Set field required if radio button is checked - javascript

I try to make required a field when button will radio button will be checked.
My jQuery (or JavaScript) are:
$('input#availability_to_work-1').change(function () {
if(this.checked) {
$('input#availability_date_to_work').prop('required', true);
} else {
$('input#availability_date_to_work').prop('required', false);
$("input[name='availability_to_work']").click(function () {
if ($("input#availability_to_work-1").is(":checked")) {
} else {
<input type="radio" value="'od zaraz'" name="availability_to_work" id="availability_to_work-0">
<div class="wpjb-element-input-text wpjb-element-name-availability_date_to_work" style="display: block;">
<label class="wpjb-label">
Data rozpoczęcia pracy </label>
<div class="wpjb-field">
<input id="availability_date_to_work" name="availability_date_to_work" type="text" required=""> </div>
All works good till moment if someone will check button with 'value="'od daty'"' and then check "od zaraz".
Then someone gets error in panel developer when tries to sumbit a form:
An invalid form control with name='availability_date_to_work' is not focusable.
Could someone help me to fix it?
With checkbox it's work good. Only with radio buttons it doesn't work fine.
Thank you.


Add required to input of hidden div when radio is checked

What I'm trying to do is to set hidden div with inputs depended on checked radio input.
This is the logic:
If the first radio is checked the first div is shown, there I want to add hidden inputs with some values...
If the second radio is checked I want the input to be added with required..
And, it shouldn't be required if the 2nd radio isn't checked...
I've tried a few things over some time and got some effects but can't get it work as I want, Here is the code that i'm currently trying to work with, sorry but it's messed up and fails...
So Any help will be much appreciated...
// this code is working but I messed the HTML while trying to get it work with the other code below...
$(document).ready(function() {
function check() {
var test = $("input[name$='name02']:checked").val();
$("#" + test).show();
// The code i'm trying to work with...
$(function() {
var radio = $("#closed");
var hidden = $("#hide");
checkbox.change(function() {
if (':checked')) {;
//add required
$('#name02').prop('required', true);
} else {
//clear when hidden checked
//remove required
$('#name02').prop('required', false);
<script src=""></script>
<input type="radio" id="closed" value="01"> Closed
<input type="radio" id="open" value="02"> Open
<div name="01" class="hiddendiv">
<input name="name01" type="hidden" value="code">
<div name="02" id="hide" class="hiddendiv">
<input name="name02" type="text" value="">
Here is the JSFiddle,
try this code
give same name of radio button so it will work as a group and
also set id of input tag as name02 so its use as a #name02 in jquery
so it will work
$(function() {
var radio = $("#closed");
var hidden = $("#hide");
$(this).click(function() {
if ($('#closed').is(':checked')) {;
$('#name02').prop('required', true);
} else {
//clear when hidden checked
//remove required
$('#name02').prop('required', false);
<script src=""></script>
<input type="radio" name='btn' id="closed" value="01"> Closed
<input type="radio" name='btn' id="open" value="02"> Open
<div name="01" class="hiddendiv">
<input name="name01" type="hidden" value="code">
<div name="02" id="hide" class="hiddendiv">
<input name="name02" id="name02" type="text" value="">
Part of your problem is that you need to set the name attribute of your radio buttons to be the same value, otherwise the HTML won't know that they belong to the same group.
I've updated the JSfiddle here
What i have done is add a change event handler to your the radio group and then did some conditional logic to show/hide the relevant inputs.

Bootstrap jQuery - Issues with empty field validation

I've written some jQuery to validate my Bootstrap forms, however I'm having a few issues.
Firstly, I want a red outline to appear if the user clicks off the input field without typing anything in: JSFiddle example here. In this example I'm using the Bootstrap Validator plugin, however I want to imitate this effect without using the plugin.
Second, and linked to the issue I just mentioned, the green outline only appears once the user clicks the submit button, thus the user only sees it for half a second or so before they are redirected, making it a little pointless. Again, this would be solved by having an error/success outline appear once the user clicks off the input. If anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated.
This is the code I have so far:
<form id="auth_form" action="action.php" method="post">
<div class="form-group has-feedback" name="auth_code" id="auth_code">
<label for="auth_code" class="control-label">
Authorisation Code</label>
<input class="form-control" id="auth_code_input" name="auth_code_input" type="password">
<span class="form-control-feedback glyphicon" id="iconBad"></span>
<div class="form-group">
<button class="btn btn-info" name="submit" type="submit" id="submit">Submit</button>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#auth_form').on('submit', function(e) {
var auth_code = $('#auth_code_input').val()
if (auth_code=="") {
} else {
Try this updated fiddle:
Need to add input blur event and validate input
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#auth_form').on('submit', function(e) {
function ValidateInput(){
var IsValid=false;
var auth_code = $('#auth_code_input').val()
if (auth_code=="") {
} else {
return IsValid;

