Mongoose percentage of total - javascript

I have a model that looks like this :
Model :
createdAt: {
type: String,
default: Moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
loginTrack: [
user_id: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Users',
With some data :
_id: ...,
createdAt : '2018-03-22',
loginTrack: [
{user_id : 1,...}
{user_id : 1, ...},
{user_id : 2, ...}
_id: ...,
createdAt : '2018-03-23',
loginTrack : [
{user_id : 4, ...},
{user_id : 1, ...}
_id : ...,
createdAt: '2018-03-24',
loginTrack : [
{user_id : 2, ...}
I'd like to have the percentage of total unique new sessions per day, that mean count the number of sessions for each previous day, is it possible with mongodb ?
With an output like this
date : '2018-03-22',
newSessionsAvg : 2 (unique sessions only : maybe it's 100 % ?)
date : '2018-03-23',
newSessionAvg: 100
date : '2018-03-24',
newSessionAvg : 25 (1/ (2+2) * 100)
Is it possible using an aggregation/project/group ?
This is what I tried :
"$project" : {
users: {$size: "$loginTrack"},
"createdAt" : 1,
"_id": 0
"$group": {
"_id": "$createdAt",
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
The output looks like this :

Maybe just create a occurence map at first:
User.find({}, function(err, users) {
const occurences = {};
for(const {createdAt} of users){
occurences[createdAt] = (occurences[createdAt] || 0) +1;
Then you can sort that data after the date and build up the results:
const timeline = Object.entries(occurences);
timeline.sort((a,b) => a[0].localeCompare(b[0]));
const result = [];
let previous = 0;
for(const [date, total] of timeline){
result.push({ date, avg: (total / (total + previous) || 0) * 100 });
previous = total;


Calculus with objects in javascript

I have an object that contains 2 fields: day_active and day_inactive. (the object is in the javascript snippet below)
And what I want to obtain is another object that is based on this formula:
count(day_active (on date x))-count(day_inactive (on date x)
"date" : "2019-09-19",
"type" : "groupC",
"count" : 2.0 // (5.0 - 3.0) - how many groupC were on day_active(2019-09-19) minus how many groupC were on day_inactive(2019-09-19)
"date" : "2019-09-19",
"type" : "groupW",
"count" : -2.0 // (3.0 - 5.0)
"date" : "2019-09-11",
"type" : "groupW",
"count" : -2.0 // (8.0 - 10.0)
"date" : "2019-10-08",
"type" : "groupW",
"count" : 7.0 // (7.0 - 0.0)
I tried this code but is not taking all the cases and the result is incomplete:
let items = {
"day_inactive" : [
"date" : "2019-09-19",
"type" : "groupC",
"count" : 3.0
"date" : "2019-09-11",
"type" : "groupW",
"count" : 10.0
"date" : "2019-09-19",
"type" : "groupW",
"count" : 5.0
"date" : "2019-10-07",
"type" : "groupW",
"count" : 9.0
"date" : "2019-10-05",
"type" : "groupW",
"count" : 3.0
"day_active" : [
"date" : "2019-09-11",
"type" : "groupW",
"count" : 8.0
"date" : "2019-09-19",
"type" : "groupW",
"count" : 3.0
"date" : "2019-10-08",
"type" : "groupW",
"count" : 7.0
"date" : "2019-09-19",
"type" : "groupC",
"count" : 5.0
let auxObj = {}
for (let i = 0; i < items.day_active.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < items.day_inactive.length; j++) {
if (items.day_active[i].date == items.day_inactive[j].date && items.day_active[i].type == items.day_inactive[j].type) {
// console.log("yes") = items.day_active[i].date
auxObj.type = items.day_active[i].type
auxObj.count = items.day_active[i].count - items.day_inactive[j].count
How can I solve this in a simple way? Thank you for your time!
Follow along the comments for explanation...
// let's create an empty object
let output = {};
// and start copying active days...
for (const obj of items.day_active) {
// the following `key` is just for grouping purposes...
const key = `${}-${obj.type}`;
output[key] = { ...obj };
// Now let's look at inactive days...
for (const obj of items.day_inactive) {
// the following `key` is just for grouping purposes...
const key = `${}-${obj.type}`;
// is this the first time we're looking at this `date-type`? let's add it with 0 count
if (!output[key]) {
output[key] = { ...obj, count: 0 };
// and subtract it from active days count
output[key].count -= obj.count;
// let's remove the `key` we created earlier...
output = Object.values(output);
// here's the output
From the sample input given, this is the result we get:
[ { date: '2019-10-11', type: 'groupW', count: -2 },
{ date: '2019-10-19', type: 'groupW', count: 3 },
{ date: '2019-10-08', type: 'groupW', count: 7 },
{ date: '2019-10-19', type: 'groupC', count: 5 },
{ date: '2019-09-19', type: 'groupC', count: -3 },
{ date: '2019-09-19', type: 'groupW', count: -5 },
{ date: '2019-10-07', type: 'groupW', count: -9 },
{ date: '2019-10-05', type: 'groupW', count: -3 } ]
I think this one will be more efficient, i named the object after me cause...idn
let marios = {};
items.day_active.forEach(d => marios['_'+d.type] = d.count || 0);
items.day_inactive.forEach(d => marios['_'+d.type] = marios['_'+d.type] ? marios['_'+d.type] - (d.count || 0) : (d.count || 0));
The logic behind it is that we create an object and we create a property for each date present in the data sets, starting with the first terms of the formla, ending with the subtraction of the second part, and by defaulting to 0 for each appropriate case.
In the end you can iterate the properties of the object, split the string on '_' to read each propertie's date and group and create an array of the results ( if you have trouble with this let me know )

