"[__array_observer__: ModifyArrayObserver]" when iterating over an array - javascript

First question here so let me know if I don't include everything that is needed.
I have an array callede this.tickets that is being stored in my constructor like the following:
constructor(TicketService) {
this.ticketService = TicketService;
this.tickets = [];
this.status = false;
I have a function that makes an api call and pushes the response data in one at a time after checking if the data exists in my local DB.
setTickets () {
this.customers.forEach(data => {
var acctName = encodeURIComponent(data.accountname);
this.ticketService.getTicketByAccount(acctName).then(resp => {
if (resp.data.accountname == data.accountname) {
Afterwards I am trying to iterate over the array in a seperate function:
getZendeskTicketStatus () {
console.log("this is the arrys length: " + this.tickets.length)
for (var i = 0; i < this.tickets.length; i++) {
I am getting the following in response:
[__array_observer__: ModifyArrayObserver]
this is the arrys length: 0
I am calling each of these functions in a promise so they happen in order.
activate() {
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var customerPromise = this.setCustomers();
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
I don't understand what this array_observer is or how I can iterate over this array successfully.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

try to understand this example, hope it will clarify
so if i am calling setTicket does not mean it going to wait for the response .
so to make setTickets to wait for the response i did this modification
setTickets () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
this.customers.forEach(data => {
var acctName = encodeURIComponent(data.accountname);
this.ticketService.getTicketByAccount(acctName).then(resp => {
if (resp.data.accountname == data.accountname) {
now ask the calling function to wait for the response
activate() {
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var customerPromise = this.setCustomers();
}).then(async () => {
//dont skip it till the time you get the response
await this.setTickets();
}).then(() => {
Hope this clarifies.


How to make an api call inside of a map function with delay between each call on that api?

This second api call inside of the map function needs to be called in a space of time, because this api does not allow multiple calls at the time. So, the map for each item inside of the array will take two seconds to call the api and after it go to the next item.
How can i fix it?
It does not return anything.
async function HandleMatchList(){
const responseMatches = await api.get('MatchListRankedGames', {
params: {
const matches = responseMatches.data
const Awaitfor2seconds = (x) => {
return new Promise (resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000)
const linking = async (matches) => {
matches.map(async item => {
const details = await Awaitfor2seconds(
api.get('MatchDetailRoute', {
params: {
gameId: item.gameId,
nickname: nickname
}).then(({data}) => {
return details
linking(matches).then(results => {
You can follow this concept (no tested):
const matches = responseMatches.data
var count = 0 // create a counter
const Awaitfor2seconds = (x) => {
return new Promise (resolve => {
count++ // count++ is the same thing that: count = count + 1
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000*count) // using this the request will be send like a queue
I suggest you make a sleep function separate and then you call it whenever you want to pause your API call
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const responseMatches = await api.get('MatchListRankedGames', {
params: {
const matches = responseMatches.data
await sleep(5000)
const linking = async (matches) => {
for(let item of matches){
var details= await api.get('MatchDetailRoute', {
params: {
gameId: item.gameId,
nickname: nickname
await sleep(5000)
return results
linking(matches).then(results => {

Un-nest JavaScript Firestore Functions

How can I rewrite this code to not be nested in itself? I also need access to the values obtained in the previous functions calls.
return docRef2.doc(`/users_stripe/${context.params.userID}`).get()
.then(snapshot => {
console.log("augu", snapshot);
return stripe.customers.createSource( jsonParser(snapshot._fieldsProto.id, "stringValue"),
{ source: jsonParser(snap._fieldsProto.token, "stringValue") },
function(err, card) {
console.log("listen people", card);
return docRef2.doc(`/users_stripe/${context.params.userID}/ptypes/ptypes`)
I am not sure what your code is doing here. I tried to write a pseudo/sample code that might give you an idea.
My code is not checked, so might contain problem.
let fun1 = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
docRef2.doc('/route').get().then(snapshot => {
if( snapshot ) resolve(snapshot);
else reject(snapshot);
let fun2 = (snapshot) => {
return new Promies((resolve, reject)=>{
stripe.customers.createSource(jsonParser(snapshot._fieldsProto.id, "stringValue"),
{ source: jsonParser(snap._fieldsProto.token, "stringValue") },
function (err, card) {
if (err) reject(false);// or whatever you wanna return
else resolve(card);
async function fun(){
let res1 = await fun1(); // Should contain snapshot
let res2 = await fun2(res1); // Should contain card
return docRef2.doc(`/users_stripe/${context.params.userID}/ptypes/ptypes`)

