How Group JSON Array Data By multiple keys - javascript

How can I group JSON Array by multiple Keys in Nodejs.
Is there any solution with underscore or lodash (does not matter if its plain javascript)?
[{ key: '2017-1', y: 1, gkey: 'y' },
{ key: '2017-1', x: 1, gkey: 'x' }]
Expected Result :
[{ key: '2017-1', x: 1, y:1 }]

You can use reduce and Object.values
let arr = [
{ key: '2017-1', y: 1, gkey: 'y' },
{ key: '2017-1', x: 1, gkey: 'x' },
{ key: '2017-2', x: 1, gkey: 'x' },
let result = Object.values(arr.reduce((c, {key,gkey,...r}) => {
c[key] = c[key] || {key};
c[key] = Object.assign(c[key], r);
return c;
}, {}));
If you cant use Object.values on your nodejs version, you can:
let arr = [
{ key: '2017-1', y: 1, gkey: 'y' },
{ key: '2017-1', x: 1, gkey: 'x' },
{ key: '2017-2', x: 1, gkey: 'x' },
let temp = arr.reduce((c, {key,gkey,...r}) => {
c[key] = c[key] || {key};
c[key] = Object.assign(c[key], r);
return c;
}, {});
let result = [];
for (let key in temp) result.push(temp[key]);

if I understood correctly what you need, the reduce function could do what you need.
reduce call the function for each element of the array. arr is the result array who will be return by the reduce at the end. I check for each elem if it's in the arr. if not, I add it.
I did not test this code, but it should work
arrayOfData.reduce((arr, elem) => {
let e = arr.find(el => el.key === elem.key);
if(!e) {
e = {key : elem.key}
e[elem.gkey] = elem[elem.gkey];
return arr;
}, [])


How to sum object values based on another object key JavaScript [duplicate]

I have an array of objects like the following:
'name': 'P1',
'value': 150
'name': 'P1',
'value': 150
'name': 'P2',
'value': 200
'name': 'P3',
'value': 450
I need to add up all the values for objects with the same name. (Probably also other mathematical operations like calculate average.) For the example above the result would be:
'name': 'P1',
'value': 300
'name': 'P2',
'value': 200
'name': 'P3',
'value': 450
First iterate through the array and push the 'name' into another object's property. If the property exists add the 'value' to the value of the property otherwise initialize the property to the 'value'. Once you build this object, iterate through the properties and push them to another array.
Here is some code:
var obj = [
{ 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 },
{ 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 },
{ 'name': 'P2', 'value': 200 },
{ 'name': 'P3', 'value': 450 }
var holder = {};
obj.forEach(function(d) {
if (holder.hasOwnProperty( {
holder[] = holder[] + d.value;
} else {
holder[] = d.value;
var obj2 = [];
for (var prop in holder) {
obj2.push({ name: prop, value: holder[prop] });
Hope this helps.
An ES6 approach to group by name:
You can convert your array of objects to a Map by using .reduce(). The Map has key-value pairs, where each key is the name, and each value is the accumulated sum of values for that particular name key. You can then easily convert the Map back into an array using Array.from(), where you can provide a mapping function that will take the keys/values of the Map and convert them into objects:
const arr = [ { 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 }, { 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 }, { 'name': 'P2', 'value': 200 }, { 'name': 'P3', 'value': 450 } ];
const res = Array.from(arr.reduce(
(m, {name, value}) => m.set(name, (m.get(name) || 0) + value), new Map
), ([name, value]) => ({name, value}));
The above is quite compact and not necessarily the easiest to read. I would suggest putting it into a function so it's clearer what it's doing. If you're after more self-documenting code, using for...of can make the above easier to understand. The below function is also useful if you want to group or sum on keys with spaces in them:
const arr = [ { 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 }, { 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 }, { 'name': 'P2', 'value': 200 }, { 'name': 'P3', 'value': 450 } ];
const sumByKey = (arr, key, value) => {
const map = new Map();
for(const obj of arr) {
const currSum = map.get(obj[key]) || 0;
map.set(obj[key], currSum + obj[value]);
const res = Array.from(map, ([k, v]) => ({[key]: k, [value]: v}));
return res;
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'name', 'value')); // 'name' = value to group by, 'value' = value to sum
Grouping by more than just name:
Here's an approach that should work if you have other overlapping properties other than just name (the keys/values need to be the same in both objects for them to "group"). It involves iterating through your array and reducing it to Map which holds key-value pairs. Each key of the new Map is a string of all the property values you want to group by, and so, if your object key already exists then you know it is a duplicate, which means you can add the object's current value to the stored object. Finally, you can use Array.from() to transform your Map of key-value pairs, to an array of just values:
const arr = [{'name':'P1','value':150},{'name':'P1','value':150},{'name':'P2','value':200},{'name':'P3','value':450}];
const res = Array.from(arr.reduce((acc, {value, ...r}) => {
const key = JSON.stringify(r);
const current = acc.get(key) || {...r, value: 0};
return acc.set(key, {...current, value: current.value + value});
}, new Map).values());
You can use Array.reduce() to accumulate results during each iteration.
