JavaScript Conversion between ArrayBuffer and String Chinese/Japanese Character issue - javascript

i'm using Web Crypto API. i'm getting from the encrypt/decrypt an ArrayBuffer.
to store the ArrayBuffer, i need to stringify it. i found this example for this job:
function ab2str(buf) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint16Array(buf));
function str2ab(str) {
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length*2); // 2 bytes for each char
var bufView = new Uint16Array(buf);
for (var i=0, strLen=str.length; i < strLen; i++) {
bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return buf;
but i'm getting not the original string. abstract example workflow:
var encryptedArrayBuffer = webcryapto.encrypt("someLongString");
var encryptedString = ab2str(encryptedArrayBuffer);
now i get a string with chinese or japanese characters.
var decryptedArrayBuffer = webcryapto.decrypt(someKey);
var decryptedString = ab2str(encryptedString);
after conversion the depcrypted string isn't like the original. in my array of data some values are decrypted correctly. the others have chinese/japanese characters included like the encrypted value.
is there any good solution to get not unexpected characters?
i'm using "AES-CBC" of the web crypto examples above.
working value
plain = "{"Key":"Outbuildings#58dc9e89-cbf6-4b06-ae9d-3380803ae995","Value":"Sonstiges Nebengebäude"}"
encryptedAB = webcrypto.encrypt(plain)
encrypted = ab2str(encryptedAB)
encrypted => "鷨捍⩆ኅ읲☹많ᦞ㙝⵱芾⟷㾌㴵꾂큹锩凉㚣䬶⁐薈Ⴞ舢ử揼߱泏넸붛󆘍蚔缍꠿䌩񽧽턂煮铈氁覞⺛鱂髽ؠ읰픡忧򆿦㣑鎜ㆅ鍏ᾪ莍庉떹Ẋ昭婚篥.矧ㇴ⒕ࡹ텾᧫ᲈﺍ⮣䋅"
decryptedArrayBuffer = webcrypto.decrypt(encrypted)
decrypted = ab2str(decryptedArrayBuffer)
decrypted = > "{"Key":"Outbuildings#58dc9e89-cbf6-4b06-ae9d-3380803ae995","Value":"Sonstiges Nebengebäude"}"
after decrypting , i get my plain.
not working value
plainString = "{"Key": "Outbuildings#d24857bc-5dee-4236-835d-8e3b91567a91", "Value": "Werkstatt"}"
encryptedArrayBuffer = webcrypto.encrypt(plainString)
encrypted => ab2str(encryptedArrayBuffer )
encrypted = "鷨捍⩆ኅ읲☹많ᦞ㙝⵱芾⟷㾌㴵꾂큹곙㤴njǃ⻲︽㙙郬쵸납餵逳䣊ᯗ퇟姛쏱阵巍旿柀⤏뙡뷇劺泴姲娯趱ៜ쪉轮댼롲ᾕ鱁ᬩ㩋䄅ᖯ苊脭䚛뮖ꡞಅ₨ፂ쑱眈盼갚⊙媌콠ᕥ䲵뺜঳왶輄繆緸䜁ꓳ镉⎇繆催ᥤ՘ⴸ㗻"
decryptedAB = webcrypto.decrypt(encrypted)
decrypted = ab2st(decryptedAB)
decrypted => "{"Key":"Outbuildings#d24∲姅�㉍猨씁�熢ᅍ攄稲짷业鯌㰸35d-иe3ꑢ專䫚︙绬ோᲬ㎂1","V偡lue":"Werkstatt"}"
in this example, the GUID and the word "Value" is destroyed, after ab2str(decryptedArrayBuffer). but it's not on all values the same corrupted characters. one part of values are ok, the others destroyed on different characters.


How to create a hash using Web Crypto API?

I'm trying to create SHA-1 hash on the client-side. I'm trying to do this with Web Crypto API but when I'm comparing the output to what various online tools give me, the result is completely different. I think the problem is in ArrayBuffer to Hex conversion. Here is my code:
function generateHash() {
var value = "mypassword";
var crypto = window.crypto;
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(value);
var hash_bytes = crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-1", buffer);
hash_bytes.then(value => document.write([ Uint8Array(value)].map(x => x.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('')));
Output of document.write should be:
But it's not, I get a completely different hash of different length (should be 40). Could I have some advise on the problem? Thanks.
The problem seems to be more the input conversion from a string to an ArrayBuffer. E.g. with str2ab() the code works:
function generateHash() {
var value = "mypassword";
var crypto = window.crypto;
var buffer = str2ab(value); // Fix
var hash_bytes = crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-1", buffer);
hash_bytes.then(value => document.write([ Uint8Array(value)].map(x => x.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('')));
function str2ab(str) {
const buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length);
const bufView = new Uint8Array(buf);
for (let i = 0, strLen = str.length; i < strLen; i++) {
bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return buf;
with the expected output:
Using the debugger, it looks like var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(value); results in buffer being an empty ArrayBuffer. The text string stored in value must be utf-8 encoded in order to be correctly converted to bytes, which can then by passed as an input to the crypto.subtle.digest() function.
Try changing:
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(value);
var buffer = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode(value);
This creates a Uint8Array (as expected by crypto.subtle.digest()) consisting of the bytes resulting from utf-8 encoding the text string in 'value'. This should solve the problem and produce the result that you are expecting.

