Communicating between NodeJS and Python: Passing back multiple arguments - javascript

As of right now I am using the built in child_process to start up the Python script and listen for any data passed back via stdout.on('data', (data)) like in line 6 of the first JS code. But from the Google searches I have done I only see examples of one thing being passed back or a group of things being passed back all clumped together. I was wondering if it was possible to send back more than just one argument. Below is my code:
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
pythonProcess = spawn('python', ["/path/to/python/file"]);
pythonProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
import sys
var thing1 = "Cold";
var thing2 = "Hot";
var thing3 = "Warm";
But what I want to happen is maybe pass back something like an array which is filled with the things I want to send back so that I can access them in the JS file like so:
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
pythonProcess = spawn('python', ["/path/to/python/file"]);
pythonProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
thing1 = data[0];
thing2 = data[1];
thing3 = data[2];
console.log('thing1: ' + thing1);
console.log('thing2: ' + thing2);
console.log('thing3: ' + thing3);
Which would output:
thing1: Hot
thing2: Cold
thing3: Warm
How would I do this?
Thanks in advance!

There isn't an interface that communicate directly between Node.js and Python, so you can't pass custom arguments, what you're doing is just executing a python program using child_process, so you don't send arguments, anything that is received on 'data' its what is printed to stdout from python.
So what you need to do, is serialize the data, and then deserialize it in Node, you can use JSON for this.
From your python script, output the following JSON object:
"thing1": "Hot",
"thing2": "Cold",
"thing3": "Warm"
And in your Node.js script:
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
const pythonProcess = spawn('python', ["/path/to/python/file"]);
const chunks = [];
pythonProcess.stdout.on('data', chunk => chunks.push(chunk));
pythonProcess.stdout.on('end', () => {
try {
// If JSON handle the data
const data = JSON.parse(Buffer.concat(chunks).toString());
// {
// "thing1": "Hot",
// "thing2": "Cold",
// "thing3": "Warm"
// }
} catch (e) {
// Handle the error
Have in mind that data is chunked, so will have to wait until the end event is emitted before parsing the JSON, otherwise a SyntaxError will be triggered. (Sending JSON from Python to Node via child_process gets truncated if too long, how to fix?)
You can use any type of serialization you feel comfortable with, JSON is the easiest since we're in javascript.
Note that stdout is a stream, so it's asyncrhonous, that's why your example would never work.
pythonProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
thing1 = data[0];
thing2 = data[1];
thing3 = data[2];
// Things do not exist here yet
console.log('thing1: ' + thing1);
console.log('thing2: ' + thing2);
console.log('thing3: ' + thing3);


Using child process output globally

For a project I need to incorporate a backend Python function with Javascript (main code for a chatbot). Using Child processes, it seems to work (when using 'node script.js'). However, I need to access the data from the called python function. Right now, all I am getting is the the output.I tried to store it in the global variable, but it's showing as 'undefined'. Is there a way to actually access the data so I can use it outside the stdout.on?
This is the Javascript code for running the pythonscript:
// Give a path to the QR scanner Python file
const qrScannerPath = "python/"
const base64Arg = "base64_2.txt"
// Provide the '.exe' python file. If python is available as an 'environment varaible', then simply refer to it as 'python'"
const pythonExe = "python"
// Function to convert a utf-8 array to a string
const utfConverter = function (data) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,(data))
// let's us handle python scripts
const spawn = require("child_process").spawn
const scriptExe = spawn(pythonExe, [qrScannerPath, base64Arg])
// If all goes well, the program should execute the Python code
let counterpartyData = {}
scriptExe.stdout.on("data", function (data) {
console.log("getting the Python script data...")
let cp = JSON.parse(utfConverter(data))
counterpartyData = {... cp} //should store the data to the variable
console.log(counterpartyData) // shows 'undefinied"
// In case our python script cannot be run, we'll get an error
scriptExe.stderr.on("data", (data) => {
console.error("error : " + data.toString())
//logs error message
scriptExe.on('error', (error) => {
console.error('error: ', error.message);
// Logs a message saying that our code worked perfectly fine
scriptExe.on("exit", (code) => {
console.log("Process quit with code : " + code)
If I run this code with node, the output of 'counterpartyData' is undefined. However, inside the stdout, it actually prints out the data I want.
Furthermore, I get python import errors when running the app on Heroku :(.
Thank you in advance!!
Happy New Year and joyful greetings <3

