Keyboard events In JavaScript - javascript

I want to make a small game where there is a fortune wheel. When the spacebar is pressed, the randomizers will start, and the results will be revealed.
Would something like this work?
if (keyCode == 32) {
//Does Something
I know there are other posts everywhere on the internet where they do that, but they mainly use jQuery (which I don't know) or they use complex JavaScript and I'm only a beginner programmer, so please bear with me if there is an obvious solution.

charCode is deprecated, but you could use the key property instead. Something like this:
document.addEventListener('keypress', e => {
if (e.key === ' ') {
console.log('start the randomizers');

element.addEventListener("keypress(or whatever event)", () => {
//Do something
You attach eventlistener to key being pressed. You can go to w3c to look up adding event listeners and you can also google a list for all js events. You have keeypress keyup etc. You can have your logic for whatever transpires after the event has occured in one function and just call it in the event listener. You can call multiple functions setting off a chain of events.


Listen to a mouse event on condition

I want to "listen to" a mouse event only if a checkbox is clicked. Therefore I have the following code:
<input type="checkbox" id="magicLens" onchange="magicLens()">
<label for="magicLens">Magic Lens</label>
function magicLens(){
const magicLens_checked = document.getElementById('magicLens').checked;
if (magicLens_checked === true){
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', e => {
myAnonymous = arguments.callee;
// draw something at the current mouse position
// and therefore use the 'e' event object
else {
canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', myAnonymous);
Problem is, that the drawing (a lens) also occurs when the checkbox is not checked (false). I'm not even sure if removeEventListener() is the right way to deal with it (though I already tried the whole thing without it and result was the same).
Maybe you have a better idea to describe the issue in the title. Feel free to edit!
It's easier to actually always listen to the event and in there check whether the checkbox is checked.
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', e => {
const magicLens_checked = document.getElementById('magicLens').checked;
if (!magicLens_checked) {
// Do something with e
You can check it out in this Fiddle. (I added the event listener to document, to avoid creating an arbitrary canvas, but it works the same way)
The Javascript engine sees what you pass to addEventListener and removeEventListener as two different functions which is why the removeEventListener is not working. Create a named function outside of these and pass it into them.

is it possible to bind ctrl+s on click event in javascript?

I am trying to write a code to bind the save as option on click event.I don't want to use filesaver.js. I want pure javascript to write this code.
HTML5 standards introduced the File API, which should allow scripts to offer up "files" (Blobs) for users to save. Support is shoddy, though, which is why polyfills like FileSaver.js exist. Filesaver.js is "pure" javascript, too, so I'm not sure why needing a pure javascript solution precludes its use (unless you mean you can't load outside scripts - just minify and inline it (along with licence, etc.)) Right now, if you must code it yourself, any cross-browser solution you come up with is likely to be an effective rewrite of the polyfil.
Once you have an implementation of saveAs(), simply attach it to whatever event trigger you like:
myButton.addEventListener( 'click', function() { window.saveAs( fileBlob, 'filename.txt' ) } );
Clarification: As per the W3C spec on Events, all untrusted events (includes key-press events) act as if event.preventDefault() was called - so there is explicitly no way to simulate an actual ctrl+s keypress - only ways to simulate its effects.
You could do something like this:
var isCtrlPressed = false;
function onKeyDown(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 17) { // Control got pressed
isCtrlPressed = true;
if (event.keyCode == 83) { // "s" got pressed
// if control is pressed too execute some code
if (isCtrlPressed) {
// Your code here
function onKeyUp(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 17) { // Control got pressed
isCtrlPressed = false;
Then on your body tag add the following events:
<body onkeydown="onKeyDown(event)" onkeyup="onKeyUp(event)">
You can find a lifedemo here:

Finding function catching key event in Javascript?

I'm writing a user script for a complex web app. The existing code is catching the 'j' and 'k' keydown events.
I'd like to be able to find this function to see what it's doing. Is there a way to list all the key event handlers in a document? Or maybe a way to set a breakpoint somehow in Chrome Developer Tools for when I press the letter?
Yes, in the developer tools, go to the Scripts tab, select the page, go to Event Listener Breakpoints, Keyboard, keydown.
Though this might not necessarily help you much, e.g. if the script is minified or they use a library. But you can give it a try.
If you can get a piece of your script to run first and if the keys are handled at the document level, you can install this intercept to see what part of the code is setting the keyboard handler:
var oldListener = document.addEventListener;
document.addEventListener = function(type, listener, capture) {
if (type == "keydown" || type == "keyup" || type == "keypress") {
console.log("type=" + type + " listener=" + listener.toString().slice(0, 80));
return (oldListener.apply(this, arguments));

Binding keys with javascript while preventing the browser shortcut keys

I'm making a javascript game and need to bind a lot of keys to different functions. This I know how to do, what I need some help on is over-riding the shortcut keys for the browser. in other-words I want to blur hot keys for the browser and divert them to my application.
I believe that if you stop the propogation of the event, then you will prevent the browser from catching the event.
an example of this:
element.onkeyup = function(e) {
var ev = e || event;
//do stuff here, probably with ev.keyCode
return false;

