Find element from 3 arrays - javascript

I want to find element from 3 arrays and create string using values. I have tried and given the output. But I want to know that, is there any better solution for this.
var numbers = ['1','2','3','4','5'];
var letters = ['A','B','C','D','E'];
var romans = ['I','II','III','IV','V'];
function findInArray(input){
var index = -1;
if(numbers.indexOf(input) >= 0){
index = numbers.indexOf(input);
} else if(letters.indexOf(input) >= 0){
index = letters.indexOf(input);
} else if(romans.indexOf(input) >= 0){
index = romans.indexOf(input);
if(index > -1){
var data = '{"numbers":"'+numbers[index]+'","letters":"'+letters[index]+'","romans":"'+romans[index]+'"}';
output : {"numbers":"2","letters":"B","romans":"II"}

You don't need to check if indexOf exists for each of the arrays. You can just find the max value of index for all the three arrays.
If the argument exists in any of the array, it will return a positive values (which results in true)
Then you can simply return the concatenation of the result using the template strings
var numbers = ['1','2','3','4','5'];
var letters = ['A','B','C','D','E'];
var romans = ['I','II','III','IV','V'];
var findInArray = (i) => {
var index = Math.max(numbers.indexOf(i), letters.indexOf(i), romans.indexOf(i));
if (index) {
return `{numbers: ${numbers[index]}, letters: ${letters[index]}, romans: ${romans[index]}}`;

#Jonas has used a self executing function.
For example it will output 25
return x*x;
here 5is the parameter of this self executing function which will output to 25
Back to answer; When you convert his answer to raw it will look something like
const findInArray = val => (i => ({ //i = 1 here
numbers: numbers[1],
letters: letters[1],
romans: romans[1]
}))(Math.max(1,-1,-1) //will output 1);
Hope it makes sense.
resource -

Might be simpler with:
const findInArray = val => (i => ({
numbers: numbers[i],
letters: letters[i],
romans: romans[i]


How do I return only the letter that repeats the most times?

How do I return only the letter that repeats the most times? How to make it return only the result e = 5 in the following case
enter code here
var s = "Teeeeessttt"
var x = (s.toLowerCase());
function count() {
array_elements = ([...x]);;
var current = null;
var cnt = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < array_elements.length; i++) {
if (array_elements[i] != current) {
if (cnt > 0) {
document.write(current + ' - ' + cnt + '<br>');
current = array_elements[i];
cnt = 1;
} else {
if (cnt > 0) {
document.write(current + ' - ' + cnt);
First you would need to count the amount of times a character occurs. You could use the reduce method to loop over each character and store that character as a key in an object. The value of the key should represent the amount of times the character has occurred.
It would look like the object below.
"t": 4,
"e": 5,
"s": 2
From here you want to look for the highest number and return the key that corresponds to it. I've borrowed the solution of this SO thread to get the highest count of the object using another reduce loop.
const string = "Teeeeessttt";
const mostOccuringCharacter = string => {
// Count the occurence of each character.
const count = [...string.toLowerCase()].reduce((counter, char) => {
counter[char] = (counter[char] || 0) + 1;
return counter;
}, {});
// Compare the values with each other and return the
// character with the highest count.
const highestChar = Object.keys(count).reduce((a, b) =>
count[a] > count[b] ? a : b);
// Return an array with the character and the count.
return [highestChar, count[highestChar]]
const [ char, count ] = mostOccuringCharacter(string);
console.log(`${char} = ${count}`);
#UKS points out a dupe for this, interestingly there was a post with issues with funcky unicode.. eg. πŸ‘¦πŸΏπŸ‘¦πŸ‘¦πŸΏπŸ‘¦πŸ‘¦πŸ»πŸ‘¦πŸ½πŸ‘¦πŸΎπŸ‘¦πŸΏ, but no solution was shown for this.
So with that in mind I thought I would knock up a version that handles unicode nicely. I've also split into multiple functions for re-use. As you can see it's also easy to alter to find the least used character if so wanted. Not sure if this will handle 100% unicode, there might be some even more funcky ones. :)
function unicodeStrSplit(str) {
const x = [...str];
//let handle some funcky unicode
for (let p=x.length-1;p>0;p--)
if(x[p].charCodeAt(0)===0xd83c){x[p-1] += x[p], x.splice(p, 1) };
return x;
function arrayCounter(arr) {
return [...arr.reduce((a,v)=>a.set(v,a.get(v)+1||1),new Map())].
sort((a,b) => b[1]-a[1]);
function stringCounter(str) {
return arrayCounter(unicodeStrSplit(str));
console.log(stringCounter("Teeeeessttt").shift()); //first array item
//funcky unicode too.
console.log(stringCounter('πŸ‘¦πŸΏπŸ‘¦πŸ‘¦πŸΏπŸ‘¦πŸ‘¦πŸ»πŸ‘¦πŸ½πŸ‘¦πŸΎπŸ‘¦πŸΏ').shift()); //first array item
//also let's get the least used
console.log(stringCounter('πŸ‘¦πŸΏπŸ‘¦πŸ‘¦πŸΏπŸ‘¦πŸ‘¦πŸ»πŸ‘¦πŸ½πŸ‘¦πŸΎπŸ‘¦πŸΏ').pop()); //last array item

