Searching data using Youtube API - javascript

Extremely new at this, but wanted to try to build something. Decided on a simple landing page that would assist in pulling Youtube videos. Got my API key and got to building. Ran into a few issues. Found out that it can't call from a local HTML file, so worked out another way to test, but now I have another issue.
I have the following code set to run when a button is pressed, submitting the text in form as the variable topic.
function search() {
var hdi = "how do i ";
var request ={
part: 'id',
q: hdi + topic,
function onSearchResponse(response){
var responseString = JSON.stringify(response, " ", 2);
But I cannot seem to get the response I'm looking for. The JSON data I get seems to correspond to medley of search engines (Yahoo, duck duck go, ect) instead, not the JSON data for the YouTube search.
Here is a CodePen, if that assists more. I have some code commented out that I'm waiting to work on until I get this part implemented. Thanks for any help you can give me!


Post JSON data in a page, from an URL (dynamic data)

I'm trying to post some mailing campaign statistics in a webpage on a website I'm building with Wordpress. I need the statistics to update on their own as data changes, so instead of parsing a JSON string directly I want to use an URL so the data is continually being fetched from the Mailify (mailing service I'm using) server.
I have some Pascal programming experience but I'm new to javascript and I've been struggling a lot with this particular problem. Because I'm getting desperate, I figured I'd try asking for help.
I've figured out how to request the data from the URL (although I forgot how I did it last time and rn I'm not able to get past the pop-up that requests the credentials), and also how to post on the page using JS, which would be something basic. But I can't figure out how to fetch the data from JSON in real time. I've seen so many different examples but they're all a little different and not really similar to this situation.
Some useful data:
API Key: 8RdZ1SkxTeWGlk2T049KOw
Account ID: 5c7650c911ce626a6371c1b5
Mailing campaign ID: TZi4oEiSRDCqciu-vGV98A
JSON URL I'm using to try and include the key and ID: (It's still giving me a pop-up)
This is the Mailify documentation page: (have to translate with Google, they have no translation of their own)
I've tried understanding how curl works but I have to install some stuff and I thought I could get around the problem without it.
Here's what I have tried (I've just been probing the syntax, mostly):
<p id="demo"></p>
var text = '';
var obj = JSON.parse(text);
obj.opens = eval("(" + obj.clicks + ")");
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = obj.opens + ", " + obj.clicks();
I realize it doesn't work like this but that was my last attempt. I can't figure out what I should be doing.

Simple web GUI to capture user data

I need to develop a simple web page that accepts user information( name, age, birthdate, etc) and saves the data to a CSV or a text file to the server. I currently use Google sheets, but I need something that's more customizable and something that does some simple error checking. Are there any open source frameworks out there that I can use to put something together in a couple hours? I have a mechanical engineering background, and I'm not too familiar with web technologies. Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
function saveUserData(url, data) {
var csv = [], // the array of values
del = "="; // the "delimiter" or "separator"
function handle(string) {
return encodeURI(string)
.replace(/,/g, "%2c");
for(var property in data)
csv.push(property + del + handle(data[property]));
// "name=John Doe,dob=Jan 1%2c 2000"
$.post(url, {data: csv.toString()})
.done(function(returned_data) {
// if you need this later
}, "json");
// "url" the the url to send the data to
// "data:" will likely be determined by the server you're using
// "json" will make "returned_data" a JSON object (if the server supports it)
In your case, you need to write a server-side script. Below are 3 links that will show you how to
open, write, and close a file.
That's how far as I would elaborate on my answer, you need to show us that you actually did the work, and if you ran into issues, you can ask here again.
I hope the above helps.

Querying Wikipedia API sometimes causes html to disappear

Currently attempting to build a Wikipedia viewer as per the Free Code Camp project. You can see the whole CodePen here. Now, in my console I can see that sometimes, I get a response with the data I was looking for. Other times, I get no response at all, and still other times running the search causes all of the content on my page to simply disappear. I thought initially it might be a caching issue, but there are instances where it will successfully run multiple searches in a row then either stop or disappear; and others where it will not receive any data at all.
When I have these malfunctions, the console does not display any errors, so I don't have any feedback about what's going wrong.
Here's the relevant code:
function wikiSrch(){
var srchParam = "";
var srchRes;
srchParam = $("#inpt").val();
$.getJSON("" + srchParam + "&format=json&callback=?", function(data){

Listen for new urls of ads posted to site

for (var i = 3848450; i > 3848400; i--) {
var query = {
url: '' + i,
type: 'html',
selector: 'tr',
extract: 'text'
uriQuery = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(query)),
request = '' +
uriQuery + '&callback=?';
jQuery.getJSON(request, function (data) {
var datastring = data[0].results;
var datasplit = datastring.toString().split('Sign');
I want to listen for new URLs of ads that are posted without writing some kind of arbitrary code that takes up a lot of memory looping through new URLs, etc. I can do that but it seems redundant and such as my code listed above. Im using noodle.js to get the info from the pages. Now I would like a way to listen for new urls instead of looping through every possible url from a to z. Since I don't know z it's a safe bet I'll be using an if statement but how would one go about incorporating this nth URL without ending up with undefined iterations. Im still learning and find this place has many helpful people. This is simply a fun project I'm doing to learn something new.
If I understand you correcly, you want an external thing to inform your javascript when there's new a URL or JSON data
Unfortunately the web is not built for servers to contact clients, with one exception to my knowleadge: WebSockets
You already seem to have a local server so you meet the requirements plus node ships with them ready for use (also available on the browser). To use noodlejs with websockets you'd have to require the package and set up the WebSocket to send data to your client
Other than pointing you towards that direction, I don't think I can do better than the internet at giving you a tutorial. Hope this helps, Have fun! Also thanks for telling me about noodle, that thing is awesome!

Script error: "Unable to get value of the property 'split': Object is null or undefined

I searched around, and couldn't find an answer to my question. I'm very new at coding, and at work, we have an application that current names that are logged in, and what they are doing.
Recently, they have changed from jquery 1.4.1 to jquery 1.8.3. Ever since then, I cannot get the results to process correctly, because of the following error;
"Unable to get value of the property 'split': Object is null or undefined"
I have the code setup to grab the results and split them;
function processAgents(xData, status) {
var avail = xData.responseText.split("|")[0];
var acw = xData.responseText.split("|")[1];
var total = xData.responseText.split("|")[2];
var breaks = xData.responseText.split("|")[3];
var pending = xData.responseText.split("|")[4];
The application is setup to open as an HTA file which opens up the PHP script.
Any help would be appreciated, please let me know if I left anything out!
I did some more investigating, and it looks like I'm not getting data from my process request. This is how it is currently setup
function updateAgents() {
var ts1 = new Date().getTime();
url: "http://SERVER/AgentSrc.php?x=" + ts1,
complete: processAgents
I'm not sure if this is processing correctly since they went to jquery 1.8.3.
So after looking into it more, it doesn't appear that the script is getting the data from the server, even though I have access. If I make a local file and put the information in it, it will pull the information and split it, but if I point to the path of the file on the server, it won't get the information. But the strange thing is, if I run it using jquery 1.4.1, it pulls the data fine, but can't display it. But with 1.8.3, it doesn't allow me to pull it from the server.
thanks again!
This will give some clarity
(split is part of string not jQuery)
Here is a possible explanation: in earlier versions of jQuery, ajax calls returned an xmlHttpRequest (XHR) object. Recent versions return a promise (jqXHR) instead.
See this page for more details.