var arr = [{'name':'P1','value':150},{'name':'P1','value':150},{'name':'P2','value':200},{'name':'P3','value':450}];
var result = arr.reduce(function(acc, val){
var o = acc.filter(function(obj){
}).pop() || {, value:0};
o.value += val.value;
return acc;
I see these complicated reduce with Array from and Map and Set - this is far simpler
const summed = arr.reduce((acc, cur, i) => {
const item = i > 0 && acc.find(({name}) => name ===
if (item) item.value += cur.value;
else acc.push({ name:, value: cur.value }); // don't push cur here
return acc;
}, [])
console.log(arr); // not modified
const arr = [{
'name': 'P1',
'value': 150
'name': 'P1',
'value': 150
'name': 'P2',
'value': 200
'name': 'P3',
'value': 450
For some reason when I ran the code by #Vignesh Raja, I obtained the "sum" but also items duplicated. So, I had to remove the duplicates as I described below.
Original array:
arr=[{name: "LINCE-01", y: 70},
{name: "LINCE-01", y: 155},
{name: "LINCE-01", y: 210},
{name: "MIRAFLORES-03", y: 232},
{name: "MIRAFLORES-03", y: 267}]
Using #VigneshRaja's code:
var result = arr.reduce(function(acc, val){
var o = acc.filter(function(obj){
}).pop() || {, y:0};
o.y += val.y;
return acc;
First outcome:
result: [{name: "LINCE-01", y: 435},
{name: "LINCE-01", y: 435},
{name: "LINCE-01", y: 435},
{name: "MIRAFLORES-03", y: 499},
{name: "MIRAFLORES-03", y: 499}]
Removing the duplicates:
var finalresult = result.filter(function(itm, i, a) {
return i == a.indexOf(itm);
Finally, I obtained what I whished:
finalresult = [{name: "LINCE-01", y: 435},
{name: "MIRAFLORES-03", y: 657}]
I have customized Mr Nick Parsons answer(Thanks for the idea). if you need to sum multiple key values.
var arr = [{'name':'P1','value':150,'apple':10},{'name':'P1','value':150,'apple':20},{'name':'P2','value':200,'apple':30},{'name':'P3','value':450,'apple':40}];
var res = Object.values(arr.reduce((acc, {value,apple , ...r}) => {
var key = Object.entries(r).join('-');
acc[key] = (acc[key] || {...r, apple:0,value: 0});
return (acc[key].apple += apple, acc[key].value += value, acc);
}, {}));
One more solution which is clean, I guess
var obj = [
{ 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 },
{ 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 },
{ 'name': 'P2', 'value': 200 },
{ 'name': 'P3', 'value': 450 }
var result = [];
Array.from(new Set( => => {
result.push(obj.filter(y => === x).reduce((output,item) => {
let val = output[x] === undefined?0:output[x];
output[x] = (item.value + val);
return output;
if you need to keep the object structure same than,
var obj = [
{ 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 },
{ 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 },
{ 'name': 'P2', 'value': 200 },
{ 'name': 'P2', 'value': 1000 },
{ 'name': 'P3', 'value': 450 }
let output = [];
let result = {};
let uniqueName = Array.from(new Set( =>;
uniqueName.forEach(n => {
output.push(obj.filter(x => === n).reduce((a, item) => {
let val = a['name'] === undefined? item.value:a['value']+item.value;
return {name:n,value:val};
My data was not so organized as the example data. I faced a few issues such as I wanted to total the number of unique strings in a group and I have extra data that I don't care to tally.
I also found it a bit hard to substitute some of the answers demo data obj values for real world values depending on code readability. I decided I like #NickParsons answer best --> and decided to add to it. Wasn't sure if this should be a new question like "Sum similar specific keys and/or sum strings in arrays" but this post seemed to be close enough that I felt an answer here was best.
I decided that using Arrays for string was best, and I made it an option for my function to DeDup array if desired. But now you can use arr.length for number of hits and as in my case, I will then also have further uses for that array as a collection based on the group.
I will likely be adding extra iterations over my Arr_Of_Objs but I like having this master function and then making smaller logical groups of Objs. I have a lot of cross-referencing/tallying and I tried making one large iteration where I did all the logic, and it became a total mess quickly.
I also added the ability to total strings if your object values happen to be cast as string vs int.
As well, the ability to pass toFixed to trim decimal places.
