Error in protobuf | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE :: while setting Sawtooth JavaScript Transaction Processor in Ubuntu 16.04 - javascript

Currently working on sawtooth example
Things I have done :
Installed latest Node(8.11.3)& npm version.
Started javascript
essential thing using docker-compose up.
Things giving error:
Want to setup Javascript transaction processor so moved to dir jsprocessor.
Trying to install all node modules using $ npm i, but giving error shown in image. I think it is relate to node js.
Reinstalled Node & NPM, Externally installed npm module that producing error but no effect.
What am I doing wrong?

I would follow the directions at
Which seems different from what you ran.
Build and start the Docker containers:
docker-compose -f simplewallet-build-client-js.yaml up
Open bash shell in simplewallet-client-js container:
docker exec -it simplewallet-client-js bash
Create user accounts for jack and jill:
sawtooth keygen jack && sawtooth keygen jill
Open two new browser tabs and go to http://localhost:3000 on each tab.
Login in one tab as jack and in other as jill Start with an initial deposit for each user - jack and jill via the Deposit tab in the UI homepage


Streamr node install on putty (issues)

The guide I am using time marker (7:27) is where it goes to all wrong.
This is where I am having issue with my Streamr node install. Its a very basic install. The issue I am having is I'm very new to putty and this section isn't the same as the install is supose to be -- /root/.streamr/config/default.json but when I change it it becomes another error. The following sentence is what I am generating which becomes an error also which prevents myself from starting my node up (on my vps) Select a path to store the generated config in /home/streamr/.streamr/config/default.json
Either way I am getting an error.
**This is a screen shot of what I am dealing with !!! Any help with putty and setting up VPS would be great. **
can provide actual screenshot if needed!!
: Welcome to the Streamr Network
: Your node's generated name is Leopard Wrist Pond.
: View your node in the Network Explorer:
: You can start the broker now with
: streamr-broker /home/streamr/.streamr/config/default.json
root#ubuntu-s-1vcpu-1gb-tor1-01:~# docker run -it -p 7170:7170 -p 7171:7171 -p 1883:1883 -v $(cd ~/.streamr Docker; pwd):/root/.streamr streamr/broker-node:latest streamr/broker-node:lates **Error: Config file not found in the default location. You can run "streamr-broker-init" to generate a confi g file interactively, or specify the config file as argument: "streamr-broker path-to-config/file.json"
at readConfigAndMigrateIfNeeded (/home/streamr/network/packages/broker/dist/src/config/migration.js:155 ** :19)
at Command. (/home/streamr/network/packages/broker/dist/bin/broker.js:20:69)
at Command.listener [as _actionHandler] (/home/streamr/network/node_modules/commander/lib/command.js:48 8:17)
at /home/streamr/network/node_modules/commander/lib/command.js:1227:65
at Command._chainOrCall (/home/streamr/network/node_modules/commander/lib/command.js:1144:12)
at Command._parseCommand (/home/streamr/network/node_modules/commander/lib/command.js:1227:27)
at Command.parse (/home/streamr/network/node_modules/commander/lib/command.js:897:10)
at Object. (/home/streamr/network/packages/broker/dist/bin/broker.js:41:6)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1218:14)
at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1272:10)
npm notice
npm notice New major version of npm available! 8.19.3 -> 9.4.2
npm notice Changelog:
npm notice Run npm install -g npm#9.4.2 to update!
npm notice
Ive tried both ways for the file name but both end in errors. Im nt sure why its not generating a /root/.streamr/config/default.json. Its giving me this strange file name that doesn't work either streamr-broker /home/streamr/.streamr/config/default.json. This one will let me finish the set up of the docker but it will not let me start the node and generates an error as seen in the code!

Big error when trying to set up Github pages

Trying to set up project on github pages, but during following steps from
at step 2 I getting this error from images
Any idea?
I working on Win7
with NPM 5.6.0
Node 8.11.3
It seems you need to run as administrator, like so: sudo npm install --save gh-pages.
Or if you'd running on Windows could be:
right-click on CLI icon
open as administrator
Perform your command (now you're administrator)
The error you're getting indicates you need to elevate your shell's permission.
Use your environment's equivalent of sudo/"Run as Administrator" to grant the proper access to perform the functions required to install.

