I am trying to do an integration test for an Ember component that requires a model as input. I have mock data, but I cannot pass it into the component directly because the model includes computed properties and other customizations that EmberData normally handles under the hood. However, I cannot figure out how to inject the store into the test to convert my mock data into an Ember model. I've tried a few different approaches, none of which work:
var store = this.container.lookup('service:store');
None of these actually work. I'm using Ember v2.9.1. The code for my integration test is below.
import { moduleForComponent, test } from 'ember-qunit';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
moduleForComponent('host-pod', 'Integration | Component | host-pod', {
integration: true
test('it renders', function(assert) {
... code to get store ...
this.set('mockModel', store.normalize('model', mockModel));
this.render(hbs`{{component model=mockModel show='all' mode='grouped'}}`);
assert.equal(this.$().length, 1);
var mockModel = { ... }
I declare a global variable in the main.js of the Vue.js project.
Vue.prototype.$API = "myapihere"
And I want to use this from everywhere.
and it's work properly by using this.$API.
But in Vuex it does not work.
Here this.$API is undefined.
How I use my $API in Vuex.
Vue 2 and Vuex 3 answer
In the store you can access the vue instance by accessing this._vm
const store = new Vuex.Store({
mutations: {
test(state) {
I'm using Vue 3 and Vue.prototype.$foo seems to have been removed for this version. I also found that in my version of VueX there is no this._vm.
I explored the Provide / Inject method which is recommended by the Vue 3 docs. This worked nicely for accessing globals from within my components, but I couldn't access them from within store.
The solution I went for was to use globalProperties on the Vue object and standard properties on store, and set them just before mounting the app.
import store from './store/index';
import App from './App.vue';
// Load custom globals
import conf from '#/inc/myapp.config';
const app = createApp(App)
// Register globals in app and store
app.config.globalProperties.$conf = conf;
store.$conf = conf;
What I like about this is that I can access the globals in the same way in both store and components.
In a component:
export default {
data() {
return {
created() {
console.log( this.$conf.API_URL );
...and you can access this.$conf.API_URL in the same way from actions, mutations and getters.
Once I'd found this solution I no longer needed access to the whole Vue instance from within store, but if you need it for some reason you can assign store.$app = app; in the same place in main.js.
You have 2 approaches:
Pass down the property (or even access the _vm property from inside Vuex) as an argument from a component
methods: {
this.$store.dispatch('someAction', this.$API)
Declare and export that same variable from another file and consume it from your main.js AND your Vuex file:
// api.js
export const API = "http://localhost:5000/api"
// main.js
import { API } from './api.js
Vue.prototype.$API = API
// store.js
import { API } from './api.js
// you can use API now!
Although I would personally lean towards the second, I would not store the API path in Vue at all as I'd rather have the api.js file as a service to perform all ajax calls and consume that file from where I need.
use this._vm
here is why
by default when you access this in vuex store it will point store so it will output something like this
so after that, you see that there is something called _vm in store here it is
so that _vm points to the vue component so to access it you will need to use this._vue
you can better create a getter of the vue instance like
const store = new Vuex.Store({
getters: {
vue(state) {
return this._vm
//so you can use it across your store
//the above way of accessing getter works on non `namespaced` stores
As of recently, under Vuex 4.* and Vue 3.*, this.$app hasn't been defined for the store object. Instead you have Vue Router defined as this.$router.
So for javascript, the way to get app in store would be like so:
The code would now be: router.app = app; and inside, say, an action: let app = this.$router.app;
I've got this big legacy web app based on Codeigniter and jQuery.
The plan is to phase out jQuery and start using Vuejs instead. We are replacing certain parts of the website step by step.
I have just installed Nuxtjs and got the file structure the way i like it inside the legacy project.
Now to the question. How can i access a Vue component from one of my legacy javascript files?
<div id="app">
<HelloWorld msg="Welcome to Your Vue.js + TypeScript App" />
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import HelloWorld from "./components/HelloWorld.vue";
export default Vue.extend({
name: "App",
components: {
import Vue from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import store from "./store";
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
new Vue({
render: h => h(App)
I want to display my App.vue inside an ordinary php/html view.
I am doing something similar right now, the project was originally written using Thymeleaf and jQuery and now we are switching to Vue.
You can communicate between vue components and non-vue components in a few ways, none of them are "pretty".
