I have a rectangle and would like to:
Get a random point on one (any) of the sides.
Get a random point on one (except for the previously picked) side.
My initial approach is to create arrays for each possible side.
var arr:Array = [[{x:0,y:0}, // Top
{x:width,y:0}], //
[{x:width,y:0}, // Right
{x:width,y:height}], //
[{x:width,y:height}, // Bottom
{x:0,y:height}], //
[{x:0,y:height}, // Left
{x:0,y:0}]]; //
Then, I get the sides.
rand is an instance of Rand and has the methods:
.next() which provides a random number between 0 and 1
.between(x,y) which returns a random number between x and y.
var firstSide:Array = arr[ * arr.length];
var secondSide:Array;
do {
secondSide = arr[ * arr.length];
} while(secondSide.equals(firstSide));
Finally, I calculate my points.
var pointOnFirstSide:Object = {x:rand.between(firstSide[0].x, firstSide[1].x),
y:rand.between(firstSide[0].y, firstSide[1].y};
var pointOnSecondSide:Object = {x:rand.between(secondSide[0].x, secondSide[1].x),
y:rand.between(secondSide[0].y, secondSide[1].y};
I don't think this is the most efficient way to solve this.
How would you do it?
Assuming we have the following interfaces and types:
interface Rand {
next(): number;
between(x: number, y: number): number;
interface Point {
x: number;
y: number;
type PointPair = readonly [Point, Point];
and taking you at your word in the comment that the procedure is: first randomly pick two sides, and then pick random points on those sides... first let's see what's involved in picking two sides at random:
const s1 = Math.floor(rand.between(0, arr.length));
const s2 = (Math.floor(rand.between(1, arr.length)) + s1) % arr.length;
s1 and s2 represent the indices of arr that we are choosing. The first one chooses a whole number between 0 and one less than the length of the array. We do this by picking a real number (okay, floating point number, whatever) between 0 and the length of the array, and then taking the floor of that real number. Since the length is 4, what we are doing is picking a real number uniformly between 0 and 4. One quarter of those numbers are between 0 and 1, another quarter between 1 and 2, another quarter between 2 and 3, and the last quarter are between 3 and 4. That means you have a 25% chance of choosing each of 0, 1, 2 and 3. (The chance of choosing 4 is essentially 0, or perhaps exactly 0 if rand is implemented in the normal way which excludes the upper bound).
For s2 we now pick a number uniformly between 1 and the length of the array. In this case, we are picking 1, 2, or 3 with a 33% chance each. We add that number to s1 and then take the remainder when dividing by 4. Think of what we are doing as starting on the first side s1, and then moving either 1, 2, or 3 sides (say) clockwise to pick the next side. This completely eliminates the possibility of choosing the same side twice.
Now let's see what's involved in randomly picking a point on a line segment (which can be defined as a PointPair, corresponding to the two ends p1 and p2 of the line segment) given a Rand instance:
function randomPointOnSide([p1, p2]: PointPair, rand: Rand): Point {
const frac =; // between 0 and 1
return { x: (p2.x - p1.x) * frac + p1.x, y: (p2.y - p1.y) * frac + p1.y };
Here what we do is pick a single random number frac, representing how far along the way from p1 to p2 we want to go. If frac is 0, we pick p1. If frac is 1, we pick p2. If frac is 0.5, we pick halfway between p1 and p2. The general formula for this is a linear interpolation between p1 and p2 given frac.
Hopefully between the two of those, you can implement the algorithm you're looking for. Good luck!
Link to code
jcalz already gave an excellent answer. Here is an alternate version for the variant I asked about in the comments: When you want your points uniformly chosen over two sides of the perimeter, so that if your w : h ratio was 4 : 1, the first point is four times as likely to lie on a horizontal side as a vertical one. (This means that the chance of hitting two opposite long sides is 24/45; two opposite short side, 1/45; and one of each, 20/45 -- by a simple but slightly tedious calculation.)
