I have this function:
.post((req, res, next) => {
console.log('got here');
var r = req.body;
// console.log(r.message);
// console.log(req.params._id);
try {
Banner.findOne({_id: req.params._id}, (e, doc) => {
if (e) console.log(e);
doc.time = r.time;
doc.date = r.date;
doc.technicalIssue = r.technicalIssue;
doc.message = r.message;
doc.save(e => console.log(e));
catch (e) {
When I post to it I get this:
POST /admin/banner/5ac1574c734d1d4f8af95a69 302 41.225 ms - 56
{ partnersLogos: [],
_id: 5ac1574c734d1d4f8af95a69,
date: '1 May',
time: '1 - 5pm',
technicalIssue: '',
message: 'test2',
__v: 1 }
So I can see it finds the document needed. The problem is it doesn't save it. It's probably some stupid error, but I cannot see it anywhere. Any idea?
I'm using Express with Mongoose on mlab.
I tried mimicing this answer but something went wrong.
Banner model:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var bannerSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
technicalIssue: String,
time: String,
date: String,
partnersLogos: [],
module.exports = mongoose.model('banner', bannerSchema);
I forgot to add the message field in my model.
Currently I'm working in a project where I'm trying to build a service in express which calls another two external EP. I have a trouble here, because express shows me an error that I can't understand. But I suppose, the way I'm working it should be wrong.
app.get("/items/:id", (req, res) => {
return request.get({
url: `https://myapi.com/${req.params.id}`,
json: true
(error, response) => {
if(error) {
return res.send("Error ocurred");
const itemDesc = request.get({ // Here I'm trying to do the second call and use it later
url: `https://myapi.com/${req.params.id}/description`,
json: true
(error, responseDesc) => {
return responseDesc
const itemDetails = response.body;
const strPrice = itemDetails.price.toString().split('.');
const numberPrice = parseInt(strPrice[0]);
const floatPrice = strPrice[1] ? parseInt(strPrice[1]) : 00;
return res.send({
id: itemDetails.id,
title: itemDetails.title,
price: {
currency: itemDetails.currency_id,
amount: numberPrice,
decimals: floatPrice,
picture: itemDetails.pictures[0].url,
condition: itemDetails.condition,
free_shipping: itemDetails.shipping.free_shipping,
sold_quantity: itemDetails.sold_quantity,
description: itemDesc // Here I'm using the variable of the previous request
Basically, the error I get is that I can't do two calls. I know that because if I remove the nested request, it works.
The error I get is the following:
My question is: Is there any way to do two external request inside the same method?
Thanks in advance
it's cleaner if you do it with async await in your case.
modify your code like this
app.get("/items/:id", async(req, res) => {
try {
const promise1 = fetch(`https://myapi.com/${req.params.id}`).then(data => data.json())
const promise2 = fetch(`https://myapi.com/${req.params.id}/description`)
const [itemDetails, itemDesc] = await Promise.all([promise1, promise2])
const strPrice = itemDetails.price.toString().split('.');
const numberPrice = parseInt(strPrice[0]);
const floatPrice = strPrice[1] ? parseInt(strPrice[1]) : 00;
id: itemDetails.id,
title: itemDetails.title,
price: {
currency: itemDetails.currency_id,
amount: numberPrice,
decimals: floatPrice,
picture: itemDetails.pictures[0].url,
condition: itemDetails.condition,
free_shipping: itemDetails.shipping.free_shipping,
sold_quantity: itemDetails.sold_quantity,
description: itemDesc // Here I'm using the variable of the previous request
} catch (
res.send("Error ocurred")
I'm trying to push data to a nested array in mongodb. I'm using mongoose as well.
This is just mock code to see if i can get it working:
User model:
import mongoose from "mongoose";
const CoinSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
coinID: { type: String },
const CoinsSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
coin: [CoinSchema],
const WatchlistSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
watchlistName: { type: String },
coins: [CoinsSchema],
const NameSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
firstName: { type: String },
lastName: { type: String },
username: { type: String },
const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: [NameSchema],
watchlists: [WatchlistSchema],
test: String,
const User = mongoose.model("User", UserSchema);
export default User;
fastify.put("/:id", async (request, reply) => {
try {
const { id } = request.params;
const newCoin = request.body;
const updatedUser = await User.findByIdAndUpdate(id, {
$push: { "watchlists[0].coins[0].coin": newCoin },
await updatedUser.save();
// console.dir(updatedUser, { depth: null });
} catch (error) {
reply.status(500).send("could not add to list");
request.body // "coinID": "test"
I've tried a lot of different ways to push this data but still no luck. I still get 201 status codes in my terminal which indicates something has been pushed to the DB, but when I check nothing new is there.
Whats the correct way to target nested arrays and push data to them?