How to split String, convert to Numbers and Sum

I have a function that I have modified to get a string (which consists of zeros and ones only).
The string (timesheetcoldata):
The string items (the numbers one and zero) will change every time the function is run.
It will always be the same length.
I have made the string above easier to see what I am trying to achieve.
I want to return the first character and then every 24th character (as in the variable colsCount in the function).
so, in the example above, it would return something like: 111111
I then want to convert these characters to numbers (something like [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]).
I then want to sum these number together (so it would return, in the example: 6).
I then want to check if the returned number matches the variable: rowsCount
or true if it does, false if it does not.
My function:
var sheetStates = sheet.getSheetStates();
var rowsCount = 6;
var colsCount = 24;
var timesheetrowsdata = "";
var timesheetcoldata = "";
for(var row= 0, rowStates=[]; row<rowsCount; ++row){
rowStates = sheetStates[row];
timesheetrowsdata += rowStates+(row==rowsCount-1?'':',');
timesheetcoldata = timesheetrowsdata.replace(/,/g, '');
Thank you very much to both Rajesh and MauriceNino (and all other contributers).
With their code I was able to come up with the following working function:
var sheetStates = sheet.getSheetStates();
var rowsCount = 6;
var timesheetrowsdata = "";
var timesheetcoldata = "";
for(var row= 0, rowStates=[]; row<rowsCount; ++row){
rowStates = sheetStates[row];
timesheetrowsdata += rowStates+(row==rowsCount-1?'':',');
timesheetcoldata = timesheetrowsdata.replace(/,/g, '');
var count = 0;
var list = [];
for(var i = 0; i< timesheetcoldata.length; i+=24) {
const num1 = Number(timesheetcoldata.charAt(i));
count += num1;
let isSameAsRowsCount = count == rowsCount;
console.log('Is Same? ', isSameAsRowsCount);
You can always rely on traditional for for such action. Using functional operations can be more readable but will be more time consuming(though not by much).
You can try this simple algo:
Create a list that will hold all numbers and a count variable to hold sum.
Loop over string. As string is fixed, you can set the increment factor to the count(24).
Convert the character at given index and save it in a variable.
Push this variable in list and also compute sum at every interval.
At the end of this loop, you have both values.
var string = '100000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000';
var count = 0;
var list = [];
for(var i = 0; i< string.length; i+=24) {
const num1 = Number(string.charAt(i));
count += num1;
console.log(list, count)
Here is a step by step explanation, on what to do.
Use match() to get every nth char
Use map() to convert your array elements
Use reduce() to sum your array elements
Everything needed to say is included in code comments:
const testData = '100000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000';
// Step 1) Create array of numbers from string
const dataArr = testData.match(/.{1,24}/g) // Split on every 24th char
.map(s => Number(s[0])) // Only take the first char as a Number
// Step 2) Sum array Numbers
let dataSum = dataArr.reduce((a, b) => a + b); // Add up all numbers
// Step 3) Compare your variables
let rowsCount = 123; // Your Test variable
let isSameAsRowsCount = dataSum == rowsCount;
console.log('Is Same? ', isSameAsRowsCount);
As #Jaromanda mentioned, you can use the following to done this.
const string = '100000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000';
const value = string.split('').filter((e,i)=> !(i%24)).reduce((acc,cur)=> acc+ (+cur), 0);

