Compare array items with HTML dataset with pure Javascript? - javascript

Using Jquery you can do:
array[0].data('id') == array[1].data('id')
and compare 2 items in an same array by their HTML dataset (in this case it's data-id="1"). Is there a way to do it with pure Javascript???
This is HTML. It's a list of images.
<li class="card" data-id="1"><img src="images/labrys.svg" alt=""></li>
<li class="card" data-id="2"><img src="images/laurel.svg" alt=""></li>
....and so on
This is JS:
let cardArray = []; //Empty Array for selected cards
cards.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
if ("LI"){ // If a list element is hit...
const data =; //checking
cardArray.push(; //Place current card into array...
var hit = cardArray[0];
var hot = cardArray[1];// throws error
console.log (hit);
console.log (hot);
I am trying to do this:
var match = cardArray[0] cardArray[1];
This project is a memory game:

You have to check how many items are in the array before accessing their index.
I believe that you are trying to avoid duplicating items when the user selects a particular card multiple times through click events. if that is what you are trying to achieve, You will be facing two scenerio.
first is to make sure that the listener function does not misbehave on multiple clicks.
second is to implement a binary search algorithm to help locate items easily rather than iterating through the items one after the other during searching. the id is a great stuff to use in sorting the list items.
var processing = false, //used to handle radical click event triggers
cardArray = [];
//note, it is better to add your event listener, to the card container `ul`
//since click events on the li items will will bubble up to it.
cardContainer.addEventListener('click', function(e){
if (processing) {
if ( !== 'li') {
processing = true;
var cardlocation = searchCard(;
if (cardlocation > -1) {
//card is already in array. do what you wish here
else {
//this is a new selection. do whatever you wish here
processing = false; //done processing.
Implement a search algorithm
*This one will be slow if there loads of cards in the array
*#returns int returns the card index or -1 if not found
var searchCard = function(id) {
var len = cardArray.length;
while (--len >= 0) {
if (id == cardArray[len] {
return len;
return -1;
Binary Search
*used when sorting the cards
var sortCard = function(card1, card2) {
var id1 = parseInt(,
id2 = parseInt(;
return id1 - id2;
* used for checking the cards search
var checkCard = function(id, card) {
return parseInt(id) - parseInt(;
*performs binary search
var searchCard = function(id) {
if (cardArray.length === 0) {
return -1;
var low = 0,
high = cardArray.length - 1,
middle = parseInt((high + low + 1)/2, 10),
locationindex = -1,
searchindex = 0;
cardArray.sort(sortCard); //sort the card array
do {
searchindex = checkCard(id, cardArray[middle]);
if (searchindex === 0) {
locationindex = middle;
else {
//split and recalculate the middle
if (searchindex < 0) {
high = middle - 1;
else {
low = middle + 1;
middle = parseInt((high + low + 1) / 2, 10);
while (low <= high && locationindex === -1);
return locationindex;


