i have this type of object which fetched from Redis
'username': 'hamet',
'username_Type': 'string',
'meta': 'object',
'meta_Type': 'object',
'meta.avatar': '/avatar.png',
'meta.avatar_Type': 'string',
'meta.active': 'false',
'meta.active_Type': 'boolean',
'meta.someArr': 'array',
'meta.someArr_Type': 'array',
'meta.someArr.0': 'object',
'meta.someArr.0_Type': 'object',
'meta.someArr.0.field': '123',
'meta.someArr.0.field_Type': 'number',
'meta.someArr.1': 'object',
'meta.someArr.1_Type': 'object',
'meta.someArr.1.field': '321',
'meta.someArr.1.field_Type': 'number'
all i want is convert this object to valid object like this:
username: 'hamet',
meta: {
avatar: '/avatar.png',
active: false,
someArr: [
{ field: 123 },
{ field: 321 }
once i created iterated function, but there was a problem with that. is it possible to convert with Iterated function and how?
You could create object with value types that you will use for creating new instances of different data types and then use reduce() method to build your object.
const data = {"username":"hamet","username_Type":"string","meta":"object","meta_Type":"object","meta.avatar":"/avatar.png","meta.avatar_Type":"string","meta.active":"false","meta.active_Type":"boolean","meta.someArr":"array","meta.someArr_Type":"array","meta.someArr.0":"object","meta.someArr.0_Type":"object","meta.someArr.0.field":"123","meta.someArr.0.field_Type":"number","meta.someArr.1":"object","meta.someArr.1_Type":"object","meta.someArr.1.field":"321","meta.someArr.1.field_Type":"number"}
const result = {}
const create = {'string': String,'number': Number,'boolean': Boolean,'array': Array,'object': Object}
const findType = (key, obj) => obj[key]
Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
if (!key.includes('Type')) {
key.split('.').reduce((r, e, i, arr) => {
let type = findType(key + '_Type', data);
let value = create[data[key]] || arr[i + 1] ? new create[type] : new create[type](data[key]).valueOf()
if (data[key] == 'false') value = false
r[e] = r[e] || value;
return r[e]
}, result)
Get an array of keys with Object.keys(). Filter out the _Type keys. Sort the keys to ensure that parents (shorter) keys are first, since keys` order in an object is not ensured.
Reduce the array of keys, and for each key get it's value by type. If the type is not object/array use the actual key value. Iterate the result object with Array.forEach(), until you get to the leaf. Add the key with the value.
const obj = {"meta.someArr.1.field":"321","username":"hamet","username_Type":"string","meta":"object","meta_Type":"object","meta.avatar":"/avatar.png","meta.avatar_Type":"string","meta.active":"false","meta.active_Type":"boolean","meta.someArr":"array","meta.someArr_Type":"array","meta.someArr.0":"object","meta.someArr.0_Type":"object","meta.someArr.0.field":"123","meta.someArr.0.field_Type":"number","meta.someArr.1":"object","meta.someArr.1_Type":"object","meta.someArr.1.field_Type":"number"};
const byType = {
object: Object,
array: Array
const result = Object.keys(obj)
.filter((k) => !k.includes('_Type')) // remove Type keys
.sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length) // ensures that shorter (parent) keys are first
.reduce((r, k) => {
const type = obj[`${k}_Type`];
const valueByType = byType[type] && byType[type]();
const value = valueByType ? valueByType : obj[k];
const keys = k.split('.');
let current = r;
keys.forEach((key, i) => {
if(!(key in current)) current[key] = value;
else current = current[key];
return r;
}, {});
const result = {};
function apply(obj, value, key, ...keys) {
if(keys.length) {
apply(obj[key] || (obj[key] = {}), value ...keys);
} else {
obj[key] = value;
for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(yourObj))
apply(result, value, ...key.split("."));
You could use a recursive approach to generate the nested structure. I havent included a check if key is a number so that it creates an array, thats your job ;)
If you prefer functional programming:
const apply = (obj, value, ...keys) => keys.slice(1).reduce((obj, key) => obj[key] || (obj[key] = {}), obj)[keys.pop()] = value;
I have the following object:
const modules = {
celebrity: {
actor: {
male: 'male',
female: 'female'
director: 'director'
movie: 'movie',
user: 'user'
In result I want an array of string as the following:
I create the following function:
function getPathsList(node, path = '') {
let pathsList = [];
const childs = Object.entries(node);
for (const child of childs) {
if (typeof child[1] === 'string') {
path += `/${child[1]}`
} else {
path += `/${child[0]}`
pathsList = [...pathsList, ...getPathsList(child[1], path, pathsList)]
return pathsList;
But I got:
I know that the path variable should be initialized somewhere, but I can't figure it out.
