Firebase with JavaScript [closed] - javascript

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How to secure firebase code,I mean can anybody edit its code through google chrome console like view items or other things or there is any thing to prevent it?I am fairly new and only now the basics.

Your firebase code is sitting with the rest of your website code. I do not believe there is any major issue unless you are using a client side rendered framework for your web application and have left your configuration keys for firebase in the frontend and on top of that your firebase access rules are set to public. Setting the proper firebase rules - you may want to read this:
is most important. This applies to all Storage, Database and Authentication.


Stuck with frontend. Need help to connect to backend (Node.js/Express/MySQL) [closed]

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Closed 3 days ago.
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I am having some trouble with understanding the backend in a web architecture.
I have done my front webpages with css but i did not put any javascript.
The assignment requires me to use Node.js, Express, Mysql to build a login system, display of resources when requested.
Here are some questions i am still figuring out.
How do i connect my frontend to my backend?
Am i suppose to have some form of javascript in the frontend for connection to backend?
How does a web api play apart in this project?
Apologies for my open ended questions as i don't know what i don't know.
Thank you for your help guys.
I would appreciate if you have any online links for me to study into it.
I am currently stuck with just a HTML and CSS file.

How to Access Smart Card from a Chrome browser using WebUSB API and PC/SC? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to write a web application which needs to exchange messages with a local Smart Card.
Currently I'm trying to use WebUSB API to connect the Chrome with the smart card reader, but I'm struggling to use the PC/SC specification.
In my researches I found this two topics:
Architectures to access Smart Card from a generic browser? Or: How to bridge the gap from browser to PC/SC stack?
How to send APDU to PCSC reader from web broswer using javascript
Although they deal with the same subject, they have no connection examples.
If anyone has any tips or example of connection I would be grateful.

How do I test my Firebase Web app? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a web app using Firebase Web (client Javascript SDK).
How do I test Auth, Realtime Database triggers, including
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged, firebase.database().ref(...).on and etc.
I tried to use mockfirebase but it is not triggering onAuthStateChanged.
The best way to do this is to create two (or multiple if required) firebase projects and use one for testing.
This is also supported by firebase cli using "Deploy Targets". You can deploy to different firebase projects from the single firebase.json config file in your source control.
For more information check this:

how use postgresql with javascript? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new in JavaScript and i want to create a page which store data in database so please help me and suggest me what i read regarding storing the data ?
If you only have little knowledge of Javascript and you're trying to have persistent data, I would recommend looking into localStorage and sessionStorage for the user session.
If, on the other hand, you're looking into storing data to a proper non-volatile database like PostgreSQL, but still has got only a bit of Javascript knowledge, I would recommend Meteor.js, which is a full-stack Node.js (javascript) framework and is very easy to use.
It does use MongoDB by default instead of PostgreSQL, but for prototyping does the job perfectly.
Have a look here

Example Sign-up/Sign in using node.js [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm new on using node.js
Surfing around the web i couldn't find any example of code of a simple sign-up/sign-in that could also show me how to manage database in node.
I mean the app.js page for server and the related client-side html page, and their relation. Can someone help me or give some useful link i couldn't find?
using Cassandra and i.o. socket, it'd be the best help.
You can use Passport library , there should be an example there. You can also use if you want to login by
I recommend using
It has support for simple username/password authentication as well as OAuth etc
There's also a good tutorial here:
