Getting error while triggering auto e-mail using script - javascript

I am using a google spreadsheet which looks like:
1 Name e-mail Identifer Status
2 Alex ERT ER A
3 Micke Ejyu er w
4 John Arb Ed C
I have a drop down list in column D (let say A,B & C for example), now i want that whenever the value changes (Initially the column D would be blank) in column D against a particular Name than an automatic e-mail trigger to e-mail id mentioned in column B by below mentioned sender id and content.
The email should be trigger whenever value changes in column D except for the blank, and if there were previously value was "B" and now it change to "C" than mail should be trigger.,
E-mail Body:
Hi Alex (Should be picked from column A depending against which name e-mail trigger)
some sentence here.
some sentence here with your ERT ER (Should be pick from column C) has status A (should be pick from column D).
I am trying using below mentioned script:
function onEdit(event){
if(event.range.getColumn() == 4){ //A -> 1, B -> 2, etc
function sendMyEmail(line){
var sendTo = spreadsheet.getRange(row, 2).getValue();
var cc = ''+","+'';
var subject = "What is the: "+ spreadsheet.getRange(row, 3).getValue();
var content = "Hi "+spreadsheet.getRange(row, 1).getValue();+","
+"what is the vlaue "+spreadsheet.getRange(row, 3).getValue();+ "with the status"+spreadsheet.getRange(row, 4).getValue();+ "."

You have two major issues.
Simple triggers cannot access services that require authorization (such as MailApp).
Your usage of MailApp.sendEmail() is incorrect as you're passing cc to where should be passed either the subject or the replyTo address (docs). Argument order is important.
To address the issue of simple triggers, all you need to do is install a trigger manually that calls your function on edit.
All other issues are addressed in the code below.
function sendEmailToUser(event){
var eventRange = event.range;
var sheet = eventRange.getSheet();
var sheetName = sheet.getName();
var column = eventRange.getColumn();
if (sheetName == "Sheet1" && column == 4){ // Make sure the edited column is in the correct sheet, otherwise editing Column D in Sheet3 might trigger this
var row = eventRange.getRow(); // You need to know which row so you can send the email to the correct person
var rowValues = sheet.getRange(row, 1, 1, 4).getValues();
var name = rowValues[0][0];
var sendTo = rowValues[0][1];
var identifier = rowValues[0][2];
var status = rowValues[0][3];
if (status != "") { // Don't send the email if the status is blank
var cc = ",";
var subject = "What is the: " + identifier;
var content = "Hi " + name + "\nWhat is the value " + identifier + " with the status " + status + "?";
MailApp.sendEmail(sendTo, subject, content, {
cc: cc


Populate email subject line with form entries in Google Scripts

I am completely new to Google Scripts. I experimented with the script found here (as written by Snipe and edited by Govoni in the first comment).
What I am trying to do is combine both scripts, to get an email on form submit that would:
only show answered questions (it works)
format questions in bold (it works)
populate the subject line (I can't get it to work)
The code below works.
function newResponse()
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var formName = ss.getSheetByName('Form Responses 1');
var lastRow = formName.getLastRow();
var lastColumn = formName.getLastColumn();
var email = "";
var name = "My Email";
var subject = 'New form response: ';
var body = '';
var cell = '';
for (var i = 1; i <= lastColumn ; i++)
var title = formName.getRange(1,i).getDisplayValue();
var cell = formName.getRange(lastRow, i).getDisplayValue();
if (cell != '' && cell != 0)
body = body + '<b>'+ title + '</b>: ' + cell + '<br>';
to: email,
name: name,
subject: subject,
htmlBody: body
So, to try and add variable entries to the subject line I changed 'function newResponse()' to 'function newResponse(e)' and added this line before MailApp:sendEmail:
// The email subject line should look like this: "New form response: Item (Company, Country)"
// Item, Company and Country are the 2nd, 3rd and 4th columns from my form
subject += e.namedValues[title[1]].toString() + " (" + e.namedValues[title[2]].toString()+ ", "
+ e.namedValues[title[3]].toString()+ ")";
But when I do this, it doesn't send an email at all. If I change e.namedValues and instead put something like [title[0]], it then returns the first letter of the last question answered.
I am not quite sure what to try next?
From your code snippet, I suppose title variable holds a string, so title[0] is the first character of the string. e.namedValues[title[1]] will be undefined if no questions are single-character. undefined.toString() will throw an error, crashing the entire script.
You'll need to save an array of titles of all columns in the sheet.
var titles = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= lastColumn ; i++) {
var title = formName.getRange(1,i).getDisplayValue();
var cell = formName.getRange(lastRow, i).getDisplayValue();
Afterwards, you'll be able to use e.namedValues[titles[1]]. Note that I use titles, the array.
Subject is not a member of the advanced parameters object its just a mailapp.senEdmail parameter.
sendEmail(email, subject, '', {name: name, htmlBody: body});

