0 (it's simple to modify for an index start at 1):
def indexToColumnBase(n: Int, base: Int): String = {
require(n >= 0, s"Index is non-negative, n = $n")
require(2 <= base && base <= 26, s"Base in range 2...26, base = $base")
def digitFromZeroToLetter(n: BigInt): String =
('A' + n.toInt).toChar.toString
def digitFromOneToLetter(n: BigInt): String =
('A' - 1 + n.toInt).toChar.toString
def lhsConvert(n: Int): String = {
val q0: Int = n / base
val r0: Int = n % base
val q1 = if (r0 == 0) (n - base) / base else q0
val r1 = if (r0 == 0) base else r0
if (q1 == 0)
lhsConvert(q1) + digitFromOneToLetter(r1)
val q: Int = n / base
val r: Int = n % base
if (q == 0)
lhsConvert(q) + digitFromZeroToLetter(r)
def indexToColumnAtoZ(n: Int): String = {
val AtoZBase = 26
indexToColumnBase(n, AtoZBase)
In PowerShell:
function convert-IndexToColumn
"$(if($col -gt 26){[char][int][math]::Floor(64+($col-1)/26)})$([char](65 + (($col-1) % 26)))"
Here is a 0-indexed JavaScript function without a maximum value, as it uses a while-loop:
function indexesToA1Notation(row, col) {
const letterCount = 'Z'.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt() + 1;
row += 1
let colName = ''
while (col >= 0) {
let rem = col % letterCount
colName = String.fromCharCode('A'.charCodeAt() + rem)
col -= rem
col /= letterCount
return `${colName}${row}`
//Test runs:
console.log(indexesToA1Notation(0,0)) //A1
console.log(indexesToA1Notation(37,9)) //J38
console.log(indexesToA1Notation(5,747)) //ABT6
I wrote it for a web-app, so I'm not 100% sure it works in Google Apps Script, but it is normal JavaScript, so I assume it will.
For some reason I cant get the snippet to show its output, but you can copy the code to some online playground if you like
Here's a zero-indexed version (in Python):
letters = []
while column >= 0:
letters.append(string.ascii_uppercase[column % 26])
column = column // 26 - 1
return ''.join(reversed(letters))

Constructing Regular Expressions to match numeric ranges

I'm looking for a way to construct regular expressions to match numeric inputs specified by a given integer range, ie. if I pass in a range of 1,3-4 then a regex would be returned matching just 1, 3 and 4.
I wrote the following method to try and do this:
function generateRegex(values) {
if (values == "*") {
return new RegExp("^[0-9]+$");
} else {
return new RegExp("^[" + values + "]+$");
I'm having issues however as sometimes I need to match double digits, such as "8-16", and I also need to ensure that if I am passed a single digit value, such as "1", that the generated regex matches only 1, and not say 11.
I really would like this to remain a pretty small snippet of code, but am not sure enough about regexs to know how to do this. Would be massively grateful for any help!
EDIT: I realise I wasn't clear, with my original paragraph, so have edited it. I realise the regex's that I originally generated do not work at all
Regexes don't know anything about numbers, only digits. So [8-16] is invalid because you say match between 8 and 1 (instead of 1 and 8 e.g.) plus the digit 6.
If you want to match numbers, you have to consider them lexically. For example, to match numbers between 1 and 30, you have to write something like (other regexes exist):
I was sure it was 4-8 hours :-) In the end (and in its uselessness) it was a good exercise in composing Regexes. You are free to try it. If we exclude one use of continue and the use of the Array constructor, it's fully jsLint ok.