How to handle large JSON files in NodeJS and get specifc values out of them? [duplicate]

I have a file which stores many JavaScript objects in JSON form and I need to read the file, create each of the objects, and do something with them (insert them into a db in my case). The JavaScript objects can be represented a format:
Format A:
[{name: 'thing1'},
{name: 'thing999999999'}]
or Format B:
{name: 'thing1'} // <== My choice.
{name: 'thing999999999'}
Note that the ... indicates a lot of JSON objects. I am aware I could read the entire file into memory and then use JSON.parse() like this:
fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf-8', function (err, fileContents) {
if (err) throw err;
However, the file could be really large, I would prefer to use a stream to accomplish this. The problem I see with a stream is that the file contents could be broken into data chunks at any point, so how can I use JSON.parse() on such objects?
Ideally, each object would be read as a separate data chunk, but I am not sure on how to do that.
var importStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath, {flags: 'r', encoding: 'utf-8'});
importStream.on('data', function(chunk) {
var pleaseBeAJSObject = JSON.parse(chunk);
// insert pleaseBeAJSObject in a database
importStream.on('end', function(item) {
console.log("Woot, imported objects into the database!");
Note, I wish to prevent reading the entire file into memory. Time efficiency does not matter to me. Yes, I could try to read a number of objects at once and insert them all at once, but that's a performance tweak - I need a way that is guaranteed not to cause a memory overload, not matter how many objects are contained in the file.
I can choose to use FormatA or FormatB or maybe something else, just please specify in your answer. Thanks!
To process a file line-by-line, you simply need to decouple the reading of the file and the code that acts upon that input. You can accomplish this by buffering your input until you hit a newline. Assuming we have one JSON object per line (basically, format B):
var stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath, {flags: 'r', encoding: 'utf-8'});
var buf = '';
stream.on('data', function(d) {
buf += d.toString(); // when data is read, stash it in a string buffer
pump(); // then process the buffer
function pump() {
var pos;
while ((pos = buf.indexOf('\n')) >= 0) { // keep going while there's a newline somewhere in the buffer
if (pos == 0) { // if there's more than one newline in a row, the buffer will now start with a newline
buf = buf.slice(1); // discard it
continue; // so that the next iteration will start with data
processLine(buf.slice(0,pos)); // hand off the line
buf = buf.slice(pos+1); // and slice the processed data off the buffer
function processLine(line) { // here's where we do something with a line
if (line[line.length-1] == '\r') line=line.substr(0,line.length-1); // discard CR (0x0D)
if (line.length > 0) { // ignore empty lines
var obj = JSON.parse(line); // parse the JSON
console.log(obj); // do something with the data here!
Each time the file stream receives data from the file system, it's stashed in a buffer, and then pump is called.
If there's no newline in the buffer, pump simply returns without doing anything. More data (and potentially a newline) will be added to the buffer the next time the stream gets data, and then we'll have a complete object.
If there is a newline, pump slices off the buffer from the beginning to the newline and hands it off to process. It then checks again if there's another newline in the buffer (the while loop). In this way, we can process all of the lines that were read in the current chunk.
Finally, process is called once per input line. If present, it strips off the carriage return character (to avoid issues with line endings – LF vs CRLF), and then calls JSON.parse one the line. At this point, you can do whatever you need to with your object.
Note that JSON.parse is strict about what it accepts as input; you must quote your identifiers and string values with double quotes. In other words, {name:'thing1'} will throw an error; you must use {"name":"thing1"}.
Because no more than a chunk of data will ever be in memory at a time, this will be extremely memory efficient. It will also be extremely fast. A quick test showed I processed 10,000 rows in under 15ms.
Just as I was thinking that it would be fun to write a streaming JSON parser, I also thought that maybe I should do a quick search to see if there's one already available.
Turns out there is.
JSONStream "streaming JSON.parse and stringify"
Since I just found it, I've obviously not used it, so I can't comment on its quality, but I'll be interested to hear if it works.
It does work consider the following Javascript and _.isString:
.on('data', (d) => {
console.log(typeof d);
console.log("isString: " + _.isString(d))
This will log objects as they come in if the stream is an array of objects. Therefore the only thing being buffered is one object at a time.
As of October 2014, you can just do something like the following (using JSONStream) -
var fs = require('fs'),
JSONStream = require('JSONStream'),
var getStream() = function () {
var jsonData = 'myData.json',
stream = fs.createReadStream(jsonData, { encoding: 'utf8' }),
parser = JSONStream.parse('*');
return stream.pipe(parser);
getStream().pipe(MyTransformToDoWhateverProcessingAsNeeded).on('error', function (err) {
// handle any errors
To demonstrate with a working example:
npm install JSONStream event-stream
"greeting": "hello world"
var fs = require('fs'),
JSONStream = require('JSONStream'),
es = require('event-stream');
var getStream = function () {
var jsonData = 'data.json',
stream = fs.createReadStream(jsonData, { encoding: 'utf8' }),
parser = JSONStream.parse('*');
return stream.pipe(parser);
.pipe(es.mapSync(function (data) {
$ node hello.js
// hello world
I had similar requirement, i need to read a large json file in node js and process data in chunks and call a api and save in mongodb.
inputFile.json is like:
{ /*customer data*/},
{ /*customer data*/},