const rand = {
next: () => Math. random (),
between: (lo, hi) => lo + (hi - lo) * Math .random (),
const vertices = (w, h) => [ {x: 0, y: h}, {x: w, y: h}, {x: w, y: 0}, {x: 0, y: 0} ]
const edges = ([v1, v2, v3, v4]) => [ [v1, v2], [v2, v3], [v3, v4], [v4, v1] ]
const randomPoint = ([v1, v2], rand) => ({
x: v1 .x + rand .next () * (v2 .x - v1 .x),
y: v1 .y + rand .next () * (v2 .y - v1 .y),
const getIndex = (w, h, x) => x < w ? 0 : x < w + h ? 1 : x < w + h + w ? 2 : 3
const twoPoints = (w, h, rand) => {
const es = edges (vertices (w, h) )
const perimeter = 2 * w + 2 * h
const r1 = rand .between (0, perimeter)
const idx1 = getIndex (w, h, r1)
const r2 = (
rand. between (0, perimeter - (idx1 % 2 == 0 ? w : h)) +
Math .ceil ((idx1 + 1) / 2) * w + Math .floor ((idx1 + 1) / 2) * h
) % perimeter
const idx2 = getIndex (w, h, r2)
return {p1: randomPoint (es [idx1], rand), p2: randomPoint (es [idx2], rand)}
console .log (
// Ten random pairs on rectangle with width 5 and height 2
Array (10) .fill () .map (() => twoPoints (5, 2, rand))
The only complicated bit in there is the calculation of r2. We calculate a random number between 0 and the total length of the remaining three sides, by adding all four sides together and subtracting off the length of the current side, width if idx is even, height if it's odd. Then we add it to the total length of the sides up to and including the index (where the ceil and floor calls simply count the number of horizontal and vertical sides, these values multiplied by the width and height, respectively, and added together) and finally take a floating-point modulus of the result with the perimeter. This is the same technique as in jcalz's answer, but made more complex by dealing with side lengths rather than simple counts.
I didn't make rand an instance of any class or interface, and in fact didn't do any Typescript here, but you can add that yourself easily enough.
For a camera movement in three.js I need to calculate point C so to move the camera from point A to a certain distance dist to point B.
three.js has methods to do that very easily.
Assuming a, b, and c are instances of THREE.Vector3(),
a.set( 2, 1, 4 );
b.set( 9, 4, 2 );
c.subVectors( a, b ).setLength( dist ).add( b );
three.js r.91
So you need to calculate the coordinates of point C, given that it lies on the line between B and A at the given distance from B? This is pretty straightforward using the following steps:
Calculate the vector from B to A (this will just be A - B).
Normalize that vector (make it's length 1).
Multiply that by the distance you want.
Add that vector to the point B.
So a short javascript example:
const A = [2, 1, 4];
const B = [9, 4, 2];
const dist = 3;
function addVectors(v1, v2) {
return, i) => x + v2[i]);
function scalarMultiply(v, c) {
return => x*c);
function getLength(v) {
return Math.hypot(...v);
const vecB2A = addVectors(A, scalarMultiply(B, -1)); // Step 1
const normB2A = scalarMultiply(vecB2A, 1/getLength(vecB2A)); // Step 2
const distB2A = scalarMultiply(normB2A, dist); // Step 3
const C = addVectors(B, distB2A); // Final step
Point C is equal to point B minus 'dist' times a unit vector whose direction is AB. So it is quite easy:
vector v from A to B is equal (xB-xA, yB-yA, zB-zA) / distance(AB)
Then C = B - d*v where d is the distance from B you want C to be.
If I had an array of numbers such as [3, 5, 0, 8, 4, 2, 6], is there a way to “smooth out” the values so they’re closer to each other and display less variance?
I’ve looked into windowing the data using something called the Gaussian function for a 1-dimensional case, which is my array, but am having trouble implementing it. This thread seems to solve exactly what I need but I don’t understand how user naschilling (second post) came up with the Gaussian matrix values.
Context: I’m working on a music waveform generator (borrowing from SoundCloud’s design) that maps the amplitude of the song at time t to a corresponding bar height. Unfortunately there’s a lot of noise, and it looks particularly ugly when the program maps a tiny amplitude which results in a sudden decrease in height. I basically want to smooth out the bar heights so they aren’t so varied.
The language I'm using is Javascript.
EDIT: Sorry, let me be more specific about "smoothing out" the values. According to the thread linked above, a user took an array
[10.00, 13.00, 7.00, 11.00, 12.00, 9.00, 6.00, 5.00]
and used a Gaussian function to map it to
[ 8.35, 9.35, 8.59, 8.98, 9.63, 7.94, 5.78, 7.32]
Notice how the numbers are much closer to each other.
