Trigger debounce function two times independently - javascript

I have declared 'service':
// myService.js
export default {
someService: _.debounce(
function someService(rule, value, callback) {
.then((response) => {
if ( {
} else {
callback(new Error('Invalid value'));
.catch(() => {
callback(new Error('Internal error. Please try later.'));
I would like to use this service two times independently at the same time.
I'm calling this service like this:
const ValidatorA = (rule, value, callback) => {
const serviceA = myService.someService(rule, value, callback);
return serviceA;
const ValidatorB = (rule, value, callback) => {
const serviceB = myService.someService(rule, value, callback);
return serviceB;
ValidatorA and ValidatorB are linked to different inputs in template and runs almost at the same time. (1s delay)
What I would like to achieve is that ValidatorA and ValidatorB will call myService.someService independently, so there should be two calls at the same time. Currently it calls only once (from ValidatorB as it is called one second later). I suppose that ValidatorB is overwritting call from ValidatorA.
Creating two the same methods is solving this problem, however I believe that there is more elegant solution. Object.assign or _deepClone is not solving problem either.
Thank you!

I think you can wrap someServices in a function
export default {
getServices: function() {
function someService(rule, value, callback) {
.then((response) => {
if ( {
} else {
callback(new Error('Invalid value'));
.catch(() => {
callback(new Error('Internal error. Please try later.'));
and then
const ValidatorA = (rule, value, callback) => {
const serviceA = myService.getServices()(rule, value, callback);
return serviceA;
const ValidatorB = (rule, value, callback) => {
const serviceB = myService.getServices()(rule, value, callback);
return serviceB;


to extend an object returned from an async function

I'm trying to override a method of an object returned from an async function but get this error;
dataProvider.getList is not a function
i tried to extend the object simply in this way but obviously is not correct
function App() {
const [dataProvider, setDataProvider] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
const buildDataProvider = async () => {
//this must to be called with await
const dataProvider = await buildHasuraProvider({
clientOptions: { uri: 'http://localhost:8080/v1/graphql' }
//this object should be the same as above but with an overridend method (getList)
const extendeDataProvider = {
getList: (resource, params) => {
if (resource === 'apikeys') {
//implementation missing
} else {
// fallback to the default implementation
return dataProvider.getList(resource, params);
setDataProvider(() => extendeDataProvider);
}, []);
if (!dataProvider) return <p>Loading...</p>;
return (<Admin dataProvider={dataProvider} />)
export default App;
i asume that the issue is with your fallback implementation in this line:
// fallback to the default implementation
return dataProvider.getList(resource, params);
u can also prove that by logging it this way -

Jest Unit Testing function that calls a second one that returns a promise

Edited Question with vazsonyidl suggestions applied
I have to write unit tests for a function similar to this one:
import {External} from 'ExternalModule';
async functionA(){
this.functionB().then((data) => {
}).catch((data) => {
const { OnError = "" } = data || {}
if(OnError) {
functionB() {
return new Promise(() => {
As functionC belongs to another module, I placed a mock of it in the _mocks_folder:
export var External: ExternalClass = {
class ExternalClass{
I have mocked functionB in two diferent ways for testing the then and the catch :
it("should test then block", () => {
functionB = jest.fn(() => {return Promise.resolve()});
const functionSpy = jest.spyOn(ExternalModule.External, 'functionC');
void functionA().then(() => {
it("should test catch block", () => {
const err = { OnError: "Error" };
functionB = jest.fn(() => {return Promise.reject(err)});
const functionSpy = jest.spyOn(ExternalModule.External, 'functionC');
void functionA().then(() => {
What I am trying to do is expect that functionC was called and called with the correct params, but the test is always passing even if I test if functionC was not called.
What am I doing wrong?
Jest does not wait for the async code to complete before doing assertions.
You can use the following function:
const waitForPromises = () => new Promise(setImmediate);
to force Jest to wait for promises to complete before continuing like so:
it("does something", async () => {
await waitForPromises();
I think when this function catch error, this error should have an 'OnError' property so the functionC can run.
const { OnError = "" } = data || {}
if(OnError) {
change you response error data to return Promise.reject({OnError: '404'}) may solve this problem.
Because you are not providing it to your class.
The following code is working for me:
class A {
async functionA() {
this.functionB().then((data) => {
this.functionC(); // It woll log aaa here, you need this one.
}).catch((data) => {
const {OnError = ''} = data || {};
if (OnError) {
functionB() {
return new Promise(() => {
functionC() {
return 2;
describe('a', () => {
it('test', () => {
const a = new A();
a.functionB = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve());
const functionBSpy = jest.spyOn(a, 'functionC');
void a.functionA().then(() => {
Hope this helps, any comment appreciated.
As you provided no information about your functionB I mocked something that may suitable for you.
Your original problem is that Jest does not wait for your callbacks to settle. It does the assertion although, even if your function calls happen later, Jest will not recognise them and says that no call ever occurred.
There are several docs available, for example Jest's one here