{ /*customer data*/}....
Now i used JsonStream and EventStream to achieve this synchronously.
var JSONStream = require("JSONStream");
var es = require("event-stream");
fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath, { encoding: "utf8" });
es.through(function(data) {
console.log("printing one customer object read from file ::");
processOneCustomer(data, this);
return data;
function end() {
console.log("stream reading ended");
function processOneCustomer(data, es) {, dataModel) {
I realize that you want to avoid reading the whole JSON file into memory if possible, however if you have the memory available it may not be a bad idea performance-wise. Using node.js's require() on a json file loads the data into memory really fast.
I ran two tests to see what the performance looked like on printing out an attribute from each feature from a 81MB geojson file.
In the 1st test, I read the entire geojson file into memory using var data = require('./geo.json'). That took 3330 milliseconds and then printing out an attribute from each feature took 804 milliseconds for a grand total of 4134 milliseconds. However, it appeared that node.js was using 411MB of memory.
In the second test, I used #arcseldon's answer with JSONStream + event-stream. I modified the JSONPath query to select only what I needed. This time the memory never went higher than 82MB, however, the whole thing now took 70 seconds to complete!
I wrote a module that can do this, called BFJ. Specifically, the method bfj.match can be used to break up a large stream into discrete chunks of JSON:
const bfj = require('bfj');
const fs = require('fs');
const stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath);
bfj.match(stream, (key, value, depth) => depth === 0, { ndjson: true })
.on('data', object => {
// do whatever you need to do with object
.on('dataError', error => {
// a syntax error was found in the JSON
.on('error', error => {
// some kind of operational error occurred
.on('end', error => {
// finished processing the stream
Here, bfj.match returns a readable, object-mode stream that will receive the parsed data items, and is passed 3 arguments:
A readable stream containing the input JSON.
A predicate that indicates which items from the parsed JSON will be pushed to the result stream.
An options object indicating that the input is newline-delimited JSON (this is to process format B from the question, it's not required for format A).
Upon being called, bfj.match will parse JSON from the input stream depth-first, calling the predicate with each value to determine whether or not to push that item to the result stream. The predicate is passed three arguments:
The property key or array index (this will be undefined for top-level items).
The value itself.
The depth of the item in the JSON structure (zero for top-level items).
Of course a more complex predicate can also be used as necessary according to requirements. You can also pass a string or a regular expression instead of a predicate function, if you want to perform simple matches against property keys.
If you have control over the input file, and it's an array of objects, you can solve this more easily. Arrange to output the file with each record on one line, like this:
{"key": value},
{"key": value},
This is still valid JSON.
Then, use the node.js readline module to process them one line at a time.
var fs = require("fs");
var lineReader = require('readline').createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream("input.txt")
lineReader.on('line', function (line) {
line = line.trim();
if (line.charAt(line.length-1) === ',') {
line = line.substr(0, line.length-1);
if (line.charAt(0) === '{') {
function processRecord(record) {
// Process the records one at a time here!
I solved this problem using the split npm module. Pipe your stream into split, and it will "Break up a stream and reassemble it so that each line is a chunk".
Sample code:
var fs = require('fs')
, split = require('split')
var stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath, {flags: 'r', encoding: 'utf-8'});
var lineStream = stream.pipe(split());
linestream.on('data', function(chunk) {
var json = JSON.parse(chunk);
// ...
Using the #josh3736 answer, but for ES2021 and Node.js 16+ with async/await + AirBnb rules:
import fs from 'node:fs';
const file = 'file.json';
* #callback itemProcessorCb
* #param {object} item The current item
* Process each data chunk in a stream.
* #param {import('fs').ReadStream} readable The readable stream
* #param {itemProcessorCb} itemProcessor A function to process each item
async function processChunk(readable, itemProcessor) {
let data = '';
let total = 0;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
for await (const chunk of readable) {
// join with last result, remove CR and get lines
const lines = (data + chunk).replace('\r', '').split('\n');
// clear last result
data = '';
// process lines
let line = lines.shift();
const items = [];
while (line) {
// check if isn't a empty line or an array definition
if (line !== '' && !/[\[\]]+/.test(line)) {
try {
// remove the last comma and parse json
const json = JSON.parse(line.replace(/\s?(,)+\s?$/, ''));
} catch (error) {
// last line gets only a partial line from chunk
// so we add this to join at next loop
data += line;
// continue
line = lines.shift();
total += items.length;
// Process items in parallel
await Promise.all(;
console.log(`${total} items processed.`);
// Process each item
async function processItem(item) {
// Init
try {
const readable = fs.createReadStream(file, {
flags: 'r',
encoding: 'utf-8',
processChunk(readable, processItem);
} catch (error) {
For a JSON like:
{ "name": "A", "active": true },
{ "name": "B", "active": false },
https.get(url1 , function(response) {
var data = "";
response.on('data', function(chunk) {
data += chunk.toString();
.on('end', function() {
I think you need to use a database. MongoDB is a good choice in this case because it is JSON compatible.
You can use mongoimport tool to import JSON data into MongoDB.
mongoimport --collection collection --file collection.json