Javascript event handling and flow control

I'm attempting to build a webpage that loads depending on the input provided. I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around event handling in javascript, basically. Coming from python, if I wanted to wait for a specific keyboard input before moving on to the next object to display, I would create a while loop and put a key listener inside it.
def getInput():
while 1:
for event in pygame.event.get(): #returns a list of events from the keyboard/mouse
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == "enter": # for example
do function()
elif event.key == "up":
do function2()
else: continue # for clarity
In trying to find a way to implement this in DOM/javascript, I seem to just crash the page (I assume due to the While Loop), but I presume this is because my event handling is poorly written. Also, registering event handlers with "element.onkeydown = function;" difficult for me to wrap my head around, and setInterval(foo(), interval] hasn't brought me much success.
Basically, I want a "listening" loop to do a certain behavior for key X, but to break when key Y is hit.
In JavaScript, you give up control of the main loop. The browser runs the main loop and calls back down into your code when an event or timeout/interval occurs. You have to handle the event and then return so that the browser can get on with doing other things, firing events, and so on.
So you cannot have a ‘listening’ loop. The browser does that for you, giving you the event and letting you deal with it, but once you've finished handling the event you must return. You can't fall back into a different loop. This means you can't write step-by-step procedural code; if you have state that persists between event calls you must store it, eg. in a variable.
This approach cannot work:
<input type="text" readonly="readonly" value="" id="status" />
var s= document.getElementById('status');
s.value= 'Press A now';
while (true) {
var e= eventLoop.nextKeyEvent(); // THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THIS
if (e.which=='a')
s.value= 'Press Y or N';
while (true) {
var e= eventLoop.nextKeyEvent();
if (e.which=='y') ...
Step-by-step code has to be turned inside out so that the browser calls down to you, instead of you calling up to the browser:
var state= 0;
function keypressed(event) {
var key= String.fromCharCode(event? event.which : window.event.keyCode); // IE compatibility
switch (state) {
case 0:
if (key=='a') {
s.value= 'Press Y or N';
case 1:
if (key=='y') ...
s.value= 'Press A now';
document.onkeypress= keypressed;
You can also make code look a little more linear and clean up some of the state stuff by using nested anonymous functions:
s.value= 'Press A now';
document.onkeypress= function(event) {
var key= String.fromCharCode(event? event.which : window.event.keyCode);
if (key=='a') {
s.value= 'Press Y or N';
document.onkeypress= function(event) {
var key= String.fromCharCode(event? event.which : window.event.keyCode);
if (key=='y') ...
you should not use such loops in javascript. basically you do not want to block the browser from doing its job. Thus you work with events (onkeyup/down).
also instead of a loop you should use setTimeout if you want to wait a little and continue if something happened
you can do sth like that:
var dataToLoad = new Array('data1', 'data2', 'data3' );
var pos = 0;
function continueData(ev) {
// do whatever checks you need about key
var ele = document.getElementById("mydata");
if (pos < dataToLoad.length)
<body onkeyup="continueData()"><div id="mydata"></div></body></html>
everytime a key is released the next data field is appended
For easier implementation of event handling I recommend you to use a library such as Prototype or Jquery (Note that both links take you to their respective Event handling documentation.
In order to use them you have to keep in mind 3 things:
What DOM element you want to observe
What Event you want to capture
What action will the event trigger
This three points are mutually inclusive, meaning you need to take care of the 3 when writing the code.
So having this in mind, using Prototype, you could do this:
Event.observe($('id_of_the_element_to_observe'), 'keypress', function(ev) {
// the argument ev is the event object that has some useful information such
// as which keycode was pressed.
Here is the code of a more useful example, a CharacterCounter (such as the one found in Twitter, but surely a lot less reliable ;) ):
var CharacterCounter = Class.create({
initialize: function(input, counter, max_chars) {
this.input = input;
this.counter = counter;
this.max_chars = max_chars;
Event.observe(this.input, 'keypress', this.keyPressHandler.bind(this));
Event.observe(this.input, 'keyup', this.keyUpHandler.bind(this));
keyUpHandler: function() {
words_left = this.max_chars - $F(this.input).length;
this.counter.innerHTML = words_left;
keyPressHandler: function(e) {
words_left = this.max_chars - $F(this.input).length;
if (words_left <= 0 && this.allowedChars(e.keyCode)) {
allowedChars: function(keycode) {
// 8: backspace, 37-40: arrow keys, 46: delete
allowed_keycodes = [ 8, 37, 38, 39, 40, 46 ];
if (allowed_keycodes.include(keycode)) {
return false;
return true
Any good browser will crash when it encounters a script that runs too long. This is to prevent malicious websites from locking up the client application.
You cannot have a infinite loop in javascript. Instead, attach an event listener to the window and point do your processing in the handler (think of it as interrupts instead of polling).
function addEventSimple(obj,evt,fn) {
if (obj.addEventListener)
else if (obj.attachEvent)
} // method pulled from for cross-browser compatibility
addEventSimple(window, "keydown", function(e) {
// check keys
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
//do what you need to do
That's all it takes in javascript. You don't need to loop to wait for the event to happen, whenever the event occurs that function will be called, which in turn can call other functions, do whatever needs to be be done. Think of it as that instead of you having to wait for the event your looking for to happen, the event your looking for will let you know when it happens.
you could attach an event listener to the window object like this
window.onkeypress = output;
function output(event) {
alert("you pressed" + event.which);
Check out the YUI key listener
using the key listener, YUI takes care of capturing any events. IN javascript, there will almost never be an instance where you must wait in a while loop for something to happen.
If you need examples of how event handling works, check out these pages.