You could use an appraoch which works without a path, but assembles the path by iterating the nested part object.
function getPathsList(node) {
const pathsList = [];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(node)) {
if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
pathsList.push(...getPathsList(value).map(p => `${key}/${p}`))
} else {
return pathsList;
const modules = {
celebrity: {
actor: {
male: 'male',
female: 'female'
director: 'director'
movie: 'movie',
user: 'user'
Another way, using reduce:
const modules = {celebrity:{actor:{male:"male",female:"female"},director:"director"},movie:"movie",user:"user"};
function getPathsList(node, path = '') {
return Object.entries(node)
(res, [k, v]) => res.concat(
typeof v === "string" ? `${path}${v}` : getPathsList(v, `${path}${k}/`
), []);
You may consider a "dfs" like algorithm where you explore every path from root to leaf.
You then join your path with '/'.
Subtlety: don't put the leaf itself into the path (e.g: otherwise you would get movie/movie)
Below an example using flatMap
const modules = {"celebrity":{"actor":{"male":"male","female":"female"},"director":"director"},"movie":"movie","user":"user"}
const flatten = x => {
if (typeof(x) === 'string') { return [[]] }
// each node has for children its entries
// each node returns an array of path
return Object.entries(x).flatMap(([k, v]) => {
return flatten(v).map(path => [k , ...path])
console.log(flatten(modules).map(path => path.join('/')))
Where is the difficulty ?
modules =
{ celebrity:
{ actor: { male: 'male', female: 'female' }
, director: 'director'
, movie: 'movie'
, user: 'user'
, pathsList = []
function getPathsList( obj, path='' )
for (let key in obj )
if (typeof(obj[key]) === 'object') getPathsList( obj[key], path+'/'+key )
else pathsList.push( (path+'/'+key).substring(1) )
getPathsList( modules )
console.log( pathsList )
A very simple recursive solution using Object .entries returns an array containing only an empty string for non-objects, and otherwise, for every key-value, combines the key with the results of a recursive call to the value. The only slightly tricky part is to not insert the slash (/) before an empty string. It looks like this:
const getPathsList = (obj) => Object (obj) === obj
? Object .entries (obj) .flatMap (
([k, v]) => getPathsList (v) .map (p => p ? k + '/' + p : k)
: ['']
const modules = {celebrity: {actor: {male: 'male', female: 'female'}, director: 'director'}, movie: 'movie', user: 'user'}
console .log (getPathsList (modules))
But I would prefer to do this a slightly different way, building our function atop one that gathers the result into arrays of values (e.g. [['celebrity', 'actor', 'male'], ['celebrity', 'actor', 'female'], ... ['user']]), then simply joining those new arrays together with slashes. It's quite similar:
const getPaths = (obj) => Object (obj) === obj
? Object .entries (obj) .flatMap (
([k, v]) => getPaths (v) .map (p => [k, ...p])
: [[]]
const getPathsList = (obj) =>
getPaths (obj) .map (xs => xs .join ('/'))
const modules = {celebrity: {actor: {male: 'male', female: 'female'}, director: 'director'}, movie: 'movie', user: 'user'}
console .log (getPathsList (modules))
I find that intermediate array format much more helpful.
This is a slightly less sophisticated version of getPaths than I generally write. Usually I distinguish between numeric array indices and string object keys, but that's not relevant here, since we're folding them back into strings, so this version is simplified.
I'm merging two objects together to create a filter object. However I want to group the merged objects property values where the keys are the same.
[{category: 'furniture'}, {category: 'mirrors'}, {availability: 'in_stock'}]
[{category: ['furniture', 'mirrors']}, {availability: 'in_stock'}]
any ideas?
With lodash you merge the entire array to a new object by spreading into _.mergeWith(). The customizer should use empty arrays as default values for the current values, and concat the values. Use _.map() to convert back to an array.
const data = [{category: 'furniture'}, {category: 'mirrors'}, {availability: 'in_stock'}];
const result = _.map(
_.mergeWith({}, ...data, (a = [], b = [], key) => a.concat(b)),
(val, key) => ({ [key]: val })
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.21/lodash.min.js" integrity="sha512-WFN04846sdKMIP5LKNphMaWzU7YpMyCU245etK3g/2ARYbPK9Ub18eG+ljU96qKRCWh+quCY7yefSmlkQw1ANQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
Using vanilla JS, reduce the array to a Map using the objects' keys as the keys of the Map, with an empty array as the value, and push the objects' values into the arrays. Use Array.from() to convert the Map to an array.
const data = [{category: 'furniture'}, {category: 'mirrors'}, {availability: 'in_stock'}];
const result = Array.from(
data.reduce((acc, obj) => {
.forEach(([key, val]) => {
if(!acc.has(key)) acc.set(key, [])
return acc
}, new Map()),
([key, val]) => ({ [key]: val })
You can use reduce like this:
const data = [
{ category: 'furniture' },
{ category: 'mirrors' },
{ availability: 'in_stock' }
const result = data.reduce(
(a, x) => {
const key = Object.keys(x)[0]; // find the key of the current object
if (!a.tmp[key]) { // if the current key doesn't exist in the lookup object (tmp) yet ...
a.tmp[key] = []; // create an empty array in the lookup object for the current key
a.result.push({ [key]: a.tmp[key] }); // push the current object to the result
a.tmp[key].push(x[key]); // push the current value to the array
return a;
{ result: [], tmp: {} },
I'm sure there are easier ways to achieve this, but that's the best I can come up with right now.
we can also achieve this by using forEach loop :
const input = [{category: 'furniture'}, {category: 'mirrors'}, {availability: 'in_stock'}];
const resultObj = {};
const resultArr = [];
input.forEach((obj) => {
resultObj[Object.keys(obj)[0]] = [];
input.forEach((obj) => {
console.log([...new Set(resultArr)]);
Another one reduce solution
const arr = [{category: 'furniture', category2: 'furniture2'}, {category: 'mirrors'}, {availability: 'in_stock'}]
const result = Object.values(arr
.flatMap((obj) => Object.entries(obj))
.reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
acc[key] = acc[key]
? {[key]: [...acc[key][key], value] }
: {[key]: [value] }
return acc;
}, {}));
.as-console-wrapper{min-height: 100%!important; top: 0}
A generic implementation could achieve a merger of any kind of objects regardless of amount and kind of an(y) object's property names.
Since the result of such an implementation is an object, one needs additional treatment in order to cover the OP's requirement(s).
function mergeAndCollectItemEntries(result, item) {
// return the programmatically aggregated merger/result.
return Object
// get an item's entry array.
// for each key-value pair ...
.reduce((merger, [key, value]) => {
// ... access and/or create a `key` specific array ...
// ... and push `value` into this array.
(merger[key] ??= []).push(value);
// return the programmatically aggregated merger/result.
return merger;
}, result);
const sampleData = [
{ category: 'furniture' },
{ category: 'mirrors' },
{ availability: 'in_stock' },
const mergedData = sampleData
.reduce(mergeAndCollectItemEntries, {});
const mergedDataList = Object
.reduce(mergeAndCollectItemEntries, {})
.map(entry => Object.fromEntries([entry]));
//.map(([key, value]) => ({ [key]: value }));
{ category: 'furniture', foo: 'baz' },
{ category: 'mirrors', bar: 'bizz' },
{ availability: 'in_stock', bar: 'buzz' },
mergeAndCollectItemEntries, {}
([key, value]) => ({ [key]: value })
//entry => Object.fromEntries([entry])
.as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }
Another approach here with building an tracking object to merge the values.