And Criteria_Objs for further restricting sums. Since you can't pass an operator, I made a single if then to check for "==" and use == as an operator. If you want more, you'd have to code them in, but should be easy to say add >
Here is some code:
var arr = [
'group': 'A',
"Type": "A",
"batch": "FOO_A",
"name": "Unique_ID_1",
'value': "150",
'group': 'A',
"Type": "A",
"batch": "FOO_A",
"name": "Unique_ID_11",
'value': 150,
'group': 'A',
"Type": "A",
"batch": "FOO_B",
"name": "Unique_ID_2",
'value': 150,
'group': 'A',
"Type": "A",
"batch": "FOO_B",
"name": "Unique_ID_22",
'value': 150,
'group': 'B',
"Type": "A",
"batch": "BAR_A",
"name": "Unique_ID_A1",
'value': 150,
'group': 'B',
"Type": "B",
"batch": "BAR_A",
"name": "Unique_ID_A11",
'value': 150,
'group': 'B',
"Type": "A",
"batch": "BAR_B",
"name": "Unique_ID_B2",
'value': 150,
'group': 'B',
"Type": "A",
"batch": "BAR_B",
"name": "Unique_ID_B22",
'value': "150.016",
const sumByKey = (arr, key, value, DeDup_Str_Arr, TO_Fixed, Criteria_Arr_Of_Objs) => {
var Criteria_Arr_Of_Objs = [
"crit_key": "Type",
"crit_val": "A",
"crit_operator": "==",
var Is_Int = false
if (!isNaN(TO_Fixed) && TO_Fixed != null && TO_Fixed != false && TO_Fixed != "") {
Is_Int = true
const map = new Map();
for (const obj of arr) {
const currSum = map.get(obj[key]) || 0;
var val = obj[value]
var crit_passed = false
if (Array.isArray(Criteria_Arr_Of_Objs) == true) {
for (var ai = 0; ai < Criteria_Arr_Of_Objs.length; ++ai) {
var crit_obj = Criteria_Arr_Of_Objs[ai]
var check_val = obj[crit_obj['crit_key']]
var crit_val = crit_obj['crit_val']
var crit_operator = crit_obj['crit_operator']
if (crit_operator == "==") {
if (check_val == crit_val) {
crit_passed = true
} else {
crit_passed = true
if (crit_passed == true) {
if (!isNaN(val)) {
val = Number(val)
if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) {
val = val + ","
map.set(obj[key], currSum + val);
if (Is_Int == true) {
var res = Array.from(map, ([k, v]) => ({ [key]: k, [value]: Number(Number(v).toFixed(2)) })); //
} else {
var res = Array.from(map, ([k, v]) => ({ [key]: k, [value]: v }));
var val = res[0][value]
if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) {
for (var ai = 0; ai < res.length; ++ai) {
var obj = res[ai]
var val = obj[value]
var vals_arr = val.split(",")
vals_arr[0] = vals_arr[0].substring(1) //Removing leading 0
vals_arr.pop() //trailing ","
if (DeDup_Str_Arr == true) {
let unique = [];
for (let element of vals_arr) {
if (Array.isArray(element) == true) {
for (let elm of element) { if (!unique.includes(elm)) { unique.push(elm) } }
} else {
if (!unique.includes(element)) { unique.push(element) }
obj[value] = unique
} else {
obj[value] = vals_arr
return res;
var Criteria_Arr_Of_Objs = [
"crit_key": "Type",
"crit_val": "A",
"crit_operator": "==",
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'batch', 'value',false,false,Criteria_Arr_Of_Objs))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'batch', 'value'))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'batch', 'value', null, 2))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'batch', 'value', null, "2"))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'group', 'batch', null))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'group', 'batch', true))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'group', 'batch', true, "2"))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'group', 'batch', true, 2))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'group', 'value', true, 2))
(function () {
var arr = [
{'name': 'P1', 'age': 150},
{'name': 'P1', 'age': 150},
{'name': 'P2', 'age': 200},
{'name': 'P3', 'age': 450}
var resMap = new Map();
var result = []; => {
if (!resMap.has(
resMap.set(, x.age);
resMap.set(, (x.age + resMap.get(;
resMap.forEach((value, key) => {
name: key,
age: value
let ary = [
'key1': 'P1',
'key2': 150
'key1': 'P1',
'key2': 150
'key1': 'P2',
'key2': 200
'key1': 'P3',
'key2': 450
result array let newAray = []
for (let index = 0; index < ary.length; index++) {
// console.log(ary[index].key1);
for (let index2 = index + 1; index2 < ary.length; index2++) {
if (ary[index2].key1 == ary[index].key1) {
ary[index].key2 += ary[index2].key2;
newAry = ary.filter( val => val !== ary[index2]);
newAry = ary.filter(function (e) {
return e !== ary[index2];
Here provide more generic version for this question
* #param {(item: T) => string} keyFn
* #param {(itemA: T, itemB: T) => T} mergeFn
* #param {number[]} list
function compress(keyFn, mergeFn, list) {
return Array.from(
.reduce((map, item) => {
const key = keyFn(item);
return map.has(key) // if key already existed
? map.set(key, mergeFn(map.get(key), item)) // merge two items together
: map.set(key, item); // save item in map
}, new Map())
const testcase = [
name: "P1",
value: 150,
name: "P1",
value: 150,
name: "P2",
value: 200,
name: "P3",
value: 450,
/* user define which is unique key */
({ name }) => name,
/* how to merge two item together */
(a, b) => ({ name:, value: a.value + b.value }),
/* array */
I like this approach for readability.
