How to create a page location in browser using javascript/jQuery? - javascript

I have a setup where I display a list of buttons and clicking on the buttons triggers a function that contacts a firebase database and gets the contents of a 'slide' that is to be shown to the user. The function then clears the content of the page and then creates elements from the data acquired from the database.
Now obviously, when I press back browser button once I've replaced the content, it won't take me back to the previous content. But I believe that my user's experience will be much better if it actually took them back to the list of buttons. I have two faint ideas on how to go about solving this problem but I'm lacking in specific details of how I can go about it.
Possible Solution 1:
Some way to dynamically create a new page using javascript and then serve it to the user.
Possible Solution 2:
Some way to simulate that the page has changed location. Maybe using anchoring links.
Let me know if you have any other solutions in mind or if you know how I should go about implementing these. Your help will be much appreciated. :D


One Modal, Ajax, and constantly updating data

I have reached a point in my project where I cannot figure out how to use Ajax to keep going. I am new to using it, but I'd like to think that I have a basic understanding of how it works.
I run a site where I take form data and post it into a database, then send it to a webpage where it displays in bubbles. Users can then click these bubbles and pop open a modal which has more detailed information than what is presented in the small bubbles initially displayed.
I've hit a wall where I don't know how to open a modal and have it live update with new information without closing, no matter what the bubble they click is (which can have different types based on different form information sent).
And to be clear, by bubble I just mean a compact div that when clicked opens the modal.
I've looked everywhere for solutions to this, trying my best to apply knowledge from other projects to what I'm trying to accomplish with to no avail. Suggestions are appreciated!
I'd suggest you to look at the load method this should be enough for what you're trying to do.
If you want a live update of your modal you have two ways to go about this:
Implement polling in AJAX. Send an AJAX request every X seconds to the server and have it update the <div>'s in your modal.
Use WebSockets. This is far more complex, and solution 1. is probably good enough.
This Stack Overflow post should help get you started: jQuery, simple polling example

What is preferred implementation of Chrome extension that catches and reads newly added list values on one specific web page?

I need to create a Chrome extension that will work only for one webpage with specific URL. It will monitor changes to list of items (orders) located on page and if new order appears, it will read some values from order and do something with them. It also may be neccessary to refresh the page from time to time (using timer, maybe).
What architechture will be suitable to accomplish such a task?
Now - to thoughts I have so far. I think now of using only one content script bound to page URL. Will it be enough? Or should I introduce some background script also? Or anything else?
As #wOxxOm said in the comments, creating one content script must be sufficient for reading the values and page refreshing.

Button OnCreate asset/resource at a different activity

Hello I have asked this question before but perhaps it wasn't clear or was deemed irrelevant but I need to figure out how to make a button OnClick create a button on another XML layout.
I am very new to java and coding in general and have looked for the past few days but can not find any information on how I would go about this.
The closest I could get was another users question on stackoverflow where the method of keeping the button I want to create invisible and having it switch visibility OnClick of original button, but this isn't feasible.
While this method would work for the single button I need to click to generate the other button, the place it would generate it will also generate a different variety of buttons from other sources. The only way this seems possible is to have the dozens of invisible buttons from each source already stored there and that doesn't seem like the most logical way to approach it code wise.
I would greatly appreciate any help in this area, I'm not expecting anyone to show me how it's done or write me sample code if you could simply nudge me in the direction of an online guide,tutorial or information source I'd be very grateful,
Thanks for your patience.
Creating Button programmatically and adding to the LinearLayout.
//First get the reference of LinearLayout where you need to add the buttons.
LinearLayout ll=(LinearLayout)findViewbyId(;
// Layout Param
LayoutParams param = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
/* This line of code to add the button in layout (implement your own logic i.e how many time you need to add the button and at which condition you need to add).*/
Button button = new Button(Context);
button.setText("dynamic button 1");
Hope this achieve your goal.

Automatically refresh SharePoint site when item is added to a Form Library

I have a question about automatically refreshing a SharePoint form library any time an item is added to it. We have a business team within our company where any individual on the team can fill out a particular InfoPath form. Once that form is filled out and submitted, it is saved to the aforementioned SharePoint form library.
When any user submits a form like this, the other users like to know that it has happened and they almost always have their browsers open and pointed to this particular SharePoint form library. These form submissions and the data they contain are somewhat time-critical, so it's an important way for everyone on the team to be up-to-date about the submitted information.
Does anyone know if such a workflow is possible in InfoPath? I've Googled this issue already and I've found a lot of helpful advice about redirecting to the same page using the SPUtility class's functionality (which does seem to work), but I want to refresh/redirect the entire page, not just the pop-up window for which the SPUtility class is apparently responsible. I've also seen some results suggest using a Content Editor web part containing some JavaScript for refreshing the page and then accessing that Content Editor via a workflow or event receiver. Does anyone have any experience solving an issue like this or have some ideas? I'm not looking for anyone to write the solution for me - I just need a push in the right direction from someone that's more experienced with SharePoint.
I would suggest a bit of JavaScript that periodically redirects the page to itself. If you wanted to get flashy, you could use the Client Object Model to query the list for the last modified date of the last modified item. If that changes, refresh, or you could use the Notifications API to show a nice 'Notification', perhaps with a refresh button that reloads the page?

How To Display List of Sites One At A Time

I am looking for a way to display a list of websites one at a time from a URL list. I'm fine with a very manual solution, I found an AJAX solution where each "page" is displayed in a tab but it is very heavy because if I have 50 pages I want users to page through one at a time, this solution essentially pulls all 50 pages onto the one page. Do you know of a framework which does the same thing but only loads one page at a time? Thank you very much for the advice and help. Here is the site I found -
You could load the URLs into an array and then create a 'next' button that loads the next url into a div; replacing the previous one.
do you require doing this will javascript?
might be easier to curl the pages using php, then echo this returned data as an eval-able array into the html. Then allow user to alter which part of the returned array you are looking at using a next and prev button.
if you pre-load each one it will be heavy as you have noted.
This idea is screaming for AJAX. With proper AJAX calls, you would only load a page once it has actually been selected by tab. Any previous page loaded into the area would need to be dumped. You shouldn't actually need to physically switch tabs if you're using the src attribute of an iframe, simply changing the src and forcing it to refresh itself should accomplish the trick. If you are performing a screen scrape through a remote web service, then you could simply use jQuery/AJAX to rewrite the innerHTML of the panel in question.