Recursive parser using split in javascript

I have an algorithm where the user will enter a string and I will parse it into an array of 2+ dimensions. So, for example, the user can enter 1,2,3;4,5,6 and set the text to be parsed by the semicolon and the comma. The first pass through will create an array with 2 entries. The second pass through will create a 3 entry array in both prior spots.
The user can add or remove the number of text items to be used to parse the original string such as the semicolon or comma, meaning the resulting array can have as many dimensions as parsing items.
This doesn't seem like a difficult problem, but I have run into some snags.
Here is my code so far.
vm.parsers = [';', ','];
vm.inputString = "1,2,3,4,5;6,7,8,9,10";
function parseDatasetText( )
vm.real = vm.parseMe( vm.inputString, 0);
function parseMe( itemToParse, indexToParse )
if ( indexToParse < vm.parsers.length )
console.log('Parsing *'+itemToParse+'* with '+vm.parsers[indexToParse]);
var tempResults = itemToParse.split( vm.parsers[indexToParse] );
for (var a=0; a<tempResults.length; a++)
console.log('Pushing '+tempResults[a]);
tempResults[a] = vm.parseMe( tempResults[a], parseInt( indexToParse ) + 1 )
console.log('This value is '+tempResults[a]);
console.log('Returning '+itemToParse);
return itemToParse
As you can see from the console logs, the algorithm spits out an undefined after the last parse, and the final answer is undefined.
Maybe I just haven't slept enough, but I was thinking that the array would recursively populate via the splits?
function parseDatasetText(){
//composing parser from right to left into a single function
//that applies them from left to right on the data
var fn = vm.parsers.reduceRight(
(nextFn, delimiter) => v => String(v).split(delimiter).map(nextFn),
v => v
return fn( vm.inputString );
Don't know what else to add.
You can use a simple recursive function like the following (here an example with 3 different delimiters):
function multiSplit(xs, delimiters) {
if (!delimiters.length) return xs;
return xs.split(delimiters[0]).map(x => multiSplit(x, delimiters.slice(1)));
data = '1:10,2:20,3:30;4:40,5:50,6:60';
res = multiSplit(data, [';', ',', ':']);
The following function should suit your requirements, please let me know if not
var parsers = [';', ',', ':'],
inputString = "1:a,2:b,3:c,4:d,5:e;6:f,7:g,8:h,9:i,10:j",
Result = [];
function Split(incoming) {
var temp = null;
for (var i = 0; i < parsers.length; i++)
if (incoming.indexOf(parsers[i]) >= 0) {
temp = incoming.split(parsers[i]);
if (temp == null) return incoming;
var outgoing = [];
for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++)
outgoing[outgoing.length] = Split(temp[i])
return outgoing;
Result = Split(inputString);
try it on
Edit 1 -
Added another inputString and another set of parsers:
Did you mean this?
var inputString = "1,2,3,4,5;6,7,8,9,10";
var array=inputString.split(';');
for (var i=0;i<array.length;i++){