EDIT 2: It worked! Thanks to user Awal Garg's algorithm, here are the results:
No smoothing
Some smoothing
Maximum smoothing
EDIT 3: Here's my final code in JS. I tweaked it so that the first and last elements of the array were able to find its neighbors by wrapping around the array, rather than calling itself.
var array = [10, 13, 7, 11, 12, 9, 6, 5];
function smooth(values, alpha) {
var weighted = average(values) * alpha;
var smoothed = [];
for (var i in values) {
var curr = values[i];
var prev = smoothed[i - 1] || values[values.length - 1];
var next = curr || values[0];
var improved = Number(this.average([weighted, prev, curr, next]).toFixed(2));
return smoothed;
function average(data) {
var sum = data.reduce(function(sum, value) {
return sum + value;
}, 0);
var avg = sum / data.length;
return avg;
smooth(array, 0.85);
Interesting question!
The algorithm to smooth out the values obviously could vary a lot, but here is my take:
"use strict";
var array = [10, 13, 7, 11, 12, 9, 6, 5];
function avg (v) {
return v.reduce((a,b) => a+b, 0)/v.length;
function smoothOut (vector, variance) {
var t_avg = avg(vector)*variance;
var ret = Array(vector.length);
for (var i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) {
(function () {
var prev = i>0 ? ret[i-1] : vector[i];
var next = i<vector.length ? vector[i] : vector[i-1];
ret[i] = avg([t_avg, avg([prev, vector[i], next])]);
return ret;
function display (x, y) {
console.assert(x.length === y.length);
x.forEach((el, i) => console.log(`${el}\t\t${y[i]}`));
display(array, smoothOut(array, 0.85));
NOTE: It uses some ES6 features like fat-arrow functions and template strings. Firefox 35+ and Chrome 45+ should work fine. Please use the babel repl otherwise.
My method basically computes the average of all the elements in the array in advance, and uses that as a major factor to compute the new value along with the current element value, the one prior to it, and the one after it. I am also using the prior value as the one newly computed and not the one from the original array. Feel free to experiment and modify according to your needs. You can also pass in a "variance" parameter to control the difference between the elements. Lowering it will bring the elements much closer to each other since it decreases the value of the average.
A slight variation to loosen out the smoothing would be this:
"use strict";
var array = [10, 13, 7, 11, 12, 9, 6, 5];
function avg (v) {
return v.reduce((a,b) => a+b, 0)/v.length;
function smoothOut (vector, variance) {
var t_avg = avg(vector)*variance;
var ret = Array(vector.length);
for (var i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) {
(function () {
var prev = i>0 ? ret[i-1] : vector[i];
var next = i<vector.length ? vector[i] : vector[i-1];
ret[i] = avg([t_avg, prev, vector[i], next]);
return ret;
function display (x, y) {
console.assert(x.length === y.length);
x.forEach((el, i) => console.log(`${el}\t\t${y[i]}`));
display(array, smoothOut(array, 0.85));
which doesn't take the averaged value as a major factor.
Feel free to experiment, hope that helps!
The technique you describe sounds like a 1D version of a Gaussian blur. Multiply the values of the 1D Gaussian array times the given window within the array and sum the result. For example
Assuming a Gaussian array {.242, .399, .242}
To calculate the new value at position n of the input array - multiply the values at n-1, n, and n+1 of the input array by those in (1) and sum the result. eg for [3, 5, 0, 8, 4, 2, 6], n = 1:
n1 = 0.242 * 3 + 0.399 * 5 + 0.242 * 0 = 2.721
You can alter the variance of the Gaussian to increase or reduce the affect of the blur.
i stumbled upon this post having the same problem with trying to achieve smooth circular waves from fft averages.
i've tried normalizing, smoothing and wildest math to spread the dynamic of an array of averages between 0 and 1. it is of course possible but the sharp increases in averaged values remain a bother that basically makes these values unfeasable for direct display.
instead i use the fft average to increase amplitude, frequency and wavelength of a separately structured clean sine.
imagine a sine curve across the screen that moves right to left at a given speed(frequency) times the current average and has an amplitude of current average times whatever will then be mapped to 0,1 in order to eventually determine 'the wave's' z.
the function for calculating size, color, shift of elements or whatever visualizes 'the wave' will have to be based on distance from center and some array that holds values for each distance, e.g. a certain number of average values.