const original = [
{ name: 'P1', value: 150 },
{ name: 'P1', value: 150 },
{ name: 'P2', value: 200 },
{ name: 'P3', value: 450 },
const aggregate = {};
original.forEach((item) => {
if (aggregate[]) {
aggregate[].value += item.value;
} else {
aggregate[] = item;
const summary = Object.values(aggregate);
let arr = [
let obj = {}
obj[].value = obj[].value + item.value
obj[] = item
let valuesArr = Object.values(obj)
{ name: "P1", value: 300, apple: 10 },
{ name: "P2", value: 800, apple: 30 },
{ name: "P3", value: 450, apple: 40 } ]
The method that Vignesh Raja posted will let you sum various values in an array of objects by the key or other property these method will work better
let data= [
'key1': 'P1',
'key2': 150
'key1': 'P1',
'key2': 150
'key1': 'P2',
'key2': 200
'key1': 'P3',
'key2': 450
var holder = []
data.forEach( index => {
const data = holder.find( i => i.key1=== index.key1)
data.key2 = parseInt(data.key2) + parseInt(index.key2)

Returning new object array with sum of each object value using reduce

I have this array of objects:
let foo = [
num: 1,
value: 0.5
num: 1,
value: 1.5
num: 2,
value: 0.5
How can I reduce this array to return:
let bar = [
num: 1,
value: 2, // 1.5 + 0.5
num: 2,
value: 0.5
You can use findIndex to get the object where num is same
let foo = [{
num: 1,
value: 0.5
num: 1,
value: 1.5
num: 2,
value: 0.5
let newData = foo.reduce((acc, curr) => {
let findNumIndex = acc.findIndex(elem => elem.num === curr.num);
if (findNumIndex !== -1) {
acc[findNumIndex].value += curr.value;
} else {
return acc;
}, []);
You can use .reduce as follows:
let foo = [
num: 1,
value: 0.5
num: 1,
value: 1.5
num: 2,
value: 0.5
var helper = {};
let arr = foo.reduce(function(r, o) {
var key = o.num;
if(!helper[key]) {
helper[key] = Object.assign({}, o);
} else {
helper[key].value += o.value;
return r;
}, []);
Using reduce & Object.assign() like below you can get desired result. Explanation is added as comment in code.
Note I used Object.assign as a.push(Object.assign({}, x)); instead of a.push(x); because with a.push(x); later when we update value while finding existing object it will also update value of foo. Using Object.assign({}, x); this will not happen.
let foo = [{
num: 1,
value: 0.5
num: 1,
value: 1.5
num: 2,
value: 0.5
// use reduce to iterate over array and produce result
var bar = foo.reduce((a, x) => {
// find matching object from a.
let obj = a.filter(y => y.num == x.num)[0];
// if not exists then create new object and add into a
// else add value to obj.value
if (!obj) {
a.push(Object.assign({}, x));
} else {
obj.value += x.value;
// return a
return a;
}, []);
You could simply sum all the values together in an object, and then afterwards reconstruct the required data
let foo = [
num: 1,
value: 0.5
num: 1,
value: 1.5
num: 2,
value: 0.5
// sum all values first
const summedMap = foo.reduce( (agg, cur) => (agg[cur.num] = (agg[cur.num] || 0) + cur.value, agg), {});
// reconstruct afterwards
console.log( Object.entries( summedMap ).map( ([num,value]) => ({ num: parseInt(num), value: value }) ) );

make array property to have index as namespace

I have problem making a new array of object. I want to transform this
a: 1,
b: true
a: 2,
b: false
a_1: 1
a_2: 2
I tried map
const result =, i) => {
let row = []
i = ++i
row = {
[`a_${i}`]: o.a,
[`b_${i}`]: b.a
return row
but it returned this
"a_1": 1,
"b_1": true
"a_2": 2,
"b_2": false
How do I get this
"a_1": 1,
"b_1": true
"a_2": 2,
"b_2": false
I can flatten it but the property key has dynamic index, imagine it's not small size like this.