Uncaught URIError: URI malformed error with jQuery

I'm using node forge to encrypt a form before sending it to the server using AES.
The code for the crypto part for now is
const bigInt = require("big-integer");
const forge = require('node-forge');
function generateParams() {
// Cryptographic random number generator
var array = new Uint32Array(2);
var _key = bigInt(window.crypto.getRandomValues(array)[0]).toString();
var _iv = bigInt(window.crypto.getRandomValues(array)[1]).toString();
// generate random key and IV
var key = forge.util.encode64(_key);
var iv = forge.util.encode64(_iv);
const params = {
key: key,
iv: iv
return params;
function encrypt(params) {
var cipher = forge.rc2.createEncryptionCipher(params.key);
// Encrypting "testing"
return cipher.output;
function decrypt(params, encrypted) {
var cipher = forge.rc2.createDecryptionCipher(params.key);
return cipher.output;
and the jQuery function is (not posting yet)
$('#recordForm').submit(function(event) {
// Stop form from submitting normally
// Grab form data
// Crypto
const params = generateParams();
const encryptedForm = {
test: encrypt(params),
console.log("Encrypted: " + encryptedForm.test);
const decryptedForm = {
test: decrypt(params,,
console.log("Decrypted: " + decryptedForm.test);
My problem is that I keep getting back (cryptob.js is the name of my file, generated with browserify)
Uncaught URIError: URI malformed
at decodeURIComponent (<anonymous>)
at Object.util.decodeUtf8 (cryptob.js:24437)
at ByteStringBuffer.util.ByteStringBuffer.toString (cryptob.js:23490)
at HTMLFormElement.<anonymous> (cryptob.js:1282)
at HTMLFormElement.dispatch (jquery-3.1.1.slim.min.js:3)
at HTMLFormElement.q.handle (jquery-3.1.1.slim.min.js:3)
when calling encrypt().
There is this answer here which recommends including a special meta tag. I have done that but it still doesn't work. Since some resources online say it is related to UTF-8 encoding, I tried replacing
cipher.update(forge.util.createBuffer("testing", 'utf8'));
but it didn't work either (based on encodeURIComponent(str)).
You can test forge here, and if you run this code (which is essentially what I'm doing)
var forge = require("node-forge")
// generate a random key and IV
var key = forge.util.encode64("12354523465");
var iv = forge.util.encode64("2315");
// encrypt some bytes
var cipher = forge.rc2.createEncryptionCipher(key);
var encrypted = cipher.output;
// decrypt some bytes
var cipher = forge.rc2.createDecryptionCipher(key);
it works fine.
How can I solve this?
It looks like this error is actually happening in the toString, where you generate your _key and _iv.
Try testing with some hard-coded strings, as used in the example code you posted. Then, use a method to generate random byte strings for the key and IV.
Also, for AES-256, the key should have 32 bytes (not bits) of entropy. The IV should have 16 bytes of entropy.