How to send mails with some functionality using google apps script

I am new to Google Apps Script. I have a sheet that collects some "Order Number" from form submit. I want to send mails through an event (On form submit) from my spreadsheet. The form will serve an order number. When the form is submitted, it will match the older submitted order numbers throughout the whole column. If it got matched once, the mail won't be sent. If it doesn't match then it will send a mail to the email address next to the order number.
The email address will come from another sheet on the same spreadsheet using VLOOKUP. I managed to do this.
Sorry if I make any mistake with my English.
I tried map() , filter() , indexOf() these methods. But I too new with this.
function search(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Copy of orderStatus");
var lr = ss.getLastRow() - 1;
var keyword = ss.getRange("H5").getValue();
var dataSource = ss.getRange(2, 2, lr, 1).getValues();
var mapped ={
return r[0]});
var showPos = mapped.indexOf(keyword) + 2;
var getMail = ss.getRange(showPos, 4).getValue();
var filted = mapped.filter(filterlogic);
var filterlogic = function(r){
if(r !== "zil20200010"){
return true;
} else {
return false;
On form submit, select the column (range) where you store all the order numbers and create a TextFinder and store it in a variable using the createTextFinder(findText) method for the specified range.
Get the TextFinder from the previous step and search the order number using the findNext() method.
If findNext() returns null then move to the next step. else, do nothing.
Get the email address to which you plan to send the order number.
After having the email address, use the sendEmail(recipient, subject, body, options) method to send the email. If you'd like, you can use HTML in the body to make it more professional.
For additional information, read:
the reference guide on creating TextFinders,
the reference guide on finding text using a TextFinder,
and the reference guide on GmailApp.
Sample code:
// imagine you store all the order numbers in column C, starting from row 2 to the last row in the column:
var emailRecipient =;
var ordernumber = 123;
var RangeToSearch = sheet.getRange(2,3,sheet.getLastRow());
var TextFinder = RangeToSearch.createTextFinder(ordernumber);
var found = TextFinder.findNext();
if (found == null) {
to: emailRecipient,
subject: "New Order! Order Number: " + ordernumber,
htmlBody: html
First of all, thanks to all of you who helped me to reach this point. I found the solution to my problem after some "trial and error". I wanted to limit sending emails.
This code takes the Range. Get its values in an array. I mapped that array to act as a string. Then I added .pop() to that string, it removes our last/newly submitted data in that range. Then I used .includes() method to search my value in the mapped array, and assigned it to a variable called final (just came to my mind). This variable returns true/false depending on search results. If the order number does not exist then it returns false. After that, we set an if statement to execute our mailing function. If our order number does not match and return final as false our mailing function happens. Else it does nothing (means no email sents). And that's it!
Here is the code that solved my problem
function orderStatus(e) {
try {
var theirMail, subject, message;
var ourName, theirName;
var sSheet, orderNum, cosmetics, orderSts, phNum, lr,dataSource, mapped, final;
ourName = "My Company Name";
orderNum = e.namedValues["Order Number"].toString();
sSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("orderStatus");
lr = sSheet.getLastRow() - 1;
dataSource = sSheet.getRange(2, 2, lr).getValues();
mapped ={
return r[0].toString()});
final = mapped.includes(orderNum);
orderSts = sSheet.getRange(sSheet.getLastRow(),1).getValue();
theirMail = sSheet.getRange(sSheet.getLastRow(),4).getValue();
theirName = sSheet.getRange(sSheet.getLastRow(),5).getValue();
phNum = sSheet.getRange(sSheet.getLastRow(),6).getValue();
subject = "Order status notification from " + ourName + " to " + theirName;
if (final == false){
message =
"<div style='text-align: left; padding-left: 30px;'><h2>Dear <b>" + theirName +
",</b></h2><p>Your order no is <b><span style='font-size: 14px;'>" + orderNum +
"</span>.</b> <b><span style='font-size: 14px;'>Your order has been processed.</span>" +
"</b></p><p>We packaged your order and dropped it to the logistics. You will recieve phone call on <b><span style='font-size: 14px;'>" + phNum +
"</span></b> from logistics.<br>Thanks for purchasing from <b><span style='font-size: 14px;'>" + ourName +
"</span></b>.</p><p>Best regards,<br><b><span style='font-size: 14px;'>"+ourName+"</span></b></p></div>"+
"<p style='text-align: center;'><br><b>For further information please visit our facebook page <a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>"+ourName+"</a>.</b></p><hr />";
textbody = message.replace("<br>", "\n\n");
cosmetics = {name: ourName, htmlBody: message};
MailApp.sendEmail(theirMail, subject, message, cosmetics);
catch (e) {

