Is there any possibility to include one file into another with Browserify?
I mean not standard Browserify behavior, but pasting one file into another in a specific place.
I need it for spreading an ES6 class into multiple files like this pattern:
These files are about one class. So I can make something like this:
class ObjectManager {
constructor() {
I made a simple transform plugin for Browserify and it works great. There is one problem though it won't work with Watchify. this is because inline-required files aren't counted as being watched. Any idea on how to fix this?
const through = require('through2');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const regex = /require\([\s]*\/\*inline\*\/[\s]*"(.+)"\)/g;
function process(pathToFile, contents) {
while ( (occurence = regex.exec(contents)) ) {
contents = processOne(pathToFile, contents, occurence);
return contents;
function processOne(pathToFile, contents, occurence) {
const dir = path.dirname(pathToFile);
const includePath = occurence[1] + ".js";
const range = [occurence.index, occurence.index+occurence[0].length-1];
const pathToInnerFile = dir + "/" + includePath;
var innerContents = fs.readFileSync(pathToInnerFile, 'utf8');
innerContents = process(pathToInnerFile, innerContents);
var output = "";
output += contents.substring(0, range[0]);
output += innerContents;
output += contents.substring(range[1]+1);
return output;
module.exports = function(pathToFile) {
return through(
function(buf, enc, next) {
var result = process(pathToFile, buf.toString('utf8'));
That did the trick:
Basically we inform Watchify about file by emiting 'file' event.
const includedFiles = [];
function process(pathToFile, contents) {
while ( (occurence = regex.exec(contents)) ) {
contents = processOne(pathToFile, contents, occurence);
return contents;
module.exports = function(pathToFile) {
return through(
function(buf, enc, next) {
var result = process(pathToFile, buf.toString('utf8'));
includedFiles.forEach((filePath) => this.emit("file", filePath));
includedFiles.length = 0;
I have an gif file that is stored in a directory call assets on my computer. I would like to create X amount of duplicates and they should be stored in the same directory and each of them should have a different file name.
I in the assets directory is the gif file call 0.gif I would like to duplicate this gif file 10 times and The duplicates should be called 1.gif, 2.gif, 3.R and so on.
The simplest option is to use fs and using copyFile function available
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
let copyMultiple = (src, count) => {
let initCount = 0;
while (initCount < count) {
initCount++;// you can put this at bottom too acc to your needs
const newFileName = `${initCount}_${initCount}${path.extname(src)}`;
console.log(newFileName, "is new file name");
fs.copyFile(src, newFileName, (error) => {
// if errors comes
if (error) {
copyMultiple("1.gif", 3);
Another elegant way of doing this is
const util = require("util");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const copyFilePromise = util.promisify(fs.copyFile);
function copyFiles(srcFile, destDir, destFileNames) {
return Promise.all( => {
return copyFilePromise(srcFile, path.join(destDir, file));
const myDestinationFileNames = ["second.gif", "third.gif"];
const sourceFileName = "1.gif";
copyFiles(sourceFileName, "", myDestinationFileNames)
.then(() => {
console.log("Copying is Done");
.catch((err) => {
console.log("Got and Error", error);
Using this will also give upperhand of knowing when it is done.
You can read docs here
const fs = require("fs")
const filename = "index.js".split(".") //filename like 0.gif to gif
const times = 10 // number of times to duplicate
for(var int = 1; int < times; int++){
const newFilename = `${(parseInt(filename[0]) + init)}.${filename[1]}` //new filename like 0.gif to 1.gif
fs.copyFileSync(filename, newfilename)
use the write file and read file from the fs module and a simple for loop
not sure which framework you're on but fs.copyFile() is the standard way for node.js
I'm trying to read data files from a directory called 'myfiles' using a script 'app.js'.
The file to be read depends on the configurations passed to 'app.js' by another process which generates the files 'log.txt' and 'config.json'.
'app.js' then reads the files 'log.txt' and 'config.json' and fetches a data file from 'myfiles' based on the file name received.
The files in 'myfiles' are labeled my-files1.txt, my-files2.txt, my-files3.txt, ... etc.
The problem is, I keep fetching the same file 'my-files1.txt', even though 'log.txt' and 'config.json' provide new names for files to fetch.