var BuildRegex = function(matches) {
"use strict";
var splits = matches.split(','),
res = '^(',
i, subSplit, min, max, temp, tempMin;
if (splits.length === 0) {
return new RegExp('^()$');
for (i = 0; i < splits.length; i += 1) {
if (splits[i] === '*') {
return new RegExp('^([0-9]+)$');
subSplit = splits[i].split('-');
min = BuildRegex.Trim(subSplit[0], '0');
if (min === '') {
return null;
if (subSplit.length === 1) {
res += min;
res += '|';
} else if (subSplit.length > 2) {
return null;
max = BuildRegex.Trim(subSplit[1], '0');
if (max === '') {
return null;
if (min.length > max.length) {
return null;
// For 2-998 we first produce 2-9, then 10-99
temp = BuildRegex.DifferentLength(res, min, max);
tempMin = temp.min;
if (tempMin === null) {
return null;
res = temp.res;
// Then here 100-998
res = BuildRegex.SameLength(res, tempMin, max);
res = res.substr(0, res.length - 1);
res += ')$';
return new RegExp(res);
BuildRegex.Repeat = function(ch, n) {
"use strict";
return new Array(n + 1).join(ch);
BuildRegex.Trim = function(str, ch) {
"use strict";
var i = 0;
while (i < str.length && str[i] === ch) {
i += 1;
return str.substr(i);
BuildRegex.IsOnlyDigit = function(str, start, digit) {
"use strict";
var i;
for (i = start; i < str.length; i += 1) {
if (str[i] !== digit) {
return false;
return true;
BuildRegex.RangeDigit = function(min, max) {
"use strict";
if (min === max) {
return min;
return '[' + min + '-' + max + ']';
BuildRegex.DifferentLength = function(res, min, max) {
"use strict";
var tempMin = min,
i, tempMax;
for (i = min.length; i < max.length; i += 1) {
tempMax = BuildRegex.Repeat('9', i);
res = BuildRegex.SameLength(res, tempMin, tempMax);
tempMin = '1' + BuildRegex.Repeat('0', i);
if (tempMin > tempMax) {
return null;
return {
min: tempMin,
res: res
BuildRegex.SameLength = function(res, min, max) {
"use strict";
var commonPart;
// 100-100
if (min === max) {
res += min;
res += '|';
return res;
for (commonPart = 0; commonPart < min.length; commonPart += 1) {
if (min[commonPart] !== max[commonPart]) {
res = BuildRegex.RecursivelyAddRange(res, min.substr(0, commonPart), min.substr(commonPart), max.substr(commonPart));
return res;
BuildRegex.RecursivelyAddRange = function(res, prefix, min, max) {
"use strict";
var only0Min, only9Max, i, middleMin, middleMax;
if (min.length === 1) {
res += prefix;
res += BuildRegex.RangeDigit(min[0], max[0]);
res += '|';
return res;
// Check if
only0Min = BuildRegex.IsOnlyDigit(min, 1, '0');
only9Max = BuildRegex.IsOnlyDigit(max, 1, '9');
if (only0Min && only9Max) {
res += prefix;
res += BuildRegex.RangeDigit(min[0], max[0]);
for (i = 1; i < min.length; i += 1) {
res += '[0-9]';
res += '|';
return res;
middleMin = min;
if (!only0Min) {
res = BuildRegex.RecursivelyAddRange(res, prefix + min[0], min.substr(1), BuildRegex.Repeat('9', min.length - 1));
if (min[0] !== '9') {
middleMin = String.fromCharCode(min.charCodeAt(0) + 1) + BuildRegex.Repeat('0', min.length - 1);
} else {
middleMin = null;
middleMax = max;
if (!only9Max) {
if (max[0] !== '0') {
middleMax = String.fromCharCode(max.charCodeAt(0) - 1) + BuildRegex.Repeat('9', max.length - 1);
} else {
middleMax = null;
if (middleMin !== null && middleMax !== null && middleMin[0] <= middleMax[0]) {
res = BuildRegex.RecursivelyAddRange(res, prefix + BuildRegex.RangeDigit(middleMin[0], middleMax[0]), middleMin.substr(1), middleMax.substr(1));
if (!only9Max) {
res = BuildRegex.RecursivelyAddRange(res, prefix + max[0], BuildRegex.Repeat('0', max.length - 1), max.substr(1));
return res;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
var printRegex = function(p) {
"use strict";
document.write(p + ': ' + BuildRegex(p) + '<br>');
Test here
The C# version is here
I'm not sure there is a (sane) way to test integer ranges with RegExp. I believe you're fixated on RegExp, where there are much simpler (more flexible) approaches. Take a look at IntRangeTest().
var range = new IntRangeTest('0,10-20');
range.test("") == false,
range.test("-5") == false,
range.test("0") == true,
range.test("5") == false,
range.test("11") == true,
range.test("123.23") == false
If you feel like it, you can easily add this to Number.prototype. You could also quite easily make this an extension to RegExp, if that's what you're worried about.
Ok so it seems that there are 4 main cases that I need to address:
Single digits, ie 1, would simply generate the regex /^1$/
Multiple digits, ie 12, would require the regex /^12&/
Single digit ranges, ie 3-6, would generate the regex /^[3-6]$/
And finally, multiple digit ranges work in a similar method to multiple digits but with a range, ie 11-14 would become /^1[1-4]$/. These would need to be split into multiple regexes if they span over multiple start digits, Ie 23-31 would become /^2[3-9]|3[0-1]$/
Therefore, all I need to do is identify each of these cases and create a compound regex using | like xanatos suggested. Ie, to match all of the above criteria would generate a regex like:
/^( 1 | 12 | [3-6] | 1[1-4] | 2[3-9]|3[0-1] )$/
Do other agree this seems like a decent way to progress?

Get version number from String in Javascript?

I have a version number with 3 digits as a String,
var version = "1.2.3";
and would like to compare it to another version. To see if version is newer than otherversion,
var otherVersion = "1.2.4";
How would you do it?
