I have attended a technical interview for a development company. They asked me the following:
Giving an array of numbers (n) find 2 numbers that sum gives (k) and print them.
Input: n = [2,6,4,5,7,1], k = 8
Output: result=(2,6),(7,1)
My solution:
function findSum(n,k){
let aux = []
for (let i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
for (let j = i+1; j < n.length; j++) {
if (n[i] + n[j] == k) {
aux.push({ first: n[i], second: n[j] })
return aux;
They told me that, it is possible to make the exercise with some kind of key or mapping.
Does some one know how to do it with only one loop?
The key to solving a question like this with low time complexity is the ability to efficiently search the data structure. A lot of answers rearrange the array in a way where searching an array is optimized. Another approach is with a data structure that inherently has fast search.
Set and Map data structures have O(1) time complexity for searches, which make them good data structures where searching can be leveraged to increase performance.
I use a new Map and traverse the array while adding it as a key. I set the key to the number and the value to the number of times I see it. I use a map over a new Set because I can also keep track of the number of instances of that particular number.
I search for the number that would sum up to k, which is: (k - num). If I find that number, I add both numbers to my results data structure and decrement the value by 1, to show that it's been used.
Time complexity: O(n), memory complexity: O(2n). Twice the amount of space compared to the original array because I have a key and a value to store in my Map
function pairSums(arr, k){
const map = new Map
const matches = []
for (let num of arr) {
const search = k - num
if (map.get(search) > 0) {
matches.push([num, k - num])
map.set(search, map.get(search) - 1)
} else if (!map.has(num)){
map.set(num, 1)
} else {
map.set(num, map.get(num) + 1)
return matches
console.log(pairSums([2, 6, 6, 6, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 7, 1, 4, 2], 8))
Match a number x from array with a key Math.min(x, k - x). Then run through your array and store every number in a hash using mentioned key. When the key you are going to add already is in the hash - check if stored value and current number gives required sum.
function findSum(n, k){
let hash = {};
for(let i = 0; i < n.length; ++i){
let x = n[i], key = Math.min(x, k - x);
if((key in hash) && hash[key] + x == k)
return [hash[key], x];
else hash[key] = x;
A task like this can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it. Here's one solution, for example:
function findPairs(n, k) {
return n.reduce((pairs, next, i) => pairs.concat(
n.slice(i + 1)
.filter(num => next + num === k)
.map(num => [ next, num ])
For the inputs [2, 6, 4, 5, 7, 1] and 8 will output [ [2, 6], [7, 1] ].
From https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/write-a-c-program-that-given-a-set-a-of-n-numbers-and-another-number-x-determines-whether-or-not-there-exist-two-elements-in-s-whose-sum-is-exactly-x/:
Sort the array in non-decreasing order.
Initialize two index variables to find the candidate elements in the sorted array. Initialize l to the leftmost index: l = 0, Initialize r to the rightmost index: r = n.length - 1
Loop while l < r.
if (n[l] + n[r] == k) then return 1
else if( n[l] + n[r] < k ) then l++
else r--
No candidates in whole array - return 0
I think by sorting you can do that
var n = [2,6,4,5,7,1];
var k = 8 ;
let start = 0, end = n.length-1;
while(start < n.length && end >= 0) {
let current_sum = (n[start] + n[end]);
if(current_sum == k) {
console.log('Found sum with '+ n[start] +' and '+ n[end]);
else if(current_sum > k) {
} else {
if(start == n.length || end < 0) {
console.log('Not Found');
but while writing this code I got one another approach also
const set = new Set([2,6,4,5,7,1]);
var k = 8;
let found = false;
for (let item of set) {
let another = k - item;
console.log('found with '+item +' and ' +another);
found = true;
if(!found) {
console.log('Not found');
If numbers are non-negative and the target value is within JavaScript array limit:
function findsums(arr,k){
var ret=[];
var aux=[];
return ret;
Similar approach could work with a bitfield (or even with a sparse array of bitfields) too.
