Testing functions with arguments in React with Jest Enzyme - javascript

I have a function named toggleFilter() in a react component which looks like this:
toggleFilter = (filterType, filterName) => {
const filterApplied = this.state.appliedFilterList[filterType].includes(filterName);
if (filterApplied) {
//Remove the applied filter
this.setState(prevState => ({
appliedFilterList: {
[filterType]: prevState.appliedFilterList[filterType].filter(filter => filter !== filterName)
} else {
//Add the filter
this.setState(prevState => ({
appliedFilterList: {
[filterType]: [...prevState.appliedFilterList[filterType], filterName]
This function is being passed to the child components as :
<ChildComponent toggleFilter={this.toggleFilter} />
So, i am trying to test this toggleFilter() function like this:
it("checks for the function calls", () => {
const toggleFilterMockFn = jest.fn();
const component = shallow(
headerText="Hello World"
accessFilters={["a 1", "a 2"]}
bandwidthFilters={["b 1", "b 2"]}
termsFilters={["t 1", "t 2"]}
component.find(FilterDropdownContent).prop("toggleFilter")({ target: { value: "someValue" } });
But I get the error saying :
TypeError: Cannot read property 'includes' of undefined
What may be causing the issue? Can someone please help me with this.
EDIT 1: I tried the below test case:
expect(toggleFilterMockFn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(appliedFilter, "access");
But I get the below error :
Expected mock function to have been called with:
[{"access": ["Access Type Of The Service"], "bandwidth": ["the allowed band width ", "the allowed band width"], "term": ["term associated with the service"]}, "access"]
But it was not called.

You can't render a parent and test a child function like that. Instead, you should render <FilterDropdownContent /> directly, and then write a test that simulates an event (like click) and checks to see if the function was called.
Something like this for example:
import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
describe('<FilterDropdownContent />', () => {
let wrapper, toggleFilter;
beforeEach(() => {
toggleFilter = jest.fn();
wrapper = shallow(
describe('when clicking the .toggle-filter button', () => {
it('calls `props.toggleFilter()` with the correct data', () => {
expect(toggleFilter).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ target: { value: 'someValue' } });
In this example, clicking a link with the .toggle-filter class calls the function, but you should be able to adapt this to your specific implementation.


I can't pass the test with fireEvent.change(getByLabelText());

I am learning testing and there is a test that I can not get right, it is supposed to change the value of the input should call the function onPriceInputChange, but it does not, I also tried from the browser console, the value is set, but the function is not called the input has a onChange={onPriceInputChange}
I leave the code of the test and the code of my component,
three props go into the component which are priceFrom, priceTo and the onPriceInputChange function. priceFrom and priceTo are part of a useState of a parent component which is set with the onPriceInputChange function also in the parent component.
What can I change to make the test pass? I have checked the documentation and everything is apparently ok.
the following are the tests:
describe('FilterForm component', () => {
it('should invoke the onPriceInputChange callback after "price from" input value changed', () => {
// given
const onPriceInputChange = jest.fn();
const { getByLabelText } = render(<FilterForm
// when
fireEvent.change(getByLabelText('Price From:'), { target: {
name: 'priceFrom',
value: 123
// then
expect(onPriceInputChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith('priceFrom', 123);
it('should invoke the onPriceInputChange callback after "price to" input value changed', () => {
// given
const onPriceInputChange = jest.fn();
const { getByLabelText } = render(<FilterForm
// when
fireEvent.change(getByLabelText('Price To:'), { target: {
name: 'priceTo',
value: 456
// then
expect(onPriceInputChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith('priceTo', 456);
and the following is the FilterForm component:
export const FilterForm = (props) => {
const onPriceInputChange = (e) => {
return (
<label htmlFor="priceFrom">Price From:</label>
placeholder="Price from..."
<label htmlFor="priceTo">Price To:</label>
placeholder="Price to..."