Split both on .
Compare parts sequentially: Major -> Minor -> Rev (if part exist for both versions).
If oV[n] > v[n]: oV is greatest.
Else: Compare next subpart.
(See #arhorns answer for a elegant implementation)
The problem with most of the submitted versions is they can't handle any number of version parts (eg. 1.4.2 .. 1.2 etc) and/or they have the requirement of the version part being a single digit, which is not that common actually.
Improved compareVersions() function
This function will return 1 if v1 is greater than v2, -1 if v2 is greater
and 0 if the versions are equal (handy for custom sorting as well)
I'm not doing any error checking on the inputs.
function compareVersions (v1, v2)
v1 = v1.split('.');
v2 = v2.split('.');
var longestLength = (v1.length > v2.length) ? v1.length : v2.length;
for (var i = 0; i < longestLength; i++) {
if (v1[i] != v2[i]) {
return (v1 > v2) ? 1 : -1
return 0;
You may want to use the following implementation (based on jensgram's solution):
function isNewer(a, b) {
var partsA = a.split('.');
var partsB = b.split('.');
var numParts = partsA.length > partsB.length ? partsA.length : partsB.length;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < numParts; i++) {
if ((parseInt(partsB[i], 10) || 0) !== (parseInt(partsA[i], 10) || 0)) {
return ((parseInt(partsB[i], 10) || 0) > (parseInt(partsA[i], 10) || 0));
return false;
console.log(isNewer('1.2.3', '1.2.4')); // true
console.log(isNewer('1.2.3', '1.2.0')); // false
console.log(isNewer('1.2.3', '')); // true
console.log(isNewer('1.2.3', '')); // false
console.log(isNewer('1.2.3', '1.2.10')); // true
Note that the use of parseInt() is necessary, because otherwise the last test would return false: "10" > "3" returns false.
If indeed you only have a single digit in each part why not just use straight comparison?
>>> var version = "1.2.3"; var otherVersion = "1.2.4"; version < otherVersion
It seems also to work with abbreviated versions:
>>> '1.2' > '1.2.4'
>>> '1.3' > '1.2.4'
function VersionValue(var str)
var tmp = str.split('.');
return (tmp[0] * 100) + (tmp[1] * 10) + tmp[2];
if (VersionValue(version) > VersionValue(otherVersion))...
for example
Since I'm bored, here's an approach similar to our decimal system (tens, hundreds, thousands, etc) which uses a regex callback instead of a loop:
function compareVersion(a, b) {
var expr = /\d+/g, places = Math.max(a.split(expr).length, b.split(expr).length);
function convert(s) {
var place = Math.pow(100, places), total = 0;
function (n) {
total += n * place;
place /= 100;
return total;
if (convert(a) > convert(b)) {
return a;
return b;
It returns the greater version, e.g.:
compareVersion('1.4', ''); // => 1.4
function isCorrectVersion(used,required){
var used = parseFloat("0."+used.replace(/\./gi,""));
var required = parseFloat("0."+required.replace(/\./gi,""));
return (used < required) ? false : true;
I use this to compare jQuery functions and it seems to work fine, also comparing for example 1.4 with 1.4.1 or 1.4.1 with 1.4.11.
I couldnt find an answer that returns 1, 0 or -1 and takes care of both trailing .0 and two digit partials, so here goes. This should support all cases where all the partials are numbers (see the tests at the bottom).
* Returns 1 if v1 is newer, -1 if v2 is newer and 0 if they are equal.
* .0s at the end of the version will be ignored.
* If a version evaluates to false it will be treated as 0.
* Examples:
* compareVersions ("2.0", "2") outputs 0,
* compareVersions ("2.0.1", "2") outputs 1,
* compareVersions ("0.2", "0.12.1") outputs -1,
function compareVersions (version1, version2) {
var version1 = version1 ? version1.split('.') : ['0'],
version2 = version2 ? version2.split('.') : ['0'],
longest = Math.max(version1.length, version2.length);
for (var i = 0; i < longest; i++) {
* Convert to ints so that we can compare two digit parts
* properly. (Otherwise would "2" be greater than "12").