Minified alternative similar to #Andrew's great answer, but assumes that all numbers are above 0 :
var pairs = (arr, k) => arr.reduce((a, n) =>
(a[n - k]-- ? a.push([n, k - n]) : a[-n] = a[-n] | 0 + 1, a), []);
console.log(JSON.stringify( pairs([2,6,4,5,7,1], 8) ));
I've been trying to calculate median but still I've got some mathematical issues I guess as I couldn't get the correct median value and couldn't figure out why. Here's the code;
class StatsCollector {
constructor() {
this.inputNumber = 0;
this.average = 0;
this.timeout = 19000;
this.frequencies = new Map();
for (let i of Array(this.timeout).keys()) {
this.frequencies.set(i, 0);
pushValue(responseTimeMs) {
let req = responseTimeMs;
if (req > this.timeout) {
req = this.timeout;
this.average = (this.average * this.inputNumber + req) / (this.inputNumber + 1);
console.log(responseTimeMs / 1000)
let groupIndex = Math.floor(responseTimeMs / 1000);
this.frequencies.set(groupIndex, this.frequencies.get(groupIndex) + 1);
this.inputNumber += 1;
getMedian() {
let medianElement = 0;
if (this.inputNumber <= 0) {
return 0;
if (this.inputNumber == 1) {
return this.average
if (this.inputNumber == 2) {
return this.average
if (this.inputNumber > 2) {
medianElement = this.inputNumber / 2;
let minCumulativeFreq = 0;
let maxCumulativeFreq = 0;
let cumulativeFreq = 0;
let freqGroup = 0;
for (let i of Array(20).keys()) {
if (medianElement <= cumulativeFreq + this.frequencies.get(i)) {
minCumulativeFreq = cumulativeFreq;
maxCumulativeFreq = cumulativeFreq + this.frequencies.get(i);
freqGroup = i;
cumulativeFreq += this.frequencies.get(i);
return (((medianElement - minCumulativeFreq) / (maxCumulativeFreq - minCumulativeFreq)) + (freqGroup)) * 1000;
getAverage() {
return this.average;
Here's the snapshot of the results when I enter the values of
The correct result should be;
Median: 1663.5
Change your median method to this:
function median(values){
if(values.length ===0) throw new Error("No inputs");
return a-b;
var half = Math.floor(values.length / 2);
if (values.length % 2)
return values[half];
return (values[half - 1] + values[half]) / 2.0;
Here's another solution:
function median(numbers) {
const sorted = Array.from(numbers).sort((a, b) => a - b);
const middle = Math.floor(sorted.length / 2);
if (sorted.length % 2 === 0) {
return (sorted[middle - 1] + sorted[middle]) / 2;
return sorted[middle];
console.log(median([4, 5, 7, 1, 33]));
The solutions above - sort then find middle - are fine, but slow on large data sets. Sorting the data first has a complexity of n x log(n).
There is a faster median algorithm, which consists in segregating the array in two according to a pivot, then looking for the median in the larger set. Here is some javascript code, but here is a more detailed explanation
// Trying some array
alert(quickselect_median([7,3,5])); // 2300,5,4,0,123,2,76,768,28]));
function quickselect_median(arr) {
const L = arr.length, halfL = L/2;
if (L % 2 == 1)
return quickselect(arr, halfL);
return 0.5 * (quickselect(arr, halfL - 1) + quickselect(arr, halfL));
function quickselect(arr, k) {
// Select the kth element in arr
// arr: List of numerics
// k: Index
// return: The kth element (in numerical order) of arr
if (arr.length == 1)
return arr[0];
else {
const pivot = arr[0];
const lows = arr.filter((e)=>(e<pivot));
const highs = arr.filter((e)=>(e>pivot));
const pivots = arr.filter((e)=>(e==pivot));
if (k < lows.length) // the pivot is too high
return quickselect(lows, k);
else if (k < lows.length + pivots.length)// We got lucky and guessed the median
return pivot;
else // the pivot is too low
return quickselect(highs, k - lows.length - pivots.length);
Astute readers will notice a few things:
I simply transliterated Russel Cohen's Python solution into JS,
so all kudos to him.
