setTimeout() not working for changing intervals - javascript

I have a class test whose background-color I want to flip between lime and green faster and faster.
For that, I'm using a for loop variable and passing it to a function containing a setTimeout(), but it's not working.
(This is not a duplicate question. The said "original" is about a simple setTimeout() whereas this question is about a setTimeout() within a for loop. I understand that the answers on that question might indirectly answer mine, but the questions themselves aren't the same)
$(document).ready(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
$(".test").css('background-color', 'lime');
function delay(i) {
setTimeout(function() {
$(".test").css('background-color', 'green');
}, 1000 - 50 * i);
.test {
width: 300px;
height: 300px
<script src=""></script>
<div class="test"></div>

Try this way:
for(var i=0;i<20;i++)
function delay(i) {
setTimeout(function() {
if (i%2 == 0) {
$(".test").css('background-color', 'green');
} else {
$(".test").css('background-color', 'lime');
}, 1000 - 50 * i);

The problem is the loop executes faster than the timeout. setTimeout function basically says execute the given function after a certain time. The for loop you created there will continue without waiting for the code inside the setTimeout function to be executed, In other words your code producing 20 functions that will be executed in the future.
There are many way to produce the functionality you need.
To keep it simple and solve it you should create two functions instead:
$(document).ready(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
function delay_green(i) {
setTimeout(function() {
$(".test").css('background-color', 'green');
}, 1000 - 50 * i);
function delay_lime(i) {
setTimeout(function() {
$(".test").css('background-color', 'lime');
}, 1000 - 50 * i);

try this: here is a example example
$(document).ready(function() {
var start = 0;
function delay(start) {
setTimeout(function() {
if(start == 0 ){
$(".test").css('background-color', 'green');
start = 1;
$(".test").css('background-color', 'red');
start = 0;
}, 100);

If you want to use a for loop, you should turn its containing function into an async function and await promises that resolve at the desired time:
const delay = (i) => new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, 1000 - 50 * i);
function changeToGreen() {
$(".test").css('background-color', 'green');
function changeToLime() {
$(".test").css('background-color', 'lime');
(async () => {
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
await delay(i);
await delay(i);

Your loop doesn't wait for any of the timeouts to occur, it runs through and queues up the events which will fire at the relevant intervals.
However, whilst doing so it sets the background color to lime a number of times.
After the loop has finished, the queued intervals start firing, and they set the background color to green a number of times.
But the colours do not alternate as the code execution is not in the order you expect.
Also, the multiple calls to setInterval queue the events to be fired after the specified delay. The code does not wait for the allotted time and then fire the next one. So your could of 1000 - 50 * i actually queues the latest event first, and so on until it queues the event that will actually fire first. Does that make sense? It will be more intuitive for you to set these in the order that they will fire. You could achieve the reducing delay by incrementing the timeout by a variable which reduces, e.g.
time = 1000;
delay = 1000;
setTimeout (blah, time);
time += delay;
delay -= 50;
setTimeout (blah, time);
// etc.
You could achieve an alternating effect by setting alternate intervals to be green and lime. For that a simple toggle variable would help.
color = 1;
color = 1 - color; // toggles between 0 and 1
useColor = ["lime", "green"][color];
I shan't rewrite your entire program for you, but I can assist more if you have specific questions. The best way to learn is to do.