Trouble decrypting openSSL AES CTR encrypted text

I have trouble decrypting an message encrypted in php with the openssl_encrypt method. I am using the new WebCrypto API (so I use crypto.subtle).
Encrypting in php:
$ALGO = "aes-256-ctr";
$key = "ae6865183f6f50deb68c3e8eafbede0b33f9e02961770ea5064f209f3bf156b4";
function encrypt ($data, $key) {
global $ALGO;
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(openssl_cipher_iv_length($ALGO), $strong);
if (!$strong) {
exit("can't generate strong IV");
return bin2hex($iv).openssl_encrypt($data, $ALGO, $key, 0, $iv);
$enc = encrypt("Lorem ipsum dolor", $key);
example output:
(I can decrypt that in php and get the cleartext back)
In JS I decrypt like this:
function Ui8FromStr (StrStart) {
const Ui8Result = new Uint8Array(StrStart.length);
for (let i = 0; i < StrStart.length; i++) {
Ui8Result[i] = StrStart.charCodeAt(i);
return Ui8Result;
function StrFromUi8 (Ui8Start) {
let StrResult = "";
Ui8Start.forEach((charcode) => {
StrResult += String.fromCharCode(charcode);
return StrResult;
function Ui8FromHex (hex) {
for (var bytes = new Uint8Array(Math.ceil(hex.length / 2)), c = 0; c < hex.length; c += 2)
bytes[c/2] = parseInt(hex.substr(c, 2), 16);
return bytes;
const ALGO = 'AES-CTR'
function decrypt (CompCipher, HexKey) {
return new Promise (function (resolve, reject) {
// remove IV from cipher
let HexIv = CompCipher.substr(0, 32);
let B64cipher = CompCipher.substr(32);
let Ui8Cipher = Ui8FromStr(atob(B64cipher));
let Ui8Iv = Ui8FromHex (HexIv);
let Ui8Key = Ui8FromHex (HexKey);
crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", Ui8Key, {name: ALGO}, false, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]). then (function (cryptokey){
return crypto.subtle.decrypt({ name: ALGO, counter: Ui8Iv, length: 128}, cryptokey, Ui8Cipher).then(function(result){
let Ui8Result = new Uint8Array(result);
let StrResult = StrFromUi8(Ui8Result);
}).catch (function (err){
when I now run decrypt("8d8c3a57d2dbb3287aca61be0bce59fbeAQ4ILKouAQ5eizPtlUTeHU=", "ae6865183f6f50deb68c3e8eafbede0b33f9e02961770ea5064f209f3bf156b4").then(console.log) I get gibberish: SÌõÅ°blfçSÑ-
The problem I have is, that I am not sure what is meant with counter. I tried the IV but failed.
This Github tutorial suggests*1, that it is the IV - or at least part of it, as I've seen people talk about that the counter is part of the IV (something like 4 bytes, that means that the IV is made from 12 bytes IV and 4 bytes Counter)
If that is indeed true, my question then becomes: Where do I give the script the other 12 bytes of IV when counter is only 4 bytes of it.
Can anyone maybe give me a working example of encryption in php
*1 It says that the same counter has to be used for en- and decryption. This leads me to believe, that it is at least something similar to the IV
You are handling the key incorrectly in PHP.
In the PHP code you are passing the hex encoded key directly to the openssl_encrypt function, without decoding it. This means the key you are trying to use is twice as long as expected (i.e. 64 bytes). OpenSSL doesn’t check the key length, however—it just truncates it, taking the first 32 bytes and using them as the encryption key.
The Javascript code handles the key correctly, hex decoding it before passing the decoded array to the decryption function.
The overall result is you are using a different key in each case, and so the decryption doesn’t work.
You need to add a call to hex2bin on the key in your PHP code, to convert it from the hex encoding to the actual 32 raw bytes.