Classic JavaScript events
Pretty straightforward
// legacy code
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('legacy-vue.something-happened', { detail: payload }))
// vue component
created () {
document.addEventListener('legacy-vue.something-happened', this.onSomethingHappened)
destroyed () { // don't forget to remove the listener!
document.removeEventListener('legacy-vue.something-happened', this.onSomethingHappened)
Exposing EventHub
Similar to the previous one, but you are using vue events instead. This is what i would recommend, because it's the Vue way of handling events and your goal is to vuetify your app.
// initialization
const hub = new Vue()
Vue.prototype.$eventHub = hub
window.$vueEventHub = hub
// legacy code
$vueEventHub.$emit('something-happened', payload)
// vue component
created () {
this.$eventHub.$on('something-happened', this.onSomethingHappened)
destroyed () {
this.$eventHub.$off('something-happened', this.onSomethingHappened)
Exposing whole components
The most flexible way, but it's hard to see what's going on where. Event based approaches the lesser evil in my opinion (it's easy to track events).
// vue component
created () {
window.vueTableComponent = this
// legacy component
No matter which approach you pick, i recommend doing something like this:
Let's say that you have TableComponent. TableComponent has few props like apiUrl, emits row-clicked event, etc. It would be best to design the component without thinking about your legacy code at all, and then create it's legacy wrapper because at one point it will be used both with vue-only screens and with mixed-screens (with both legacy components and vue components). An example:
export default {
data: () => ({
apiPath: null
methods: {
onRowClicked (row) {
this.$eventHub.$emit('table-row-clicked', row) // notify legacy code
onApiPathDefined (payload) {
this.apiPath = payload
mounted () {
// legacy code might require the TableComponent to act differently
// and if you don't want the TableComponent to know whenever it's legacy or not
// you can always override one or more of it's methods.
this.$refs['table-component'] = this.overriddenImplementationOfXYZ
created () {
this.$eventHub.$on('define-api-path', this.onApiPathDefined)
destroyed () {
this.$eventHub.$off('define-api-path', this.onApiPathDefined)
It's sure more work at first, but will save you a headache later, when you will be working on your first view which is fully in vue and all that legacy communication stuff is in the way.
I'm trying to unit test this class that has a dependency of AppDB and createStudy that I need to mock. To get started I'm attempting to unit test the simple method startLoadingData which happens to be a MobX action
import { observable, action } from 'mobx'
import { Intent } from '#blueprintjs/core'
import { createStudy } from '../database/DatabaseInit'
import { AppDB } from '../database/Database'
export default class UIStore {
// ui state
// booleans indicating open/close state of modals
#observable createDialogue
#observable importDialogue
#observable revisionsDialogue
#observable runDialogue
// boolean indicating loading or waiting for async action
#observable loadingData
// array indicating navigation
#observable breadcrumbs
#observable processingMessages
constructor(rootStore) {
this.rootStore = rootStore
this.breadcrumbs = []
this.importDialogue = false
this.createDialogue = false
this.revisionsDialogue = false
this.runDialogue = false
// boolean to display loading blur on table that displays data
this.loadingData = false
// processing messages for import and other async loads
this.processingMessages = []
#action startLoadingData() {
this.loadingData = true
My test file below is getting nowhere because there's an error being thrown related to a separate dependency of sqlite3 in the AppDB and createStudy imports. My understanding is that if I mock those two dependencies that I can avoid the error because they'll be mocked and not real implementations trying to use sqlite3.
// UIStore domain store unit test
// import * as Database from '../../app/database/Database'
// import * as DatabaseInit from '../../app/database/DatabaseInit'
import UIStore from '../../app/stores/UIStore'
describe('UIStore', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// jest.spyOn(Database, 'AppDB').andReturn('mockAppDB')
// jest.spyOn(DatabaseInit, 'createStudy').andReturn('createStudy')
// jest.mock('DatabaseInit')
it('starts loading data', () => {
const testUIStore = new UIStore(this)
As you can see, trying a bunch of things, but I don't seem to be getting anywhere. I've read about manual mocks, and thought that might be the case so I made a manual mock of Database but not even sure if I'm doing that correctly.
const Database = jest.genMockFromModule('../Database.js')
module.exports = Database
I dont think this matters, but it might be worth noting that AppDB is a ES6 class and createStudy is a method.
Jest should auto mock modules from node_modules if you create a __mocks__ folder in your root project folder and create in that folder mocks for the modules you want auto mocked. By auto mock I mean that when writing a test and Jest detects that folder it will automatically load the mock instead of the original module. This also applies to dependencies of dependencies.
