How can I use rollbar in an NPM package + source maps? - javascript

I'm trying to use rollbar in an npm package that will be used as a dependency in other projects.
However, the errors I get are not showing up nicely on rollbar. Strangely enough, when I run a sample app that uses the dependency, I do see a proper error on the web console.
I think the problem may be with source maps, but I haven't been able to properly configure it. Has anyone used rollbar to track errors on an npm package?
Any help is appreciated.


React: Unable to start old projects. Why?

I am unable to npm start my old React projects (created in October and before, ex: When I try to do it, I get the following error:
I have tried various things suggested in stackoverflow to solve this error, like adding a .env file to the root, deleting package-lock, deleting node modules and then installing them. But still this error persists. Please help me to resolve this.
I managed to run your app without any issues, check it out here Your error is probably due to some package resolving behavior of Node.JS. Try renaming the C:\Users\Pavilion\node_modules\babel-jest", and if it didn't help then run npm i babel-jest --save-dev and reload your app again.

Assertion Error : App Version has already been registered

Im using ember to develop a project.
Please help me with this error. Im unable to run my project on local. After hitting
ember server the build is successful. But on hitting the http://localhost:4200
Loads empty page with console error.
Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: The initializer 'App Version' has already been registered
at assert (index.js:172)
at Function.initializer (index.js:420)
at registerInitializers (index.js:27)
at loadInitializers (index.js:68)
at Module.callback (app.js:25)
at Module.exports (loader.js:106)
at requireModule (loader.js:27)
at app-boot.js:3
Unable to understand what to do. Any help regarding this would be appreciated.
I did a code search to see where that initializer might exist and it looks to be part of ember-cli-app-version.
In your place I would remove ember-cli-app-version from your app with npm uninstall --save-dev ember-cli-app-version and then run ember serve again. The purpose of this addon is to make it easy to see your app's version number in the ember inspector, but that's not a big deal so removing it won't break anything and should get you moving forward.
If you want to investigate the issue further try searching your code base (including node_modules) for App Version to see where a duplicate exists.
Running npm install solved the problem.
The actual issue was due to the iCloud sync being active in my Macbook.
Turning iCloud sync off should solve the problem.

How to configure create-react-kotlin-app in order to get kotlinx.serialization working

I've been trying to get the kotlinx.serialization library working with Kotlin/JS using the create-react-kotlin-app
However, I am not so familiar with the huge nodeJS and webpack mess.
I did the following:
1) Downloaded the kotlinx.serialization library from maven repository a located it aside the nodeJS dependencies, because there is so far no any npm module for this.
2) Modified the node_modules/#jetbrains/kotlin-webpack-plugin/plugin.js in order to compile my library, in particular I added this row to the prepareLibraries function:
3) Modified the last line in node_modules/kotlin-compiler/bin/kotlinc in order to enable the the serialization compiler plugin:
${JAVACMD:=java}" $JAVA_OPTS "${java_args[#]}" -cp "${kotlin_app[#]}" "${kotlin_args[#]}" -Xplugin=$KOTLIN_HOME/lib/kotlinx-serialization-compiler-plugin.jar
The thing is that when I run the dev server using npm start, it compiles and runs as expected, but when I run npm run build, I got the following error:
Creating an optimized production build...
Failed to compile.
warning: flag is not supported by this version of the compiler: -
And of course when I remove the -Xplugin argument, the application is throwing exceptions like this:
Can't locate argument-less serializer for class Pu…h as lists, please provide serializer explicitly.
(There is an issue on GH related to this
Thanks for any help
Okay, I think I managed to make it work.
Here are the steps as I remember them:
as suggested in, did npm eject and added plugin: require.resolve('kotlin-compiler/lib/kotlinx-serialization-compiler-plugin.jar'), to webpack-kotlin-*.js files (after new KotlinWebpackPlugin).
downloaded the compiled runtime from maven ( and unpacked it to node-modules/kotlinx-serialization-runtime-js
hacked kotlin-compiler.js by adding the library path (there must be a better way!):
options.libraries.join(isWindows ? ';' : ':') + ":<absolute_path_to_project>/node_modules/kotlinx-serialization-runtime-js/kotlinx-serialization-runtime-js.meta.js"
copied kotlinx-serialization-runtime-js.js and to node-modules/.cache/kotlin-webpack.
After this yarn start appears to be able to compile some test code that uses kotlinx-serialization, however, Idea fails to find where kotlinx.serialization module comes from.
I hope this answer inspires someone who is willing to reverse-engieer this build system to make a better fix.