Array text to numbers, find matching values and sort

I have an array which looks like this:
["1,8", "4,6,8", "8,9", "6,9"]
1/ I would like to turn it in to this
2/ I would then like to find matching values, by looking for the most number:
This first has been solved with this:
var carArray = ["1,8", "4,6,8,7,7,7,7", "8,9", "6,9"];
//1) create single array
var arr = carArray.join().split(',');
//2) find most occurring
var counts = {}; //object to hold count for each occurence
var max = 0, maxOccurring;
var cnt = (counts[el] || 0); //previous count
counts[el] = ++cnt;
if(cnt > max && cnt > 1){ //only register if more than once (cnt>1)
maxOccurring = el;
//there was an element more than once, maxOccuring contains that element
setResult('Most occuring: ' + maxOccurring + ' (' + max + ' times)');
//3)/4) ???
//below is only for test display purposes
function setResult(res){
3/ If the are no matching values like this
4/ Then I need to compare this array to another array, such as this
If the first number in <4> array above appears in <3> array, then get that number, ie in the above example I need to get 6. The <4> array will be static values and not change. The numbers is <3> will be dynamic.
EDIT Not the most elegant of answers, but I do have something working now. I didn't compare the original array directly with the second array, instead used simple if/else statements to do what I needed:
var carArray = ["1,5", "4", "8,2", "3,9,1,1,1"];
//1) create single array
var arr = carArray.join().split(',');
//2) find most occurring
var counts = {}; //object to hold count for each occurence
var max = 0, maxOccurring;
var cnt = (counts[el] || 0); //previous count
counts[el] = ++cnt;
if(cnt > max && cnt > 1){ //only register if more than once (cnt>1)
maxOccurring = el;
//there was an element more than once, maxOccuring contains that element
console.log('Most occuring: ' + maxOccurring + ' (' + max + ' times)');
else {
// If not occuring, match from a list
if(jQuery.inArray("6", arr) !== -1) { console.log('6'); }
else if(jQuery.inArray("9", arr) !== -1) { console.log('9'); }
else if(jQuery.inArray("7", arr) !== -1) { console.log('7'); }
else if(jQuery.inArray("5", arr) !== -1) { console.log('5'); }
else if(jQuery.inArray("4", arr) !== -1) { console.log('4'); }
else if(jQuery.inArray("1", arr) !== -1) { console.log('1'); }
else { console.log('not found'); }
Example Fiddle
Step 1 is fairly easy by using javascript's join and split methods respectively:
var arr = carArray .join().split(',');
For step 2, several methods can be used, the most common one using an object and using the elements themselves as properties. Since you only need to get the most occurring value if there is a reoccurring value, it can be used in the same loop:
var counts = {}; //object to hold count for each occurence
var max = 0, maxOccurring;
var cnt = (counts[el] || 0); //previous count
counts[el] = ++cnt;
if(cnt > max && cnt > 1){ //only register if more than once (cnt>1)
maxOccurring = el;
After the above, the variable maxOccurring will contain the reoccurring value (if any) and max will contain the times it occured
For step 4 the easiest way is to loop through the compare array and get the element that occurs in the input array:
var cmpArr = ['6','7','4','1','2','8','9','5'];
//find the first occurrence inside the cmpArr
res = function(){ for(var i= 0 ; i < cmpArr.length; i++){ if(arr.indexOf(cmpArr[i]) !== -1)return cmpArr[i];}}();
The above uses an in place function which is called immediately to be able to use return. You could also just use a loop and assign res when found, then break from the loop.
Last update, an alternate fiddle where the above is converted to a single function:
Well first of all the following code results in four matching answers since the jQuery selectors are the same.
var questionAnswer1 = $(this).find('input[name=questionText]').val();
var questionAnswer2 = $(this).find('input[name=questionText]').val();
var questionAnswer3 = $(this).find('input[name=questionText]').val();
var questionAnswer4 = $(this).find('input[name=questionText]').val();
var carArray = [questionAnswer1, questionAnswer2, questionAnswer3, questionAnswer4];
You could use the eq(index) method of jQuery to select the appropriate element. However having 4 inputs with the same name is a bad practice.
Well lets say that the carArray has 4 different values which all consist out of comma separated numbers. You could then do the following:
var newArr = [];
carArray.forEach(function(e) {
e.split(",").forEach(function(n) {
Well then we got to find the most occurring number. JavaScript doesn't have any functions for that so we will have to find an algorithm for that. I found the following algorithm on this stackoverflow page
var count = function(ary, classifier) {
return ary.reduce(function(counter, item) {
var p = (classifier || String)(item);
counter[p] = counter.hasOwnProperty(p) ? counter[p] + 1 : 1;
return counter;
}, {})
var occurances = count(newArr);
It isn't clear to me what you're trying to do in step 3 and 4, so can't answer those at the moment.
var ary = ["1,8", "4,6,8", "8,9", "6,9"];
var splitted = ary.reduce(function(acc, item) {
return acc.concat(item.split(','));
}, []);
var occurences = splitted.reduce(function(acc, item) {
if (!acc.hasOwnProperty(item)) acc[item] = 0;
acc[item] += 1;
return acc;
biggest = Object.keys(occurences).reduce(function (acc, key) {
if (occurences[key] > acc.occurences) { = key;
acc.occurences = occurences[key];
return acc;
var vals=["1,8", "4,6,8", "8,9", "6,9"];
// 1) turn into number array
var arrNew=[];
for(var i=0; i<vals.length; i++)
for (var j=0;j<arrLine.length;j++) { arrNew.push (parseInt(arrLine[j])) }
// 2) find most common
var found=[];
for(var i=0; i<arrNew.length; i++) {
// make an array of the number of occurrances of each value
if (found["num"+newArray[i]]) {
found["num"+newArray[i]] ++ ;
} else {
var mostCommon={count:0,val:"ROGUE"};
for (x in found) {
if (found[x] > mostCommon.count) {
// result :
//3) not quite sure what you meant there
// 4) unique values:
// at this point the 'found' list contains unique vals
var arrUnique=[];
for (x in found) {
// result :
arrUnique.sort(function(a, b){return a-b});
(This won't work in most browsers) but on a side note, when ES6 becomes widely supported, your solution could look like this:
var arr1 = ["1,8", "4,6,8", "8,9", "6,9"];
var arr2 = arr1.join().split(',');
var s = Array.from(new Set(arr2)); //Array populated by unique values, ["1", "8", "4", "6", "9"]
Thought you might like to see a glimpse of the future!
var orgArray = ['1,8', '4,6,8', '8,9', '6,9'];
var newArray = [];
for (var i in orgArray) {
var tmpArray = orgArray[i].split(',');
for (var j in tmpArray) {
var counts = {};
var most = null;
for (var i in newArray) {
var num = newArray[i];
if (typeof counts[num] === 'undefined') {
counts[num] = 1;
} else {
if (most == null || counts[num] > counts[most]) {
most = num;
} else if (most != null && counts[num] === counts[most]) {
most = null;
I don't understand the question 3 and 4 (what "unique order" means) so I can't answer those questions.

How to change a char in a string?

string[index] = 'a'
seems didn't work, it cannot change the string.
Why's that and are there any articles about this?
here an example of a function that would solve this
function replaceAt(string, index, newValue) {
if(index >= string.length || index < 0) {return false;}
var start = string.substr(0,index);
var finish = string.substr(index+1);
return start + newValue.toString() + finish;
Strings are not arrays but you can convert them into arrays and then join them back into strings.
var strArray = string.split("");
strArray[index] = 'a';
string = strArray.join("");
