When making a fetch to a certain URL, I am getting an HTML page in the format of text as I wanted.
Inside of it, there are plenty of id=(...)" and I require one of them
So I am asking, how could I get an array with all the strings that come after "id=" and before the " " "?
I made some tries such as :
var startsWith = "id="
var endsWith = "\""
var between = fullString.slice(fullString.indexOf(startsWith), fullstring.indexOf(endsWith))
but couldn't get it to work.
Any suggestions are welcome
you can use the following regex: /id=\"(.*?)\"/gmi.
The code will be as such:
The result will be an array of id="your id"
and then you can do the following:
var between = fullString.match(/id=\"(.*?)\"/gmi).map(str => str.substr(str.indexOf('id=\"') + 'id=\"'.length).slice(0, -1))
Why you dont use a plugin like jquery? Please refer to this example:
var fullString = "<y>your cool html</y>";
var $html = $(fullString);
var stuffInside = $(html).find('#yourId');
console.warn('stuffInside:', stuffInside.html());
I'm trying to extract some data from a large string and I was wondering if it is possible to use regexp. Currently, I'm using javascript. For example:
This is some [example] text for my javascript [regexp] [lack] of knowledge.
With this string, I would like to generate a JSON array with the texts that are between the square brackets.
example, regexp, lack
I hope someone can help me do this in a simple way so I can understand how it works. Thank you in advance for your help. Daniel!
var str = "This is some [example] text for my javascript [regexp] [lack] of knowledge."
var regex = /\[(.*?)\]/g, result, indices = [];
while ( (result = regex.exec(str)) ) {
var text = 'some [example] text for my javascript [regexp] [lack] of knowledge.';
text.match(/\[(.*?)\]/g).map(function(m) {
return m.substr(1, m.length - 2);
// => ["example", "regexp", "lack"]
I wrote one up real quick, if you have any questions about it, let me know!
var a = 'This is some [example] text for my javascript [regexp] [lack] of knowledge.'
var results = a.match(/\[\w*\]/g);
alert(results[0] + ' ' + results[1] + ' ' + results[2]);
I have this string which I want to convert to an array:
var test = "{href:'one'},{href:'two'}";
So how can I convert this to an array?:
var new = [{href:'one'},{href:'two'}];
It depends where you got it from..
If possible you should correct it a bit to make it valid JSON syntax (at least in terms of the quotes)
var test = '{"href":"one"},{"href":"two"}';
var arr = JSON.parse('[' + test + ']');
Notice the " around both keys and values.
(making directly var test = '[{"href":"one"},{"href":"two"}]'; is even better)
If you could modify the original string to be valid JSON then you could do this:
Valid JSON:
var test = '[{"href":"one"},{"href":"two"}]';
Using jQuery:
var str = '{"id":1,"name":"Test1"},{"id":2,"name":"Test2"}';
var jsonObj = $.parseJSON('[' + str + ']');
jsonObj is your JSON object.
If changing the string to be valid JSON is not an option, and you fully trust this string, and its origin then I would use eval:
var test = "{href:'one'},{href:'two'}";
var arr = eval("[" + test + "]");
On that last note, please be aware that, if this string is coming from the user, it would be possible for them to pass in malicious code that eval will happily execute.
As an extremely trivial example, consider this
var test = "(function(){ window.jQuery = undefined; })()";
var arr = eval("[" + test + "]");
Bam, jQuery is wiped out.
Demonstrated here
In Javascript, how can I trim a string by a number of characters from the end, append another string, and re-append the initially cut-off string again?
In particular, I have filename.png and want to turn it into filename-thumbnail.png.
I am looking for something along the lines of:
var sImage = "filename.png";
var sAppend = "-thumbnail";
var sThumbnail = magicHere(sImage, sAppend);
You can use .slice, which accepts negative indexes:
function insert(str, sub, pos) {
return str.slice(0, pos) + sub + str.slice(pos);
// "filename" + "-thumbnail" + ".png"
insert("filename.png", "-thumbnail", -4); // insert at 4th from end
Try using a regular expression (Good documentation can be found at https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions)
I haven't tested but try something like:
var re = /(.*)\.png$/;
var str = "filename.png";
var newstr = str.replace(re, "$1-thumbnail.png");
I would use a regular expression to find the various parts of the filename and then rearrange and add strings as needed from there.