Handle the cases of single value keep as string and multiple values as array per the expected output.
const merge = (arr, output = {}) => {
arr.forEach((item) => {
const [[key, val]] = Object.entries(item);
if (key in output) {
output[key] = Array.isArray(output[key])
? output[key].concat(val)
: [output[key]].concat(val);
} else {
output[key] = val;
return Object.entries(output).map(([key, val]) => ({ [key]: val }));
const data = [
{ category: "furniture" },
{ category: "mirrors" },
{ availability: "in_stock" },
I have an object like this
metadata: {
correlationId: 'b24e9f21-6977-4553-abc7-416f8ed2da2d',
createdDateTime: '2021-06-15T16:46:24.247Z'
and I have an array of the properties I wanna access
[metadata, correlationId]
how can I dynamically access the property on the object?
keys.forEach((key) => {
object[key][key2] ???
it needs to be dynamic since I don't know how deep we need to access the object
Here is a solution without recursion:
const myObj = {
a: {
b: {
c: "I'm the target"
const keys = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
let result = myObj;
for (const key of keys) {
result = result[key];
Or with recursion:
const finder = (obj, keys, index = 0) => {
const result = obj[keys[index++]];
if (!result) {
return obj;
return finder(result, keys, index);
console.log(finder(myObj, keys));
This is pretty similar to Accessing nested JavaScript objects and arrays by string path, except with one fewer step - you already have the keys you need in the form of an array. .reduce and access the next nested value in each iteration.
const obj = {
metadata: {
correlationId: 'b24e9f21-6977-4553-abc7-416f8ed2da2d',
createdDateTime: '2021-06-15T16:46:24.247Z'
const keys = ['metadata', 'correlationId'];
const result = keys.reduce((a, key) => a[key], obj);
This is my idea to solve your problem. Tell me, if is ok for you.
let x = {
metadata: {
correlationId: 'b24e9f21-6977-4553-abc7-416f8ed2da2d',
createdDateTime: '2021-06-15T16:46:24.247Z'
let fun = x => typeof x === 'string' ? console.log(x) : Object.keys(x).map( y => fun(x[y]));
i have an nested object as such:
options = {
religous: {
kosher: {
value: 'Kosher',
chosen: false
halal: {
value: 'Halal',
active: false
vegan: {
value: 'Vegan',
active: false
It contains nested objects of varying sizes. I would like to get an Array containing the values of any value propery. So for the above object the desired output would be:
['Kosher', 'Halal', 'Vegan']
Order doesn't really matter.
I tried to do so recursively as such:
getListOfLabels = obj => {
const lst = []
for (let key in obj) {
if (obj[key].value) lst.push(obj[key].value)
else return getListOfLabels(obj[key])
return lst
but I keep getting a RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded error.
Any suggestions?
The for...in loop assigns the key. To get the value use obj[key]. If the key is value add to lst, if it's an object, call getListOfLabels on it, and spread the results into lst.push():
const options = {"religous":{"kosher":{"value":"Kosher","chosen":false},"halal":{"value":"Halal","active":false}},"vegan":{"value":"Vegan","active":false}}
const getListOfLabels = obj => {
const lst = []
for (let key in obj) {
const val = obj[key] // get the value
if (key === 'value') lst.push(val) // if the key name is "value" push to lst
else if(typeof val === 'object') lst.push(...getListOfLabels(val)) // if type of value is object, iterate it with getListOfLabels and push the results into lst
return lst
const result = getListOfLabels(options)
You could take a recursive approach and check if the object contains a value key.