There are several small optimisations worth
doing, but there's parallelisation worth doing, and the code as is
is easier to change in either a quicker single-threaded, or quicker
multi-threaded, version.
This is the average linear time
algorithm, there is more efficient a deterministic linear time version, see Russel's
post for details, including performance data.
ADDITION 19 Sept. 2019:
One comment asks whether this is worth doing in javascript. I ran the code in JSPerf and it gives interesting results.
if the array has an odd number of elements (one figure to find), sorting is 20% slower that this "fast median" proposition.
if there is an even number of elements, the "fast" algorithm is 40% slower, because it filters through the data twice, to find elements number k and k+1 to average. It is possible to write a version of fast median that doesn't do this.
The test used rather small arrays (29 elements in the jsperf test). The effect appears to be more pronounced as arrays get larger. A more general point to make is: it shows these kinds of optimisations are worth doing in Javascript. An awful lot of computation is done in JS, including with large amounts of data (think of dashboards, spreadsheets, data visualisations), and in systems with limited resources (think of mobile and embedded computing).
var arr = {
max: function(array) {
return Math.max.apply(null, array);
min: function(array) {
return Math.min.apply(null, array);
range: function(array) {
return arr.max(array) - arr.min(array);
midrange: function(array) {
return arr.range(array) / 2;
sum: function(array) {
var num = 0;
for (var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) num += array[i];
return num;
mean: function(array) {
return arr.sum(array) / array.length;
median: function(array) {
array.sort(function(a, b) {
return a - b;
var mid = array.length / 2;
return mid % 1 ? array[mid - 0.5] : (array[mid - 1] + array[mid]) / 2;
modes: function(array) {
if (!array.length) return [];
var modeMap = {},
maxCount = 1,
modes = [array[0]];
array.forEach(function(val) {
if (!modeMap[val]) modeMap[val] = 1;
else modeMap[val]++;
if (modeMap[val] > maxCount) {
modes = [val];
maxCount = modeMap[val];
else if (modeMap[val] === maxCount) {
maxCount = modeMap[val];
return modes;
variance: function(array) {
var mean = arr.mean(array);
return arr.mean(array.map(function(num) {
return Math.pow(num - mean, 2);
standardDeviation: function(array) {
return Math.sqrt(arr.variance(array));
meanAbsoluteDeviation: function(array) {
var mean = arr.mean(array);
return arr.mean(array.map(function(num) {
return Math.abs(num - mean);
zScores: function(array) {
var mean = arr.mean(array);
var standardDeviation = arr.standardDeviation(array);
return array.map(function(num) {
return (num - mean) / standardDeviation;
2022 TypeScript Approach
const median = (arr: number[]): number | undefined => {
if (!arr.length) return undefined;
const s = [...arr].sort((a, b) => a - b);
const mid = Math.floor(s.length / 2);
return s.length % 2 === 0 ? ((s[mid - 1] + s[mid]) / 2) : s[mid];
The type in the function signature (number[]) ensures only an array of numbers can be passed to the function. It could possibly be empty though.
if (!arr.length) return undefined; checks for the possible empty array, which would not have a median.
[...arr] creates a copy of the passed-in array to ensure we don't overwrite the original.
.sort((a, b) => a - b) sorts the array of numbers in ascending order.
Math.floor(s.length / 2) finds the index of the middle element if the array has odd length, or the element just to the right of the middle if the array has even length.
s.length % 2 === 0 determines whether the array has an even length.
(s[mid - 1] + s[mid]) / 2 averages the two middle items of the array if the array's length is even.
s[mid] is the middle item of an odd-length array.
TypeScript Answer 2020:
// Calculate Median
const calculateMedian = (array: Array<number>) => {
// Check If Data Exists
if (array.length >= 1) {
// Sort Array
array = array.sort((a: number, b: number) => {
return a - b;
// Array Length: Even
if (array.length % 2 === 0) {
// Average Of Two Middle Numbers
return (array[(array.length / 2) - 1] + array[array.length / 2]) / 2;
// Array Length: Odd
else {
// Middle Number
return array[(array.length - 1) / 2];
else {
// Error
console.error('Error: Empty Array (calculateMedian)');
const median = (arr) => {
return arr.slice().sort((a, b) => a - b)[Math.floor(arr.length / 2)];
Short and sweet.