that very same array can instead be fed with values from a sine - that is influenced by the fft averages - which themselves thus need no smoothing and can remain unaltered.
the effect is pleasingly clean sine waves appearing to be driven by the 'energy' of the sound.
like this - where 'rings' is an array that a distance function uses to read 'z' values of 'the wave's x,y positions.
const wave = {
y: height / 2,
length: 0.02,
amplitude: 30,
frequency: 0.5
//var increment = wave.frequency;
var increment = 0;
function sinewave(length,amplitude,frequency) {
ctx.strokeStyle = 'red';
ctx.moveTo(0, height / 2);
for (let i = 0; i < width; i+=cellSize) {
//ctx.lineTo(i, wave.y + Math.sin(i * wave.length + increment) * wave.amplitude)
ctx.lineTo(i, wave.y + Math.sin(i * length + increment) * amplitude);
rings.push( map( Math.sin(i * length + increment) * amplitude,0,20,0.1,1) );
increment += frequency;
the function is called each frame (from draw) with the current average fft value driving the sine function like this - assuming that value is mapped to 0,1:
allowing fluctuating values to determine wavelength or frequency can have some visually appealing effect. however, the movement of 'the wave' will never seem natural.
i've accomplished a near enough result in my case.
for making the sine appear to be driven by each 'beat' you'd need beat detection to determine the exact tempo of 'the sound' that 'the wave' is supposed to visualize.
continuous averaging of distance between larger peaks in the lower range of fft spectrum might work there with setting a semi fixed frequency - with edm...
i know, the question was about smoothing array values.
forgive me for changing the subject. i just thought that the objective 'sound wave' is an interesting one that could be achieved differently.
and just so this is complete here's a bit that simply draws circles for each fft and assign colour according to volume.
with linewidths relative to total radius and sum of volumes this is quite nice:
//col generator
function getCol(n,m,f){
var a = (PIx5*n)/(3*m) + PIdiv2;
var r = map(sin(a),-1,1,0,255);
var g = map(sin(a - PIx2/3),-1,1,0,255);
var b = map(sin(a - PIx4/3),-1,1,0,255);
return ("rgba(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + "," + f + ")");
//draw circles for each fft with linewidth and colour relative to value
function drawCircles(arr){
var nC = 20; //number of elem from array we want to use
var cAv = 0;
var cAvsum = 0;
//get the sum of all values so we can map a single value with regard to this
for(var i = 0; i< nC; i++){
cAvsum += arr[i];
cAv = cAvsum/nC;
var lastwidth = 0;
//draw a circle for each elem from array
//compute linewith a fraction of width relative to value of elem vs. sum of elems
for(var i = 0; i< nC; i++){
var radius = lastwidth;//map(arr[i]*2,0,255,0,i*300);
//use a small col generator to assign col - map value to spectrum
ctx.strokeStyle = getCol(map(arr[i],0,255,0,1280),1280,0.05);
//map elem value as fraction of elem sum to linewidth/total width of outer circle
ctx.lineWidth = map(arr[i],0,cAvsum,0,width);
ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, Math.PI*2, false);
//add current radius and linewidth to lastwidth
var lastwidth = radius + ctx.lineWidth/2;
codepen here:
always happy about suggestions.
Given an array of circles (x,y,r values), I want to place a new point, such that it has a fixed/known Y-coordinate (shown as the horizontal line), and is as close as possible to the center BUT not within any of the existing circles. In the example images, the point in red would be the result.
Circles have a known radius and Y-axis attribute, so easy to calculate the points where they intersect the horizontal line at the known Y value. Efficiency is important, I don't want to have to try a bunch of X coords and test them all against each item in the circles array. Is there a way to work out this optimal X coordinate mathematically? Any help greatly appreciated. By the way, I'm writing it in javascript using the Raphael.js library (because its the only one that supports IE8) - but this is more of a logic problem so the language doesn't really matter.
I'd approach your problem as follows:
Initialize a set of intervals S, sorted by the X coordinate of the interval, to the empty set
For each circle c, calculate the interval of intersection Ic of c with with the X axis. If c does not intersect, go on to the next circle. Otherwise, test whether Ic overlaps with any interval(s) in S (this is quick because S is sorted); if so, remove all intersecting intervals from S, collapse Ic and all removed intervals into a new interval I'c and add I'c to S. If there are no intersections, add Ic to S.