There is a slight misunderstanding about the way timeouts work in the example code. Timeouts are asynchronous, meaning that they execute out of the normal order of execution. As a result, the lime green is shown immediately, and then at various times later the background is repeatedly changed to green; although, the only time the change is noticed is the first time as changing from green to green has no effect.
setTimeout creates a task, JavaScript in a browser is single threaded and will execute tasks through a task scheduler.
Using 1000 - 50 * i from 0 to 19 in the approach shown in the question will result in timeouts being scheduled for execution. First at 1000, then at 950, etc. However, they are all scheduled at the exact same time. So there is no difference scheduling them in forward or reverse order as the only relevant metric used is the time. Essentially the result is that every 50 milliseconds, the background color is set to green in this example.
Unfortunately, tasks that get executed in the browser are not executed exactly on time, and using this will aim at 50 milliseconds per call, but due to Operating System scheduling and depending on the system in use the result could be wildly different.
This could have been done with an interval just as easily, where the interval used was 50 milliseconds (although it would still suffer from the aforementioned OS issue). That said, there is no acceleration being used there. A better approach here, since we are dealing with animation (the colors flashing) would be to instead use requestAnimationFrame MDN.
requestAnimationFrame will attempt to run your code at 60 frames per second, or roughly 16.6 milliseconds per frame (1000 milliseconds / 60 frames).
Given that the goal was acceleration, a rate could be put in place to ramp the flashing.
// Cache the constructed jQuery object for element with class "test"
var testCache = $('.test');
// Create a set of colors to use in the flashing
var colors = ['lime','green'];
// Use a variable for a switch between the two colors
var colorSwitch = 0;
// Keep track of how many times the color has flashed
var i = 0;
// Used for tracking the start of an animation sequence
var start;
// In order to facilitate acceleration, use a function for
// determining the time between flashes,
// used an offset x^2 line at (20,16) with a 2x width
// y = 1/2(x-19)^2 - 19x + 16
var ft = t => 0.5*(t-19)*(t-19) - (t-19) + 16;
// This function will be called every 16.6 milliseconds
// by requestAnimationFrame, the timestamp is automatically injected
(function flashAccel(timestamp){
// Loop control to ensure only 20 flashes occur
if(i >= 20) return;
// Track the start of the timing for the animation sequence
start = start || timestamp;
// This is the milliseconds since the last sequence was updated
var elapsed = timestamp - start;
// Check to see if enough time has elapsed based on the acceleration
// function's value and the current value, if it has then update the view
if( elapsed > ft(i) ){
// Swaps between 0 and 1
colorSwitch = 1 - colorSwitch;
// Selects 0 or 1 indexed color
var color = colors[colorSwitch];
// Update metrics
start = timestamp;
// Request the function to be called again in roughly 16.6 milliseconds
.test {
width: 300px;
height: 300px
<script src=""></script>
<div class="test"></div>


Javascript using a For Loop with setTimeout (or another delay)

I apparently don't fully understand how the setTimeout function works in Javascript:
function move() {
var a;
for(a = 0; a < 101; a++){
setTimeout(function(){ = (750 - a) + 'px');
}, 1000);
for(a = 0; a < 101; a++){
setTimeout(function(){ = (650 + a) + 'px');
}, 1000);
I have tried writing this out in many different ways, but the For Loops always execute instantly every single time. How can I make a For Loop wait for 1 second between each value of 'a'? So, when a = 0, the code executes and then waits for 1 second before running when a = 1, etc. until the first For Loop is finished, then the second For Loop executes in the same way.
Also, is there a more efficient way of doing this than using setTimeout? Like a way of just writing
or something like that. This whole setTimeout feature seems very overly complicated if it is the only way of producing delays in javascript. I tried this once but it didn't work at all in any way
await sleep(1000);
Any help with Timeouts and delays in Javascript, especially within a loop, would be greatly appreciated!
You may find value in the answer I posted here. That will explain setTimeout in loops a little more.
Separately, you may want to explain what you are trying to accomplish. It looks like you are either
trying to move an element one pixel per second
trying to move an element ~100 pixels after one second
For the first option I would use CSS Transitions instead. You'll have a lot more flexibility over how the element moves and you only need to dictate the direction and distance.
For the second option, you could toss the loop and keep the stuff inside, setting the new marginTop to the full value after some timeout.
setTimeout(function(){ = (750 - a) + 'px');
}, 1000);
this part of your code use 'a' variable after 1000 miliseconds. in this time 'a' is 100, because your loop not stoped for run setTimeout function, and it happened because javascript is asyncronous.
one solution for solving this problem in js is using recursive functions. if is not necessary to use for loop, you can use this code:
var a = 0;
function my_loop(a) {
if (a < 101) {
setTimeout(function() { = (750 - a) + 'px');
}, 100);
but if you want do your question's job, i seriously recommened you to use CSS.
As #squint mentioned, you can use setInterval for your task.
Here's an example:
// create an element
const width = 10;
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.setAttribute('id', 'main');
document.body.appendChild(el); = width + 'px';
// question-relevant code starts here
const a = [...Array(101).keys()]; // fancy way to create [0, 1, 2, 3, ...]
const it = a[Symbol.iterator](); // for convenience
const int = setInterval(() => {
const { value, done } =; // next iteration
if (done) { clearInterval(int); return }; // finished? = width + value + 'px'; // adjust width
}, 10);
#main {
height: 100px;
width: 10px;
background: green;