Issue with static cc on Google's MailApp Script

Okay, so I'm working on a script that will basically pull information from a spreadsheet to then send out in an email once an email address is added into the spreadsheet. The issue is I'm trying to add a noReply and cc setting but it seems to then break my script to where it keeps sending emails or doesn't send any at all.
Theory: I think 'cc' is throwing the issue as the script is reading it as a recipient and just sending the email out instead of using the recipient that's added into the spreadsheet. This is the reference I'm following:,String,String,Object)
This is my code with the issue section being commented as such:
// This constant is written in column M for rows for which an email
// has been sent successfully.
* Sends non-duplicate emails with data from the current spreadsheet.
function sendEmails2() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var startRow = 2; // First row of data to process
var numRows = 3; // Number of rows to process
// Fetch the range of cells
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 20);
// Fetch values for each row in the Range.
var data = dataRange.getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var row = data[i];
var emailAddress = row[8]; // Column I
var message = ('For the ticket below, please ensure that you call the user as the first resort before following up via email.' + '\n\n TimeStamp: ' + row[1] + '\n Agent Name: ' + row[2] + '\n Your site: ' + row[3] + '\n Zendesk Link: ' + row[4] + '\n Summary of User Issue: ' + row[5] + '\n De-Escalation Attempted:' + row[6] + '\n User Contact Number ' + row[7]); // Fetch of columns B-H
var emailSent = row[12]; // Column M
if (emailSent !== EMAIL_SENT) { // Prevents sending duplicates and everything after && emailAddress is just testing a fix but didn't work
var subject = 'You have been assigned a Supervisor Call. Please Action Within 24 hours!';
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message, { // Section below gives the issue
noReply: true,
cc: ''
sheet.getRange(startRow + i, 13).setValue(EMAIL_SENT);
// Make sure the cell is updated right away in case the script is interrupted
Screenshot of spreadsheet layout:
enter image description here
This is my first time writing out a question on Stack but feel free to ask and I can detail more of what you need in order to help out.
I was able to get this working with Cooper's help. I had to do some small formatting changes to get it working but ultimately the code wasn't incorrect, just format issues that caused it to not be read appropriately.
Appreciate the help!

