What I need:
I want to save articles or notes in Firestore with their respective fields:
Content (texts or paragraphs)
Creation date
Owners (to share that article with other
people and who can edit them like: https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/solutions/role-based-access)
But when I show the list of articles I don't need the "content" field (to save bandwidth). I've read that (maybe I'm wrong), it is not possible to make a query to get only specific fields from a document with Firestore.
If it were normal SQL to obtain specific columns from articles (without its content) It would be something like:
SELECT title, creation_date, ...
FROM table_name;
So I've opted to separate the content for two root-level collections (for flexibility and scalability)
My current structure:
Articles collection:
- `articles` [collection]
- `ARTICLE_ID` [document]
- `creatorId` [field]
- `title` [field]
- `date` [field]
- `owners` [obj field]
- {user1_id}: true
- {user2_id}: true
Contents collection:
- `contents` [collection]
- `{ARTICLE_ID}` [document]
- `content` [field]
To get articles list in realtime:
.where(`owners.${user.uid}`, '==', true)
.onSnapshot(querySnapshot => {
const articles = []
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
id: doc.id,
// do something with articles array
To show in another view and get the entire article with its content:
const db = firebase.firestore()
const articleRef = db.collection('articles').doc(articleId)
const contentRef = db.collection('contents').doc(articleId) // same Id as article
articleRef.get().then(articleDoc => {
if (articleDoc.exists) {
contentRef.get().then(contentDoc => {
if (contentDoc.exists) {
const article = {
// full article obj
My questions
Do you think it's better to do two queries (getArticle and getContent) at the same time and wait with Promise.all() instead of nesting the querys like I do?
Is there a better way to get the article and its content with one query or more efficiently? Some tips or ideas?
Thank you very much in advance!
According to the Firestore Query.select documentation you should be able to select the fields you want.
let collectionRef = firestore.collection('col');
let documentRef = collectionRef.doc('doc');
return documentRef.set({x:10, y:5}).then(() => {
return collectionRef.where('x', '>', 5).select('y').get();
}).then((res) => {
console.log(`y is ${res.docs[0].get('y')}.`);
Neither approach is pertinently better than the other. But there are a few key differences.
When you nest the reads, the second read only starts after the first read has completed. When you use Promise.all() both reads start at the same time, so can (partially) run in parallel.
On the other hand: when you use Promise.all() your completion handler (the code you run in then()) won't execute until both documents have loaded. If you nest the calls, you can update the UI after just the first document has loaded.
In the end, the differences are likely to be small. But since they may be significant to your use-case, measure the results and see what works best for you.
In order to output a single field from a Firestore document (version 9) - for example the 'title' in the articles collection you can use the following code snippet:
const q = query(collection(db, 'articles'))
let results = [];
await getDocs(q);
results = getLocation.docs.map((doc) => doc.data()['title']);
The results array will contain only the title field, sorted alphabetically
(Note you have to reference the Firestore db and import 'getDocs', 'query' and 'collection' modules from Firestore)
Firebase Hosting would be your best bet for static content such as articles. If you look at AMP-HTML for example, they strongly make the case for ultra-fast page loads and highlight benefits of edge caching. Firebase hosting is advertised to also support global edge caching.
Firestore and Firebase Realtime Database are database engines. These are not the proper tool for serving up articles.
I have recently implemented firebase into my project and I have created a user collection, this collection has a document for each user and each document has about 8 fields, when my user launches the app, I am trying to pull the document that corresponds to his data, so im doing the following query:
async function getUserData() {
const _collection = collection(db, "users")
const _query = query(_collection, where("userid", "==", uniqueUserID))
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(_query)
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
This query works and gives me the corresponding user data, but the problem is, if the user is too far down the collection, this will execute 8 reads per document until it gets to the corresponding user, I have tried to implement a cache system using a lastModified but I still need to read the document data for that field and it will end up using more or less the same amount of reads. My question is: How do I reduce the amount of read operations that get executed when im trying to compare values in the documents, I have also thought of adding an a like so a_uniqueUserID so it gets ordered alphabetically and takes the first spot of the document but it's hacky.
EDIT: Here is what my structure looks like:
I think you are misunderstanding the definition of a document and a field. When you read a document, you always get all fields out of it. The snapshot contains everything read, even if you don't use it. There is no additional cost per field, other than the storage required to hold it all. In your screenshot, you show 5 documents, and one of those documents have 8 fields.
You are probably misunderstanding the metrics in the console. When you read and write documents using the console, those are also billed as reads and writes - use of the console is not "free". What you are seeing is a combination of what your app is doing in combination with what you're doing in the console.