Accessing this object of a callback function from outside

It might be a bit confusing what I'm asking but I'll try to be as clear as I can.
Basically I'm doing unit test with mocha/chai for my Data Access Layer of my Node.JS server. I'm using bluebird to return a promise and an SQLite Databases.
That's my function insert I want to test :
insert(sqlRequest, sqlParams, sqlRequest2) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
let insertStatement = this.getDatabase().prepare(sqlRequest);
let getStatement = this.getDatabase().prepare(sqlRequest2);, err => {
console.log('this.changes = ', this.changes);
if (this.changes === 1) {
getStatement.all({ $id: this.lastID }, (err, rows) => {
if (err) {
console.log('entered second err');
} else {
} else {
console.log('entered first err ');
And that's my test with mocha :
it('insert : Error 2st SQL query', function (done) {
const daoCommon = new DaoCommon();
daoCommon.getDatabase = () => {
return {
prepare: (sqlRequest) => {
return {
all: (sql, callback) => {
let err = {};
let rows = null;
callback(err, rows);
run: (sqlParams, callback) => {
let err = undefined;
daoCommon.insert('', '', '')
.then(success => {;
.catch(error => {
.finally(function () {
I want to simulate a test where the this.changes is equal to 1 but I don't know how/where I can set this value. According to what I've read this this object is from the callback function, but I have no idea exactly from where it comes or how to set it for my tests.
You can set the this of a function you are calling with .call of the method.
In your case calling callback with this.changes value will look like:
var thisObject = {
changes: 1
};, err);
This will set the value this.changes of your callback function.
The value of this is explained in the API documentation
If execution was successful, the this object will contain two
properties named lastID and changes which contain the value of the
last inserted row ID and the number of rows affected by this query
It means that the callback function will always have this.changes. You can not change it unless you set this.changes = something manually, which I don't understand why would you do that.
Thank for #Maxali comment, I will post the answer below :
You can set this when calling the function callback(err) by using .call(). eg:{changes:1}, err). this will set changes to 1
And note that I had to change this line, err => { where I have the callback from an arrow function to a function declaration, function(err) { for this to work. I assume this is due to the this which in an arrow function doesn't refer to the object inside the function itself.