Array.prototype.median = function () {
return this.slice().sort((a, b) => a - b)[Math.floor(this.length / 2)];
[4, 5, 7, 1, 33].median()
Works with strings as well
For better performance in terms of time complexity, use MaxHeap - MinHeap to find the median of stream of array.
Simpler & more efficient
const median = dataSet => {
if (dataSet.length === 1) return dataSet[0]
const sorted = ([ ...dataSet ]).sort()
const ceil = Math.ceil(sorted.length / 2)
const floor = Math.floor(sorted.length / 2)
if (ceil === floor) return sorted[floor]
return ((sorted[ceil] + sorted[floor]) / 2)
Simple solution:
function calcMedian(array) {
const {
} = array;
if (length < 1)
return 0;
//sort array asc
array.sort((a, b) => a - b);
if (length % 2) {
//length of array is odd
return array[(length + 1) / 2 - 1];
} else {
//length of array is even
return 0.5 * [(array[length / 2 - 1] + array[length / 2])];
console.log(2, calcMedian([1, 2, 2, 5, 6]));
console.log(3.5, calcMedian([1, 2, 2, 5, 6, 7]));
console.log(9, calcMedian([13, 9, 8, 15, 7]));
console.log(3.5, calcMedian([1, 4, 6, 3]));
console.log(5, calcMedian([5, 1, 11, 2, 8]));
Simpler, more efficient, and easy to read
cloned the data to avoid alterations to the original data.
sort the list of values.
get the middle point.
get the median from the list.
return the median.
function getMedian(data) {
const values = [...data];
const v = values.sort( (a, b) => a - b);
const mid = Math.floor( v.length / 2);
const median = (v.length % 2 !== 0) ? v[mid] : (v[mid - 1] + v[mid]) / 2;
return median;
const medianArr = (x) => {
let sortedx = x.sort((a,b)=> a-b);
let halfIndex = Math.floor(sortedx.length/2);
return (sortedx.length%2) ? (sortedx[Math.floor(sortedx.length/2)]) : ((sortedx[halfIndex-1]+sortedx[halfIndex])/2)
function Median(arr){
let len = arr.length;
arr = arr.sort();
let result = 0;
let mid = Math.floor(len/2);
if(len % 2 !== 0){
result += arr[mid];
if(len % 2 === 0){
result += (arr[mid] + arr[mid+1])/2
return result;
console.log(`The median is ${Median([0,1,2,3,4,5,6])}`)
function median(arr) {
let n = arr.length;
let med = Math.floor(n/2);
if(n % 2 != 0){
return arr[med];
} else{
return (arr[med -1] + arr[med])/ 2.0
The arr.sort() method sorts the elements of an array in place and returns the array. By default, it sorts the elements alphabetically, so if the array contains numbers, they will not be sorted in numerical order.
On the other hand, the arr.sort((a, b) => a - b) method uses a callback function to specify how the array should be sorted. The callback function compares the two elements a and b and returns a negative number if a should be sorted before b, a positive number if b should be sorted before a, and zero if the elements are equal. In this case, the callback function subtracts b from a, which results in a sorting order that is numerical in ascending order.
So, if you want to sort an array of numbers in ascending order, you should use arr.sort((a, b) => a - b), whereas if you want to sort an array of strings alphabetically, you can use arr.sort():
function median(numbers) {
const sorted = Array.from(numbers).sort((a, b) => a - b);
const middle = Math.floor(sorted.length / 2);
if (sorted.length % 2 === 0) {
return (sorted[middle - 1] + sorted[middle]) / 2;
return sorted[middle];
function findMedian(arr) {
arr.sort((a, b) => a - b)
let i = Math.floor(arr.length / 2)
return arr[i]
let result = findMedian([0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 5, 3])
I'm looking to find two numbers in an array that are equal to a particular target number. I thought this would be a simple task using .filter but for some reason my code only works when I'm looking for a target number of 4 but doesn't work for anything else?