combined RC4 RSA encrypt/decrypt for long messages Javascript

NOTE: Yes, I understand there is a lot of code in this message, but you do encourage us to show prior research and how we've been trying.
Let me preface this by saying, I am not interested in the security of this function. All I want is to encrypt and decrypt arbitrarily long messages using RSA. Usually to do this, the message is encrypted using a block cipher (such as AES) and encrypting the key with the RSA cipher. However, I am just trying to find the easiest way to encrypt/decrypt long messages, irregardless of security. Hence why I am using RC4 in place of the block cipher.
Now, I can encrypt properly using the following code:
function encryptLong(signedCert, msg) {
var key256Bits = CryptoJS.SHA256("password");
var ciphertext = CryptoJS.RC4.encrypt(msg, key256Bits);
key = new RSAKey();
var m = CryptoJS.SHA256("password").toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex);
m = new BigInteger(m, 16);
var ctxt = key.doPublic(m).toString(16);
var cipherstring = ciphertext + ":" + ctxt;
var obj = { "type": "CTXT-LONG", "encrypted": cipherstring };
return JSON.stringify(obj);
The message and the key are encrypted properly. I tested them individually using these functions.
function encryptRSA(signedCert, msg) {
//create a new RSA key object
var key = new RSAKey();
//convert ASCII message to hex
var m = asciiToHex(msg);
// create new BigInterger from m
m = new BigInteger(m, 16);
// set the values for the public key
// compute the RSA public key operation, and convert to a hex value
var ctxt = key.doPublic(m).toString(16);
//enter ctxt into the JSON obj
var obj = { "type": "CTXT-SHORT", "c": ctxt };
return JSON.stringify(obj);
function encryptRSA(password, message) {
var key256Bits = CryptoJS.SHA256(password);
var ciphertext = CryptoJS.RC4.encrypt(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(message), key256Bits);
return ciphertext;
Now, here is our decryption code:
function decryptLong(sk, ctxt) {
key = new RSAKey();
encryptedStuff = JSON.stringify(ctxt.encrypted);
splitEncryptedstuff = encryptedStuff.split(":");
rsaencryption = splitEncryptedstuff[1];
rc4encryption = splitEncryptedstuff[0];
c = new BigInteger(rsaencryption, 16);
key.setPrivate(sk.n, sk.e, sk.d);
var key256Bits = key.doPrivate(c).toString(16);
// RC4 decryption
var message = CryptoJS.RC4.decrypt(rc4encryption, key224Bits);
// var ptxt = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.stringify(message);
// log(ptxt);
return CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.stringify(message);
This code doesn't decrypt properly, but I know parts of it work. For example, where I have
it returns the key exactly. So I know that at least the RSA decryption works. What I don't understand is, I followed the decryption function that I have exactly. Which is as follows.
function decryptRC4(password, ciphertext) {
var key256Bits = CryptoJS.SHA256(password);
var message = CryptoJS.RC4.decrypt(ciphertext, key256Bits);
return CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.stringify(message);
Well not exactly, I don't have to take the Hash of the password to get the key, as I already have the key. But, I still don't understand what is not working. When we decrypt our ciphertext using this individual function, the plaintext is correct.
Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Knowing my luck, it's probably just something annoying like it's in the wrong encoding type thing.