You can use map and Object.entries and flat
let arr = [{ a: 1, b: true }, { a: 2, b: false}]
const result =, i) => {
return Object.entries(o).map(([key, value]) => ({
[key + '_' + (i + 1)]: value
Also you can use Array.flatMap
let arr = [{ a: 1, b: true }, { a: 2, b: false}]
const result = arr.flatMap((o, i) => {
return Object.entries(o).map(([key, value]) => ({
[key + '_' + (i + 1)]: value
And you can use reduce:
let arr = [{a: 1,b: true},{a: 2,b: false}];
let brr= arr.reduce((acc,e, i)=>{
return acc

How to get specific properties of array of objects in JS?

I have the following code and test data:
const getNestedObject = (nestedObj, pathArr) => {
return pathArr.reduce((obj, key) => {
return (obj && obj[key] !== 'undefined') ? obj[key] : undefined, nestedObj;
const obj =
a: 1,
c: [
d: 1,
e: 'string',
f: [
value: 0,
value: 1,
a: 2,
c: [
d: 2,
e: 'string',
f: [
value: 3,
value: 4,
const fs = => getNestedObject(o, ['c', 'f']));
What I want to do is given the array of objects shown below, I want to get only the property called f from every object in the array. So, basically end result should be array of f values of every object. Since 'f' is an array, I would highly appreciate the end result to be just one array with elements from all 'f' properties, so kind of every of these 'f' to be spread out, so I have one array. My above getNestedObject function does not seem to work, as when the console.log statement below returns the whole object. Any ideas how to do this in JS?
So basically the end result should be:
[{ value: 0 }, { value: 1 }, { value: 3 }, {value: 4 }]
You can combine reduce() with map(). Basically reduce your main array into an flattened array of all the c.f items. This checks for the c property just in case the object doesn't have it:
const obj = [{a: 1,c: [{d: 1,e: 'string',f: [{value: 0,},{value: 1,}],},],},{a: 2,c: [{d: 2,e: 'string',f: [{value: 3,},{value: 4,}],},],},];
let Fs = obj.reduce((arr, item) =>
? arr.concat( => itemc.f )) // concat for flattened rather than nested arrays
: arr
, []);
Here's a fast iterative solution that won't overflow the stack, makes no assumptions about target result values being arrays (only spreads if they are) and doesn't hard-code child key names (it'll explore any values that are arrays).
This can also work if the target has children matching the key that you'd like to include in the search (swap else if with if).
const get = (data, target) => {
const result = [];
const stack = [data];
while (stack.length) {
const curr = stack.pop();
for (const o of curr) {
for (const k in o) {
if (k === target) {
if (Array.isArray(o[k])) {
else {
else if (Array.isArray(o[k])) {
return result;
const obj =
a: 1,
c: [
d: 1,
e: 'string',
f: [
value: 0,
value: 1,
a: 2,
c: [
d: 2,
e: 'string',
f: [
value: 3,
value: 4,
console.log(get(obj, "f"));
You can recursively traverse any objects and arrays to fetch a given property. This works at any depth and doesn't care about the structure of the objects:
const obj=[{a:1,c:[{d:1,e:"string",f:[{value:0},{value:1}]}]},{a:2,c:[{d:2,e:"string",f:[{value:3},{value:4}]}]}];
//curried function to grab a property by name off some object or array
function grab(prop) {
//naming the inner function means it can be called recursively by name
return function recursiveGrab(target) {
if (Array.isArray(target)) {
const arrayResult = target
.filter(x => typeof x === "object") //remove non-objects (and non-arrays)
.filter(Boolean) //remove null
.map(recursiveGrab); //recursively call for the remaining objects
return flatten(arrayResult); //return a single dimensional array
//an object has the property - return it
if (prop in target) {
return target[prop];
//object doesn't have the property - check all values
return recursiveGrab(Object.values(target));
//small helper function. It's separated only to keep the logic for the traversal clear
function flatten(arr) {
return arr.reduce((acc, curr) => acc.concat(curr), [])
const grabF = grab('f');
I did not notice that f was always inside c. I have this recursive and dirty looking solution that works with f being inside any of the fields
const objArray = [
a: 1,
c: [
d: 1,
e: 'string',
f: [
value: 0,
value: 1,
d: [
d: 1,
e: 'string',
f: [
value: 'd',
value: 'd1',
a: 2,
c: [
d: 2,
e: 'string',
f: [
value: 3,
value: 4,
e: [
d: 1,
e: 'string',
f: [
value: 'e',
value: 'e1',
const getFObject = (obj) => {
let fObj = [];
Object.keys(obj).some(key => {
if (key === 'f') {
fObj = obj[key];
return true;
if (Array.isArray(obj[key])) {
obj[key].forEach(nestedObj => {
fObj = fObj.concat(getFObject(nestedObj))
return false;
return fObj;
const newArray = objArray.reduce((acc, obj) => {
return acc.concat(getFObject(obj))
}, []);

Array of Objects add amount for id [duplicate]

I have an array of objects like the following:
'name': 'P1',
'value': 150
'name': 'P1',
'value': 150
'name': 'P2',
'value': 200
'name': 'P3',
'value': 450
I need to add up all the values for objects with the same name. (Probably also other mathematical operations like calculate average.) For the example above the result would be:
'name': 'P1',
'value': 300
'name': 'P2',
'value': 200
'name': 'P3',
'value': 450
First iterate through the array and push the 'name' into another object's property. If the property exists add the 'value' to the value of the property otherwise initialize the property to the 'value'. Once you build this object, iterate through the properties and push them to another array.