Text operations: Detect replacement from clipboard

General Info
Working on my own implementation of the operational transformation algorithm. For those that don't know what this is: When multiple users work on the same document at the same time, this algorithm attempts to preserve each users intention and make sure all users end up with the same document.
The problem
To begin, I need a proper way of detecting text operations. Like insert and delete. Obviously I need to know exactly at which position this is happening so each operation can be correctly transformed by the server to preserve the intention of other users.
My code so far is doing a pretty decent job at this. But it gets in trouble when selecting a text range and replacing it with another. I rely on the input event for this, and it seems to be unable to detect both delete and insert operations at the same time. When doing this, it detects a delete operation on the selected text. But it does not detect the insert operation of the text pasted in from the clipboard.
My question is: How can I solve this issue?
My code (so far)
let txtArea = {};
let cursorPos = {};
let clientDoc = ""; // Shadow DOC
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event){
txtArea = document.getElementById("test");
clientDoc = txtArea.value;
txtArea.addEventListener("input", function(){ handleInput(); });
txtArea.addEventListener("click", function(){ handleSelect(); });
/* Gets cursor position / selected text range */
function handleSelect(){
cursorPos = getCursorPos(txtArea);
/* Check whether the operation is insert or delete */
function handleInput(){
if(txtArea.value > clientDoc){
} else {
/* Checks text difference to know exactly what happened */
function handleOperation(operation){
let lines = "";
if(operation === "insert"){
lines = getDifference(clientDoc, txtArea.value);
} else if(operation === "delete"){
lines = getDifference(txtArea.value, clientDoc);
const obj = {
operation: operation,
lines: lines,
position: cursorPos
clientDoc = txtArea.value;
/* Simple function to get difference between 2 strings */
function getDifference(a, b)
let i = 0;
let j = 0;
let result = "";
while (j < b.length)
if (a[i] != b[j] || i == a.length){
result += b[j];
} else {
return result;
/* Function to get cursor position / selection range */
function getCursorPos(input) {
if ("selectionStart" in input && document.activeElement == input) {
return {
start: input.selectionStart,
end: input.selectionEnd
else if (input.createTextRange) {
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
if (sel.parentElement() === input) {
var rng = input.createTextRange();
for (var len = 0;
rng.compareEndPoints("EndToStart", rng) > 0;
rng.moveEnd("character", -1)) {
rng.setEndPoint("StartToStart", input.createTextRange());
for (var pos = { start: 0, end: len };
rng.compareEndPoints("EndToStart", rng) > 0;
rng.moveEnd("character", -1)) {
return pos;
return -1;
#test {
width: 600px;
height: 400px;
<textarea id="test">test</textarea>
Managed to solve the problem myself, though not entirely sure if it's the best solution. I've used comments within the code to explain how I solved it:
function handleOperation(operation){
let lines = "";
if(operation === "insert"){
lines = getDifference(clientDoc, txtArea.value);
} else if(operation === "delete"){
lines = getDifference(txtArea.value, clientDoc);
// This handles situations where text is being selected and replaced
if(operation === "delete"){
// Create temporary shadow doc with the delete operation finished
const tempDoc = clientDoc.substr(0, cursorPos.start) + clientDoc.substr(cursorPos.end);
// In case the tempDoc is different from the actual textarea value, we know for sure we missed an insert operation
if(tempDoc !== txtArea.value){
let foo = "";
if(tempDoc.length > txtArea.value.length){
foo = getDifference(txtArea.value, tempDoc);
} else {
foo = getDifference(tempDoc, txtArea.value);
console.log("char(s) replaced detected: "+foo);
} else if(operation === "insert"){
// No need for a temporary shadow doc. Insert will always add length to our shadow doc. So if anything is replaced,
// the actual textarea length will never match
if(clientDoc.length + lines.length !== txtArea.value.length){
let foo = "";
if(clientDoc.length > txtArea.value.length){
foo = getDifference(txtArea.value, clientDoc);
} else {
foo = getDifference(clientDoc, txtArea.value);
console.log("char(s) removed detected: "+foo);
const obj = {
operation: operation,
lines: lines,
position: cursorPos
// Update our shadow doc
clientDoc = txtArea.value;
// Debugging
I'm still very much open to better solutions / tips / advise if you can give it to me.

Looping through removing and adding object attributes

I have a function passing me an instance in which im tryin to display 4 different html elements and only 1 can be visible at a time.
function(instance, context) {
var blank = $('#blank');
var good = $('#good');
var mediocre = $('#mediocre');
var bad = $('#bad');
Then another function passing me updated values. But this loop only works for the very first iteration and I cannot figure out why
function(instance, properties, context) {
var strength = properties.strength;
var red = properties.red_shows_until;
var yellow = properties.yellow_shows_until
if (strength > 0 && strength < red) {
} else if (strength >= red && strength < yellow) {
} else if (strength >= yellow) {
} else {

Illustrator JavaScript only works once - won't toggle

I'm writing a script which changes the colours of a stick-man's arms and legs. Once "he" is selected, it effectively just mirrors the colours:
//Declare and initialize variables
var msgType = "";
var app;
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var testColor = docRef.swatches.getByName("CMYK Green");
var leftColor = docRef.swatches.getByName("LeftColor");
var rightColor = docRef.swatches.getByName("RightColor");
function sameColor(CMYKColor1, CMYKColor2) {
"use strict";
var isTheSameColor;
if ((CMYKColor1.cyan === CMYKColor2.cyan) && (CMYKColor1.magenta === CMYKColor2.magenta) && (CMYKColor1.yellow === CMYKColor2.yellow) && ( === {
isTheSameColor = true;
} else {
isTheSameColor = false;
return isTheSameColor;
// check if a document is open in Illustrator.
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var mySelection = app.activeDocument.selection;
var index;
// Loop through all selected objects
for (index = 0; index < mySelection.length; index += 1) {
// Switch left and right colours
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].strokeColor, leftColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].strokeColor = rightColor.color;
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].strokeColor, rightColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].strokeColor = leftColor.color;
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].fillColor, leftColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].fillColor = rightColor.color;
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].fillColor, rightColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].fillColor = leftColor.color;
It works, but it only works once (i.e. I can't toggle the change again). If I undo the change and try again it works again. Why is this?
After a lot of head-scratching / debugging it turns out that it was changing the CMYK values to be not quite the same (by a tiny fraction).
Changed the following:
if ((CMYKColor1.cyan === CMYKColor2.cyan) ...
if ((Math.round(CMYKColor1.cyan) === Math.round(CMYKColor2.cyan)) ...
and it works fine now.

