Trouble Resizing Both Panes in react-split-pane - javascript

I have a horizontally split pane for one of my projects in React.js. I'm using react-split-pane to handle the resize logic. Each pane contains a table wrapped in a few other components.
The issue I'm having is getting the bottom pane to adjust its size to the leftover space within SplitPane. For example, if the total height of the container is 1000px and the top pane gets resized to 300px, I need the bottom pane to be 700px. I was able to resize the bottom pane to the same size of the top pane. How can I get the bottom pane to resize to the leftover space of the total container?
I have a simplified recreation of the problem in a Sandbox here
The second problem I'm having is that when I do resize with this new logic in place, it looks very choppy and lags quite a bit. You can't tell in the Sandbox, but in the actual project, it gets pretty bad. Is there a better way to solve this problem that makes the resizing more fluid? If so, how can I achieve this?

Is this what you are trying to achieve? Sandbox
I just added some logic in your toggleBtmHeight function to find out what the height of the bottom pane should be after resizing. When you resize the pane, the onChange callback passes you the height of the primary (top) pane. You need to use maxHeight - topPaneHeight = bottomPaneHeight to figure out what the height of the bottom pane should be:
toggleBtmHeight(topPaneHeight) {
const maxHeight = 1000;
const padding = 225;
const btmPaneHeight = maxHeight - topPaneHeight - padding;
this.setState({ btmHeight: btmPaneHeight + "px" });
As far as how to handle the choppiness, it's hard to say without seeing it in the full context of your app, but I would guess that when you update state it's re-rendering a bunch of components causing the lag. I would look into adding shouldComponentUpdate to your components to help manage when they should actually be re-rendered.


set horizontal ScrollView s height as indexed content height

I have a horizontal ScrollView inside another vertical Animated.ScrollView.
I am use the horizontal one as tab-view(snap item changing) and its working perfectly but there is a problem now.... I render different views inside each item of scroll view which has specified heights, ScrollView height will get the longest one and all of tab views get the same height despite they don't need such a long height:
<ScrollView //<<<<<<I'm talk about this one
ref={(scr) => this._scrollView = scr}
horizontal <<<<<<<<<<
onContentSizeChange={() => this._scrollView.scrollTo({ x: this.state.index * Dimensions.get('window').width, y: 0, animated: true })}
onMomentumScrollEnd={(event) => this.focuser(event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.x)}
<View>...some thing short<View>
<View>..some thing Long<View> //<<<<this one is long
<View>...Some thing short<View>
As you see above, the item which I use in second tab has a long height and it stretch the whole height of ScrollView! its no problem now ... its appropriate stretching which I need for this item(this View) but, I don't need such a height for other tab. But they get this height and will able user to Scrolling down. its so ugly.
I want to set the height of ScrollView as the height of Current tab content(Current index content ). whats your solution for that ?
As far as I know, this is a limitation of ScrollView. As a workaround, you might want to try replacing your Views with vertical ScrollViews of fixed size on the page. This way they will all have their individual scrollable height. However, since you're already inside a vertical ScrollView, responding to scrolling events can get a bit tricky.
Another approach is to adjust the height of individual items based on their number, so that every page is the same length. You can see it in this example.

Can I force scrolling to end at certain points?

I have this plunker in which I try to demo what I am doing with my project (warning requires flex-box). I have it so the bootstrap nav pill changes when I reach the header. The problem is scrolling appears to be chaotic (depending on screen size but also just randomly goes to different places with each scroll). So sometimes the section header is 10px from the top, others it is 50px. Is there a way I can manipulate the scroll using either CSS or JS?
See Issue
It will depend on browser, screen size and a variety of factors, however, if you scroll up and down some sections should get missed. This will only happen occasionally, but it does happen regularly.
My Angular code for finding the offset...
function elementInViewport(el) {
var top = el.getBoundingClientRect().top - 90;
return (
top >= 0 && top <= 20
Consider setting the overflow css of your body element to hidden and the height to whatever you want the user to be able to scroll. I don't know why you'd want to do this, though.

How to open website at specific point on page in HTML?

beginner programmer so apologies if this is really obvious!
How can i get my website to open at a specific point on the page (in HTML)?
I can't find what this is called anywhere! Not Anchor etc. The website will be wider and longer than most screens. I want the screen/viewport to open at the very centre of a 2500x2500 pixel background.
I am working in DreamWeaver CC on Mac OS X 10
Thanks in advance!!
p.s no code to post, this is my first port of call in putting this together
You can get the client's screen with $(window).width() & $(window).height() , it's jQuery code so you'll have to add a balise script to the jQuery lib on your web page. Can you tell me more about what you want to do ? I have trouble understanding. You don't want any anchor but you want ? Apoligies for not understanding.
Try this bit of Javascript to fire when the page loads
window.onload = function(){
window.scrollTo(1250, 1250);
The window.scrollTo(x-coord,y-coord) function takes two parameters, x-coord is the pixel along the horizontal axis of the document that you want displayed in the upper left and y-coord is the pixel along the vertical axis of the document that you want displayed in the upper left.
I picked 1250, because that's 2500 divided by 2, but you may have to tweak that a little if you want that spot in the middle of the screen. You will have to get the screen's viewport and do some math.
(hint: window.innerWidth & window.innerHeight gives you the dimensions including the scroll bar; document.documentElement.clientWidth and document.documentElement.clientHeight is without the scrollbar)
The documentation for window.scrollTo() is here:
Some info about the viewport dimensions can be found here:
As bryguy said, you can calculate the center of your screen and use scrollTo(). Alternatively, if you have a particular element that you want to scroll to, give the element an id and use the scrollIntoView() function. You can also center an invisible div positioning the div absolutely and setting the top and left values to 50%:
<div id="scrollToMe" style="position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%;"></div>
window.onload = function() {
You can do this without jQuery. You can use the native JavaScript function window.scrollTo() to scroll to the center.
To calculate the center of the screen all you have to do is:
For vertical center
Determine the height of the viewport: The height of the viewport is stored at document.documentElement.clientHeight.
Determine the height of the entire document: You can use document.documentElement.offsetHeight or document.body.scrollHeight to get the height of the entire document.
Calculate: Now simply subtract the viewport height from the document height and divide it by two like this:
(document.documentElement.offsetHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight)/2
For horizontal center
Determine the width of the viewport: The width of the viewport is stored at document.documentElement.clientWidth.
Determine the width of the entire document: You can use document.body.scrollWidth to accomplish this.
Calculate: Now simply subtract the viewport width from the document width and divide it by two like this:
(document.body.scrollWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth)/2
Now time to scroll
Finally, you'll want to make the window scroll to the calculated point.
window.scrollTo(centerWidth, centerHeight);
If you want to do all of it in one step, you'd do:
window.scrollTo( (document.body.scrollWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth)/2, (document.body.scrollHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight)/2 );
Please note that we've used document.documentElement.clientHeight (and clientWidth) and they give you the viewport size without the scrollbars. If you wish to include the scrollbars you'll have to use other variables. You can find examples of how to get those measurements on the internet.
For more information: Center a one page horizontally scrolling site in browser (not centering a div)