Could you please help me spot where the problem is?
Thanks for your help!
const fs = require('fs');
const { resolve } = require('path');
function readLog() {
try {
return fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/' + 'log.txt', 'utf8');
catch (err) {
return '';
function readConfig() {
try {
return fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/' + 'config.json', 'utf8');
catch (err) {
return '';
let config = readConfig();
let log = readLog();
let cfg = JSON.parse(config);
let lcg = JSON.parse(log);
var currentPage = lcg.tPartition; // Current page to fetch
const numberOfPages = 10;
if((cfg.running!=true) && (Number(currentPage)>Number(numberOfPages))){
currentPage = 1;
function readDataset() {
try {
return fs.readFileSync(resolve(`./app/assets/myfiles/my-files${currentPage}.txt`), 'utf8');
catch (err) {
return err;
let dataset = readDataset();
const data = {
data1: dataset // set dataset as value of data1
you have written
let lcg = JSON.parse(log);
but your log is a txt file how can you parse it, is this the problem let me know if this worked by any chance;
I was using cpy with a globbing pattern to find and copy all the files in src/main/css and place them in ./dist.
However now I also have sub directories below src/main/css (For example src/main/css/margins/index.css) and cpy does not include these when copying the files.
Is there an API in Node (fs or path?) that handles this case, or anyone know of a handy package?
Try this.
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
var mkdir = function (dir) {
// making directory without exception if exists
try {
fs.mkdirSync(dir, 0755);
} catch (e) {
if (e.code != "EEXIST") {
throw e;
var copy = function (src, dest) {
var readS = fs.createReadStream(src);
var writeS = fs.createWriteStream(dest);
readS.on("end", function () {
// Operation done
var copyDir = function (src, dest) {
var files = fs.readdirSync(src);
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var current = fs.lstatSync(path.join(src, files[i]));
if (current.isDirectory()) {
copyDir(path.join(src, files[i]), path.join(dest, files[i]));
} else if (current.isSymbolicLink()) {
var symlink = fs.readlinkSync(path.join(src, files[i]));
fs.symlinkSync(symlink, path.join(dest, files[i]));
} else {
copy(path.join(src, files[i]), path.join(dest, files[i]));
copyDir('./src', './dest');
This piece of code is inspired from I have made some modifications in the original code to get it working as util.pump is obsolete now.
I ended up using using copy-dir
require('copy-dir').sync(PLI.src.main.css, PLI.DIST);
If anyone has a way to do the same thing with the Node and avoiding dependencies please do tell.
i'm trying to make an app that searches for all files
contains a specified string under the current directory/subdirectory.
as i understand it means i need to create a read stream, loop it, load the read data to an array, if the word found give __filename, dirname and if ! not found message.
unfortunately, i could not make it work...
any clue?
var path = require('path'),
function fromDir(startPath,filter,ext){
if (!fs.existsSync(startPath)){
console.log("no dir ",startPath);
var files=fs.readdirSync(startPath);
let found = files.find((file) => {
let thisFilename = path.join(startPath, file);
let stat = fs.lstatSync(thisFilename);
var readStream = fs.createReadStream(fs);
var readline = require('readline');
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
fromDir(thisFilename, filename,readline, ext);
} else {
if (path.extname(createReadStream) === ext && path.basename(thisFilename, ext) === filename) {
return true;
console.log('-- your word has found on : ',filename,__dirname);
if (!found) {
console.log("Sorry, we didn't find your term");
fromDir('./', process.argv[3], process.argv[2]);
Because not everything was included in the question, I made an assumption:
We are looking for full words (if that's not the case, replace the regex with a simple indexOf()).
Now, I've split the code into two functions - to make it both more readable and easier to recursively find the files.