React/Jest Select element onChange values not updating

I have the following code to test the value of the Select element after changing:
it("changes value after selecting another field", () => {
let field = screen.getByLabelText("MySelectField");
fireEvent.change(field, { target: { value: "1" } });
// Insert one of two options from below
However, when I insert the following at the bottom, it does not work:
field = screen.getByLabelText("MySelectField");
and gives the following error message:
Expected the element to have value: 1
But, when I wrap it in a setTimeout with just 1ms delay, it does work:
setTimeout(() => {
field = screen.getByLabelText("MySelectField");
}, 1);
It feels like there should be a more elegant way of writing this without setTimeout. Any advice?
When I am using react-testing-library I tend to use render when I have events to interact with.
For instance:
In my App.js I have this code on the return method
const handleChoice = () => {};
const attributes = [
{ label: "One", value: "1" },
{ label: "Two", value: "2" },
{ label: "Three", value: "3" }
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>
<select onChange={handleChoice} data-testid="MySelectField">
<option value="0">Zero</option>
{attributes.map((item) => {
return (
<option key={item.value} value={item.value}>
then my test would be something like this:
import { fireEvent, render } from "#testing-library/react";
import "#testing-library/jest-dom";
import App from "./App";
it("changes value after selecting another field", () => {
const { getByTestId } = render(<App />);
let field = getByTestId("MySelectField");
fireEvent.change(field, { target: { value: "1" } });
fireEvent.change(field, { target: { value: "3" } });
// Insert one of two options from below
Take a look in this sandbox to see it working.
You could try using waitFor instead of setTimeout:
import {waitFor} from '#testing-library/react'
await waitFor(() => screen.getByLabelText("MySelectField").toHaveValue("1"))
What you're seeing is that it takes a finite amount of time for your app to react (excuse the pun) to the change that has occurred - specifically, it needs to re-render.
And yes, there is a nicer way - the waitFor function from testing-library/react:
import { screen, waitFor } from '#testing-library/react';
it("changes value after selecting another field", async () => {
fireEvent.change(field, { target: { value: "1" } });
await waitFor(async () => {
field = screen.getByLabelText("MySelectField");
Note that the entire test body (i.e. after the test's name) has to be declared async in order to be able to await the new waitFor block.

Set a dropdown's value in React Testing Library

For testing an input it works like this:
it('test input', () => {
const { getByTestId, getByLabelText } = render(<MyComponent />);
const myButton = getByTestId('submit-button');
fireEvent.change(getByLabelText('first-name'), {
target: { value: 'ted' }
// do something
the above test is setting the value of first-name input to "ted" and moves forward.
I want to do something similar but for a drop-down selector.
This is the component:
myOptions is an array of this shape:
const myOptions = [
{ id: '0', name: 'zero' },
{ id: '1', name: 'one' },
{ id: '2', name: 'two' }
it works fine in the application, no errors from this part.
Here comes the testing of it, I did something but it doesn't work:
it('test dropdpwn', () => {
const { getByTestId, getByLabelText } = render(<MyComponent />);
const saveButton = getByTestId('submit-button');
fireEvent.change(getByLabelText('my-dropdown'), {
target: { value: { id: '0', name: 'zero' } }
// do something
the above code doesn't work, it doesn't set the dropdown with that value.
Any ideas on how to solve this? Not sure if it's important, but all those inputs are inside a react-hook-form and at the end it should test that the onSubmit is working (it works only if all inputs are set).
So, since the select behavior is being achieved using a button and spans.
You need to first click the button this would bring all the options on the screen and then you need to click one of those options.
And then you can finally test that the selected option is now on the screen.
it("test dropdpwn", async () => {
const { getByTestId, getByLabelText } = renderWithClientInstance(
<MapSignalModal title={title} open={true} toggle={toggle} />
userEvent.click(screen.getByText("sensor pool 1"));
await screen.findByText(screen.getByText("sensor pool 1"))
Also, to be really sure you can try the following, this should fail because "sensor pool 1" option is not initially on the screen.
And it should pass when the text is changed to "sensor pool 0" because that's there on the screen initially.
it("test dropdpwn", async () => {
const { getByTestId, getByLabelText } = renderWithClientInstance(
<MapSignalModal title={title} open={true} toggle={toggle} />
expect(screen.getByText("sensor pool 1")).toBeInTheDocument();
// if you replace the above text to "sensor pool 0", it should work