issue with async await

I am trying to make two block of code to run sequentially with async and await
I have the code in stackblitz, open the console on Chrome to see the trace
let isMomHappy = true;
function willIgotNewPhone () {
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
if (isMomHappy) {
const phone = {
brand: 'samsung',
color : 'black'
} else {
const reason = new Error('mom not happy');
async function showOff(phone) {
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
const message = ' Hey Friend I show my phone ' + phone.brand;
async function askMom() {
return await new Promise( async (resolve) => {
console.log('before asking Mom'); // log before
await willIgotNewPhone()
.then( function(fullfilled) {
console.log('Got phone from mom ' + JSON.stringify(fullfilled));
.catch( function(error) {
console.log('after asking Mom'); // afeter log
let data: any[] = [];
async function createData() {
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
for (let index = 0; index < 500000; index++) {
const element: any = {};
element.id = index;
element.name = '' + index;
if (data && data.length > 0) {
console.log(' ====== creating data size=%s', data.length);
} else {
reject( new Error(' ==== Creating data Error : empty'));
async function callCreateData() {
return new Promise( async (resolve) => {
console.log(' ======before creating data');
await createData().then( (dataReturn: any[]) => {
console.log(' ----datareturn length=%s', dataReturn.length);
console.log(' ======after creating data');
async function callingMom() {
await askMom().then( (str) => {
I am calling 2 functions this.callingMom() and this.callCreateData();
and expecting the traces of the 2 functions to be sequential
I was expecting the following output
before asking Mom
Got phone from mom {"brand":"samsung","color":"black"}
after asking Mom
=====before creating creating data
===== creating data size=500000
----datareturn length=500000
===== after creating creating data
but I got the output :
before asking Mom
======before creating data
====== creating data size=500000
Got phone from mom {"brand":"samsung","color":"black"}
----datareturn length=500000
======after creating data
after asking Mom
Any idea what is my problem ?
async functions can be used for two things, primarilly: to return a Promise, and to be able to use the await keyword inside. If you're not using await, or if the only await you're using is the Promise that's going to be returned, there's no point in having an async function at all - just use a normal function that returns a Promise, like in your willIgotNewPhone.
Also, in order to chain promises together, you need to use then. Simply calling asynchronous functions right after the other won't cause the thread to pause until they're done. Like this:
let isMomHappy = true;
function willIgotNewPhone() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (isMomHappy) {
const phone = {
brand: 'samsung',
color: 'black'
} else {
const reason = new Error('mom not happy');
function showOff(phone) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const message = ' Hey Friend I show my phone ' + phone.brand;
function askMom() {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
console.log('before asking Mom'); // log before
await willIgotNewPhone()
.then(function(fullfilled) {
console.log('Got phone from mom ' + JSON.stringify(fullfilled));
.catch(function(error) {
console.log('after asking Mom'); // afeter log
let data = [];
function createData() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
for (let index = 0; index < 500000; index++) {
const element = {};
element.id = index;
element.name = '' + index;
if (data && data.length > 0) {
console.log(' ====== creating data size=%s', data.length);
} else {
reject(new Error(' ==== Creating data Error : empty'));
function callCreateData() {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
console.log(' ======before creating data');
await createData().then((dataReturn) => {
console.log(' ----datareturn length=%s', dataReturn.length);
console.log(' ======after creating data');
function callingMom() {
return askMom().then((str) => {

missing timing from promised value

So I am using Forge with View API to analyze all parts from a model which contain concrete and hide everything that is not concrete. The problem is that the properties for checking concrete are called from a DB which requires me to make it a promise. Checking for concrete is working as expected and then the problem starts. I return the Ids containing concrete, but my function which is supposed to hide it uses the Ids before the promise is resolved, so the array is empty.
console.log logs it as expected but everything else misses the timing.
My code:
getProperties(dbId) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
args => {
async getConcreteIds() {
let wallfloorids = this.getWallIds().concat(this.getFloorIds());
let concreteIds = [];
for (let id of wallfloorids) {
let p1 = this.view.getProperties(id);
p1.then(props => {
for (let prop of props) {
if (prop.displayCategory === "Materialien und Oberflächen" && prop.displayValue.contains("Concrete")) {
}).catch(() => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log("Err", reject)
async onlyConcrete() {
this.getConcreteIds().then(concrete => {
Map an array of promises for your loop and use Promise.all() to resolve after all the promises in loop resolve
Something like:
async getConcreteIds() {
let wallfloorids = this.getWallIds().concat(this.getFloorIds());
let concreteIds = [];
let promises = wallfloorids.map(id => {
let p1 = this.view.getProperties(id);
return p1.then(props => {
for (let prop of props) {
if (prop.displayCategory === "Materialien und Oberflächen" && prop.displayValue.contains("Concrete")) {
return Promise.all(promises)
.then(_ => concreteIds)
.catch(err => console.log("Err", err))