Jquery slideshow starts with an image on the left of a row but I want it to start at the right end

I'm using this javascript and the slide show slides right to left with the images in this order and positon:
start postion > 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 etc etc
but I want to swap them so they run in this position
6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 < start position
Kind of like reading a book back to front, but keeping it in the right order
I've been told I need to modify the lines labelled below: //MODIFY ME
I hope someone can help! Thank you
Here's my code
(function($) {
$.fn.slideshow = function(method) {
if ( this[0][method] ) {
return this[0][ method ].apply( this, arguments, 1 ));
} else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
return this.each(function() {
var ANIMATION_DURATION = .6; // The duration to flick the content. In seconds.
var MOVE_THRESHOLD = 10; // Since touch points can move slightly when initiating a click this is the
// amount to move before allowing the element to dispatch a click event.
var itemWidth;
var horizontalGap;
var $this = $(this);
var collection;
var viewItems = [];
var touchStartTransformX; // The start transformX when the user taps.
var touchStartX; // The start x coord when the user taps.
var interval; // Interval used for measuring the drag speed.
var wasContentDragged; // Flag for whether or not the content was dragged. Takes into account MOVE_THRESHOLD.
var targetTransformX; // The target transform X when a user flicks the content.
var touchDragCoords = []; // Used to keep track of the touch coordinates when dragging to measure speed.
var touchstartTarget; // The element which triggered the touchstart.
var selectedIndex = 0; // The current visible page.
var viewPortWidth; // The width of the div that holds the horizontal content.
var isAnimating;
var pageChangedLeft;
// The x coord when the items are reset.
var resetX;
var delayTimeout;
function init(options) {
collection =;
renderer = options.renderer;
itemWidth = options.itemWidth;
horizontalGap = options.horizontalGap;
$this[0].addEventListener("touchstart", touchstartHandler);
$this[0].addEventListener("mousedown", touchstartHandler);
viewPortWidth = $this.width();
$this.on("webkitTransitionEnd", transitionEndHandler);
collection.on("add", addItem);
function initLayout() {
// Layout five items. The one in the middle is always the selected one.
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var viewItem;
if (i > 1 && - 2)) // Start at the one in the middle. Subtract 2 so data index starts at 0.
viewItem = new renderer({model: - 2)});
viewItem = new renderer();
viewItem.$el.css("left", itemWidth * i + horizontalGap * i);
viewItem.setState(i != 2 ? "off" : "on");
// Center the first viewItem
resetX = itemWidth * 2 - ($this.width() - itemWidth - horizontalGap * 4) / 2;
function getCssLeft($el) {
var left = $el.css("left");
return Number(left.split("px")[0]);
function transitionEndHandler() {
if (pageChangedLeft != undefined) {
var viewItem;
if (pageChangedLeft) {
// Move the first item to the end.
viewItem = viewItems.shift();
viewItem.model = + 2);
viewItem.$el.css("left", getCssLeft(viewItems[3].$el) + itemWidth + horizontalGap);
} else {
// Move the last item to the beginning.
viewItem = viewItems.pop();
viewItems.splice(0, 0, viewItem);
viewItem.model = - 2);
viewItem.$el.css("left", getCssLeft(viewItems[1].$el) - itemWidth - horizontalGap);
// Reset the layout of the items.
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var viewItem = viewItems[i];
viewItem.$el.css("left", itemWidth * i + horizontalGap * i);
viewItem.setState(i != 2 ? "off" : "on");
// Reset the transformX so we don't run into any rendering limits. Can't find a definitive answer for what the limits are.
$this.css("-webkit-transition", "none");
pageChangedLeft = undefined;
function touchstartHandler(e) {
wasContentDragged = false;
// Prevent the default so the window doesn't scroll and links don't open immediately.
// Get a reference to the element which triggered the touchstart.
touchstartTarget =;
// Check for device. If not then testing on desktop.
touchStartX = window.Touch ? e.touches[0].clientX : e.clientX;
// Get the current transformX before the transition is removed.
touchStartTransformX = getTransformX();
// Set the transformX before the animation is stopped otherwise the animation will go to the end coord
// instead of stopping at its current location which is where the drag should begin from.
// Remove the transition so the content doesn't tween to the spot being dragged. This also moves the animation to the end.
$this.css("-webkit-transition", "none");
// Create an interval to monitor how fast the user is dragging.
interval = setInterval(measureDragSpeed, 20);
document.addEventListener("touchmove", touchmoveHandler);
document.addEventListener("touchend", touchendHandler);
document.addEventListener("mousemove", touchmoveHandler);
document.addEventListener("mouseup", touchendHandler);
function measureDragSpeed() {
function touchmoveHandler(e) {