Mongo - find docs with specific condition

I have this doc structure:
"_id" : ObjectId("598c00090ec35f5dd3dc508a"),
"type" : "Wear",
"kind" : "Shoes",
"brand" : "Free People",
"article" : "6718_brown",
"grander" : "m",
"size" : {
"39" : 1,
"44" : 0,
"45" : 6
"rsp" : 3400,
"price" : 873,
"createdAt" : ISODate("2017-08-10T06:41:13.294Z"),
"images" : [
"__v" : 0
I need to find all items, witch satisfies the condition:
size[key1] + size[key2] + size[key3] > 0.
Please, help, how can I do this?
You can use $addFields to calculate the sum using dot notation and then use $match to check the condition:
var key1 = "39";
var key2 = "44";
var key3 = "45";
$addFields: {
sum: {
$add: [ "$size." + key1, "$size." + key2, "$size." + key3 ]
$match: {
sum: {
$gt: 0
You can do this with mapReduce
function() {
for (var key in this.size)
emit(this._id, this.size[key]);
function(key, values) {
return Array.sum(values);
out: 'size_sum'
And then get result
value: {
$gt: 0
You can use objectToArray and sum
{ $project: { item: 1, sizes: { $objectToArray: "$size" }}},
{ $project:{count: { $sum: '$sizes.v' }}},
{ $match: { count: {$gt: 0}}}

Can I make Mongo map reduce count multiple values of an object?

I have a collection that I am trying to map reduce by id and date to produce a graph for sales of a product in store vs online. A new object is created for each transaction, so I would like to reduce them to a total count for a given day. An object looks something like this:
"ProductID": 1
"Purchase Method": In Store
"Date": 2018-01-16
"Count": 5
What I am trying to achieve as output is to have in store and online purchases combined into 1 object with a key being the id and the date and then the value being the counts of each method as shown below:
ProductID: 1
Date: 2018-01-16
{Name: "In store", Count: 3}
{Name: "Online", Count: 2}
My current method was to map the objects by Id, date, and Purchase Method so the reduce would get the total count for that id on that date using that method, but this leads to having two entries for an id and date, 1 for in store and 1 for online. This is the current state of my functions:
var mapDailySales = function() {
var sale = this;
/*Converts timestamp to just date */
var pad = function pad(n, width, z) {
z = z || '0';
n = n + '';
return n.length >= width ? n : new Array(width - n.length + 1).join(z) + n;
var d = sale.Date;
var date = d.getFullYear() + "-" + pad(d.getMonth() + 1, 2, 0) + "-" + pad(d.getDate(), 2, 0);
emit({ProductId: sale.ProductID, Date:date, Method: sale.PurchaseMethod},
{Name: sale.PurchaseMethod, Count: 1})
var reduceDailySales = function(key, value) {
var res = {Name: 0, Count: 0};
res.Name = value.Name;
res.Count += value.Count;
return res;
Current Output looks something like this:
"_id" : {
"ProductId" : 1,
"Date" : "2018-01-16",
"Method" : "Online"
"value" : {
"Name" : "Online",
"Count" : 3
Is there a way to achieve my desired output without map reducing again on the current output?
You can use aggregation pipeline to get the results instead of mapReduce, $group by ProductID and Date, with $project you can map counts to an array
added $out to write the results to new collection, removing it will return a cursor[
{$group : {
_id : {ProductID : "$ProductID", Date : "$Date"},
onlineCount : {$sum : {$cond : [{$eq : ["$PurchaseMethod", "Online"]}, "$Count" , 0]}},
storeCount : {$sum : {$cond : [{$eq : ["$PurchaseMethod", "In Store"]}, "$Count" , 0]}}
{$project : {
_id : 0,
ProductID : "$_id.ProductID",
Date : "$_id.Date",
counts : [{Name: "In Store", Count: "$storeCount"},{Name : "Online", Count: "$onlineCount"}]
{$out : "count_stats"}
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a98ce4a62f54862fc7cd1f5"), "ProductID" : 1, "PurchaseMethod" : "In Store", "Date" : "2018-01-16", "Count" : 5 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a98ce4a62f54862fc7cd1f6"), "ProductID" : 1, "PurchaseMethod" : "Online", "Date" : "2018-01-16", "Count" : 2 }
> db.count_stats.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a98d3366a5f43b12a39b4ac"), "ProductID" : 1, "Date" : "2018-01-16", "counts" : [ { "Name" : "In Store", "Count" : 5 }, { "Name" : "Online", "Count" : 2 } ] }
if you want to use mapReduce, you can use finalize to reduce or transform the result further
out: <collection>,
finalize: <function>