Check whether any interval in S includes the center (again, fast because S is sorted). If so, select the interval endpoint closest to the center; if not, select the center as the closest point.
Basically the equation of a circle is (x - cx)2 + (y - cy)2 = r2. Therefore you can easily find the intersection points between the circle and X axis by substituting y with 0. After that you just have a simple quadratic equation to solve: x2 - 2cxx + cx2 + cy2 - r2 = 0 . For it you have 3 possible outcomes:
No intersection - the determinant will be irrational number (NaN in JavaScript), ignore this result;
One intersection - both solutions match, use [value, value];
Two intersections - both solutions are different, use [value1, value2].
Sort the newly calculated intersection intervals, than try merge them where it is possible. However take in mind that in every program language there approximation, therefore you need to define delta value for your dot approximation and take it into consideration when merging the intervals.
When the intervals are merged you can generate your x coordinates by subtracting/adding the same delta value to the beginning/end of every interval. And lastly from all points, the one closest to zero is your answer.
Here is an example with O(n log n) complexity that is oriented rather towards readability. I've used 1*10-10 for delta :
var circles = [
{x:0, y:0, r:1},
{x:2.5, y:0, r:1},
{x:-1, y:0.5, r:1},
{x:2, y:-0.5, r:1},
{x:-2, y:0, r:1},
{x:10, y:10, r:1}
console.log(getClosestPoint(circles, 1e-10));
function getClosestPoint(circles, delta)
var intervals = [],
len = circles.length,
i, result;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
result = getXIntersection(circles[i])
if (result)
intervals = intervals.sort(function(a, b){
return a.from - b.from;
if (intervals.length <= 0) return 0;
intervals = mergeIntervals(intervals, delta);
var points = getClosestPoints(intervals, delta);
points = points.sort(function(a, b){
return Math.abs(a) - Math.abs(b);
return points[0];
function getXIntersection(circle)
var d = Math.sqrt(circle.r * circle.r - circle.y * circle.y);
return isNaN(d) ? null : {from: circle.x - d, to: circle.x + d};
function mergeIntervals(intervals, delta)
var curr = intervals[0],
result = [],
len = intervals.length, i;
for (i = 1 ; i < len ; i++)
if (intervals[i].from <= + delta)
{ = Math.max(, intervals[i].to);
} else {
curr = intervals[i];
return result;
function getClosestPoints(intervals, delta)
var result = [],
len = intervals.length, i;
for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++)
result.push( intervals[i].from - delta );
result.push( intervals[i].to + delta );
return result;
create the intersect_segments array (normalizing at x=0 y=0)
sort intersectsegments by upperlimit and remove those with upperlimit<0
initialize point1 = 0 and segment = 0
loop while point1 is inside intersectsegment[segment]
4.1. increment point1 by uppper limit of intersectsegment[segment]
4.2. increment segment
sort intersectsegments by lowerlimit and remove those with loerlimit>0
initialize point2 = 0 and segment = 0
loop while point2 is inside intersectsegments[segment]
7.1. decrement point2 by lower limit of segment
7.2. decrement segment
the point is minimum absolute value of p1 and p2
I'm writing a jQuery plugin for fast-counting up to a value when a page loads. Since javascript can't run as fast as I want it to for larger numbers, I want to increase the increment step so that it completes within a given timeframe, so I'd need a quadratic function that passes through origo and has it's turning point at y = target counting value and x = target duration, but I can't get a grip on the math for doing this. Since both the number and the duration can change, I need to be able to calculate it in javascript aswell.
Hopefully someone can help me with this one!
Let's formalize the statement a bit.
We seek an equation of the form
y = a*x*x + b*x + c
where x is the time axis and y is a count axis. We know that one point on the curve is (0,0) and another point is (xf, yf) where xf is the final time and yf is the target count. Further, you wish for the derivative of this equation to be zero at (xf, yf).
y' = 2*a*x + b
So I have three equations and three unknowns:
(0,0) => 0 = c
(xf, yf) => yf = a*xf*xf + b*xf + c
y' = 0 # (xf, yf) => 0 = 2*a*xf + b
You should be able to solve it from there.
// Create a quadratic function that passes through origo and has a given extremum.
// x and y are the coordinates for the extremum.
// Returns a function that takes a number and returns a number.
var quadratic = function (x, y) {
var a = - (y / (x * x));
var b = (2 * y) / x;
return function (x) {
return a * x * x + b * x;