What am I missing here?
var numbers2 = [1,2,3,4];
var target = 3;
var found = numbers2.filter((num) => {
return (num + num) !== target;
console returns (4) [1,2,3,4] as opposed to 2[1,2].
var numbers = [1,4,3,2,6,8,12,1,1,1,2,3,4];
var target = 3;
var output = [];
// Use a set to remove duplicate numbers
numbers = [...new Set(numbers)]; // Only do this step if you dont want duplicates ( like 2+2 = 4 so if your target was for 2, would not show up in the list )
// Sort the numbers from lowest to highest
numbers.sort( (a,b) =>a-b);
// Get index of first number that matches the target or is greater than the target
let index;
for( let i =0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
if( numbers[i] >= target ) {
index = i;
// Remove all numbers from the array starting at the previous index as these are not possible to add up with another number to the target
if( index ) {
numbers.splice(index, numbers.length - index );
// Loop through the remianing array to get first number
numbers.forEach( ( num1, index1) => {
// Loop through array again to get second number
numbers.forEach( (num2, index2) => {
// Check if number is same is same index as you dont want to add the same value to itself, then check if the 2 numbers equal the target number
if( index1 !== index2 && num1 + num2 === target ) {
// If number already exists in array dont duplicate otherwise add it to the array
if( output.indexOf( num1 ) == -1 ) {
output.push( num1);
// If number already exists in array dont duplicate otherwise add it to the array
if( output.indexOf( num2 ) == -1 ) {
output.push( num2);
console.log( output);
You could find the array location of your target number through using a array.forEach, array.indexOf(), array.find(), and array.findIndex():
let numbers2 = [1,2,3,4];
let target = 4;
//Using foreach
numbers2.forEach((item, index)=>{
if (item == target){
console.log("Found the target at array location "+index);
//Or through using indexOf():
console.log("Found the target at array location "+numbers2.indexOf(target));
//Or through using find():
const found = numbers2.find(element => element == target);
console.log("Found "+target+" in the array.");
//Or through findIndex():
const target1 = (a) => a == target;
console.log("Found the target at array location "+numbers2.findIndex(target1));
you only need one pair
[2,2] does not count when your target is 4 (as '2' only appears once in the array)
One way to go is:
let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let target = 4;
let output = [];
const N = numbers.length
outer: for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (let j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {
if (numbers[i] + numbers[j] === target) {
output.push(numbers[i], numbers[j])
break outer;
console.log(output); //[1,3]
Edit: even if you want more than one pair, it's easy to modify to get that effect (now the target is 5):
let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let target = 5;
let output = [];
const N = numbers.length
for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (let j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {
if (numbers[i] + numbers[j] === target) {
output.push([numbers[i], numbers[j]])
console.log(output); //[[1,4], [2,3]]
This is an ideal case for the humble for loop. Methods like .forEach() will always try to loop over all the elements in an array, but if we order the data before we start the search we can break early and eliminate a lot of searching.
var numbers = [1,2,3,4];
var target = 5;
var output = [];
// Handling ordered data is much faster than random data so we'll do this first
// We want to start the inner search part way up the array, and we also want
// the option to break so use conventional for loops.
for (let i = 0; i<numbers.length; i++) {
for (let j=i+1; j<numbers.length;j++) {
// If the total = target, store the numbers and break the inner loop since later numbers
// will all be too large
if ((numbers[i]+numbers[j])===target) {
output.push([numbers[i], numbers[j]]);
// Stop searching the first loop once we reach halfway, since any subsequent result
// will already have been found.
if (numbers[i]>(target/2)) {
console.log( output);
It makes very little sense to get an array of single numbers, because you'll get all the numbers except for the last one unless the array starts at zero or there are numbers skipped. So I've written a function that'll return an array of single numbers or an array of expressions (strings).