Enviroment: nodejs, firebase-admin, firestore.
Database scructure (space):
Database scructure (user):
Creating new space (example):
// init data
const userId = "someUserId";
// Create new space
const spaceRef = await db.collection("spaces").add({ name: "SomeName" });
// Get spaceId
spaceId = spaceRef.id;
// Get user Doc for upate their spaces
const userRef = await db.collection("users").doc(userId);
// Add "spaceId" to user spaces list
userRef.collection("spaces").doc(spaceId).set({ some: "data" });
// Create collection "members" in new space with "userId"
spaceRef.collection("members").doc(userId).set({role: "OWNER"})
Question: I want to execute this code inside single runTransaction, but as I see transactions support only one-time read and multiple update, this does not suit me, since I get the spaceId I need during the execution of the code.
Why I want to use transaction: In my data structure, the relationship between the created space and the presence of the ID of this space on the user is required. If we assume that an error occurred during the execution of this code, for example, the space was created, but this space was not added inside the user profile, then this will be a fatal problem in my database structure.
Similar to other databases, transactions solve this problem, but I can't figure out how to do it with firestore.
Maybe you know a better way to protect yourself from consistent data in this case?
Actually, you don't need a Transaction for that, since you are not reading documents.
With db.collection("users").doc(userId); you are actually not reading a document, just calling "locally" the doc() method to create a DocumentReference. This method is not asynchronous, therefore you don't need to use await. To read the doc, you would use the asynchronous get() method.
So, using a batched write, which atomically commits all pending write operations to the database, will do the trick:
const userId = 'someUserId';
const userRef = db.collection('users').doc(userId);
const spaceRef = firestore.collection('spaces').doc();
const spaceId = spaceRef.id;
const writeBatch = firestore.batch();
writeBatch.set(spaceRef, { name: "SomeName" });
writeBatch.set(userRef.collection("spaces").doc(spaceId), { some: "data" });
writeBatch.set(spaceRef.collection("members").doc(userId), {role: "OWNER"});
await writeBatch.commit();
You should include this code in a try/catch block and if the batch commit fails you will be able to handle this situation in the catch block, knowing that none of the write were committed.
I have some code that looks like the following:
export const createTable = async (data) => {
const doc = db.collection("tables").doc();
const ref = db
.where("userId", "==", data.userId)
.orderBy("number", "desc").limit(1);
db.runTransaction(async transaction => {
const query = await transaction.get(ref);
let number = 1;
if (!query.empty) {
const snapshot = query.docs[0];
const data = snapshot.data();
const id = snapshot.id;
number = data.number + 1;
data = {number, ...data};
transaction.set(doc, data);
Basically I have a tables collection and each table has an auto generated number like #1, #2, #3
When creating new tables, I want to fetch the latest table number and create the new table with that number incremented by 1.
I wanted to wrap it in a transaction so that if a table created while running the transaction, it will restart so that I don't end up with duplicate numbers.
However, this errors out on the .get(), and from googling I've read that Firestore can't monitor a whole collection within transactions, but instead it requires a specific doc passed to it. Which I obviously can't do because I need to monitor for new docs created in that collection, not changes in a particular doc.
If so, what's the correct way to implement this?
The Firestore transaction API for client apps requires that you get() each individual document that you want to participate in the transaction. So, if you have a query whose results you want to transact with, you will need to:
Perform the query (outside of the transaction)
Collect document references for each document in the result set
In the transaction, get() them all individually.
You will be limited to 500 documents per transaction.
If you want to dynamically look for new documents to modify, you will probably much better off implementing that on the backend using a Firestore trigger in Cloud Functions to automatically handle each new document as they are created, without requiring any code on the client.
Because you're updating just one document, you probably don't need to use transactions for incrementing values.
You can use Firestore Increment to achieve this.
Here is an example taken from here:
const db = firebase.firestore();
const increment = firebase.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1);
// Document reference
const storyRef = db.collection('stories').doc('hello-world');
// Update read count
storyRef.update({ reads: increment });
This is the easiest way to increment values in Firestore.
i want to ask something, i need to fetch data from firebase, BUT only the list of the documents
Like This
i've already tried, and i'm stuck (at the moment), here's my code:
this.ref3 = firebase
.orderBy("timestamp", "desc")
componentDidMount = async () => {
this.unsubscribe = this.ref3.onSnapshot(this.onCollectionUpdate2);
onCollectionUpdate2 = (querySnapshot) => {
const tanggal = [];
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
tanggal: doc.id,
doc, // DocumentSnapshot
() => {
Actually i didn't get error, i got the array but it's like didn't get any, when i use map, it didn't appear anything inside the state, this is what i got after the fetch The Image
i tried map it:
{this.state.tanggal.map((item, key) => (
onClick={() => this.ChipsClicked(24)}
and what i got:
I really need help guys :( and I'm actually very curious about firebase, I really appreciate everyone who wants to help me :)
As shown in your Firebase console screenshot, the document is displayed with an italic font in the Firebase console: this is because this document is only present (in the console) as "container" of one or more sub-collection but it is not a "genuine" document.