Here is some code:
var obj = [
{ 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 },
{ 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 },
{ 'name': 'P2', 'value': 200 },
{ 'name': 'P3', 'value': 450 }
var holder = {};
obj.forEach(function(d) {
if (holder.hasOwnProperty( {
holder[] = holder[] + d.value;
} else {
holder[] = d.value;
var obj2 = [];
for (var prop in holder) {
obj2.push({ name: prop, value: holder[prop] });
Hope this helps.
An ES6 approach to group by name:
You can convert your array of objects to a Map by using .reduce(). The Map has key-value pairs, where each key is the name, and each value is the accumulated sum of values for that particular name key. You can then easily convert the Map back into an array using Array.from(), where you can provide a mapping function that will take the keys/values of the Map and convert them into objects:
const arr = [ { 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 }, { 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 }, { 'name': 'P2', 'value': 200 }, { 'name': 'P3', 'value': 450 } ];
const res = Array.from(arr.reduce(
(m, {name, value}) => m.set(name, (m.get(name) || 0) + value), new Map
), ([name, value]) => ({name, value}));
The above is quite compact and not necessarily the easiest to read. I would suggest putting it into a function so it's clearer what it's doing. If you're after more self-documenting code, using for...of can make the above easier to understand. The below function is also useful if you want to group or sum on keys with spaces in them:
const arr = [ { 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 }, { 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 }, { 'name': 'P2', 'value': 200 }, { 'name': 'P3', 'value': 450 } ];
const sumByKey = (arr, key, value) => {
const map = new Map();
for(const obj of arr) {
const currSum = map.get(obj[key]) || 0;
map.set(obj[key], currSum + obj[value]);
const res = Array.from(map, ([k, v]) => ({[key]: k, [value]: v}));
return res;
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'name', 'value')); // 'name' = value to group by, 'value' = value to sum
Grouping by more than just name:
Here's an approach that should work if you have other overlapping properties other than just name (the keys/values need to be the same in both objects for them to "group"). It involves iterating through your array and reducing it to Map which holds key-value pairs. Each key of the new Map is a string of all the property values you want to group by, and so, if your object key already exists then you know it is a duplicate, which means you can add the object's current value to the stored object. Finally, you can use Array.from() to transform your Map of key-value pairs, to an array of just values:
const arr = [{'name':'P1','value':150},{'name':'P1','value':150},{'name':'P2','value':200},{'name':'P3','value':450}];
const res = Array.from(arr.reduce((acc, {value, ...r}) => {
const key = JSON.stringify(r);
const current = acc.get(key) || {...r, value: 0};
return acc.set(key, {...current, value: current.value + value});
}, new Map).values());
You can use Array.reduce() to accumulate results during each iteration.
var arr = [{'name':'P1','value':150},{'name':'P1','value':150},{'name':'P2','value':200},{'name':'P3','value':450}];
var result = arr.reduce(function(acc, val){
var o = acc.filter(function(obj){
}).pop() || {, value:0};
o.value += val.value;
return acc;
I see these complicated reduce with Array from and Map and Set - this is far simpler
const summed = arr.reduce((acc, cur, i) => {
const item = i > 0 && acc.find(({name}) => name ===
if (item) item.value += cur.value;
else acc.push({ name:, value: cur.value }); // don't push cur here
return acc;
}, [])
console.log(arr); // not modified
const arr = [{
'name': 'P1',
'value': 150
'name': 'P1',
'value': 150
'name': 'P2',
'value': 200
'name': 'P3',
'value': 450
For some reason when I ran the code by #Vignesh Raja, I obtained the "sum" but also items duplicated. So, I had to remove the duplicates as I described below.