Something like this:
var file='filename.png';
var re1='((?:[a-z][a-z0-9_]*))';
var re2='.*?';
var re3='((?:[a-z][a-z0-9_]*))';
var p = new RegExp(re1+re2+re3,["i"]);
var m = p.exec(file);
if (m != null) {
var fileName=m[1];
var fileExtension=m[2];
That would give you your file's name in fileName and file's extension in fileExtension. From there you could append or prepend anything you want.
var newFile = fileName + '-thumbnail' + '.' + fileExtension;
Perhaps simpler than regular expressions, you could use lastindexof (see http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_lastindexof.asp) to find the file extension (look for the period - this allows for longer file extensions like .html), then use slice as suggested by pimvdb.
You could use a regular expression and do something like this:
var sImage = "filename.png";
var sAppend = "-thumbnail$1";
var rExtension = /(\.[\w\d]+)$/;
var sThumbnail = sImage.replace(rExtension, sAppend);
rExtension is a regular expression which looks for the extension, capturing it into $1. You'll see that $1 appears inside of sAppend, which means "put the extension here".
EDIT: This solution will work with any file extension of any length. See it in action here: http://jsfiddle.net/h4Qsv/
Is there a way to remove everything after a certain character or just choose everything up to that character? I'm getting the value from an href and up to the "?", and it's always going to be a different amount of characters.
Like this
I want the href to be /Controller/Action only, so I want to remove everything after the "?".
I'm using this now:
$('.Delete').click(function (e) {
var id = $(this).parents('tr:first').attr('id');
var url = $(this).attr('href');
You can also use the split() function. This seems to be the easiest one that comes to my mind :).
jsFiddle Demo
One advantage is this method will work even if there is no ? in the string - it will return the whole string.
var s = '/Controller/Action?id=11112&value=4444';
s = s.substring(0, s.indexOf('?'));
Sample here
I should also mention that native string functions are much faster than regular expressions, which should only really be used when necessary (this isn't one of those cases).
Updated code to account for no '?':
var s = '/Controller/Action';
var n = s.indexOf('?');
s = s.substring(0, n != -1 ? n : s.length);
Sample here
var href = "/Controller/Action?id=11112&value=4444";
href = href.replace(/\?.*/,'');
href ; //# => /Controller/Action
This will work if it finds a '?' and if it doesn't
May be very late party :p
You can use a back reference $'
$' - Inserts the portion of the string that follows the matched substring.
let str = "/Controller/Action?id=11112&value=4444"
let output = str.replace(/\?.*/g,"$'")
It works for me very nicely:
var x = '/Controller/Action?id=11112&value=4444';
var remove_after= x.indexOf('?');
var result = x.substring(0, remove_after);
If you also want to keep "?" and just remove everything after that particular character, you can do:
var str = "/Controller/Action?id=11112&value=4444",
stripped = str.substring(0, str.indexOf('?') + '?'.length);
// output: /Controller/Action?
You can also use the split() method which, to me, is the easiest method for achieving this goal.
For example:
let dummyString ="Hello Javascript: This is dummy string"
dummyString = dummyString.split(':')[0]
// Returns "Hello Javascript"
Source: https://thispointer.com/javascript-remove-everything-after-a-certain-character/
if you add some json syringified objects, then you need to trim the spaces too... so i add the trim() too.
let x = "/Controller/Action?id=11112&value=4444";
let result = x.trim().substring(0, x.trim().indexOf('?'));
Worked for me:
var first = regexLabelOut.replace(/,.*/g, "");
It can easly be done using JavaScript for reference see link
JS String
it can easly done as. ;)
var url="/Controller/Action?id=11112&value=4444 ";
var parameter_Start_index=url.indexOf('?');
var action_URL = url.substring(0, parameter_Start_index);
alert('action_URL : '+action_URL);
How do I remove everything before /post in this string below and add my own address using Javascript/JQuery
I want it to appear like this:
var str = 'showLogo=false&showVersionInfo=false&dataFile=/post/2653785385/photoset_xml/tumblr_lepsihc2RV1qbclqg/500';
str = 'http://mydomain.com' + str.split('&dataFile=')[1];
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/52z2z/
Here it splits the string on '&dataFile=', gets the last item in the resulting Array, and concatenates it do your domain.
You could also do this in Javascript using regular expressions:
var url = "showLogo=false&showVersionInfo=false&dataFile=/post/2653785385/photoset_xml/tumblr_lepsihc2RV1qbclqg/500";
var matches = url.match(/dataFile=(.*)/);
var what_you_need = "http://mydomain.com" + matches[1];