jQuery Won't Run On IE nor does normal JS - javascript

After creating a snippet of code using jQuery, making sure it works on chrome, I tested it out on IE and I realised that none of the jQuery code is running in it. I tried to fix this issue by changing all the jQuery to Pure JS. And still, I get no results. Is anyone here can help me understand why IE is so out of the loop and how I can fix this issue. It's for a client and they are using IE.
So the code is:
let Section5Run = true;
const myServices = $('.service-link');
function ServiceSlideIn(services, index = 0) {
if (services.length -1 < index) { return; }
$(services[index]).css('transform', 'translateX(0%)');
console.log("Section 5 occurance " + index);
setTimeout(ServiceSlideIn, 500 , services, ++index);
//On Load Page
$(document).ready(function() {
//When Window Is Scrolled
$(window).scroll( function(){
const MSOFFSET = $('.service-link')[0].clientHeight/2;
var bottom_of_object = $('#section-5-box').offset().top + MSOFFSET;
var bottom_of_window = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height();
if( bottom_of_window > bottom_of_object && Section5Run ){
Section5Run = false;
Then it was converted to this:
function ServiceSlideIn(services, index = 0) {
if (services.length -1 < index) { return; }
services[index].style.transform = "translateX(0%)";
console.log("Section 5 occurance " + index);
setTimeout(ServiceSlideIn, 500 , services, ++index);
var cond = true;
document.addEventListener("scroll", function () {
var wind = window.scrollY;
var sec_5 = document.getElementById("section-5-box");
var items = document.getElementsByClassName("service-link");
var sec_off = offset(sec_5).top;
if (wind + (sec_5.clientHeight * 1.5) > sec_off && cond){
console.log("Clients's top: " + sec_off);
console.log("Client's Height is " + sec_5.clientHeight);
console.log("Window's height: " + (wind + sec_5.clientHeight/3));
console.log("items Length " + items.length);
cond= false;
function offset(el) {
var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(),
scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
return { top: rect.top + scrollTop, left: rect.left + scrollLeft }
Pretty basic slide animation done here.
Please do check the website for yourself cubeangle.com under Our Services the boxes will slide in right to left.
Thank you all.