Adding exceptions in blur event

I'm making a simple Multiple Choice Question form. I want to put validation that if a user clicks on Question <textarea> and clicks somewhere else on page while not entering value in <input type="text" name="q1_option1"> of options of the question, then the user should get an alert("Wait, you forgot to enter options for Question 1");. I tried doing it like this but it's simply not the thing that i want. Here is the <html>
<div class="right">
<div class="row" style="margin:5px;">
<label><strong>Question 1</strong></label>
<textarea name="question1"></textarea>
<div class="row">
<div class="span-4"><input type="text" name="q1_option1" value="" class="q1" /></div>
<div class="span-4"><input type="text" name="q1_option2" value="" class="q1" /></div>
<div class="span-4"><input type="text" name="q1_option3" value="" class="q1" /></div>
<div class="span-4"><input type="text" name="q1_option4" value="" class="q1" /></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
And this is <script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('.right').click(function(event) {
if($('input[name=q1_option1]')) {
$('#alert_error_message').text('Please enter all options in Question 1!!');
return false;
alert('Not working!');
Now what is happening in this code, when the user clicks on <input> to enter the options, blur is fired and user gets the alert.
What i want that if a user clicks on these <input> of answers, he should not get the alert, else, the user must get the alert for not entering values in the <input> of options!!
I came up with below approach and I will explain what I am doing with the below code. Check for the inline comments.
var hasFocus=false; //this variable is used to check whether focus was on textarea
//when clicked on document
hasFocus=false; //on blur set the variable to false but after sometime
hasFocus=true; //on focus set it to true again
//A click event on document so that to display alert only if textarea had focus and the
//targetted element is not radio button
if($('class')!='q1' && hasFocus && $('name')!="question1")
if(!$('.q1:checked').length) //if any radio has been checked
//if not checked then display alert
alert('Please select an option');
How about this?
var all_filled = true;
// for each component having class "q1", if the value is empty, then all_filled is false
if(comp.val() == ''){
all_filled = false;
// if not all input is filled, then do what you want
// do what you want

Radio buttons checked changing submit text

My site structure consists on an index.php which is styled by a css file. It then includes the following php code in a separate file:
<?php include("globals.php"); ?>
<form action="<?php echo $website.$relative_string;?>" name="subscribe" onsubmit="javascript:return checkEmail(this);" method="post">
<div id="cell8" class="titlecell2"><h3>Email:</h3></div>
<div id="cell9" class="inputcell2">
<input type="text" class="inputfield2" name="email" value="Your Email..." id="email2" maxlength="255" onfocus="this.value='';">
<div id="cell10" class="textcell3">
<input name="group" type="hidden" id="group[]" value="<?php echo $group; ?>">
<input name="subscribe" id="sub" type="radio" value="true" checked>
</span>Subscribe </p>
<div id="cell11" class="buttoncell">
<button type="submit" name="Submit2" value="Join" id="submitButton2">
<div id="cell8" class="textcell4">
<input type="radio" name="subscribe" id="unsub" value="false">
</span>Un-Subscribe </p>
It appears on screen with no problems in the correct layout as my css style sheet. What I would like this to do is when I select the "Subscribe" radio button the submit button text "OK" changes to "Join". When I click on the Unsubscribe button text "OK" or "Join" changes to "Leave".
I tried to make some code from research:
if(document.getElementById('sub').checked) {
else if(document.getElementById('unsub').checked) {
I think this kind of worked in that it changed to Join (replacing the OK line, but obviously didn't update on clicking unsubscribe. I guess it would update on refreshing the page if my default wasn't join. I guess I need to do some form of onclick but then I have no idea how to adjust that span ok bit.
Please help?
Many thanks Chris
Here is a solution in plain JavaScript without jQuery. It avoids the unnecessary overhead.
This should work, but I haven't had a chance to test it:
var sub = document.getElementById('sub'); // Save element to a variable, so you don't have to look for it again
var unsub = document.getElementById('unsub');
var btn = document.getElementById('submitButton2');
sub.onchange = function() //When sub changes
if(sub.checked) //If it's checked
btn.innerHTML = "<span>Join</span>"; // Set button to Join
else // If not..
btn.innerHTML = "<span>OK</span>"; // Set button to OK
unsub.onchange = function() //When unsub changes
if(unsub.checked) //If it's checked
btn.innerHTML = "<span>Leave</span>"; // Set button to Leave
else // If not..
btn.innerHTML = "<span>OK</span>"; // Set button to OK
However, you should not do it like this.
You should combine the two radio buttons into a radio group.
In that case you will listen for radio group to change, get the value of the radio group, set button text according to the value.
if you label your <span>OK</span> to something like <span id="your_id">OK</span> then added a class to your radio button like this <input class="your_class" type="radio" name="subscribe" id="unsub" value="false"> them...
<script src="//"></script>
$("#your_class").change(function () {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
}else {
This was all written in the browser so let me know if there are any problems.

On Check one input gets disabled and the other gets enabled

I'm coding a form which gets the value for some search process .. I'm coding two text fields for the user to give the input on any one of them.But only one of them would enable at a time .. user can chose the option by checking check box. by default one of the field should b enable, when the check-box is checked it(the one which was initially enable) gets disabled and other gets enabled, and vice versa when the check-box is unchecked.
Here is the fiddle:
This will fix your problem
<input type="text" name="" />
<input type="checkbox" name="" />
<input type="text" name="" disabled="'disabled'"/>
JS :
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
} else {
It could have been done simpler, but this is just a hint:
Simple logic:
(1) By default disable any one of the textbox.
(2) Using .prev() or .next(), check whether anyone is disabled.
(3) if so, enable it and disable the other else vice versa.
<input type="text" name="" disabled/> <!--By default it is disabled-->
<input type="checkbox" name="" />
<input type="text" name="" />
$(':checkbox').change(function () {
if ($(this).prev().is(':disabled')) {
$(this).next().attr('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
$(this).prev().attr('disabled', 'disabled');
Check this JSFiddle