First, make a copy of the array:
const array = [1, 2, 3, 4]
const copy = array.slice(0);
Next, use .flatMap() for the first set of iterations:
array.flatMap(num => { // This is the outer loop of numbers
If the third parameter expression is undefined it will default to false. Then .filter() the copy array, the criteria being that the number from the outer loop plus the current number of the inner loop equals the target number AND the numbers cannot be identical.
copy.filter(n => n !== num && target === n + num);
Iterations on the first iteration of outer loop
1 + 1, 1 + 2, 1 + 3,...
If expression is true, then use .flatMap() to return an expression (string) of whatever equals the target number or an empty array (which returns as nothing since .flatMap() flattens it's returns by a level). If both numbers are identical an empty array will be returned.
copy.flatMap(n => n === num ? [] :
target === n + num ? `${n} + ${num}` :
If expression is true half of the array is returned so that there isn't any reversed dupes (ex. 6+2 and 2+6)
let half = result.length / 2;
result = result.slice(0, half);
const log = data => console.log(JSON.stringify(data));
// [1, 2, 3,...10]
const array10 = [...new Array(10)].map((_, i) => i + 1);
// [0, 2, 4, 6,...18]
const arrayEven = [...new Array(10)].map((_, i) => i * 2);
function operands(array, target, expression = false) {
const copy = array.slice(0);
let result = array.flatMap(num => {
if (expression) {
return copy.flatMap((n, i) =>
num === n ? [] :
target === n + num ? `${n} + ${num}` :
return copy.filter(n => n !== num && target === n + num);
if (expression) {
let half = result.length / 2;
result = result.slice(0, half);
return result;
// Return as an array of single numbers
log('3: '+operands(array10, 3));
log('8: '+operands(array10, 8));
log('5: '+operands(array10, 5));
log('2: '+operands(arrayEven, 2));
log('8: '+operands(arrayEven, 8));
log('15: '+operands(arrayEven, 15));
// Return as an array of expressions (string)
log('3: '+operands(array10, 3, true));
log('8: '+operands(array10, 8, true));
log('5: '+operands(array10, 5, true));
log('2: '+operands(arrayEven, 2, true));
log('8: '+operands(arrayEven, 8, true));
log('15: '+operands(arrayEven, 15, true));
I have this code that pairs same elements in an array, with the expectation that the array will have an odd length and it should return the only element that couldn't get a pair. So I wrote the code just well, and it works fine for smaller arrays, but with very large big integers of over 1 billion, the time complexity became O(N**2) and then the need to refactor my code to get a much better performance for large arrays and large array elements. Here is my code below;
function solution(A) {
if(!Array.isArray(A)) return 0;
var temp = new Array(A.length);
var position = 0;
for(let i=0; i<A.length; i++){
position = temp.indexOf(A[i]);
index = A.indexOf(A[i]);
delete temp[position];
delete A[index];
delete A[i];
temp[i] = A[i];
for(let j=0; j<A.length; j++){
if(A[j] !== undefined) return A[j];
else continue;
To test it, source data can look like [2,3,6,7,3,5,5,6,2] and it will give an output of 7. But when the array is so large up to [1,2,....] with length n = n=999,999, or n = 5000,000,000, the time complexity increases exponentially.
You might use Object to store non-paired elements only.
Please note that you don't need to store all the array elements and their counts in the Object and then filter by count (like #StepUp does).
Everything's been done in a single loop.
The function returns Array of all non-paired elements:
const solution = A => Array.isArray(A) ?
A.reduce((r, k) => {
r[k] = r[k] || 0;
if (++r[k] > 1) delete r[k];
return r;
}, {})
) : [];
console.log(solution([2, 3, 6, 7, 3, 5, 5, 6, 2]))
We can try to find odd occurrences for one iteration by using great features of object. Object is key - value pair. So access to object key is O(1). So when we meet the same element, then we just increment value:
const hashMap = arr.reduce((a, c)=> {
a[c] = a[c] || 0;
a[c] += 1;
return a;
const result = Object.keys(hashMap).filter(key => hashMap[key] === 1);
An example:
let arr = [2, 3, 6, 7, 3, 5, 5, 6, 2];
const hashMap = arr.reduce((a, c)=> {
a[c] = a[c] || 0;
a[c] += 1;
return a;
const result = Object.keys(hashMap).filter(key => hashMap[key] === 1);
My two 100% JavaScript solutions with optimized time complexity. The first one is using Set:
function solution(A) {
const pairs = new Set();
for (const num of A) {
if (pairs.has(num)) {
} else {
const [unpaired] = pairs;
return unpaired;
The second one is using bitwise XOR:
function solution(A) {
let unpaired;
for (const num of A) {
unpaired ^= num;
return unpaired;
this is the problem description:
Given an array of integers, calculate the fractions of its elements that are positive, negative, and are zeros. Print the decimal value of each fraction on a new line.