So in your case I would try to create a sqlite3 like so:
-> __mocks__
| |
| -> sqlite3/index.js <- export mocked functions
-> node_modules
At least this is how I deal with libraries in my Jest tests.
Hope this helps.
Im building an Ember app "ember-cli": "2.4.3", sitting on Laravel/Lumen and cant seem to get the wires hooked up correctly. Im trying to also an API server JSON-API compliant, so I have access to alter the syntax if thats a problem.
If I remove the export default DS.JSONAPISERIALIZER, I get ember.debug.js:32116 TypeError: typeClass.eachTransformedAttribute is not a function
With it, I typically get Assertion Failed: You tried to load all records but your adapter does not implement findAll
If I call getJSON(...) from within the route, instead to calling the store for the data, it works perfectly, and displays to the view as expected.
I have tried other adapters but I think that being JSON-API compliant I need to use the JSONAPIADAPTER. Any help would be awesome.
import DS from "ember-data";
export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend({
namespace: 'v1',
host: 'http://edu-api.app:8000',
export default DS.JSONAPISerializer.extend({
//in preparation of underscores in returned data
// keyForAttribute: function(attr) {
// return Ember.String.underscore(attr);
// },
// keyForRelationship: function(attr) {
// return Ember.String.underscore(attr);
// }
import DS from 'ember-data';
var App = window.App = Ember.Application.extend();
var attr = DS.attr;
App.Skill = DS.Model.extend({
name: attr("string"),
desc: attr("string")
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model() {
//return this.store.findAll('skill'); //<- Assertion Failed: You tried to load all records but your adapter does not implement `findAll`
this.get('store').findAll('skill'); //<- Assertion Failed: You tried to load all records but your adapter does not implement `findAll`
//return Ember.$.getJSON('http://edu-api.app:8000/v1/skills'); //<- works, and properly displays data to view
I think you primary have problems understanding ember-cli.
First you don't put your adapter and serializer in the same file. Maybe use the generators to get a default file like ember generate serializer application.
Your application serializer goes to app/serializers/application.js, your adapter to app/adapters/application.js.
Next this line looks really really wrong:
var App = window.App = Ember.Application.extend();
This creates a new app, but you should do this only once in your app/app.js. Next you use a global export, what you should never do in an ember-cli app.
To specify your model you need to locate your file under models/skill.js. There you don't attach your new Model to a global exported App like App.Skill = DS.Model.extend({, but you export it as default export like export default DS.Model.extend({.
Your index.js looks right if its located under routes/.
I strongly recommend you to read more about the ember resolver, and the ember dependency injection framework which do all this magic for you. Also use the generators to get your files, it can help you to place your files right.
I have a form that transitions through several views. Currently each controller.js file has a long list of these Ember.computed.alias. How can I break that out into one file and import it into each controller?
Currently in each controller.js
entityEmail: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.checkout.entityEmail'),
entityDOB: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.checkout.entityDOB'),
entityPhone: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.checkout.entityPhone'),
entityAddress1: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.checkout.entityAddress1'),
entityAddress2: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.checkout.entityAddress2'),
entityCity: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.checkout.entityCity'),
I would like to pull all that out into a file so I can simply import some 1 liner in each controller.js
This is a classic use-case for Ember.Mixin.
You can extract all these computed props into a single mixin and extend every controller (that needs to have these props) with it.
Add the following mixin to your app
// app/mixins/entity-form.js
import Ember from 'ember';
const { Mixin, inject, computed: { alias } } = Ember;
export default Mixin.create({
checkout: inject.controller(),
entityEmail: alias('checkout.entityEmail'),
entityDOB: alias('checkout.entityDOB'),
entityPhone: alias('checkout.entityPhone'),
entityAddress1: alias('checkout.entityAddress1'),
entityAddress2: alias('checkout.entityAddress2'),
entityCity: alias('checkout.entityCity')
And then use it in a controller
// app/controllers/example.js
import EntityFormMixin from 'yourAppName/mixins/entity-form';
const { Controller } = Ember;
export default Controller.extend(EntityFormMixin, {
// rest of controller's props and functions
Note: Ember.inject API is available since Ember 1.10.0. In case you are using an older version you need to replace the inject line with: needs: ['checkout'] and prefix the aliases with "controllers." like you did in your example.