javascript w/ jquery loop

im having a problem with my code, i have to make a loop, that each it loops, have to change add a class/change the color of something for just a while. i tried with a for and it didnt work, then i tried something like a loop using setinterval and it works better but still have something that is not working, it just adds the class/or toggle in that case first 1 element, and then maybe 2, then 3,etc and not 1 by 1 thanks
function runp(patron){
var x = 0;
var intervalID = setInterval(function () {
if (++x === 20) {
}, 2000);
this is what i have:
and this is what im trying to replicate:
I think your problem is that you execute the runp() several times, because it is inside of a for loop. You should rather invoke the function just once after the loop, when your patron[] array is filled with random numbers (1-4).
The problem happens, because the for loop is super fast (few millisecs) filling your array with 20 random numbers. So you have invoked the animation/toggling function 20 times. This on/off behaviour takes 2 seconds and happens 20 times almost at the same time. You can see in my code in the browser console what the console.log() output to understand the behaviour better.
function start(patron, patronl){
while (patron.length<20){
console.log('start: '+patron.length);
//runp(patron, patron.length);//old place
runp(patron);//new place
function runp(patron, iteration){
var x = 0;
var intervalID = setInterval(function () {
//see how 20 outputs come at once, if runp() is inside for loop
console.log('togglewait: '+x, 'start: '+iteration);
if (++x === 20) {
}, 2000);

How can I get this code to make the sequence obvious?

The code below allows me to have an array with a set of numbers such as "thearray=[2,8,9]" and loop through that array, and for each number item in the array for example "2,8,9", the code calls a function an amount of times equal to the current number item in the array. So if the current number item is 2, the function gets called twice.
After the set of calls, there is a pause, and then the function is called again an amount of times equal to the current number in the array etc. In other words, as the array is being looped through, if the current number item is 2, the function named "thefunction" will be called twice then there is a pause and the function "thefunction" is then again called an amount of times equal to the next number in the array.
In my case, "thefunction" simply displays an alert box message two times followed by a pause, then 8 times followed by a pause, then 9 times followed by a pause etc. Of course, with the alert box messages, I get the messages in sequence because I must select ok before I see the next alert message. The problem is, I can't get the calls to "thefunction" to appear sequential like when the code to be executed within "thefunction" displays an alert box, when other code such as appending an li item with data to a ul is within that function.
It's as if the 2 calls are made at once, then the 8 calls are made at once, etc. Even though that may not be the case, it happens so fast, it seems like it. I would like to slow it down. So if the code within "thefunction" was code that would append information to an li element, instead of just seeing the information rapidly added where the sequence of calls isn't noticeable, I would like there to be a delay so that when li elements are appended, the sequence is more obvious rather than rapid where it's hard to see the sequence.
Here is the code:
function runArray(arr, fn) {
// initialize array index - can't use for loop here with async
var index = 0;
function next() {
var cnt = +arr[index];
for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
fn(index, cnt);
// increment array index and see if there's more to do
if (index < arr.length) {
setTimeout(next, 400);
// start the whole process if the array isn't empty
if (arr.length) {
runArray(thearray, shakeit);
and here is a jsfiddle demonstrating a log rapidly adding information. I want to slow it down so the information is added slow enough to make it obvious there is a sequence.
What you want to do in essence is insert a delay between executions of the for loop. The only sane way to introduce a delay in JavaScript is using setTimeout and setInterval, so that's what you have to work with.
The next thought is that since each loop iteration is to be implemented as a callback to setTimeout and friends, the logic that moves to the next array element after each loop completes is necessarily going to be part of that -- you can't move to the next element before the loop completes.
But the logic that moves to the next element is already inside next, and we already established that next is supposed to set up the callback. So next is going to schedule the callback, and the callback is also going to schedule next -- there's no other way.
function runArray(arr, fn, delay) {
var index = 0;
var cnt = 0;
var i = 0;
// Called once for each array element
function next() {
if (index >= arr.length) {
cnt = +arr[index];
i = 0;
// Represents a single iteration of what was previously a for loop
// Will either schedule the next iteration or move to the next element
function loop() {
if (i < cnt) {
fn(index, i++);
setTimeout(loop, delay); // delay before next iteration
else {
setTimeout(next, delay); // delay before moving to next element
if (arr.length) {
I kept the same delay both between "loop iterations" and between the end of a loop and the start of the next one, but that can easily be changed.
See it in action.
Unless I'm misunderstanding something...
function runArray(arr, fn, delay, idx, cnt) {
idx = idx || 0;
cnt = cnt || 0;
if(cnt >= arr[idx]) {
cnt = 0;
if(idx >= arr.length)
fn(idx, cnt);
setTimeout(function() { runArray(arr, fn, delay, idx, cnt + 1) }, delay);
I may or may not understand what you are trying to do, but with this piece of code here
runArray(theArray, theFunction, 400);
you are executing theArray and theFunction to occur after 400 ms, 1000 is one second, so if you want it to be a more substantial pause, increase that 400, here I increased it to 4000(4 seconds) and the pause is much more noticable.