Synchronous version:
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
function searchFilesInDirectory(dir, filter, ext) {
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
console.log(`Specified directory: ${dir} does not exist`);
const files = getFilesInDirectory(dir, ext);
files.forEach(file => {
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(file);
// We want full words, so we use full word boundary in regex.
const regex = new RegExp('\\b' + filter + '\\b');
if (regex.test(fileContent)) {
console.log(`Your word was found in file: ${file}`);
// Using recursion, we find every file with the desired extention, even if its deeply nested in subfolders.
function getFilesInDirectory(dir, ext) {
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
console.log(`Specified directory: ${dir} does not exist`);
let files = [];
fs.readdirSync(dir).forEach(file => {
const filePath = path.join(dir, file);
const stat = fs.lstatSync(filePath);
// If we hit a directory, apply our function to that dir. If we hit a file, add it to the array of files.
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
const nestedFiles = getFilesInDirectory(filePath, ext);
files = files.concat(nestedFiles);
} else {
if (path.extname(file) === ext) {
return files;
Async version - because async is cool:
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const util = require('util');
const fsReaddir = util.promisify(fs.readdir);
const fsReadFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);
const fsLstat = util.promisify(fs.lstat);
async function searchFilesInDirectoryAsync(dir, filter, ext) {
const found = await getFilesInDirectoryAsync(dir, ext);
for (file of found) {
const fileContent = await fsReadFile(file);
// We want full words, so we use full word boundary in regex.
const regex = new RegExp('\\b' + filter + '\\b');
if (regex.test(fileContent)) {
console.log(`Your word was found in file: ${file}`);
// Using recursion, we find every file with the desired extention, even if its deeply nested in subfolders.
async function getFilesInDirectoryAsync(dir, ext) {
let files = [];
const filesFromDirectory = await fsReaddir(dir).catch(err => {
throw new Error(err.message);
for (let file of filesFromDirectory) {
const filePath = path.join(dir, file);
const stat = await fsLstat(filePath);
// If we hit a directory, apply our function to that dir. If we hit a file, add it to the array of files.
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
const nestedFiles = await getFilesInDirectoryAsync(filePath, ext);
files = files.concat(nestedFiles);
} else {
if (path.extname(file) === ext) {
return files;
If you have not worked with / understand async/await yet, it is a great step to take and learn it as soon as possible. Trust me, you will love not seeing those ugly callbacks again!
As you pointed in comments, you want it to execute the function after running node process on the file. You also want to pass the function parameters as node's arguments.
To do that, at the end of your file, you need to add:
searchFilesInDirectory(process.argv[2], process.argv[3], process.argv[4]);
This extracts our arguments and passes them to the function.
With that, you can call our process like so (example arguments):
node yourscriptname.js ./ james .txt
Personally, if I were to write this, I would leverage the beauty of asynchronous code, and Node.js's async / await.
As a very side note:
You can easily improve readability of your code, if you add proper formatting to it. Don't get me wrong, it's not terrible - but it can be improved:
Use spaces OR newlines after commas.
Use spaces around equality operators and arithmetic operators.
As long as you are consistent with formatting, everything looks much better.
I wish to split a large configuration .js file into multiple smaller files yet still combine them into the same module. Is this common practice and what is the best approach so that the module would not need extending when new files are added.
An example such as but not needing to update math.js when a new file is added.
- add.js
- subtract.js
- math.js
// add.js
module.exports = function(v1, v2) {
return v1 + v2;
// subtract.js
module.exports = function(v1, v2) {
return v1 - v2;
// math.js
var add = require('./add');
exports.add = add;
var subtract = require('./subtract');
exports.subtract = subtract;
// app.js
var math = require('./math');
console.log('add = ' + math.add(5,5));
console.log('subtract =' + math.subtract(5,5));
You can use the spread operator ... or if that doesnt work Object.assign.
module.exports = {
Object.assign(module.exports, require('./some-library'));
If your NodeJs allows the spread (...) operator (check it here), you can do:
module.exports = {
You can do this
// math.js
module.exports = function (func){
return require('./'+func);
//use it like this
// app.js
var math = require('./math');
console.log('add = ' + math('add')(5,5));
console.log('subtract =' + math('subtract')(5,5));
You could create a subfolder to assign functions and other objects automaticly.
const pluginDir = __dirname + '/plugins/';
const fs = require('fs');
module.exports = {};
fs.readdirSync(pluginDir).forEach(file => {
Object.assign(module.exports,require(pluginDir + file));
module.exports = {
myfunction: function() {
console.log("It works!");
const mymodule = require('mymodule.js');
// It works!