Original array:
arr=[{name: "LINCE-01", y: 70},
{name: "LINCE-01", y: 155},
{name: "LINCE-01", y: 210},
{name: "MIRAFLORES-03", y: 232},
{name: "MIRAFLORES-03", y: 267}]
Using #VigneshRaja's code:
var result = arr.reduce(function(acc, val){
var o = acc.filter(function(obj){
}).pop() || {, y:0};
o.y += val.y;
return acc;
First outcome:
result: [{name: "LINCE-01", y: 435},
{name: "LINCE-01", y: 435},
{name: "LINCE-01", y: 435},
{name: "MIRAFLORES-03", y: 499},
{name: "MIRAFLORES-03", y: 499}]
Removing the duplicates:
var finalresult = result.filter(function(itm, i, a) {
return i == a.indexOf(itm);
Finally, I obtained what I whished:
finalresult = [{name: "LINCE-01", y: 435},
{name: "MIRAFLORES-03", y: 657}]
I have customized Mr Nick Parsons answer(Thanks for the idea). if you need to sum multiple key values.
var arr = [{'name':'P1','value':150,'apple':10},{'name':'P1','value':150,'apple':20},{'name':'P2','value':200,'apple':30},{'name':'P3','value':450,'apple':40}];
var res = Object.values(arr.reduce((acc, {value,apple , ...r}) => {
var key = Object.entries(r).join('-');
acc[key] = (acc[key] || {...r, apple:0,value: 0});
return (acc[key].apple += apple, acc[key].value += value, acc);
}, {}));
One more solution which is clean, I guess
var obj = [
{ 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 },
{ 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 },
{ 'name': 'P2', 'value': 200 },
{ 'name': 'P3', 'value': 450 }
var result = [];
Array.from(new Set( => => {
result.push(obj.filter(y => === x).reduce((output,item) => {
let val = output[x] === undefined?0:output[x];
output[x] = (item.value + val);
return output;
if you need to keep the object structure same than,
var obj = [
{ 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 },
{ 'name': 'P1', 'value': 150 },
{ 'name': 'P2', 'value': 200 },
{ 'name': 'P2', 'value': 1000 },
{ 'name': 'P3', 'value': 450 }
let output = [];
let result = {};
let uniqueName = Array.from(new Set( =>;
uniqueName.forEach(n => {
output.push(obj.filter(x => === n).reduce((a, item) => {
let val = a['name'] === undefined? item.value:a['value']+item.value;
return {name:n,value:val};
My data was not so organized as the example data. I faced a few issues such as I wanted to total the number of unique strings in a group and I have extra data that I don't care to tally.
I also found it a bit hard to substitute some of the answers demo data obj values for real world values depending on code readability. I decided I like #NickParsons answer best --> and decided to add to it. Wasn't sure if this should be a new question like "Sum similar specific keys and/or sum strings in arrays" but this post seemed to be close enough that I felt an answer here was best.
I decided that using Arrays for string was best, and I made it an option for my function to DeDup array if desired. But now you can use arr.length for number of hits and as in my case, I will then also have further uses for that array as a collection based on the group.
I will likely be adding extra iterations over my Arr_Of_Objs but I like having this master function and then making smaller logical groups of Objs. I have a lot of cross-referencing/tallying and I tried making one large iteration where I did all the logic, and it became a total mess quickly.
I also added the ability to total strings if your object values happen to be cast as string vs int.
As well, the ability to pass toFixed to trim decimal places.
And Criteria_Objs for further restricting sums. Since you can't pass an operator, I made a single if then to check for "==" and use == as an operator. If you want more, you'd have to code them in, but should be easy to say add >
Here is some code:
var arr = [
'group': 'A',
"Type": "A",
"batch": "FOO_A",
"name": "Unique_ID_1",
'value': "150",
'group': 'A',
"Type": "A",
"batch": "FOO_A",
"name": "Unique_ID_11",
'value': 150,
'group': 'A',
"Type": "A",
"batch": "FOO_B",
"name": "Unique_ID_2",
'value': 150,
'group': 'A',
"Type": "A",
"batch": "FOO_B",
"name": "Unique_ID_22",
'value': 150,
'group': 'B',
"Type": "A",
"batch": "BAR_A",
"name": "Unique_ID_A1",
'value': 150,
'group': 'B',
"Type": "B",
"batch": "BAR_A",
"name": "Unique_ID_A11",
'value': 150,
'group': 'B',
"Type": "A",
"batch": "BAR_B",
"name": "Unique_ID_B2",
'value': 150,
'group': 'B',
"Type": "A",
"batch": "BAR_B",
"name": "Unique_ID_B22",
'value': "150.016",
const sumByKey = (arr, key, value, DeDup_Str_Arr, TO_Fixed, Criteria_Arr_Of_Objs) => {
var Criteria_Arr_Of_Objs = [
"crit_key": "Type",
"crit_val": "A",
"crit_operator": "==",
var Is_Int = false
if (!isNaN(TO_Fixed) && TO_Fixed != null && TO_Fixed != false && TO_Fixed != "") {
Is_Int = true
const map = new Map();
for (const obj of arr) {