Javascript setTimeout scope referencing wrong variables

I've written a little function to loop through a sprite sheet. Within the function I have a settimeout which cycles through the frames. Upon the last frame, the timeout is cleared, the counter is set to zero - and the animation begins again.
This works fine with one animation, but when I try and call many animations - they all start but fail to loop, apart from designSprite which loops quite happily. I call the designSprite anim last....
So I'm guessing the problem is due to variables being overwritten when I call a new intance of the function - setTimeOut referencing the new variables?? I've confused myself. I've had a stab at trying to fix it, but keep failing.
// Arrays to hold our sprite coordinates.
var animationSprite=[{"X":"-2","Y":"-2"},........ etc etc ];
var mediaSprite=[{"X":"-2","Y":"-2"},........ etc etc ];
var filmSprite=[{"X":"-2","Y":"-2"},........ etc etc ];
var designSprite=[{"X":"-2","Y":"-2"},........ etc etc ];
// call the loopAnim function, passing in the sprite array, and id of the div
loopAnim(animationSprite ,'#animationFrame')
loopAnim(mediaSprite ,'#mediaFrame')
loopAnim(filmSprite ,'#filmFrame')
loopAnim(designSprite ,'#designFrame')
function loopAnim(sprite , frameID) {
var totalFrames = sprite.length; // count how many 'frames' are in our sprites array.
var count = 0; // set up a basic counter to count which frame we're on.
var theLoop = function(){
// Move the background position of our frame by reading the X & Y co-ordinates from the sprites array.
$(frameID).css("background-position" , sprite[count].X + "px " + sprite[count].Y + "px");
count++; // increment the frame by 1 on each loop
// if count is LESS than total number of frames, set a timeout to keep running the "theLoop" function
if (count < totalFrames){
setAnim = setTimeout(theLoop, 60);
// if count is greater than the total number of frames - clear our timeout. Reset the counter back to zero, and then run our loop function again
} else {
count = 0;
setAnim looks like it wasn't declared, meaning it's a global variable. This means all your calls to loopAnim are using and overwriting the same timer ID reference.

While loop only returning final result

while (counterInc < counter) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000);
This code should increment the tag with ID results every 3000 milliseconds instead the while loop is running and returning the final result. For example instead of changing the text to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,..n, it is changing the text to n. How would one have the loop update the text field every 1000 milliseconds with each increment instead of only the final result?
Try this
var counterInc = 0;
var counterMax = 10;
var timeoutId = window.setInterval(function() {
if (counterInc >= counterMax) {
}, 500);​
What was happening was you timeout updated the cell every three seconds, however, your loop can run through a ridiculous amount of numbers in 3 seconds, so it's long since complete by the time the function in setTimeout had run.
This will trigger the function every 500ms (change to 3000ms for your purposes) and only then will it increment the counterInc. Add it clears the Interval when it reaches counterMax.
The problem is that setTimeout() acts as an "independent thread". You set it and it executes once after the specified amount of time. In the mean time the "main thread" keeps running: so your counter will get increased in the meantime.
To understand the problem you need to understand what a closure is.
Here you want each time to pass a certain value not the one computed at the end of the loop scope.
So compute the value at the moment you declare the setTimout rather than when it is call you can do as follow:
var counter = 10;
var counterInc= 0;
while (counterInc < counter) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
var inc = counterInc;
return function(){
}(counterInc), 1000 * counterInc);
while (counterInc < counter) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000 * counterInc++);