* This returns NaN if the value is undefined, so we check for
* NaN later.
var v1Part = parseInt(version1[i]),
v2Part = parseInt(version2[i]);
if (v1Part != v2Part) {
// version2 is longer
if (isNaN(v1Part)) {
* Go through the rest of the parts of version 2. If it is only zeros,
* consider the versions equal, otherwise consider version 2 as newer.
for (var j = i; j < longest; j++) {
if (parseInt(version2[j]) != 0) return -1;
// version1 is longer
} else if (isNaN(v2Part)) {
for (var j = i; j < longest; j++) {
if (parseInt(version1[j]) != 0) return 1;
// versions are equally long
} else {
return (v1Part > v2Part) ? 1 : -1;
return 0;
return 0;
console.log(compareVersions("1", "1") === 0);
console.log(compareVersions("1.1", "1") === 1);
console.log(compareVersions("1.1.1", "1") === 1);
console.log(compareVersions("1", "1.1.1") === -1);
console.log(compareVersions("0.3", "") === -1);
console.log(compareVersions("0.3", "0.3.0") === 0);
console.log(compareVersions("", "0.3") === 1);
console.log(compareVersions("0.3.0", "0.3") === 0);
console.log(compareVersions("0.12", "0.2") === 1);
console.log(compareVersions("0.2", "0.12") === -1);
console.log(compareVersions("0.12.0", "0.2") === 1);
console.log(compareVersions("0.02.0", "0.2") === 0);
console.log(compareVersions("0.01.0", "0.2") === -1);
With one of the comparison operators.
"1.2.3" > "1.2.4" //false
"1.2.3" < "1.2.4" //true
Note, that none of these solutions will knowingly return the right result for things like 0.9beta or 1.0 RC 1. It is, however, handled quite intuitively in PHP: and there is a JS port of this: (I don't claim this to be very nice or efficient, just kind of 'complete').
Maybe like this (quickie)?
function isNewer(s0, s1) {
var v0 = s0.split('.'), v1 = s1.split('.');
var len0 = v0.length, len1=v1.length;
var temp0, temp1, idx = 0;
while (idx<len0) {
temp0 = parseInt(v0[idx], 10);
if (len1>idx) {
temp1 = parseInt(v1[idx], 10);
if (temp1>temp0) {return true;}
idx += 1;
if (parseInt(v0[idx-1], 10)>parseInt(v1[idx-1], 10)) {return false;}
return len1 > len0;
var version = "1.2.3";
var otherVersion = "1.2.4";
console.log('newer:'+(isNewer(version, otherVersion)));
It takes care of different number of parts, but it works only with numbers between the dots though.

How to use Javascript math on a version number

I use jQuery to get the browser version like this:
var x = $.browser.version;
I get a string like this:
Now, I want to do an evaluation so if x is >= 1.9.1 then do some stuff. Unfortunately, with multiple decimal points, I cannot do a parseFloat() because it converts to simply 1.9, and the if evaluation would match a 1.9.0 version (which I do not want).
Has someone figured out a way to accomplish turning a version number (with multiple decimals) into something that can be used as a number for evaluation (or some other way to accomplish what I am trying to do here)?
Thanks -
You could do something with string.split and then do a digit by digit comparison
// arr[0] = 1
// arr[1] = 9
// arr[2] = 1
// arr[3] = 1
var arr = ($.browser.version).split('.');
The following is taken from this post
This is a function that will parse your version string and give you back a JSON object
function parseVersionString (str) {
if (typeof(str) != 'string') { return false; }
var x = str.split('.');
// parse from string or default to 0 if can't parse
var maj = parseInt(x[0]) || 0;
var min = parseInt(x[1]) || 0;
var bld = parseInt(x[2]) || 0;
var rev = parseInt(x[3]) || 0;
return {
major: maj,
minor: min,
build: bld,
revision: rev
Then you could use the following syntax
var version = parseVersionString($.browser.version);
// version.major == 1
// version.minor == 9
// == 1
// version.revision == 1
Here's another version of versionCmp():
function versionCmp(v1, v2) {
v1 = String(v1).split('.');
v2 = String(v2).split('.');
var diff = 0;
while((v1.length || v2.length) && !diff)
diff = (+v1.shift() || 0) - (+v2.shift() || 0);
return (diff > 0) - (diff < 0);
Another possibility would be to assign a numeric value to each version number:
function valueOfVersion(ver) {
ver = String(ver).split('.');
var value = 0;
for(var i = ver.length; i--;)
value += ver[i] / Math.pow(2, i * 8) || 0;
return value;
This only works if each digit is less than 256 (because of the hard-coded divisor) and has a limited precision (ie the version strings can't get arbitrarily long).
You need to treat each portion of the string as a seperate integer, so split and iterate, and cmp:
// perform cmp(a, b)
// -1 = a is smaller
// 0 = equal
// 1 = a is bigger
function versionCmp(a, b) {
a = a.split(".");
b = b.split(".");
for(var i=0; i < a.length; i++) {
av = parseInt(a[i]);
bv = parseInt(b[i]);
if (av < bv) {
return -1;
} else if (av > bv) {
return 1;
return 0;
console.log(versionCmp("", "")); // should be -1
console.log(versionCmp("", "")); // should be 1
console.log(versionCmp("", "")); // should be 0
You could remove all dots and then parse it as an integer.
Take note tho, this solution doesn't work in the long term.