getValue not working on sheets

I'm trying to set up an email alert system based on a project tracking sheet my team uses at work. I need it to send an email when a task's status is changed to "Done" in column K. I got the code to work on a test sheet, but when I copy it to the live sheet the getValue() code stops working? Since the email is sent based on if() statements, the script runs, but doesn't actually work. I'm not sure if it's a permissions issue since I am not the owner of the live sheet?
I hope that is descriptive enough -- I have taught myself javascript in order to get this working and it seems so close, but I am stuck!!
Here is a screenshot of what the project tracking sheet looks like.
function emailUpdate(e) {
var emailInfoRange = sheet.getRange("B:O");
var edit = e.range.getA1Notation(); // Gets edited cell location
var editColumn = edit.substring(0,1) // Gets column of edited cell
var editRow = edit.substring(1,3) // Gets row of edited cell
if(editColumn == "K") { // gets all relevent information needed for email
var taskTypeCell = emailInfoRange.getCell(editRow,1);
var taskType = taskTypeCell.getValue();
var requestedByCell = emailInfoRange.getCell(editRow,3);
var requestedBy = requestedByCell.getValue();
var emailRequestCell = emailInfoRange.getCell(editRow,4);
var emailRequest = emailRequestCell.getValue();
var projectIdCell = emailInfoRange.getCell(editRow,5);
var projectID = projectIdCell.getValue();
var taskDescriptionCell = emailInfoRange.getCell(editRow,6);
var taskDescription = taskDescriptionCell.getValue();
var claimedByCell = emailInfoRange.getCell(editRow,9);
var claimedBy = claimedByCell.getValue();
var taskStatusCell = emailInfoRange.getCell(editRow,10);
var taskStatus = taskStatusCell.getValue();
if(taskStatus == "Done") {
if(emailRequest == "Yes" || emailRequest == "yes") { // Determines if status is "Done", and email notification is "Yes" or "yes"
var emailAddress;
var getEmailAddress = function(personelArray) { // Defines function to search email address arrays for the one that belongs to requestedBy
for (var i = 0; i < personelArray.length; i++) {
if(requestedBy === personelArray[i]) {
emailAddress = personelArray[i+1];
} } }
// Searches through all email arrays to find the one belonging to requester
// Sends email
"AUTOGEN: " + taskType + " for " + projectID + " " + taskDescription + " completed by " + claimedBy + ".", "This email has been automatically generated by an edit to the work available sheet. \n"
} else (Logger.log("No email requested"))
} else (Logger.log("Status not changed to done"))
} else (Logger.log("Update not to status cell"))
I would make the following changes to help prevent issues with string manipulations. Which could be the cause for your issues with getValues().
function emailUpdate(e) {
var emailInfoRange = sheet.getRange("B:O");
var edit = e.range // Gets edited cell location
var editColumn = edit.getColumn() // Gets column of edited cell
var editRow = edit.getRow() // Gets row of edited cell
if(editColumn == 11) // Column K should correspond to column number 11, if i can count correctly.
/// Remainder of the code should be the same as above
So instead of converting the range to A1 notation, you should get column number and row number using getColumn and getRow() on the range object. This will prevent issues with text to number manipulation and could be the cause of your problems.

Sent email notification if a change happens on specified columns on a google sheet

I have a Spreadsheet in Google Drive, which has two sheet in it "Production" and "Germination"
For the Production sheet, I to an email notification if a change has been made to the columns from A - F. Also if there is a row added or delete from the sheet.
The following code does the trick to some extent:
function onEdit( e ){
//To get email notification if any changes to the perticular cells
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("production");
var cell = ss.getActiveCell().getA1Notation();
var row = sheet.getActiveRange().getRow();
var cellvalue = ss.getActiveCell().getValue().toString();
var recipients = "";
var message = '';
message = sheet.getRange('D'+ sheet.getActiveCell().getRowIndex()).getValue()
var subject = 'Update to '+sheet.getName();
var body = sheet.getName() + ' has been updated. Visit ' + ss.getUrl() + ' to view the changes on row: «' + row + '». New comment: «' + cellvalue + '». For message: «' + message + '»';
//MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, subject, body);
But it sends me a mail on every edit, which is not required. It's required to send mail once every hour (if there is a change). Also right now it is only checking for changes on only Column C and not the rest of them.
Also, I was unable to understand if(cell.indexOf('C')!=-1) . Can someone explain me what does this statement means.
It means the following:
if(cell.indexOf('C')!=-1) // means that if you edit column C
....... //the following will happen
So to explain in more detail:
cell.indexOf('C')-> search for 'C'
!= -> Does not equal
-1 -> not there/ not found
if(cell.indexOf('C')!=-1) -> if indexOf('C') does not equal '-1' (i.e. if 'C' is there, do the 'if' statement