Extending Touch EventListener to Additional DOM Element

I used a Codrops article/experiment to create an interactive environment for a local group to use at their conferences. The problem with this is the default interaction is not very intuitive. The template used Flickity.js and what seems like classie.js to create this sliding interface I am having trouble with.
The page can be found here:
Issue: The only way to activate the view-full is by clicking on the html element:
<h2 class=".stack-title">
// After the stack is active you should be able to activate the full view by clicking on the first .stack-item used to create the thumbnail below it. This entire div should be clickable. Users are touching everywhere all over the screen and not actually clicking the title for the desired action. I hope this makes sense.
In other words you should be able to click the stack-title and the image below the title of each stack to pull the stack into the full view mode on the screen. Then click the x or anywhere else on the screen to close the full view.
The following is located in main.js and the reference I found to create the events I am referring to.
function initEvents() {
stacks.forEach(function(stack) {
var titleEl = stack.querySelector('.stack-title');
// expand/close the stack
titleEl.addEventListener('click', function(ev) {
if( classie.has(stack, 'is-selected') ) { // current stack
if( classie.has(bodyEl, 'view-full') ) { // stack is opened
var closeStack = function() {
classie.remove(bodyEl, 'move-items');
onEndTransition(slider, function() {
classie.remove(bodyEl, 'view-full');
bodyEl.style.height = '';
flkty.options.accessibility = true;
canMoveHeroImage = true;
// if the user scrolled down, let's first scroll all up before closing the stack.
var scrolled = scrollY();
if( scrolled > 0 ) {
smooth_scroll_to(isFirefox ? docElem : bodyEl || docElem, 0, 500).then(function() {
else {
else if( canOpen ) { // stack is closed
canMoveHeroImage = false;
classie.add(bodyEl, 'view-full');
setTimeout(function() { classie.add(bodyEl, 'move-items'); }, 25);
bodyEl.style.height = stack.offsetHeight + 'px';
flkty.options.accessibility = false;
else if( classie.has(stack, 'stack-prev') ) {
else if( classie.has(stack, 'stack-next') ) {
titleEl.addEventListener('mouseenter', function(ev) {
if( classie.has(stack, 'is-selected') ) {
canMoveHeroImage = false;
imghero.style.WebkitTransform = 'perspective(1000px) translate3d(0,0,0) rotate3d(1,1,1,0deg)';
imghero.style.transform = 'perspective(1000px) translate3d(0,0,0) rotate3d(1,1,1,0deg)';
titleEl.addEventListener('mouseleave', function(ev) {
// if current stack and it's not opened..
if( classie.has(stack, 'is-selected') && !classie.has(bodyEl, 'view-full') ) {
canMoveHeroImage = true;
window.addEventListener('mousemove', throttle(function(ev) {
if( !canMoveHeroImage ) return false;
var xVal = -1/(win.height/2)*ev.clientY + 1,
yVal = 1/(win.width/2)*ev.clientX - 1,
transX = 20/(win.width)*ev.clientX - 10,
transY = 20/(win.height)*ev.clientY - 10,
transZ = 100/(win.height)*ev.clientY - 50;
imghero.style.WebkitTransform = 'perspective(1000px) translate3d(' + transX + 'px,' + transY + 'px,' + transZ + 'px) rotate3d(' + xVal + ',' + yVal + ',0,2deg)';
imghero.style.transform = 'perspective(1000px) translate3d(' + transX + 'px,' + transY + 'px,' + transZ + 'px) rotate3d(' + xVal + ',' + yVal + ',0,2deg)';
}, 100));
// window resize
window.addEventListener( 'resize', throttle(function(ev) {
// recalculate window width/height
win = { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight };
// reset body height if stack is opened
if( classie.has(bodyEl, 'view-full') ) { // stack is opened
bodyEl.style.height = stacks[flkty.selectedIndex].offsetHeight + 'px';
}, 50));
// Flickity events:
flkty.on('cellSelect', function() {
canOpen = false;
classie.remove(bodyEl, 'item-clickable');
var prevStack = stacksWrapper.querySelector('.stack-prev'),
nextStack = stacksWrapper.querySelector('.stack-next'),
selidx = flkty.selectedIndex,
cellsCount = flkty.cells.length,
previdx = selidx > 0 ? selidx - 1 : cellsCount - 1;
nextidx = selidx < cellsCount - 1 ? selidx + 1 : 0;
if( prevStack ) {
classie.remove(prevStack, 'stack-prev');
if( nextStack ) {
classie.remove(nextStack, 'stack-next');
classie.add(stacks[previdx], 'stack-prev');
classie.add(stacks[nextidx], 'stack-next');
flkty.on('dragStart', function() {
canOpen = false;
classie.remove(bodyEl, 'item-clickable');
flkty.on('settle', function() {
classie.add(bodyEl, 'item-clickable');
canOpen = true;
I wrapped the title and the first stack item in a div class .touch-me and it worked fairly well. I had previously tried to do this and received an error. But I may have mistyped something because it only made sense.
ISSUE: It works on mouseclick, but it is not working with touch on windows. I have untested it in any other environment because it will be deployed on a windows touch screen.
Although I cannot tell the layer not to close on touch when you swipe or touch the header image for the stack.... I'm afraid I do not have the skillset to properly modify the logic in the javascript since I do not entirely understand the plugins being used.

Floating JQuery menu issues on slower connection

I'm trying to create a floating menu (#quickmenu in left hand sidebar of bottom link) that stops at #weather whilst also re-calculating the bottom = $(\'#weather\').offset().top; every 0.5 seconds...
Page to test: Bristol International Jazz & Blues Festival 2014 | Festival Archive
The recalculation is key as I use expandable content in the main body and because without recaculating on slower connections it doestn't work. I need only #weather.offset.top to be recalculated every 5 seconds, not the whole script otherwise it refreshes and flickers...
I've tried to do code it myself and it's not working, it's 99% not coded correctly but can't figure out what's going wrong? The logic seems to be correct though... if (y >= top && z <= bottom) { ....
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
top = $('#quickmenu').offset().top;
var didScroll = false;
$(window).scroll(function() {
didScroll = true;
setInterval(function() {
if ( didScroll ) {
didScroll = false;
bottom = $('#weather').offset().top;
y = $(this).scrollTop();
z = y + $('#quickmenu').height();
if (y >= top && z <= bottom) {
// if so, add the fixed class
} else if(z > bottom) {
// otherwise remove it
} else {
// otherwise remove it
}, 500);
Thanks for the input, and apologies for lack of clarity within the question. I have fixed my issue by taking another approach. I hope that this is less resource heavy?
<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
var s = document.querySelector(\'#event-info\').style;
s.overflow = \'inherit\';
s.height = \'auto\';
window.updateQuickMenuPos = function () {
var menu = document.querySelector(\'#quickmenuwrapper\');
var scroll_pos = document.body.scrollTop;
var menu_pos = menu.offsetTop + 10;
var weather = document.querySelector(\'#weather\');
var pos = (scroll_pos - menu_pos);
// min height
if (pos < 0) {
pos = 0;
// max height
if (menu_pos + menu.offsetHeight + pos > weather.offsetTop) {
pos = weather.offsetTop - menu.offsetHeight - menu_pos;
var s = menu.style;
s[\'webkitTransform\'] = s[\'mozTransform\'] = s[\'transform\'] = \'translateY(\' + pos + \'px)\';

how to check if the scrollbar has reached at the end of div?