Fetch multiple promises, return only one

I have a list of urls I wish to fetch. All of these urls returns a json object with a property valid. But only one of the fetch promises has the magic valid property to true.
I have tried various combinations of url.forEach(...) and Promises.all([urls]).then(...). Currently my setup is:
const urls = [
'https://athirdurl.com' // This is the valid one
export function validate(key) {
var result;
urls.forEach(function (url) {
result = fetch(`${url}/${key}/validate`)
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((json) => {
if (json.license.valid) {
return json;
} else {
return result;
The above is not working because of the async promises. How can I iterate my urls and return when the first valid == true is hit?
Let me throw a nice compact entry into the mix
It uses Promise.all, however every inner Promise will catch any errors and simply resolve to false in such a case, therefore Promise.all will never reject - any fetch that completes, but does not have license.valid will also resolve to false
The array Promise.all resolves is further processed, filtering out the false values, and returning the first (which from the questions description should be the ONLY) valid JSON response
const urls = [
'https://athirdurl.com' // This is the valid one
export function validate(key) {
return Promise.all(urls.map(url =>
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => json.license && json.license.valid && json)
.catch(error => false)
.then(results => results.filter(result => !!result)[0] || Promise.reject('no matches found'));
Note that it's impossible for validate to return the result (see here for why). But it can return a promise for the result.
What you want is similar to Promise.race, but not quite the same (Promise.race would reject if one of the fetch promises rejected prior to another one resolving with valid = true). So just create a promise and resolve it when you get the first resolution with valid being true:
export function validate(key) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let completed = 0;
const total = urls.length;
urls.forEach(url => {
.then((response) => {
const json = response.json();
if (json.license.valid) {
} else {
if (++completed === total) {
// None of them had valid = true
.catch(() => {
if (++completed === total) {
// None of them had valid = true
Note the handling for the failing case.
Note that it's possible to factor out those two completed checks if you like:
export function validate(key) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let completed = 0;
const total = urls.length;
urls.forEach(url => {
.then((response) => {
const json = response.json();
if (json.license.valid) {
.catch(() => {
// Do nothing, converts to a resolution with `undefined`
.then(() => {
// Because of the above, effectively a "finally" (which we
// may get on Promises at some point)
if (++completed === total) {
// None of them had valid = true.
// Note that we come here even if we've already
// resolved the promise -- but that's okay(ish), a
// promise's resolution can't be changed after it's
// settled, so this would be a no-op in that case
This can be done using SynJS. Here is a working example:
var SynJS = require('synjs');
var fetchUrl = require('fetch').fetchUrl;
function fetch(context,url) {
console.log('fetching started:', url);
var result = {};
fetchUrl(url, function(error, meta, body){
result.done = true;
result.body = body;
result.finalUrl = meta.finalUrl;
console.log('fetching finished:', url);
} );
return result;
function myFetches(modules, urls) {
for(var i=0; i<urls.length; i++) {
var res = modules.fetch(_synjsContext, urls[i]);
if(res.finalUrl.indexOf('github')>=0) {
console.log('found correct one!', urls[i]);
var modules = {
SynJS: SynJS,
fetch: fetch,
const urls = [
'http://www.github.com', // This is the valid one
SynJS.run(myFetches,null,modules,urls,function () {
It would produce following output:
fetching started: http://www.google.com
fetching finished: http://www.google.com
fetching started: http://www.yahoo.com
fetching finished: http://www.yahoo.com
fetching started: http://www.github.com
fetching finished: http://www.github.com
found correct one! http://www.github.com
If you want to avoid the fact of testing each URL, you can use the following code.
const urls = [
'https://athirdurl.com' // This is the valid one
export function validate(key) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function testUrl(url) {
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((json) => {
if (json.license.valid) {
if (urlIndex === urls.length) {
reject("No matches found...");
let urlIndex = 0;
if (!urls.length)
return reject("No urls to test...");