DroidEdit Termux integration

DroidEdit allows you to run commands if you have sl4a installed and the am command works wonderfully... I was wondering if there is a way to use am to launch an app with params .. specifically I want a command that will tell termux to run a command on a file that I specificy ... so far I found this snippet that launches the termux app .. now how do I get it to run node or webpack from npm as well?
am start --user 0 -n com.termux/

Error installing node.js on google compute engine docker image

I am trying to setup a node.js app inside docker, using as host the google compute engine VM gci-stable-55-8872-71-0 (debian), from image project google-containers:
$ gcloud compute instances create myvm --image-project google-containers --image gci-stable-55-8872-71-0 --zone europe-west1-b --machine-type f1-micro --scopes compute-rw
then I try to get a docker container running:
$ sudo docker build -t forperfuse/test .
but I keep getting errors when installing node:
The command '/bin/sh -c npm install' returned a non-zero code: 1
all other dependencies install well but node and npm are not installing- I have tried several options but still cannot get it to work, can you please help? many thanks in advance...
I'm not sure about what is going on, looks like the run command in the dockerfile is aiming to a bash that has a weird header. If you can publish them we can try or...
You can use the bitnami docker image available in launcher for free and works like a charm.
And there search for the node.js image.

Need help with how to start using YUI YETI in Cygwin for JS testing

I'm new to a lot of things that YETI requires to run, and I've made it through most of the steps to get it to work. I have installed cygwin so I can run node.js and npm (I used these instructions). Once done, I ran npm install yeti, and yeti installed. Now I can type things like this:
This is where I'm having problems. I can't figure out how to get yeti to run the tests in demo.html. I can open up my browser to file:///C:/test/demo.html and I can see the tests run (it's a YUI Test) so I know that the problem is not demo.html being broken. Also, when I try to run yeti as a server (yeti --server), It sits there after the line "to run and report the results" and doesn't let me do anything unless I exit with ctrl-c, although I can go to localhost:8000 and see this:
If I try opening up a new cygwin console and doing this:
It gives me a bunch of errors that I don't understand.
How I did it on ubuntu:
First install node dependencies. Only install dependencies using apt-get
You need at least:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev python2.6
Also this link could be helpfull => (see ubuntu instructions).
Next install node/npm the correct way on ubuntu.
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
mkdir ~/local
mkdir ~/node-latest-install
cd ~/node-latest-install
curl | tar xz --strip-components=1
./configure --prefix=~/local
make install # ok, fine, this step probably takes more than 30 seconds...
close terminal and open it again
curl | sh
After that install yeti issuing: $ npm install yeti#stable
Run yeti issuing from terminal:
alfred#alfred-laptop:~/node/stackoverflow/4833633$ yeti
Yeti will only serve files inside /home/alfred/node/stackoverflow/4833633
Visit http://localhost:8000, then run:
to run and report the results.
start the browsers you like. Point the browsers to => http://localhost:8000
inside the folder you started yeti write your tests.
alfred#alfred-laptop:~/node/stackoverflow/4833633$ ls -al
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 2 alfred alfred 4096 2011-01-29 01:47 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 alfred alfred 4096 2011-01-29 01:27 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 alfred alfred 6140 2011-01-29 01:47 simple.html
See gist for a really simple example. I just copied to example from but removed the <!--MyBlogLog instrumentation--> crap. I also told it not to render console by commenting line 196 => //r.render('#testLogger');(That last is not even necessary, but I think tests will run faster that way because it does need to render the console).
Finally I just ran:
alfred#alfred-laptop:~/node/stackoverflow/4833633$ yeti simple.html
Waiting for results. When you're done, hit Ctrl-C to exit.
✔ Example Suite on Chrome (8.0.552.237) / Linux
6 passed, 0 failed
✔ Example Suite on Firefox (3.6.13) / Linux
6 passed, 0 failed
Success :)
Some extra information about my distro
alfred#alfred-laptop:~/node/stackoverflow/4833633$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 10.10 \n \l
alfred#alfred-laptop:~/node/stackoverflow/4833633$ python --version
Python 2.6.6
alfred#alfred-laptop:~/node/stackoverflow/4833633$ node -v
alfred#alfred-laptop:~/node/stackoverflow/4833633$ npm -v
alfred#alfred-laptop:~/node/stackoverflow/4833633$ npm ls installed | grep yeti
npm info it worked if it ends with ok
npm info using npm#0.2.15
npm info using node#v0.2.6
yeti#0.1.2 The YUI Easy Testing Interface =reid active installed remote stable YUI web app YUITest TDD BDD yui3 test
npm ok