Change JavaScript string encoding

At the moment I have a large JavaScript string I'm attempting to write to a file, but in a different encoding (ISO-8859-1). I was hoping to use something like downloadify. Downloadify only accepts normal JavaScript strings or base64 encoded strings.
Because of this, I've decided to compress my string using JSZip which generates a nicely base64 encoded string that can be passed to downloadify, and downloaded to my desktop. Huzzah! The issue is that the string I compressed, of course, is still the wrong encoding.
Luckily JSZip can take a Uint8Array as data, instead of a string. So is there any way to convert a JavaScript string into a ISO-8859-1 encoded string and store it in a Uint8Array?
Alternatively, if I'm approaching this all wrong, is there a better solution all together? Is there a fancy JavaScript string class that can use different internal encodings?
Edit: To clarify, I'm not pushing this string to a webpage so it won't automatically convert it for me. I'm doing something like this:
var zip = new JSZip();
zip.file("genSave.txt", result);
return zip.generate({compression:"DEFLATE"});
And for this to make sense, I would need result to be in the proper encoding (and JSZip only takes strings, arraybuffers, or uint8arrays).
Final Edit (This was -not- a duplicate question because the result wasn't being displayed in the browser or transmitted to a server where the encoding could be changed):
This turned out to be a little more obscure than I had thought, so I ended up rolling my own solution. It's not nearly as robust as a proper solution would be, but it'll convert a JavaScript string into windows-1252 encoding, and stick it in a Uint8Array:
var enc = new string_transcoder("windows-1252");
var tenc = enc.transcode(result); //This is now a Uint8Array
You can then either use it in the array like I did:
//Make this into a zip
var zip = new JSZip();
zip.file("genSave.txt", tenc);
return zip.generate({compression:"DEFLATE"});
Or convert it into a windows-1252 encoded string using this string encoding library:
var string = TextDecoder("windows-1252").decode(tenc);
To use this function, either use:
<script src="//"></script>
Or include this:
function string_transcoder (target) {
this.encodeList = encodings[target];
if (this.encodeList === undefined) {
return undefined;
//Initialize the easy encodings
if (target === "windows-1252") {
var i;
for (i = 0x0; i <= 0x7F; i++) {
this.encodeList[i] = i;
for (i = 0xA0; i <= 0xFF; i++) {
this.encodeList[i] = i;
string_transcoder.prototype.transcode = function (inString) {
var res = new Uint8Array(inString.length), i;
for (i = 0; i < inString.length; i++) {
var temp = inString.charCodeAt(i);
var tempEncode = (this.encodeList)[temp];
if (tempEncode === undefined) {
return undefined; //This encoding is messed up
} else {
res[i] = tempEncode;
return res;
encodings = {
"windows-1252": {0x20AC:0x80, 0x201A:0x82, 0x0192:0x83, 0x201E:0x84, 0x2026:0x85, 0x2020:0x86, 0x2021:0x87, 0x02C6:0x88, 0x2030:0x89, 0x0160:0x8A, 0x2039:0x8B, 0x0152:0x8C, 0x017D:0x8E, 0x2018:0x91, 0x2019:0x92, 0x201C:0x93, 0x201D:0x94, 0x2022:0x95, 0x2013:0x96, 0x2014:0x97, 0x02DC:0x98, 0x2122:0x99, 0x0161:0x9A, 0x203A:0x9B, 0x0153:0x9C, 0x017E:0x9E, 0x0178:0x9F}
This turned out to be a little more obscure than [the author] had thought, so [the author] ended up rolling [his] own solution. It's not nearly as robust as a proper solution would be, but it'll convert a JavaScript string into windows-1252 encoding, and stick it in a Uint8Array:
var enc = new string_transcoder("windows-1252");
var tenc = enc.transcode(result); //This is now a Uint8Array
You can then either use it in the array like [the author] did:
//Make this into a zip
var zip = new JSZip();
zip.file("genSave.txt", tenc);
return zip.generate({compression:"DEFLATE"});
Or convert it into a windows-1252 encoded string using this string encoding library:
var string = TextDecoder("windows-1252").decode(tenc);
To use this function, either use:
<script src="//"></script>
Or include this:
function string_transcoder (target) {
this.encodeList = encodings[target];
if (this.encodeList === undefined) {
return undefined;
//Initialize the easy encodings
if (target === "windows-1252") {
var i;
for (i = 0x0; i <= 0x7F; i++) {
this.encodeList[i] = i;
for (i = 0xA0; i <= 0xFF; i++) {
this.encodeList[i] = i;
string_transcoder.prototype.transcode = function (inString) {
var res = new Uint8Array(inString.length), i;
for (i = 0; i < inString.length; i++) {
var temp = inString.charCodeAt(i);
var tempEncode = (this.encodeList)[temp];
if (tempEncode === undefined) {
return undefined; //This encoding is messed up
} else {
res[i] = tempEncode;
return res;
encodings = {
"windows-1252": {0x20AC:0x80, 0x201A:0x82, 0x0192:0x83, 0x201E:0x84, 0x2026:0x85, 0x2020:0x86, 0x2021:0x87, 0x02C6:0x88, 0x2030:0x89, 0x0160:0x8A, 0x2039:0x8B, 0x0152:0x8C, 0x017D:0x8E, 0x2018:0x91, 0x2019:0x92, 0x201C:0x93, 0x201D:0x94, 0x2022:0x95, 0x2013:0x96, 0x2014:0x97, 0x02DC:0x98, 0x2122:0x99, 0x0161:0x9A, 0x203A:0x9B, 0x0153:0x9C, 0x017E:0x9E, 0x0178:0x9F}
Test the following script:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
The best solution for me was posted here and this is my one-liner:
<!-- Required for non-UTF encodings (quite big) -->
<script src="encoding-indexes.js"></script>
<script src="encoding.js"></script>
// windows-1252 is just one typical example encoding/transcoding
let transcodedString = new TextDecoder( 'windows-1252' ).decode(
new TextEncoder().encode( someUtf8String ))
or this if the transcoding has to be applied on multiple inputs reusing the encoder and decoder:
let srcArr = [ ... ] // some UTF-8 string array
let encoder = new TextEncoder()
let decoder = new TextDecoder( 'windows-1252' )
let transcodedArr = srcArr.forEach( (s,i) => {
srcArr[i] = decoder.decode( encoder.encode( s )) })
(The slightly modified other answer from related question:)
This is what I found after a more specific Google search than just
UTF-8 encode/decode. so for those who are looking for a converting
library to convert between encodings, here you go.
var uint8array = new TextEncoder().encode(str);
var str = new TextDecoder(encoding).decode(uint8array);
Paste from repo readme
All encodings from the Encoding specification are supported:
utf-8 ibm866 iso-8859-2 iso-8859-3 iso-8859-4 iso-8859-5 iso-8859-6
iso-8859-7 iso-8859-8 iso-8859-8-i iso-8859-10 iso-8859-13 iso-8859-14
iso-8859-15 iso-8859-16 koi8-r koi8-u macintosh windows-874 windows-1250
windows-1251 windows-1252 windows-1253 windows-1254 windows-1255
windows-1256 windows-1257 windows-1258 x-mac-cyrillic gb18030 hz-gb-2312
big5 euc-jp iso-2022-jp shift_jis euc-kr replacement utf-16be utf-16le
(Some encodings may be supported under other names, e.g. ascii,
iso-8859-1, etc. See Encoding for additional labels for each