Sort an array of object by timestamp

I have the following object :
var jsonList = {
ref : "TEST1",
inventory : [
id : "a1",
date : 1401462270
id : "a2",
date : 1414836094
inventory array is not sorted by date, i would like to sort this array of object by date. The more recent in first position.
How can i do that ?
While there are integers, you can return the difference for comparing.
var jsonList = { ref: "TEST1", inventory: [{ id: "a1", date: 1401462270 }, { id: "a2", date: 1414836094 }] },
sorted = jsonList.inventory.sort(function(a, b) {
return -;
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(sorted, 0, 4) + '</pre>');
var sorted = jsonList.inventory.sort(function(a,b) {
return < ? -1 : 1;

How to sort array inside collection record in MongoDB?

I have a collection of students, each with a record that looks like the following and I want to sort the scores array in descending order of score.
what does that incantation look like on the mongo shell?
> db.students.find({'_id': 1}).pretty()
"_id" : 1,
"name" : "Aurelia Menendez",
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 60.06045071030959
"type" : "quiz",
"score" : 52.79790691903873
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 71.76133439165544
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 34.85718117893772
I'm trying this incantation....
doc = db.students.find()
for (_id,score) in doc.scores:
print _id,score
but it's not working.
You will need to manipulate the embedded array in your application code or using the new Aggregation Framework in MongoDB 2.2.
Example aggregation in the mongo shell:
// Initial document match (uses index, if a suitable one is available)
{ $match: {
_id : 1
// Expand the scores array into a stream of documents
{ $unwind: '$scores' },
// Filter to 'homework' scores
{ $match: {
'scores.type': 'homework'
// Sort in descending order
{ $sort: {
'scores.score': -1
Sample output:
"result" : [
"_id" : 1,
"name" : "Aurelia Menendez",
"scores" : {
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 71.76133439165544
"_id" : 1,
"name" : "Aurelia Menendez",
"scores" : {
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 34.85718117893772
"ok" : 1
Starting in Mongo 5.2, it's the exact use case for the new $sortArray aggregation operator:
// {
// name: "Aurelia Menendez",
// scores: [
// { type: "exam", score: 60.06 }
// { type: "quiz", score: 52.79 }
// { type: "homework", score: 71.76 }
// { type: "homework", score: 34.85 }
// ]
// }
{ $set: {
scores: {
$sortArray: {
input: "$scores",
sortBy: { score: -1 }
// {
// name: "Aurelia Menendez",
// scores: [
// { type: "homework", score: 71.76 },
// { type: "exam", score: 60.06 },
// { type: "quiz", score: 52.79 },
// { type: "homework", score: 34.85 }
// ]
// }
sorts ($sortArray) the scores array (input: "$scores")
by applying a sort on scores (sortBy: { score: -1 })
without having to apply a combination of expensive $unwind, $sort and $group stages
Since this question can be managed in different ways i want to say that another solution is "insert and sort", in this way you will get the Ordered array at the moment you will made a Find().
Consider this data:
"_id" : 5,
"quizzes" : [
{ "wk": 1, "score" : 10 },
{ "wk": 2, "score" : 8 },
{ "wk": 3, "score" : 5 },
{ "wk": 4, "score" : 6 }
Here we will update the Document, make the Sort.
{ _id: 5 },
$push: {
quizzes: {
$each: [ { wk: 5, score: 8 }, { wk: 6, score: 7 }, { wk: 7, score: 6 } ],
$sort: { score: -1 },
$slice: 3 // keep the first 3 values
Result is:
"_id" : 5,
"quizzes" : [
{ "wk" : 1, "score" : 10 },
{ "wk" : 2, "score" : 8 },
{ "wk" : 5, "score" : 8 }
That's how we could solve this with JS and mongo console:
db.students.find({"scores.type": "homework"}).forEach(
var sortedScores = s.scores.sort(
function(a, b){
return a.score<b.score && a.type=="homework";
var lowestHomeworkScore = sortedScores[sortedScores.length-1].score;
db.students.update({_id: s._id},{$pull: {scores: {score: lowestHomeworkScore}}}, {multi: true});
In order to sort array, follow these steps:
1) use unwind to iterate through array
2) sort array
3) use group to merge objects of array into one array