Unable to perform click on Vuetify vSwitch when testing with Jest

I am currently writing tests for a Vue Component which implements a Vuetify Switch. As part of the testing I want to check the functionality of the vuetify switch. I am having troubling triggering a click on the switch to then verify that the switches value has changed (and once I have done that I will verify that the value bound to the switch has changed as well)
I have looked at the API docs for Vuetify and there are no methods to directly set the state of a Vuetify switch which is bewildering in my opinion. Because of this I am trying to perform a click on the VSwitch component using wrapper.find().trigger('click') but this isn't changing the switch value, leading me to believe the click isn't doing anything at all.
Below are two tests
the first checks that the switch has the correct state on creation, which is passing
The second tries to perform a click event and check that the state has changed, which is failing
Any help in resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated.
<label class="label-text" :for="`${fieldLabel}`">{{labelText}}</label>
<label class="left-label">{{toggleLeftText}}</label>
class="ma-0 pa-0"
<label class="right-label">{{toggleRightText}}</label>
<!--Hidden input field includes switch value in form when submitted-->
<input type="hidden" :value="toggleState" :name="`${fieldLabel}`">
export default {
name: "Switch",
props: {
fieldLabel: {
type: String,
required: true
labelText: {
type: String,
required: true
toggleLeftText: {
type: String,
required: true
toggleRightText: {
type: String,
required: true
toggleValue: {
type: Boolean,
required: true
data: function () {
return {
toggleState: this.toggleValue
describe('Switch', () => {
const toggleState = true;
const localVue = createLocalVue();
localVue.use(Vuetify, {
components: {
const wrapperFactory = () => {
return shallowMount(Switch, {
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
propsData: testProps,
const testProps = {
labelText: "Test Label",
fieldLabel: "testLabel",
toggleLeftText: "No",
toggleRightText: "Yes",
toggleValue: toggleState
let wrapper;
beforeEach(() => {
wrapper = wrapperFactory(testProps);
afterEach(() => {
it("should have correct toggle value", () => {
const vSwitch = wrapper.find(VSwitch);
it("should have correct toggle value after click", async () => {
const vSwitch = wrapper.find(VSwitch);
await vSwitch.trigger('click');
I might be a bit late for answering your question, but this way you should be able to get your v-switch.
const vSwitch = wrapper.find({ name: 'v-switch' });
and then trigger the event with
vSwitch.$emit('change', <true or false>);, depending on what you're testing.
The limit with this approach is that if you have multiple v-switches in your code, you would need to target them with a data-test-id, for example like this:
<v-switch data-test-id="my-switch-1"> ... </v-switch>;
<v-switch data-test-id="my-switch-2"> ... </v-switch>;
and then I defined a helper function on top of my test file, like so:
const getSwitchComponent = (wrapper: Wrapper<Vue>, testId: string): Wrapper<Vue> => {
const switches = wrapper.findAll({ name: 'v-switch' });
const component = switches.wrappers.find(wrapper =>
if (!component) {
throw Error(`Element not found: ${testId}`);
return component;
which will let you do something like this:
const mySwitch1 = getSwitchComponent(wrapper, 'my-switch-1');
const mySwitch2 = getSwitchComponent(wrapper, 'my-switch-2');
and trigger the change event so:
mySwitch1.vm.$emit('change', false);
mySwitch2.vm.$emit('change', true);

Generic method to render React component depends on two props

I've got a component that gets two props, function and node(or string with label text), depends on these props I render the icon with some label. In future, I'm going to add more button and want to create the generic method that rendered this icon more flexible. So how to create such generic method for that?
const Wrapper = ({onRefresh, onExportToExcel, actionsLabel}) => {
{onRefresh && !!actionsLabel.refresh &&
<InlineIconButton name='refresh' label={actionsLabel.refresh} onClick={onRefresh} icon={<Autorenew/>} aria-label="Refresh"/>}
{onExportToExcel && !!actionsLabel.exportToExcel &&
<InlineIconButton name='exportToExcel' label={actionsLabel.exportToExcel} onClick={onExportToExcel} icon={<FileDownload/>} aria-label="ExportToExcel"/>}
<Wrapper onRefresh={()=> {}} onExportToExcel ={()=> {}} actionLabel={refresh: 'refresh', exportToExcel: 'export'}>
Maybe do something like:
const EXPORT_EXCEL = {
label: "export",
ariaLabel: "Export Excel",
icon: <Autorenew/>,
handler: params => { /* your function */ }
const REFRESH = {
key: "REFRESH",
label: "refresh",
ariaLabel: "Refresh",
icon: <FileDownload/>,
handler: params => { /* your function */ }
<Wrapper type={EXPORT_EXCEL} />;
const Wrapper = ({ type }) => {
return <InlineIconButton name={type.key} label={type.label} onClick={type.handler} icon={type.icon} aria-label={type.ariaLabel ? type.ariaLabel : type.label} />;
You even the possiblity to throw those EXPORT_EXCEL and REFRESH into array. Instead of having them loose put them in an array like so:
const BUTTONS = [
label: "export",
ariaLabel: "Export Excel",
icon: <Autorenew/>,
handler: params => { /* your function */ }
key: "REFRESH",
label: "refresh",
ariaLabel: "Refresh",
icon: <FileDownload/>,
handler: params => { /* your function */ }
And then loop through to create the Wrapper.
But then it's really up to you and your preferences and app's requirements
The entire idea behind React is to be able to create a unique component for every kind of usage. That is the entire philosophy behind React composability. Don't understand why would you want to wrap it.