If you create a subDoc1 document directly under a col1 collection with the full path doc1/subCol1/subDoc1, no intermediate documents will be created (i.e. no doc1 document).
The Firebase console shows this kind of "container" (or "placeholder") in italic in order to "materialize" the hierarchy and allow you to navigate to the subDoc1 document but doc1 document doesn't exist in the Firestore database.
So if we have a doc1 document under the col1 collection
and another one subDoc1 under the subCol1 (sub-)collection
... actually, from a technical perspective, they are not at all relating to each other. They just share a part of their paths but nothing else.
You can very well create subDoc1 without creating doc1.
Another side effect of this is that if you delete a document, its sub-collection(s) still exist. Again, the subcollection docs are not really linked to the parent document.
So, in your case, if you need to have genuine docs in the pendatang collection, you need to create them at the same time you create the first subcollection doc.
Also, note that Cloud Firestore has shallow reads: querying for documents in a collection doesn't pull in data from subcollections.
I am trying to create a list of all documents contained in my main root collection.
I have data like this:
collection -> doc -> collection -> doc
Apologies if posts - posts is confusing!
And this is the data at root level:
I was thinking something like this would work:
const [posts, setPosts] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
const db = firebase.firestore();
return db.collection('posts').onSnapshot((snapshot) => {
const postData = [];
snapshot.forEach((doc) => postData.push({ ...doc.data(), id: doc.id }));
}, []);
but this just logs an empty array when it should be an array of 2 objects.
Can anyone shine some light on where i'm going wrong? And if i will be able to access the nested data from doing this?
Update after your comment and the screenshot addition
We can see that the documents in the parent posts collection are displayed with an italic font in the Firebase console: this is because these documents are only present (in the console) as "container" of one or more sub-collection but they are not "genuine" documents.
As matter of fact, if you create a document directly under a col1 collection with the full path doc1/subCol1/subDoc1, no intermediate documents will be created (i.e. no doc1 document).
The Firebase console shows this kind of "container" (or "placeholder") in italics in order to "materialize" the hierarchy and allow you to navigate to the subDoc1 document but doc1 document doesn't exist in the Firestore database.
Let's take an example: Imagine a doc1 document under the col1 collection
and another one subDoc1 under the subCol1 (sub-)collection
Actually, from a technical perspective, they are not at all relating to each other. They just share a part of their path but nothing else. One side effect of this is that if you delete a document, its sub-collection(s) still exist.
So, it is normal that you get an empty array when doing db.collection('posts').onSnapshot((snapshot) => {...}), because you are listening to un-existing documents.
What you could do is to listen for the documents in one of the posts subcollection, as follows:
db.collection('posts').doc('frlGy...').collection('posts').onSnapshot((snapshot) => {...});
Another possibility would be to use a Collection Group query, to get all the elements in ALL the posts subcollections. But in this case you cannot have the parent and subcollections sharing the same name (i.e. posts).
Update following your second comment
Will I need to do it differently if I, for example, want to be able to
log all posts from all Users, as the Users documents technically wont
It all depends if you have some user documents or not, which is not clear.
If you do, for each of those user documents, create a posts subcollection, and use db.collection('Users').doc(user.uid).collection('posts').onSnapshot((snapshot) => {...});
You can also use a Collection Group query to query across the different posts subcollections.
If you don't have user documents, you can have a global posts collection (root collection) and you save the user uid as a field of each post document. This way you can secure them (with Security rules) and also query all posts by user. You can also easily query posts across all users.
You need to put the console.log within the callback, as follows:
const [posts, setPosts] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
const db = firebase.firestore();
return db.collection('posts').onSnapshot((snapshot) => {
const postData = [];
snapshot.forEach((doc) => postData.push({ ...doc.data(), id: doc.id }));
console.log(postData); // <------
}, []);
Also note that this will only return the frlGy... document, not the one in the subcollection: as said above, Firestore queries are shallow. If you want to query the subcollection, you need to execute an additional query.
const getMarkers= async ()=> {
await db.collection('movies').get()
.then(querySnapshot => {
querySnapshot.docs.forEach(doc => {
Its so simple just add async and await on a function and call the function in useeffect