Struggling with the wunderground api and node

So I had been stuck on this exercise in Treehouse some time ago and just moved on. I came back to it now that I understand things better and I'm still fighting with the wunderground api. I've read through the json data and documentation, updated a few things from when the class was first recorded (and the API updated since then), and still am getting errors I can't field. I've got three js files- app.js, weather.js, and api.json (which is just my api key so not shared here.)
After my corrections, I'm still getting the error "TypeError: Cannot read property 'temp_f' of undefined" which doesn't make sense as I keep reading over the JSON to check that it's pointing to the right place.
Can anyone put an end to my misery trying to fix this?
const weather = require('./weather');
//Join multiple values passed as arguments and replace all spaces with underscores
const query = process.argv.slice(2).join("_").replace(' ', '_');
//query: 90201
//query: Cleveland_OH
//query: London_England
const https = require('https');
const http = require('http');
const api = require('./api.json');
// Print out temp details
function printWeather(weather) {
const message = `Current temp in ${weather.location} is ${weather.current_observation.temp_f}F`;
// Print out error message
function get(query) {
const request = http.get(`${api.key}/conditions/q/${query}.json`, response => {
let body = "";
// Read the data
response.on('data', chunk => {
body += chunk;
response.on('end', () => {
//Parse data
const weather = JSON.parse(body);
//Print the data
module.exports.get = get;
//TODO: Handle any errors

Node JS - How to write stream big json data into json array file?