const currSum = map.get(obj[key]) || 0;
var val = obj[value]
var crit_passed = false
if (Array.isArray(Criteria_Arr_Of_Objs) == true) {
for (var ai = 0; ai < Criteria_Arr_Of_Objs.length; ++ai) {
var crit_obj = Criteria_Arr_Of_Objs[ai]
var check_val = obj[crit_obj['crit_key']]
var crit_val = crit_obj['crit_val']
var crit_operator = crit_obj['crit_operator']
if (crit_operator == "==") {
if (check_val == crit_val) {
crit_passed = true
} else {
crit_passed = true
if (crit_passed == true) {
if (!isNaN(val)) {
val = Number(val)
if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) {
val = val + ","
map.set(obj[key], currSum + val);
if (Is_Int == true) {
var res = Array.from(map, ([k, v]) => ({ [key]: k, [value]: Number(Number(v).toFixed(2)) })); //
} else {
var res = Array.from(map, ([k, v]) => ({ [key]: k, [value]: v }));
var val = res[0][value]
if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) {
for (var ai = 0; ai < res.length; ++ai) {
var obj = res[ai]
var val = obj[value]
var vals_arr = val.split(",")
vals_arr[0] = vals_arr[0].substring(1) //Removing leading 0
vals_arr.pop() //trailing ","
if (DeDup_Str_Arr == true) {
let unique = [];
for (let element of vals_arr) {
if (Array.isArray(element) == true) {
for (let elm of element) { if (!unique.includes(elm)) { unique.push(elm) } }
} else {
if (!unique.includes(element)) { unique.push(element) }
obj[value] = unique
} else {
obj[value] = vals_arr
return res;
var Criteria_Arr_Of_Objs = [
"crit_key": "Type",
"crit_val": "A",
"crit_operator": "==",
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'batch', 'value',false,false,Criteria_Arr_Of_Objs))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'batch', 'value'))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'batch', 'value', null, 2))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'batch', 'value', null, "2"))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'group', 'batch', null))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'group', 'batch', true))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'group', 'batch', true, "2"))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'group', 'batch', true, 2))
console.log(sumByKey(arr, 'group', 'value', true, 2))
(function () {
var arr = [
{'name': 'P1', 'age': 150},
{'name': 'P1', 'age': 150},
{'name': 'P2', 'age': 200},
{'name': 'P3', 'age': 450}
var resMap = new Map();
var result = []; => {
if (!resMap.has(
resMap.set(, x.age);
resMap.set(, (x.age + resMap.get(;
resMap.forEach((value, key) => {
name: key,
age: value
let ary = [
'key1': 'P1',
'key2': 150
'key1': 'P1',
'key2': 150
'key1': 'P2',
'key2': 200
'key1': 'P3',
'key2': 450
result array let newAray = []
for (let index = 0; index < ary.length; index++) {
// console.log(ary[index].key1);
for (let index2 = index + 1; index2 < ary.length; index2++) {
if (ary[index2].key1 == ary[index].key1) {
ary[index].key2 += ary[index2].key2;
newAry = ary.filter( val => val !== ary[index2]);
newAry = ary.filter(function (e) {
return e !== ary[index2];
Here provide more generic version for this question
* #param {(item: T) => string} keyFn
* #param {(itemA: T, itemB: T) => T} mergeFn
* #param {number[]} list
function compress(keyFn, mergeFn, list) {
return Array.from(
.reduce((map, item) => {
const key = keyFn(item);
return map.has(key) // if key already existed
? map.set(key, mergeFn(map.get(key), item)) // merge two items together
: map.set(key, item); // save item in map
}, new Map())
const testcase = [
name: "P1",
value: 150,
name: "P1",
value: 150,
name: "P2",
value: 200,
name: "P3",
value: 450,
/* user define which is unique key */
({ name }) => name,
/* how to merge two item together */
(a, b) => ({ name:, value: a.value + b.value }),
/* array */
I like this approach for readability.
const original = [
{ name: 'P1', value: 150 },
{ name: 'P1', value: 150 },
{ name: 'P2', value: 200 },
{ name: 'P3', value: 450 },
const aggregate = {};
original.forEach((item) => {
if (aggregate[]) {
aggregate[].value += item.value;
} else {
aggregate[] = item;
const summary = Object.values(aggregate);
let arr = [
let obj = {}
obj[].value = obj[].value + item.value
obj[] = item
let valuesArr = Object.values(obj)
{ name: "P1", value: 300, apple: 10 },
{ name: "P2", value: 800, apple: 30 },
{ name: "P3", value: 450, apple: 40 } ]
The method that Vignesh Raja posted will let you sum various values in an array of objects by the key or other property these method will work better
let data= [
'key1': 'P1',
'key2': 150
'key1': 'P1',
'key2': 150
'key1': 'P2',
'key2': 200
'key1': 'P3',
'key2': 450
var holder = []
data.forEach( index => {
const data = holder.find( i => i.key1=== index.key1)
data.key2 = parseInt(data.key2) + parseInt(index.key2)