4) then project other fields
{"$group" : {_id:"$_id",
counter_offer:{ $push: "$counter_offer" },
"task_name": { "$first": "$task_name"},
"task_status": { "$first": "$task_status"},
"task_location": { "$first": "$task_location"},
Here is the java code which can be used to find out the lowest score in the array and remove it.
public class sortArrayInsideDocument{
public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException {
MongoClient client = new MongoClient();
DB db = client.getDB("school");
DBCollection lines = db.getCollection("students");
DBCursor cursor = lines.find();
try {
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
DBObject cur =;
BasicDBList dbObjectList = (BasicDBList) cur.get("scores");
Double lowestScore = new Double(0);
BasicDBObject dbObject = null;
for (Object doc : dbObjectList) {
BasicDBObject basicDBObject = (BasicDBObject) doc;
if (basicDBObject.get("type").equals("homework")) {
Double latestScore = (Double) basicDBObject
if (lowestScore.compareTo(Double.valueOf(0)) == 0) {
lowestScore = latestScore;
dbObject = basicDBObject;
} else if (lowestScore.compareTo(latestScore) > 0) {
lowestScore = latestScore;
dbObject = basicDBObject;
// remove the lowest score here.
System.out.println("object to be removed : " + dbObject + ":"
+ dbObjectList.remove(dbObject));
// update the collection
lines.update(new BasicDBObject("_id", cur.get("_id")), cur,
true, false);
} finally {
It's easy enough to guess, but anyway, try not cheat with mongo university courses because you won't understand basics then.
var minHomeworkScore,
scoresObjects = student.scores,
homeworkArray =
return obj.score;
minHomeworkScore = Math.min.apply(Math, homeworkArray);
if(scoreObject.score === minHomeworkScore){
scoresObjects.splice(scoresObjects.indexOf(minHomeworkScore), 1);
Order Title and Array title also and return whole collection data Collection name is menu
"_id": "5f27c5132160a22f005fd50d",
"title": "Gift By Category",
"children": [
"title": "Ethnic Gift Items",
"s": "/gift?by=Category&name=Ethnic"
"title": "Novelty Gift Items",
"link": "/gift?by=Category&name=Novelty"
"active": true
"_id": "5f2752fc2160a22f005fd50b",
"title": "Gift By Occasion",
"children": [
"title": "Gifts for Diwali",
"link": "/gift-for-diwali"
"title": "Gifts for Ganesh Chathurthi",
"link": "/gift-for-ganesh-chaturthi",
"active": true
Query as below
let menuList = await Menu.aggregate([
$unwind: '$children'
$group : { _id : "$_id",
root: { $mergeObjects: '$$ROOT' },
children: { $push: "$children" }
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: {
$mergeObjects: ['$root', '$$ROOT']
$project: {
root: 0
$match: {
I believe you are doing M101P: MongoDB for Developers where homework 3.1 is to remove the lower one from two homework scores. Since aggregations were not taught up to that point you can do something like this:
import pymongo
conn = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017')
db =
students = db.students
for student_data in students.find():
smaller_homework_score_seq = None
smaller_homework_score_val = None
for score_seq, score_data in enumerate(student_data['scores']):
if score_data['type'] == 'homework':
if smaller_homework_score_seq is None or smaller_homework_score_val > score_data['score']:
smaller_homework_score_seq = score_seq
smaller_homework_score_val = score_data['score']
students.update({'_id': student_data['_id']}, {'$pop': {'scores': smaller_homework_score_seq}})
This is my approach using pyMongo, the Python driver to MongoDB:
import pymongo
conn = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost')
def remove_lowest_hw():
db =
students = db.students
# first sort scores in ascending order
students.update_many({}, {'$push':{'scores':{'$each':[], '$sort':{'score': 1}}}})
# then collect the lowest homework score for each student via projection
cursor = students.find({}, {'scores':{'$elemMatch':{'type':'homework'}}})
# iterate over each student, trimming each of the lowest homework score
for stu in cursor:
students.update({'_id':stu['_id']}, {'$pull':{'scores':{'score':stu['scores'][0]['score']}}})