for example given the array arr=[1,1,0,-1,-1] output should be:
I know there is more more simple solution for it ,and i am sorry for my silly simple question but i wanna make my code work, my code sorts the output based on the key and removes duplicates. for this arr, my code output is:
thank you so much in advance for any help.
function plusMinus(arr) {
var freq = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
if (freq[arr[i]]) {
} else {
freq[arr[i]] = 1;
} for(var key in freq){
You could take an object with predifined properties, this prevents each loop for checking the existence and take an array of keys for getting the result in a wanted order.
function plusMinus(arr) {
var freq = { 1: 0, '-1': 0, 0: 0 },
i, key;
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (key of [1, -1, 0]) {
console.log((freq[key] / arr.length).toFixed(6));
plusMinus([1, 1, 0, -1, -1]);
Let's make sure the order of key in the map by defining it first.
function plusMinus(arr) {
var freq = {
posetive: 0,
negative: 0,
zero: 0
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
if( arr[i] < 0) {
} else if(arr[i] > 0) {
} else {
for(var key in freq){
You can use reduce.
Here idea is
First loop through original array and check for the value.
If value is zero we increment count of zero key.
If value is positive we increment count of pos key.
If value is negative we increment count of neg key.
Finally we divide each count by length of array.
let arr = [1,1,0,-1,-1]
let op = arr.reduce((op,inp)=>{
if(inp === 0){
} else if (inp > 0){
} else {
return op
let final = Object.entries(op).map(([key,value])=>({
[key] : value.count / arr.length
Use reduce, map and filter:
const arr = [1, 1, 0, -1, -1];
const counts = arr.reduce((acc, curr) => {
if (!curr) acc[0]++;
else if (curr > 0) acc[1]++;
else acc[2]++;
return acc
}, [0, 0, 0]);
const result = counts.map(e => e / arr.length).filter((e, i, a) => a.indexOf(e) == i);
You can try using Array.reduce and the resulting array will have the fraction of positive number at the '0'th index, negative at '1'st and zero at the '2'nd index.
Now if you want to control the count of the number of elements after decimal point, use Array.map at the end to transform it.
const array = [1,1,0,-1,-1];
function plusMinus(arr){
const output = arr.reduce((acc, ele) => {
if(ele > 0){
acc[0] = ((acc[0] || 0 ) + 1 / arr.length);
if(ele < 0){
acc[1] = ((acc[1] || 0 ) + 1 / arr.length);
if(ele === 0) {
acc[2] = ((acc[2] || 0 ) + 1 / arr.length);
return acc;
}, []).map(ele => ele.toFixed(6));
Math.sign is your friend here.
Also lodash would really help this snippet to be cleaner, I highly recommend _.countBy. Lodash .countBy
Here's the code.
const plusMinus = (numbers) => {
// Count by Sign (-1, 0 1)
const countSign = _.countBy(numbers, Math.sign);
// _.countBy return object, of counted { '1': 2, '0': 1, '-1': 2 }
// Print them in orders
const printOrder = [1, -1, 0];
printOrder.forEach(sign => {
console.log((countSign[sign] / numbers.length).toFixed(6));
const testArr = [1,1,0,-1,-1];
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/lodash#4.17.11/lodash.min.js"></script>
Here is another one-line solution using Array.reduce() and Array.forEach() functions:
const plusMinus = arr => arr
.reduce((res, curr) => ++res[!curr ? 2 : curr < 0 ? 1 : 0] && res, [0, 0, 0])
.forEach(i => console.log((i / arr.length).toFixed(6)));
plusMinus([1, 1, 0, -1, -1]);
I need to write a program that, when given a list of integers, it finds all 2-pairs of integers that have the same product. i.e. a 2-pair is 2 distinct pairs of integers lets say [(a,b),(c,d)] where a*b = c*d but a ≠ b ≠ c ≠ d.
