JavaScript on body click work 1 time - javascript

This is my script -
my script alert when someone touch on any place on the page .
I am trying to execute alert only one time and not on every click.
This is the code i built which alert any time .
$( document ).ready(function() {
var click_count = 0;
if (click_count == 0){
var click_count = 1;

You have your if in the wrong place. You want it inside the click handler (the code that runs when the click occurs), not outside it. You also need to remove the var from var click_count = 1; so you 're using the one declared in the ready callback, not the one declared in the click handler:
$(document).ready(function() {
var click_count = 0;
$('body').on("click", function() {
if (click_count == 0) {
alert("Hi there");
click_count = 1;
Testing 1 2 3
<script src=""></script>
(Here's a runnable version for mobiles where Stack Snippets aren't rendered:
But, rather than using click_count, I'd suggest removing the event handler after the first click. You could do that with off, but jQuery even has a function specifically for adding a handler you remove the first time it's called: one (rather than on):
$(document).ready(function() {
$('body').one("click", function() {
alert("Hi there");
Testing 1 2 3
<script src=""></script>
(Runnable version for devices where Stack Snippets don't render:

With plain JavaScript you can do
let clicked = false;
const clickOnce = () => {
if (!clicked) {
clicked = true;
document.body.addEventListener('click', clickOnce);
some body content
And you don't even need a clicked variable to store the state. Just remove the event listener once it is triggered.
const clickOnce = () => {
document.body.removeEventListener('click', clickOnce)
document.body.addEventListener('click', clickOnce);
some body content


Function works more times, than needs

I have dynamically created elements. In vanilla JS we can communicate with such elements only with document.addEventListener('click',function(){//do smth});. So I have a script, which takes dynamically created buttons and adds event listener for them.
Problem is when I press some button one time, it's ok, but then script starts to count clicks and do code in btn.addEventListener('click', function(){ //do smth }); according to count of clicks. For example, I click 1 time - script makes 1 time, I click 2 times - script makes 3 times, I click 3 times - script makes 6 times, cause he counted all clicks. How can I resolve this problem?
document.addEventListener('click', addInCart);
function addInCart(){
const productBtns = document.querySelectorAll('.product__btn');
for(let btn of productBtns){
btn.addEventListener('click', function(){
//do smth
Because each time you click on the document will recall the function again, add {once: true} to avoid that.
document.addEventListener('click', addInCart, {once: true});
function addInCart(){
const productBtns = document.querySelectorAll('.product__btn');
for(let btn of productBtns){
btn.addEventListener('click', function(){
//do smth
use .onclick = function() { ... } instead of .addEventListener('click', function() { ... })
document.addEventListener('click', addInCart);
function addInCart(){
const productBtns = document.querySelectorAll('.product__btn');
for(let btn of productBtns){
btn.onclick = function(){
//do smth

Click not triggered on Javascript function that submits to Facebook Pixel

The following code tracks the number of clicks on the element and then submits the result to Facebook Pixel. However, the event is not triggered for some reason.
Thought it's a variable scope problem, changed countClicks to global but it didn't change anything.
$(document).ready(function () {
if(window.location.href.indexOf("products") > -1) {
var countClicks = 0;
$(".product-single__thumbnail-image").click(function () {
function firePixelSlideshowView() {
fbq('trackCustom', "ProductSlideshowImageView", {
imageView: countClicks,
window.onbeforeunload = function () {
return null;
I solved the problem by using jQuery unload() function instead of vanilla Javascript and it worked.

Module overwrite previous attached window mouseup event

I am currently working on a javascript module which open and close boxes, tooltip or similar, the function works great the only problem is when I call it twice on a page where the 'boxes' classes are different the window mouseup event will be overwritten and only one of the two module instances of boxes can now be closed after opening them.
var boxRevealer = (function () {
var buttons;
var boxes;
var element;
var drp_active = false;
var boxConstruct = function (btns, bxs) {
buttons = document.querySelectorAll(btns);
boxes = document.querySelectorAll(bxs);
var boxEvents = function () {
buttons.forEach(function (e) {
e.addEventListener("click", function (ee) {
element = document.getElementById(e.getAttribute("data-drp"));
drp_active = true;
window.addEventListener("mouseup", function (e) {
if (drp_active === true) {
if (!"filt_holy")) {
boxes.forEach(function (e) {
}, false);
return {
boxConstruct: boxConstruct,
boxEvents: boxEvents
Here is how i call the module
window.addEventListener("load", function(e){
boxRevealer.boxConstruct(".head_drp_btn", ".head_drp");
boxRevealer.boxConstruct(".mkt_drp_btn", ".mkt_drp");
So my question is, should I always name the boxes the same, or is there a work around?
Just remove the event before adding it, I think the same event is getting called twice.
So updated code will be as follows:
// Attach an event handler to <div>
e.addEventListener("mousemove", myFunction);
// Remove the event handler from <div>
e.removeEventListener("mousemove", myFunction);
And remove the window event as well before adding it.

jQuery toggle triggers effect instead of handler [duplicate]

$('.slideArrow').toggle(function (event) {
//some code
}, function (event) {
//some code
This works fine for content which are loaded on page-load.But the same function does not work for content loaded with ajax.It just does not intercept the click.
What should I do?
In an other scenario,i faced a same problem(not for toggle,for click) and sorted it this way.I dont know what to do for toggle?
//some code
The flag method :
var flag = false;
$(document).on('click', '.slideArrow', function(event) {
if (flag) {
// do one thing
// do another thing
flag = !flag;
the data method
$(document).on('click', '.slideArrow', function(event) {
if ( $(this).data('flag') ) {
// do one thing
// do another thing
$(this).data('flag', !$(this).data('flag'));

Get image ids in a div every second

I was successful in getting the id of all images within a div when clicking the div with the following codes below:
<script type="text/javascript">
function getimgid(){
var elems = [] document.getElementById("card") );
elems.forEach( function( elem ){
elem.onclick = function(){
var arr = [], imgs = [] elem.getElementsByTagName("img") );
imgs.forEach( function( img ){
var attrID =;
} else {
alert("No images found.");
The codes above works perfectly, doing an alert message of the image id when clicking card div. Now what I want is to run this function without clicking the div in every 5 seconds. I have tried setInterval (getimgid, 5000), but it doesn't work. Which part of the codes above should I modify to call the function without clicking the div. Any help would be much appreciated.
You should be calling it this way:
setInterval (function(){
also remove binding of click event for element.
Working Fiddle
Use to trigger click
function getimgid() {
var elems = []"card"));
elems.forEach(function (elem) {
elem.onclick = function () {
var arr = [],
imgs = []"img"));
if (imgs.length) {
imgs.forEach(function (img) {
var attrID =;
} else {
alert("No images found.");
setInterval(getimgid, 1000);
Problem: You are not triggering the click in setInterval. You are only re-running the event binding every 5 secs.
Solution: Set Interval on another function which triggers the click. Or remove the click binding altogether if you don't want to manually click at all.
Updated fiddle:
var t;
function trigger() {
var elems = []"card"));
elems.forEach(function (elem) {
t = setInterval(trigger, 5000);