function yHandler () {
var show = document.getElementById('show');
var contentHeight = show.offsetHeight;
var yOffset = show.pageYOffset;
var y = yOffset + show.innerHeight;
if(y >= contentHeight) {
show.onscroll = yHandler;
how to check if the scrollbar has reached the end of div?
Some code for you to work on:
var scroll = document.getElementById('scroll');
var content = document.getElementById('content');
scroll.onscroll = function(){
var total = scroll.scrollTop + scroll.clientHeight;
if(total == content.clientHeight)
alert('Reached bottom!');
Thor's method works perfectly well (+1), but you could also rely on scrollHeight.
scroll.onscroll = function(){
if (scroll.scrollTop + scroll.clientHeight == scroll.scrollHeight) {
Use scrollHeight, scrollTop and clientHeight attributes to detect the scroll bar reached bottom end or not.
function handleScroll() {
var div = document.getElementById("div-id");
if(Math.abs(Math.round(div.scrollHeight - div.scrollTop) - div.clientHeight) > 3) {
console.log("Scroll bar reached bottom end");
return true;
return false;

jQuery How to Have Variable Increment by Value in a Recursive Function

I have a JS Function which is called in document.ready. The intent is as it scrolls to the bottom window, it'll load more from the JSON API.
The API has the parameter offset and limit. Offset controls which subset of results you are seeing. For ex. 20-40 would be offset=20 and limit controls how many you can view at once.
I thought I would approach this with a recursive function which calls itself each time the user goes to the bottom of the window, with window.scroll. Once they go to the bottom, it'll increment the offset by 20 each time, then run the function again.
Problem: I can't seem to get it to increment the variable by 20 to make this work. Thoughts?
function getData(offset) {
var jsonCallback = "&jsoncallback=?";
//var offset = 20;
//var offset += 20;
var limit = 20;
var characterURL = "http://api.example.com/character&byId=" + characterID + "&offset=" + offset + "&limit=" + limit;
$.getJSON(characterURL + jsonCallback, function(data) {
for (i=0; i < (data.data.results).length; i++) {
var $characterUl = $("<ul>");
if (data.data.results[i].release_date > 0) {
$(window).scroll(function() {
if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $(document).height() - 10) {
while ((data.data.results).length === offset || (data.data.results).length > offset) {
offset = offset+20;
$(document).ready(function() {
var $characterComics = $("<div>", {id : "characterComics"});
Read this more as a pseudo-code
function getData(offset) {
var jsonCallback = "&jsoncallback=?",
characterURL = "http://api.example.com/character&byId=" + characterID + "&offset=" + offset + "&limit=" + limit;
$.getJSON(characterURL + jsonCallback, function(data) {
for (i=0; i < (data.data.results).length; i++) {
var $listItem = $("<li>");
if (data.data.results[i].release_date > 0) {
$(document).ready(function() {
var $characterComics = $("<div>", {id : "characterComics"}),
$characterUl = $("<ul>"),
offset = 0,
itemsLoaded = 0;
limit = 20;
$(window).scroll(function() {
if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $(document).height() - 10) {
if ("check here if you reached your offsets") {
offset = offset+20;
// get your first set of data