Vertically Scrolling in Window 8 store app

I am developing a windows 8 store app using HTML5 and Javascript. And I want to scroll some div content vertically. I am using following inline css to do so
<div style="height:100%;overflow-y:scroll;">
But Its only showing scrolling bar and i am not able to scroll the content.
This is how i am getting my scrolling bar, as you can see last input box is showing half and i cant scroll it.
I think i found a quick solution for this problem. Instead of giving height as 100%. Just give height in pixels that will cover your current window till bottom.
For example:
If your screen height is 780px, and you have 80px height covered by header. So if you want to use scrolling in remaining 700px. Use following code :-
<div style="height:700px;overflow-y:scroll;">
Hope it ll work for you as well. But Stil looking for alternate solution , if there is any.
In general, this is not a Windows Universal App problem, but simply an HTML/javascript one. By default, browsers scroll the body content that exceeds the browser window, but in the UWP JS app, no scrolling is provided by default. So, to make the content scrollable, you do need to provide a height, but the height may be dynamic. Using javascript, you can set the height more appropriately based on the user's screen size.
Basically, in the main javascript file, you can set the height of the scrollable region.
body {
overflow-y: scroll;
function setElementToRemainingWindowHeight(selector, usedHeight) {
$(selector).height($(window).innerHeight() - usedHeight);
function calculateUsedHeight() {
return $('.header').innerHeight() + $('footer').innerHeight();
setElementToRemainingWindowHeight('#scrollingRegion', calculateUsedHeight());
window.resize(function() {
setElementToRemainingWindowHeight('#scrollingRegion', calculateUsedHeight());
You can move the code to respond to whatever event in your app that would cause the scrollable area to change (maybe things are entering and exiting the surrounding layout, or whatever).
Depending on when the items in the list are added, and how that adding occurs, your requirements may change. See this post (which I wrote) about how to do this more dynamically...

Javascript element dragging with jQuery UI

I have a <div> that displays a graph inside. Sometimes this graph gets too big for the <div>, so I need a way for users to grab the graph with their mouse and move it around. I found the jQuery UI Draggable interaction and thought this is what I need. It was easy enough to get the basics to work, however, I'm having trouble getting this right.
Ideally, the graph can only be dragged to reveal otherwise hidden parts. For example, if there's more graph hidden to the right, then you can drag it to the left and see that hidden part. But then you can't drag it to the left anymore once everything to the right is visible. How do I implement something like this with jQuery UI Draggable? Is it possible? Is jQuery UI the right tool for this?
Less than ideal, but still ok, is that you can drag the graph wherever you want even if the graph is small enough to fit in the parent <div> and nothing is hidden. I can't even get this to work right. What happens is I can just choose not to specify the containment option. Then the graph isn't constrained.. The problem now is the graph's <div> is only a certain size (100% width and height of parent <div>). The nodes are placed with absolute positioning outside this size. Then when you go to drag the graph to reveal those hidden nodes, you can no longer drag the graph... because you're now clicking outside the graph's <div>.
I can maybe have a graph container <div> that I mess with to get things right and dynamically resize that container div as nodes are added or removed.. Or I can implement this without jQuery UI, just using the mousemove event.. What's the best approach? Is there another good library for this?
I think this is what you are looking for - Your container should be overflow:hidden, your graph would be contained in some thing with a width and height, and beyond that you just need to calculate a "constraint" box, which is going to be the .offset() of the container, adding the "extra space" by the calculating "overflowed" portion I.E. only allow dragging the thing from offset.left + container.innerWidth() - draggable.width() -> offset.left
Now, if either of these contraints already "fits" you'll need to make sure to "zero" it to the offset, and if they both fit, skip adding draggable... Put it all together and you get:
var contain = $("#container"),
big = $("#bigthing"),
offset = contain.offset(),
// calculate the "constraints"
constraints = [
offset.left + contain.innerWidth() - big.width(), + contain.innerHeight() - big.height(),
// it "fits" if our left/top constraint is higher or equal to the right/bottom
fitsX = constraints[0] >= constraints[2],
fitsY = constraints[1] >= constraints[3];
if (!(fitsX && fitsY)) {
if (fitsX) {
constraints[0] = constraints[2];
if (fitsY) {
constraints[1] = constraints[3];
containment: constraints
If you need to dynamically resize the draggable thing, just recalculate the containment option!