The range of integers should be from 1 to 1024. What I would like to implement is that when the web page is opened the user is prompted by a pop up in which he will enter the array of integers, i.e [1,2,3,7,8,9,6] etc for instance from the input [1,2,3,7,8,9,6] the output should be [(9,2),(3,6)] since both evaluate to 18.
The coding I did so far is very basic and can be seen below. What I've done so far is the pop-up box alert the input etc, but can't seem to understand how to make the program check for the pairs and give the sum. Thanks in advance to this community who's helping me out to better understand and learn javascript!
I've done my fair bit of research below, definitely different question than mine but have gone through them.
Find a pair of elements from an array whose sum equals a given number
function evaluate() {
const input = prompt("Please enter the array of integers in the form: 1,2,3,1")
.map(item => item.trim());
function pairs(items) {
if (input == "" || input == null) {
document.writeln("Sorry, there is nothing that can be calculated.");
} else {
document.writeln("Your calculation is: ");
document.writeln(pairs(input) + " with a starting input string of: " + input);
You could iterate the array and a copy of the array beginning by the actual index plus one for getting the products. Store the result in an object with product as key.
Then get the keys (products) of the object, filter it to get only the results with two or more products.
var array = [1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 6],
result = {},
array.forEach(function (a, i) {
array.slice(i + 1).forEach(function (b) {
(result[a * b] = (result[a * b] || [])).push([a, b]);
pairs = Object
.filter(function (k) { return result[k].length >= 2; })
.map(function(k) { return result[k]; });
We could mutate the equation:
a * b = c * d | : b
a = c * d : b
So actually we just need to get all different combinations of three numbers (b, c, d) and check if the result (a) is also in the given range:
// shuffle
const [b, c, d] = items;
const a = c * d / b;
if(items.includes(a + ""))
return true;
return false;
Now you only need to shuffle the array to go through all different combinations. You can find an algorithm here
Assuming that you are given an array such as [1,2,3,7,8,9,6] and a value 18 and you need to find pairs that multiply to 18 then, use the following approach
Convert them to a map - O(n)
var inputArr = [1,2,3,7,8,9,6];
var map = inputArr.reduce( (acc, c) => {
acc[ c ] = true; //set any truthy value
return acc;
Iterate an inputArr and see if its compliment is available in the map - O(n)
var output = [];
var mulValue = 18;
inputArr.forEach( s => {
var remainder = mulValue/s;
if ( map[s] && map[remainder] )
output.push( [ s, remainder ] );
map[s] = false;
map[remainder] = false;
var inputArr = [1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 6];
var map = inputArr.reduce((acc, c) => {
acc[c] = true; //set any truthy value
return acc;
}, {});
var output = [];
var mulValue = 18;
inputArr.forEach(s => {
var remainder = mulValue / s;
if (map[s] && map[remainder]) {
output.push([s, remainder]);
map[s] = false;
map[remainder] = false;
You can try something like this:
Loop over the array to compute product. Use this iterator(say i) as get first operand(say op1).
Now again loop over same array but the range will start from i+1. This is to reduce number of iteration.
Now create a temp variable that will hold product and operand.
On every iteration, add value to product in hashMap.
Now loop over hashMap and remove any value that has length that is less than 2.
function sameProductValues(arr) {
var hashMap = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {
for (var j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++) {
var product = arr[i] * arr[j];
hashMap[product] = hashMap[product] || [];
hashMap[product].push([arr[i], arr[j]]);
for(var key in hashMap) {
if( hashMap[key].length < 2 ) {
delete hashMap[key];
sameProductValues([1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 6])