JQuery menu float and display submenus on page

This is my first time using JQuery in any of my projects.
I have implemented the superfish menu.
On some of my pages I have a horizontal scroll. I would like to make the menu float on the center of the page as the page is scrolled.
Also I need to make sure that the submenu on the far right hand side of the menu does not open up off the page. When I hover on the right most element it opens up half off the page.
Any ideas on how to fix these two things?
I'm perfectly willing to use a different Jquery menu if there is a better one that has these features built in...
javascrupt call in my page:
$(document).ready(function () {
minWidth: 12, // minimum width of sub-menus in em units
maxWidth: 27, // maximum width of sub-menus in em units
extraWidth: 1 // extra width can ensure lines don't sometimes turn over
// due to slight rounding differences and font-family
}).superfish({ animation: { opacity: 'show', height: 'show' }, autoArrows: false }); // call supersubs first, then superfish, so that subs are
// not display:none when measuring. Call before initialising
// containing tabs for same reason.
I can post any more code that is needed, but there is quite a lot of code in the superfish files so i'm not sure what I should post.
I found this script and it works well, however when I scroll right the horizonal menu starts to stack so the menu items are side by side rather then vertical. I want to modify this to keep the menu horizonal...
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var floatingMenuId = 'floatdiv';
var floatingMenu =
targetX: -1000,
targetY: 10,
hasInner: typeof (window.innerWidth) == 'number',
hasElement: document.documentElement
&& document.documentElement.clientWidth,
? document.getElementById(floatingMenuId)
: document.all
? document.all[floatingMenuId]
: document.layers[floatingMenuId]
floatingMenu.move = function () {
if (document.layers) {
floatingMenu.menu.left = floatingMenu.nextX;
floatingMenu.menu.top = floatingMenu.nextY;
else {
floatingMenu.menu.style.left = floatingMenu.nextX + 'px';
floatingMenu.menu.style.top = floatingMenu.nextY + 'px';
floatingMenu.computeShifts = function () {
var de = document.documentElement;
floatingMenu.shiftX =
? pageXOffset
: floatingMenu.hasElement
? de.scrollLeft
: document.body.scrollLeft;
if (floatingMenu.targetX < 0) {
if (floatingMenu.hasElement && floatingMenu.hasInner) {
// Handle Opera 8 problems
floatingMenu.shiftX +=
de.clientWidth > window.innerWidth
? window.innerWidth
: de.clientWidth
else {
floatingMenu.shiftX +=
? de.clientWidth
: floatingMenu.hasInner
? window.innerWidth
: document.body.clientWidth;
floatingMenu.shiftY =
? pageYOffset
: floatingMenu.hasElement
? de.scrollTop
: document.body.scrollTop;
if (floatingMenu.targetY < 0) {
if (floatingMenu.hasElement && floatingMenu.hasInner) {
// Handle Opera 8 problems
floatingMenu.shiftY +=
de.clientHeight > window.innerHeight
? window.innerHeight
: de.clientHeight
else {
floatingMenu.shiftY +=
? document.documentElement.clientHeight
: floatingMenu.hasInner
? window.innerHeight
: document.body.clientHeight;
floatingMenu.doFloat = function () {
var stepX, stepY;
stepX = (floatingMenu.shiftX +
floatingMenu.targetX - floatingMenu.nextX) * .07;
if (Math.abs(stepX) < .5) {
stepX = floatingMenu.shiftX +
floatingMenu.targetX - floatingMenu.nextX;
stepY = (floatingMenu.shiftY +
floatingMenu.targetY - floatingMenu.nextY) * .07;
if (Math.abs(stepY) < .5) {
stepY = floatingMenu.shiftY +
floatingMenu.targetY - floatingMenu.nextY;
if (Math.abs(stepX) > 0 ||
Math.abs(stepY) > 0) {
floatingMenu.nextX += stepX;
floatingMenu.nextY += stepY;
setTimeout('floatingMenu.doFloat()', 20);
// addEvent designed by Aaron Moore
floatingMenu.addEvent = function (element, listener, handler) {
if (typeof element[listener] != 'function' ||
typeof element[listener + '_num'] == 'undefined') {
element[listener + '_num'] = 0;
if (typeof element[listener] == 'function') {
element[listener + 0] = element[listener];
element[listener + '_num']++;
element[listener] = function (e) {
var r = true;
e = (e) ? e : window.event;
for (var i = element[listener + '_num'] - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (element[listener + i](e) == false)
r = false;
return r;
//if handler is not already stored, assign it
for (var i = 0; i < element[listener + '_num']; i++)
if (element[listener + i] == handler)
element[listener + element[listener + '_num']] = handler;
element[listener + '_num']++;
floatingMenu.init = function () {
// Some browsers init scrollbars only after
// full document load.
floatingMenu.initSecondary = function () {
floatingMenu.nextX = floatingMenu.shiftX +
floatingMenu.nextY = floatingMenu.shiftY +
if (document.layers)
floatingMenu.addEvent(window, 'onload', floatingMenu.init);
else {
floatingMenu.addEvent(window, 'onload',
I'm not sure on how you mean centering, but if you mean horizontally centered:
Could you separate the main page (that horizontally overflows) and the menu into separate div's? e.g.
<div id="menu"><center><ul class="sf-menu">...</ul></center></div>
<div id="mainpage" style="overflow:auto;">Contents goes here</div>
(the <center> tag might have to be <div style="width:X;margin:0 auto;"> depending on how superfish works)
On the menu going over the page, sorry I'll have to defer to someone more knowable to answer that.