Chartjs-node with canvas-prebuilt is still throwing 'Cairo not found' errors

I'm currently using chartjs-node to generate some charts. My node.js code runs perfectly on my local (windows) machine, but I suspect that's because I have windows-build-tools installed, which includes the cairo package.
When I push to my remote (linux) server and try to compile, I get the following error:
No package 'cairo' found
However, my package dependency list is as follows:
"canvas-prebuilt": "^1.6.5-prerelease.1",
"chart.js": "2.6.0",
"chartjs-node": "^1.6.1"
Based on my understanding from the documentation, using canvas-prebuilt instead of canvas should circumvent the need for any package pre-installation on my server. Obviously, I could just preinstall the necessary packages (as described in this SO answer) - but I'm wondering if there's any way to set up my package dependency list to avoid that route.
Thanks for your help!
You could switch chartjs-node to my chartjs-node-canvas package. It uses canvas-prebuilt instead of canvas, one of the main reasons for its existance :)

Error while attempting to add packages in Meteor

So I am very new to Meteor, and I was sifting through some example apps and open source projects when I came across this simple chat application:
I wanted to download the project, run it on my local server, and mess around with the code to learn more about what does what, and how to use the Meteor framework. I simply downloaded the .zip file from github and tried to run it (using the meteor in my terminal. However I got the following error when I ran the application locally in my browser:
Your app is crashing. Here's the latest log.
=> Errors prevented startup:
While building the application:
error: no such package: 'accounts-guest'
error: no such package: 'user-status'
error: no such package: 'accounts-testing'
error: no such package: 'fontawesome4'
error: no such package: 'iron-router'
error: no such package: 'bootstrap-3'
error: no such package: 'fast-render'
error: no such package: 'jquery-titlealert'
error: no such package: 'related'
=> Your application has errors. Waiting for file change.
I can (obviously) infer from the nature of the log that the error that I am experiencing is because I don't have the correct packages installed (the one that are listed, obviously).
So keeping this in mind, I researched how to add packages to meteor (using instructions I found on Atmosphere JS pages of the respective packages). However, when I entered the command that was provided by Atmosphere into my terminal (for example for, 'accounts-guest' package I entered: meteor add artwells:accounts-guest). Unfortunately doing this did not work, and I was given something like the following error in the terminal: artwells:accounts-guest: no such package
I have no idea what to do, the packages will not install so I can not try this code. I come from experience with Rails, and in Rails if you needed to install "gems" (pretty much the same thing as packages in Meteor) you could just enter bundle install into the terminal to download and install undefined packages. Is there something like this in Meteor? I have heard of something called Meteorite, but am unsure what it is and how to use it.
Anyways I really would appreciate any help in getting me past this minor roadblock on my way to learning Meteor!
Thank you
That's an older project which use the old packaging system 'meteorite' = 'mrt' on the command line.
I suggest you try a newer example, Meteor ships with a few. Once you have Meteor installed you can create an example app by typing one of the following commands :
meteor create --example leaderboard
meteor create --example todos
meteor create --example localmarket
And yes, there is a very similar mechanism to the gems commands you are accustomed to. Simply running a project 'meteor' should download its dependencies. Also you can run 'meteor update' if you want to update to the latest versions for your project.
Last August there was a major update to the meteor package management system, you can read more about it here :
So, for any examples you'd like to check out, try and get a recent one, from meteor 1.0. In newer versions of meteor those instructions on Atmosphere should work out fine for you.
You can see what version of meteor a project is running by looking at this file ".meteor/release" inside a meteor project :
so you can see that one is old.
good luck!