this work for me, it is a little rough code but the results of the lowest tasks for each student are correct.
var scores_homework = []
db.students.find({"scores.type": "homework"}).forEach(
ss.student_id = s._id
for(i = 0; i < scores_homework.length; i++)
var b = i+1;
var ss1 = scores_homework[i];
var ss2 = scores_homework[b];
var lowest_score = {};
if(ss1.score > ss2.score){
lowest_score.type = ss2.type;
lowest_score.score = ss2.score;
db.students.update({_id: ss2.student_id},{$pull: {scores: {score: lowest_score.score}}});
}else if(ss1.score < ss2.score){
lowest_score.type = ss1.type;
lowest_score.score = ss1.score;
db.students.update({_id: ss1.student_id},{$pull: {scores: {score: lowest_score.score}}});
lowest_score.type = ss1.type;
lowest_score.score = ss1.score;
db.students.update({_id: ss1.student_id},{$pull: {scores: {score: lowest_score.score}}});
This is how I have implemented in Java (Have kept it simple so that it's easier to understand) -
Approach :
Get scores array from student collection
Get all score values from scores array where type == homework
Sort the score values so that lowest becomes 1st element [score.get(0)]
Then, loop through the main scores and create new copy of scores array while skipping elements where type == homework && score == scores.get(0)
Finally, update the new scores array to student document.
Below is working Java code:
public void removeLowestScore(){
//Create mongo client and database connection and get collection
MongoClient client = new MongoClient("localhost");
MongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase("school");
MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("students");
FindIterable<Document> docs = collection.find();
for (Document document : docs) {
//Get scores array
ArrayList<Document> scores = document.get("scores", ArrayList.class);
//Create a list of scores where type = homework
List<Double> homeworkScores = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (Document score : scores) {
//sort homework scores
//Create a new list to update into student collection
List<Document> newScoresArray = new ArrayList<Document>();
Document scoreDoc = null;
//Below loop populates new score array with eliminating lowest score of "type" = "homework"
for (Document score : scores) {
if(score.getString("type").equalsIgnoreCase("homework") && homeworkScores.get(0) == score.getDouble("score")){
scoreDoc = new Document("type",score.getString("type"));
//Update the scores array for every student using student _id
collection.updateOne(Filters.eq("_id", document.getInteger("_id")), new Document("$set",new Document("scores",newScoresArray)));
Certainly it's late, but I just want to contribute my own solution on Mongo Shell:
var students = db.getCollection('students').find({});
for(i = 0 ; i < students.length(); i++) {
var scores = students[i].scores;
var tmp = [];
var min = -1 ;
var valueTmp = {};
for(j = 0 ; j < scores.length; j++) {
if(scores[j].type != 'homework') {
} else {
if (min == -1) {
min = scores[j].score;
valueTmp = scores[j];
} else {
if (min > scores[j].score) {
min = scores[j].score;
valueTmp = scores[j];
} else {
the answer of #Stennie is fine, maybe a $group operator would be useful to keep the original document, without exploding it in many documents (one by score).
I just add another solution when using javascript for your application.
if you query only one document, it's sometimes easier to sort the embedded array by JS, instead of doing an aggregate.
When your document has a lot of fields, it's even better than using $push operator, otherwise you've to push all the fields one by one, or use $$ROOT operator (am I wrong ?)
My example code uses Mongoose.js :
Suppose you have initialized you Students model.
// Sorting
function compare(a, b) {
return a.score - b.score;
Students.findById('1', function(err, foundDocument){
foundDocument.scores = foundDocument.scores.sort(compare);
// do what you want here...
// foundModel keeps all its fields
sort by the score can be simple like:
but you need to find the one for type:homework ...
it should be something like this:
db.students.find().sort(scores: ({"score":-1}));