how to trigger a async process one after another

How I should modify the following code, so I can make sure Process3 is triggered after Process2.update or Process2.create completed?
The main purpose for following code is I want to makeProcess1 finished. Then check if id exist, if yes, Process2.update is triggered. if not, Process2.create is triggered.Once Process2 finished, check if cmd existed. if yes,triggered Process3.
run: function (req, res) {
if (req.session) {
const values = req.params.all();
const id =;
const cmd = values.cmd;
const param = _.omit(values, ['cmd', 'id']);
const cb1 = (e, d) => {
if (e) {
res.status(400).send({ e });
} else {
res.status(200).send({ d });
const cd2 = (id, param, cb1) => {
if (id) {
Process2.update({ id }, param, cb1);
} else {
Process2.create(param, cb1);
if (cmd) {
cd2(id, param, cb1, Process3(values, cmd));
else {
cd2(id, param, cb1);
} else {
res.status(403).send({ e: 'Forbidden access.' });
try approach by following, but not sure how I can pass argument id, params to Process2 and process3
let async = require('async');
const Process1 = (value, cb) => {
cb(null, value + 1);
const Process2 = (value, cb) => {
console.log("value(): wait 5 sec");
cb(null, value+10);
const Process3 = (value, cb) => {
console.log("Process3(): wait 5 sec");
cb(null, value+100);
let Pro_1_2 = async.compose(Process2, Process1);
let Pro_2_3 = async.compose(Process3, Process2);
Pro_1_2(1, (e, r) => {
Pro_2_3(r, (error, result) => {
The code you posted in your original question seems pretty twisted up, so I'm not going to attempt to rewrite it, but in general if you want to perform asynchronous calls which depend on each other, is a good way to go. Rather than declaring variables at the top that you attempt to mutate via some function calls, it's better to make Process1, Process2 and Process3 asynchronous functions that call their callbacks with a new values object. Something like:{
doProcess1: function(cb) {
// Assuming Process1 calls `cb(undefined, newValues)` when done.
Process1(values, cb);
doProcess2: ['doProcess1', function(results, cb) {
if ( {
Process2.update({id:}, cb);
} else {
Process2.create(_.omit(results.doProcess1, ['cmd', 'id']), cb);
doProcess3: ['doProcess2', function(results, cb) {
if (results.doProcess2.cmd) {
Process3(results.doProcess2, cb);
else {
cb(undefined, results.process2);
}, function afterProcess3(err, results) {
// Handler err or process final results.
Note all the return calls. They're not strictly necessary, but good practice to avoid accidentally running more code after calling your asynchronous functions.
Have you considered using "compose", from async.js?
const a = (data, cb) => {
var result = 'a';
cb(null, result);
const b = (data, id, cb) => {
var result = 'b';
cb(null, result);
const c = (data, cb) => {
// stuff to do with result
var aThenC = async.compose(c, a);
var bThenC = async.compose(c, b);
if (useA) {
aThenC(data, (result) => {
// result from c
} else {
bThenC(data, id, (result) => {
// result from c
In this scenario, a and b are your Process2 create and update, respectively, and c is the callback to Process3, if I understood correctly.
EDIT: You'll only have to enter the initial parameters (e.g. register ID) on the composed function. What composes really do is this: a(b(c(param))). That param is basically everything you need to start the process. The parameters for the following functions will be set inside the function before that.
I'll add code to support it as soon as I'm on a keyboard.

Fire callback after two separate successful http requests

Root component of my application on init call two asynchronous functions from my services to get data. I would like to know how to call a function after they are both completed. I am using angular 2.0.0-alpha.44 and typescript 1.7.3
import {Component, OnInit} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {ServiceA} from './services/A';
import {ServiceB} from './services/B';
selector: 'app',
template: `<h1>Hello</h1>`
export class App {
public serviceA: ServiceA,
public serviceB: ServiceB
) { }
onInit() {
// How to run a callback, after
// both getDataA and getDataB are completed?
// I am looing for something similar to jQuery $.when()
serviceA.getDataA and serviceA.getDataB are simple http get functions:
// Part of serviceA
getDataA() {
.map(res => res.json())
data => {
// save res to variable = data;
error => console.log(error),
// The callback here will run after only one
// function is completed. Not what I am looking for.
() => console.log('Completed')
A simple still parallel solution would be something like:
let serviceStatus = { aDone: false, bDone: false };
let getDataA = (callback: () => void) => {
// do whatver..
let getDataB = (callback: () => void) => {
// do whatver..
let bothDone = () => { console.log("A and B are done!");
let checkServiceStatus = () => {
if ((serviceStatus.aDone && serviceStatus.bDone) == true)
getDataA(() => {
serviceStatus.aDone = true;
getDataA(() => {
serviceStatus.bDone = true;
I personally use RxJS to get me out of sticky situations like this, might be worth looking at.
Given feedback that RxJS is actually being used:
let observable1: Rx.Observable<something>;
let observable2: Rx.Observable<something>;
let combinedObservable = Rx.Observable
(result1, result2) => {
// you can return whatever you want here
return { result1, result2 };
.subscribe(combinedResult => {
// here both observable1 and observable2 will be done.
This example will run both observables in parallel and combine the result into one result when they are both done.
You could pass getDataA and getDataB callbacks in their function definitions, then call whatever you want in order:
function getDataA(callback) {
// do some stuff
callback && callback();
function getDataB(callback) {
// do some stuff
callback && callback();
function toCallAfterBoth() {
// do some stuff
You could nest your function calls.
function getDataA (callback) {
var dataA = {test:"Hello Data A"};
callback && callback(dataA);
function getDataB (callback) {
var dataB = {test:"Hello Data B"};
callback && callback(dataB);
getDataA(function (dataA) {
getDataB(function (dataB) {
console.log("Both functions are complete and you have data:");