It's not perfect but you could get the user document, update the user's watchlist, and then save the updated watchlist like so:
fastify.put("/:id", async (request, reply) => {
try {
const { id } = request.params;
const newCoin = request.body;
// get the user
let user = await User.findById(id);
// push the new coin to the User's watchlist
//update the user document
const updatedUser = await User.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: id },
watchlists: user.watchlists,
new: true,
useFindAndModify: false
} catch (error) {
reply.status(500).send("could not add to list");
I have used the below code in my API to remove element from an array
deleteCommentLike: async(req, res) => {
const { error } = createComLikeValidation(req.body);
if (!error) {
const { user_id, comment_id } = req.body;
// const likeModel = new likeSchemaModel({user_id: user_id, post_id: post_id});
await commentlikeSchemaModel
.find({ user_id: user_id, comment_id: comment_id })
let commenttData = await commentSchemaModel.findById(comment_id);
commenttData.likes = --commenttData.likes;
await commenttData.save();
res.status(200).json({ error: false, data: "done" });
} else {
let detail = error.details[0].message;
res.send({ error: true, data: detail });
In here this one line is not working: commenttData.usersLiked.remove(user_id);. It doesn't give any error but the user_id is not removed from my database.
"use strict";
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Joi = require('joi');
var commentSchema = mongoose.Schema({
//other data
usersLiked: [{
type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
default: []
//other data
var commentSchemaModel = mongoose.model('comments', commentSchema);
module.exports = {
In my mongodb it looks like below
I have alredy tried using it as commenttData.usersLiked.remove(mongoose.Types.ObjectId('user_id'));
but the result is same.
What can be the reason for this and how could I remove the value from the array ?
You should use an update operation:
commenttData.update({_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId("5f099..")}, {$set: {usersLiked: yourUpdatedUsersLikedArray}})
The error you expect from remove() is missing as you trigger a js noop which is just ignored by the compiler.
Mongoose does not implement the attribute update operation the way you use it.
I'm working on an tiny app that allows user to participate in polls, but I'm having problems checking if the current user has already voted in the poll. Everything else works fine, save for the IIFE that checks for said condition, as seen in the code snippet included. Indeed, I'm getting false as opposed to true with the data I have i.e. I already seeded the DB with sample data, including a random poll that contains the array of IDs for users who've already voted. I tried testing one ID against said array, which returns false as opposed to the expected true. What gives?
Below are the relevant snippets.
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const ChoiceSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: String },
votes: { type: Number }
const PollSchema = new Schema({
title: { type: String },
category: { type: String },
choices: [ChoiceSchema],
addedBy: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
votedBy: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }]
const Poll = mongoose.model('Poll', PollSchema);
export default Poll;
import Poll from '../models/poll';
export default {
fetchAllPolls: async (req, res) => {
fetchSpecificPoll: async (req, res) => {
voteInPoll: async (req, res) => {
const { category, pollId } = req.params;
const { name, choiceId, voterId } = req.body;
try {
const poll = await Poll.findById(pollId);
const choice = await poll.choices.id(choiceId);
const votedChoice = {
votes: choice.votes + 1,
// Check if user has already voted in poll
const hasVoted = ((votersIds, id) => votersIds.includes(id))(
if (!voterId) {
.json({ message: 'Sorry, you must be logged in to vote' });
} else if (voterId && hasVoted) {
res.status(400).json({ message: 'Sorry, you can only vote once' });
} else {
await choice.set(votedChoice);
await poll.votedBy.push(voterId);
message: 'Thank you for voting. Find other polls at: ',
} catch (error) {
res.status(404).json({ error: error.message });
createNewPoll: async (req, res) => {
I think you are trying to compare ObjectId with String representing the mongo id.
This should work:
const hasVoted = ((votersIds, id) => votersIds.findIndex((item) => item.toString() === id) !== -1)(
const hasVoted = ((votersIds, id) => votersIds.findIndex((item) => item.equals(new ObjectId(id))) !== -1)(
As #JasonCust suggested, a simpler form should be:
const hasVoted = poll.votedBy.some(voter => voter.equals(voterId));
It is more than likely that poll.votedBy is not an array of ID strings. If you are using it as a reference field then it is an array of BSON objects which would fail using includes because it uses the sameValueZero algorithm to compare values. If that is true then you could either convert all of the IDs to strings first or you could use find and the equals methods to find a match.
Update: showing actual code example
Also, some would provide an easier method for returning a boolean value.
const hasVoted = poll.votedBy.some((voter) => voter.equals(voterId));
I'm trying to test my insert function but It fail with UserAccount: Error: Cannot read property 'username' of undefined
I don't know how to make the test pass for inserting a post, here is my method:
'posts.insert'(title, content) {
check(title, String);
check(content, String);
if (! this.userId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized');
const urlSlug = getSlug(title);
createdAt: new Date(),
owner: this.userId,
username: Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId).username,
And here is the test method I'm trying to test:
if (Meteor.isServer) {
describe('Posts', () => {
describe('methods', () => {
const userId = Random.id();
let postId;
beforeEach(() => {
postId = Posts.insert({
title: 'test post',
content: 'test content',
urlSlug: 'test-post',
createdAt: new Date(),
owner: userId,
username: 'toto',
it('can insert post', () => {
const title = "test blog 2";
const content = "test content blog 2";
const insertPost Meteor.server.method_handlers['posts.insert'];
const invocation = { userId };
insertPost.apply(invocation, [title, content]);
assert.equal(Posts.find().count(), 2);
Could you help me please ?
How about using sinon to stub the meteor call? Although I'm not sure if it works with nested object (if someone can confirm).
sinon.stub(Meteor, 'users.findOne').returns({ username: 'Foo' });
And don't forget to restore it after you have used it (in afterEach() for example).