I have difficult to write a json data into json file using stream module.
I learn about this from several blog tutorial, one of them is this page
Let say i am working with big json data on a json file. I think it is not possible to store all json object inside my memory. So i decided to do it using stream module.
Here the codes i have done:
var Writable = require('stream').Writable,
util = require('util');
var WriteStream = function() {, {
objectMode: true
util.inherits(WriteStream, Writable);
WriteStream.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, callback) {
console.log('write : ' + JSON.stringify(chunk));
module.exports = WriteStream;
var data = require('./test_data.json'),
Readable = require('stream').Readable,
util = require('util');
var ReadStream = function() {, {
objectMode: true
}); = data;
this.curIndex = 0;
util.inherits(ReadStream, Readable);
ReadStream.prototype._read = function() {
if (this.curIndex === {
return this.push(null);
var data =[this.curIndex++];
console.log('read : ' + JSON.stringify(data));
module.exports = ReadStream;
Called with this code:
var ReadStream = require('./readStream.js'),
WriteStream = require('./writeStream.js');
var rs = new ReadStream();
var ws = new WriteStream();
Problem: I want to write it into different file, how is it possible?
Can you please help me?
If you are looking for a solution to just write the data from your ReadStream into a different file, you can try fs.createWriteStream. It will return you a writeable stream which can be piped directly to your ReadStream.
You will have to make a minor change in your readStream.js. You are currently pushing an object thus making it an object stream while a write stream expects either String or Buffer unless started in the ObjectMode. So you can do one of the following:
Start the write stream in the object mode. More info here.
Push String or Buffer in your read stream as writable stream internally calls writable.write which expects either String or Buffer. More info here.
If we follow the second option as an example, then your readStream.js should look like this:
var data = require('./test_data.json'),
Readable = require('stream').Readable,
util = require('util');
var ReadStream = function() {, {
objectMode: true
}); = data;
this.curIndex = 0;
util.inherits(ReadStream, Readable);
ReadStream.prototype._read = function() {
if (this.curIndex === {
return this.push(null);
var data =[this.curIndex++];
console.log('read : ' + JSON.stringify(data));
module.exports = ReadStream;
You can call the above by using the following code
var ReadStream = require('./readStream.js');
const fs = require('fs');
var rs = new ReadStream();
const file = fs.createWriteStream('/path/to/output/file');
This will write the data from test_data.json to the output file.
Also as a good practice and to reliably detect write errors, add a listener for the 'error' event. For the above code, you can add the following:
console.log("err:", err);
Hope this helps.

Robotjs error: Invalid key code specified

I have the following code in index.js
var settingsFile = "config.json";
var settings = JSON.parse(require("fs").readFileSync(settingsFile));
const net = require('net');
const robot = require("robotjs");
const fs = require("fs");
var client;
var customKeys = {
"scroll_up":'robot.scrollMouse(50, "up");',
function startCommunication(address,port) {
client = net.connect({port: port,host:address}, () => {
// 'connect' listener
console.log('connected to server!');
client.on('data', (data) => {
var string = data.toString();
if(string.substr(0,1) == "d") {
} else {
client.on('end', () => {
console.log('disconnected from server');
i also have this code in config.json, aka what is parsed into the settings variable.
What The Problem is is that when i get down to either robotjs.togglekeys statement i get the error
Error: Invalid key code specified.
This means that, as there error clearly states, it is getting an invalid keycode. I am guessing that is is some stupid mistake that I made. data in my testing is equal to "dKEY_DRIGHT". the variable string is equal to that but i need to get rid of the d in order for it to work. when i do the live console i am able to get the data that I need by using the same code but somethig goes wrong when it is being ran in the file. anything helps :)
you may try using node-key-sender to send keys presses to your operational system.
Install it with npm install --save-dev node-key-sender.
And send a key to the keyboard using:
var ks = require('node-key-sender');
All the values of you config ('a', 'b', ...) are accepted by the lib. You can send them directly.
Check the documentation page for more information:
