troubleshoot percent function in javascript - javascript
var percent = function() {
var totalGames = (scores.draw + scores.p1 + scores.Ali);
var drawPercent = ((scores.draw / totalGames) * 100);
var AliPercent = ((scores.Ali / totalGames) * 100);
var p1Percent = ((scores.p1 / totalGames) * 100;
alert ("There has been " + drawPercent + "% of draws. I won " + AliPercent + "%, and" +p1 +" won" + p1Percent "%!");

Seems to just be a simple syntax error, which is not what I thought you were getting at with the question or lack of...
Anyways alert ("There has been " + drawPercent + "% of draws. I won " + AliPercent + "%, and" +p1 +" won" + p1Percent + "%!"); should fix it. You simply forgot to concat the last variable.
Look into template literals, they're super handy for throwing together strings with many variables, along with the fact I find them to be awesome syntax wise.
Template literal form:
alert(`There has been ${drawPercent}% of draws. I won ${AliPercent}%, and ${p1} won ${p1Percent}%!});
//percent funtion
var percent = function() {
var totalGames = (scores.draw + scores.p1 + scores.Ali);
var drawPercent = ((scores.draw / totalGames) * 100);
var AliPercent = ((scores.Ali / totalGames) * 100);
var p1Percent = ((scores.p1 / totalGames) * 100);
alert("There has been " + drawPercent + "% of draws. Ali won " + AliPercent + "%, and " + p1 + " won " + p1Percent + "% of the games! Thanks for playing!!!");
There was some code out of sequence, calling a function before it was defined, and an "if" loop that should have been a "while".
Simple fixes. :)
This fiddle link works!


How can I rewrite innerHTML everytime function is called javascript

function he() {
var x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
document.getElementById("res1").innerHTML = "Heroes have dealt " + x + " damage on villains.";
var vhp = villains - x;
document.getElementById("res2").innerHTML = "<br/>Villains have " + vhp + " hp left.";
function vok() {
var y = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
document.getElementById("res3").innerHTML = "<br/>Villains have dealt " + y + " damage on Heroes.";
var hhp = hero - y;
document.getElementById("res4").innerHTML = "<br/>Heroes have " + hhp + " hp left.";
Here is the above code I made function he() is called when a button is clicked and vok function is called after execution of he() function but it's not going good currently i want to overwrite the innerHTML every time the function is runned how am I supposed to do so?

how to make plus math with variable javascript

i was planning to add the value of luas_lingkaran and luas_persegi in variable luas_total,but it comes up with showing the value of luas_lingkaran and luas_persegi not adding each value
<script language="JavaScript">
function CalculateArea(){
var jari =document.form1.jari_jari.value;
var luas_lingkaran = ("<P>Luas Lingkaran " + (jari * jari * Math.PI) + "</p>");
var keliling_lingkaran = ("<P>Keliling lingkaran " + (2 * jari * Math.PI) + "</p>");
var luas_persegi = ("<P>Luas Persegi " + (Math.pow(jari, 4)) + "</p>");
var keliling_persegi = ("<p>Keliling Persegi " + (jari * 4) + "</p>");
var luas_total = ("<p> Luas Persegi dan Lingkaran" + (luas_persegi + luas_lingkaran) + "</p>");
Here is a fix for your code:
function CalculateArea(){
var jari =document.form1.jari_jari.value;
var luas_lingkaran = ("<p>Luas Lingkaran " + (jari * jari * Math.PI) + "</p>");
var keliling_lingkaran = ("<p>Keliling lingkaran " + (2 * jari * Math.PI) + "</p>");
var luas_persegi = ("<p>Luas Persegi " + (Math.pow(jari, 4)) + "</p>");
var keliling_persegi = ("<p>Keliling Persegi " + (jari * 4) + "</p>");
var luas_total = ("<p> Luas Persegi dan Lingkaran" + (Math.pow(jari, 4) + (jari * jari * Math.PI)) + "</p>");
Notice the change in luas_total. You should use the actual calculations without any strings or text values.

Why isn't my code working? (TeamTreeHouse)

My code isn't working from a challenge in teamtree house
var input1 = prompt("Choose an integer");
var bottomNumber = parseInt(input1);
var input = prompt("choose a second integer");
var topNumber = parseInt(input);
var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (topNumber - bottomNumber + 1)) + bottomNumber;
var message = "<p>" + randomNumber + " is a number between " + bottomNumber "and " + topNumber + ".</p>";
I tried to Create a program that has 2 prompts both asking for integers then the it creates a random number betweeen the 2 numbers but on the website the prompts do not appear at all and the javaScript Console has the error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected string
Thanks for all the help.
This should work:
var input1 = prompt("Choose an integer");
var bottomNumber = parseInt(input1);
var input = prompt("choose a second integer");
var topNumber = parseInt(input);
var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (topNumber - bottomNumber + 1)) + bottomNumber;
var message = "<p>" + randomNumber + " is a number between " + bottomNumber + "and " + topNumber + ".</p>";
Try to interpret the error that appears in the console for a better idea.
The issue was missing a '+' and opening up the browser console will pretty much indicate that.
You are missing a + in your string building.
var message = "<p>" + randomNumber + " is a number between " + bottomNumber + "and " + topNumber + ".</p>";

Random Insult Generator (Randomizing Results)

I've written a random insult generator. It is fine, and works well to what I need. The problem is that when I run the program more than once, the insult is the same every time, unless I copy all the vars again. Here is my code:
var bodyPart = ["face", "foot", "nose", "hand", "head"];
var adjective = ["hairy and", "extremely", "insultingly", "astonishingly"];
var adjectiveTwo = ["stupid", "gigantic", "fat", "horrid", "scary"];
var animal = ["baboon", "sasquatch", "sloth", "naked cat", "warthog"];
var bodyPart = bodyPart[Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)];
var adjective = adjective[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)];
var adjectiveTwo = adjectiveTwo[Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)];
var animal = animal[Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)];
var randomInsult = "Your" + " " + bodyPart + " " + "is more" + " " + adjective + " " + adjectiveTwo + " " + "than a" + " " + animal + "'s" + " " + bodyPart + ".";
"Your nose is more insultingly stupid than a warthog's nose."
"Your nose is more insultingly stupid than a warthog's nose."
What I'm trying to do is when I run randomInsult; again, I want a different result.
Use a function:
function generateRandomInsult() {
// ... all of your existing code ...
return randomInsult;
generateRandomInsult(); // this is what you repeat each time
As per my comment above, you need to use a function.
var bodyPart = ["face", "foot", "nose", "hand", "head"];
var adjective = ["hairy and", "extremely", "insultingly", "astonishingly"];
var adjectiveTwo = ["stupid", "gigantic", "fat", "horrid", "scary"];
var animal = ["baboon", "sasquatch", "sloth", "naked cat", "warthog"];
var randomInsult = (function() {
var bp, a, a2, an;
var bp = bodyPart[Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)];
var a = adjective[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)];
var a2 = adjectiveTwo[Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)];
var an = animal[Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)];
var insult = "Your" + " " + bp + " " + "is more" + " " + a + " " + a2 + " " + "than a" + " " + an + "'s" + " " + bp + ".";
document.getElementById('test').addEventListener('click', randomInsult, false);
<button id="test">Click me</button>
You'll have to do something like this to select a random bodyPart, adjective, adjectiveTwo and animal at each call.
function randomInsult() {
var bodyPart = ["face", "foot", "nose", "hand", "head"];
var adjective = ["hairy and", "extremely", "insultingly", "astonishingly"];
var adjectiveTwo = ["stupid", "gigantic", "fat", "horrid", "scary"];
var animal = ["baboon", "sasquatch", "sloth", "naked cat", "warthog"];
var bodyPart = bodyPart[Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)];
var adjective = adjective[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)];
var adjectiveTwo = adjectiveTwo[Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)];
var animal = animal[Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)];
return "Your" + " " + bodyPart + " " + "is more" + " " + adjective + " " + adjectiveTwo + " " + "than a" + " " + animal + "'s" + " " + bodyPart + ".";
In your piece of code you are generating the "randomInsult" string only once. It need to be generated at each call, with new random values.
So, simply embed your code in a function.
Call it this way:

Math.Random is not so random

I am making a basic game with popup boxes.
My problem is that if you look at the goblinAttack function it will repeat till the goblin is dead but the damage is random.
For example, I hit the goblin 6 damage every time until it dies instead of it being a random number between 1 and 25 and the goblin does 4 damage on me every time it hits. Its boring. I wanted it to be random each hit but repeating the function seems to not give a random number each time.
var dmgMultiply = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1);
var dmg = 10;
var armour = 0;
var hp = 100;
var dmgGoblin = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1);
var goblinHP = 100;
var choiceArray = ["Type 'sword' equip your sword.",
"Type 'run' if you're scared.",
"Type 'stats' to see your stats."];
var answerArray = ["sword", "run", "stats"];
var outcomeArrayOne = ["You equip your sword.",
"You run away. Game Over."];
var outcomeArrayTwo = ["Sword Equipped."]
function choice(a, b, c, x, y, z, aa, bb)
var answer = prompt(a + "\n" + b + "\n" + c);
if(answer == x)
if(answer == y)
if(answer == z)
function swordEquipped(a)
dmg = 25;
dmgMultiply = Math.floor(Math.random() * 25 + 1);
alert(a + "\n" + "DMG : " + dmg);
function goblinCombatStart(g)
alert("A wild " + g + " appears!" + "\n" + "The " + g + " has 100 HP!");
function goblinAttack(g)
alert("The " + g + " swings his axe at you!" + "\n" + "The " + g + " does " + dmgGoblin + " damage to you!");
hp -= dmgGoblin;
var attack = prompt("Type 'attack' to swing your sword at the " + g + "\n" + "HP : " + hp);
if(attack == "attack")
alert("You swing your sword at the " + g + "\n" + "You did " + dmgMultiply + " to the " + g);
goblinHP -= dmgMultiply;
alert("The " + g + " is on " + goblinHP + "HP");
if(goblinHP < 0)
if(goblinHP > 0)
alert("You dropped your sword an shouted " + "'" + attack + "'" + " in the goblins face. It wasn't very effective and the goblin choppped your head off");
function goblinDead()
alert("You have slain the puny goblin with only a few scratches!");
choice(choiceArray[0], choiceArray[1], choiceArray[2],
answerArray[0], answerArray[1], answerArray[2],
outcomeArrayOne[0], outcomeArrayOne[1]);
function displayStats()
var statCheck = confirm("HP : " + hp + "\n" +
"ARMOUR : " + armour + "\n" +
"DMG : " + dmg + "\n" +
"Press OK to continue");
if(statCheck == true)
choice(choiceArray[0], choiceArray[1], choiceArray[2],
answerArray[0], answerArray[1], answerArray[2],
outcomeArrayOne[0], outcomeArrayOne[1]);
Instead of computing the random damage value only once at the beginning of your script, compute them whenever you need them. That would probably be in your attack function.
Maybe you are misunderstand something here: Math.random doesn't return some special magical value which changes every time it's read. It returns a number and that number doesn't change.
If you want multiple random values, you have to call Math.random multiple times. If you want a different random value whenever the goblin attacks, you have to call Math.random when it attacks.
The problem here is that you're initializing your variables at the beginning as random.
That means that, on every move, it will use the same random number that was generated at the beginning.
If you want it to be random for each time, you have to call Math.random() on every move.
As it stands, dmgMultiply and dmgGoblin are computed randomly once and use the same value on each turn, so you end up getting the same amount of damage taken and dealt each time.
Declare your variables at the beginning:
var dmgMultiply;
var dmgGoblin;
Then, set them to a random number within your attack function so that it computes a random number each turn:
function goblinAttack(g)
dmgMultiply = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1);
dmgGoblin = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1);