function getValues(object, key) {
if (key in object) return [object[key]];
return Object.values(object).reduce((r, v) => {
if (v && typeof v === 'object') r.push(...getValues(v, key));
return r;
}, []);
var options = { religous: { kosher: { value: 'Kosher', chosen: false }, halal: { value: 'Halal', active: false } }, vegan: { value: 'Vegan', active: false } };
console.log(getValues(options, 'value'));
Here's a succinct approach using reduce :-D
const getValues = options => Object.values(options)
.reduce((acc, optionObj) => (
optionObj.value ? [ ...acc, optionObj.value ] : [
...Object.values(optionObj).reduce((arr, { value }) => ([ ...arr, value ]), [])
]), [])
I have a requirement to replace the available keys with the desired keys in an object for which I was trying to execute below code, which later I found out to be incorrect usage of filter for desired output. hence I need help in getting the desired results using es6 array functions.
const columns = Object.keys(someArray).filter((columnName) => {
if (someCheck === "somecheck") {
if (columnName === 'MyName') {
const newcolumnName = `Pranav`;
return newcolumnName;
} else if (columnName === 'YourName') {
const newcolumnName = `Alex`;
return newcolumnName;
} else {
return (columnName !== 'sometingelse') ? columnName : '';
Here the someArray is as below:
I am expecting columns to be:
Please suggest how can I achieve the above expected output?
Note: I dont want to use function keyword in callbacks to avoid eslint errors
You could filter the wanted keys for replacement and replace the keys by using a new key and eleting the old one.
object = { abc: "djfhdjf", xyz: "ssss", MyName: "onename", YourName: "somename", sometingelse: 'somevalue' },
replacements = { MyName: 'Pranav', YourName: 'Alex', sometingelse: '' };
.filter(k => k in replacements)
.forEach(k => {
object[replacements[k]] = object[k];
delete object[k];
For generating an object, you could map new objects and assign them to a single object.
object = { abc: "djfhdjf", xyz: "ssss", MyName: "onename", YourName: "somename", sometingelse: 'somevalue' },
replacements = { MyName: 'Pranav', YourName: 'Alex', sometingelse: '' },
result = Object.assign(...Object
.map(([k, v]) => ({ [k in replacements ? replacements[k] : k]: v }))
const obj = {
abc: 'djfhdjf',
xyz: 'ssss',
MyName: 'onename',
YourName: 'somename',
sometingelse: 'somevalue'
const newObj = Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, key) => {
if (key === 'MyName') {
acc.newMyName = obj[key];
} else if (key === 'YourName') {
acc.newYourName = obj[key];
} else {
acc[key] = obj[key];
return acc;
}, {});
console.log('newObj = ', newObj);
Here is my approach, a bit long solution, but its on purpose so you can see how to do it simple without too much abstraction:
const someArray = {
let foo = Object.keys(someArray).map(key => {
if(key === 'MyName') {
return 'Alex'
} else if(key === 'YourName') {
key = 'Pranav'
return key;
let bar = Object.entries(someArray).map((el, i) => {
el[0] = res[i];
return el;
let baz = r.reduce((acc, el)=>{
acc[`${el[0]}`] = el[1];
return acc;
You could use .reduce like so. It uses a similar idea that Nina proposed by using an object to hold your replacements. Here I have used the spread syntax to add the changed key to the accumulated object, along with it's associated value.
const someArray = {abc: "djfhdjf", xyz: "ssss", MyName: "onename", YourName: "somename", sometingelse: 'somevalue'},
toUse = {MyName: "Pranav", YourName: "Alex"}, // define the keys you want to change and what they should change to
res = Object.keys(someArray).reduce((acc, key) =>
({...acc, [key in toUse ? toUse[key] : key]:someArray[key]})
, {});
I am running a reduce on the keys of some array starting with an empty object. The ...acc spreads out all the properties in the reduced object. ...{ [keysMap[key] || key]: obj[key] } checks if the current key is present in keysMap.If it is present,it uses that key (keysMap[key]) otherwise it just uses the keys of the existing object.(|| key).Hope that makes sense
const renameKeys = (keysMap, obj) =>
(acc, key) => ({
...{ [keysMap[key] || key]: obj[key] }
const columns = renameKeys({'MyName':'Pranav','YourName':'Alex'},someArray)