var deltaX = (window.Touch ? e.touches[0].clientX : e.clientX) - touchStartX;
if (wasContentDragged || Math.abs(deltaX) > MOVE_THRESHOLD) { // Keep track of whether or not the user dragged.
wasContentDragged = true;
setTransformX(touchStartTransformX + deltaX);
function touchendHandler(e) {
document.removeEventListener("touchmove", touchmoveHandler);
document.removeEventListener("touchend", touchendHandler);
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", touchmoveHandler);
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", touchendHandler);
if (wasContentDragged) { // User dragged more than MOVE_THRESHOLD so transition the content.
var previousX = getTransformX();
var bSwitchPages;
// Compare the last 5 coordinates
for (var i = touchDragCoords.length - 1; i > Math.max(touchDragCoords.length - 5, 0); i--) {
if (touchDragCoords[i] != previousX) {
bSwitchPages = true;
// User dragged more than halfway across the screen.
if (!bSwitchPages && Math.abs(touchStartTransformX - getTransformX()) > (viewPortWidth / 2))
bSwitchPages = true;
if (bSwitchPages) {
if (previousX > touchStartTransformX) { // User dragged to the right. go to previous page.
if (selectedIndex > 0) { // Make sure user is not on the first page otherwise stay on the same page.
tweenTo(touchStartTransformX + itemWidth + horizontalGap);
pageChangedLeft = false;
} else {
pageChangedLeft = undefined;
} else { // User dragged to the left. go to next page.
if (selectedIndex + 1 < collection.length) {// Make sure user is not on the last page otherwise stay on the same page.
tweenTo(touchStartTransformX - itemWidth - horizontalGap);
pageChangedLeft = true;
} else {
pageChangedLeft = undefined;
} else {
pageChangedLeft = undefined;
} else { // User dragged less than MOVE_THRESHOLD trigger a click event.
var event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
event.initEvent("click", true, true);
// Returns the x of the transform matrix.
function getTransformX() {
var transformArray = $this.css("-webkit-transform").split(","); // matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
var transformElement = $.trim(transformArray[4]); // remove the leading whitespace.
return transformX = Number(transformElement); // Remove the ).
// Sets the x of the transform matrix.
function setTransformX(value) {
$this.css("-webkit-transform", "translateX("+ Math.round(value) + "px)");
function tweenTo(value) {
isAnimating = true;
targetTransformX = value;
// Set the style for the transition.
$this.css("-webkit-transition", "-webkit-transform " + ANIMATION_DURATION + "s");
// Need to set the timing function each time -webkit-transition is set.
// The transition is set to ease-out.
$this.css("-webkit-transition-timing-function", "cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0, 1)");
function addItem(folio) {
// Create a timeout in case multiple items are added in the same frame.
// When the timeout completes all of the view items will have their model
// updated. The renderer should check to make sure the model is different
// before making any changes.
delayTimeout = setTimeout(function(folio) {
var index = collection.models.indexOf(folio);
var dataIndex = index;
var firstIndex = selectedIndex - 2;
var dataIndex = firstIndex;
var viewItem;
for (var i = 0; i < viewItems.length; i++) {
viewItem = viewItems[i];
if (dataIndex >= 0 && dataIndex < collection.length) {
viewItem.model =;
viewItem.setState(i != 2 ? "off" : "on");
dataIndex += 1;
}, 200);
// Called when the data source has changed. Resets the view with the new data source.
this.setData = function(data) {
viewItems = [];
collection = data;
selectedIndex = 0;
} else {
$.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on Slideshow' );
From what I can make out, you need to simply "flip" the loops that create the sides in the slideshow so that it makes the last slide where it was making the first. It seems to do this in two places.
Then, you will need to amend the code which adds a slide to make it add it before the other slides instead of after.
This sounds an awful lot like homework - it's always best to attempt an answer before asking on here. An example on a site like JSFiddle is also generally appreciated.

Implementing a javascript function to search in a div, getting textrange for the search

How do I get the textrange to do a search for a div (or a form)? Are there scripts already available, or jquery functions that search the text of a div?
I append a form to a div with this code:
$('#'+card_id).append('<form id="frm_search" name="frm_search" class="editableToolbar frm_search_links"> <input type="text" placeholder="Type a string..." name="linkcard_search_string" class="txt_form"> </form>');
I'd like to have a search function that will only look for a string in that div. I specify the text range like this.
txt = window.document.body.getelementbyid(card_id).createTextRange();
The search function is one that I found on the net and that I am trying to update to search the div instead of the entire page. There will be several divs on the page and I want the search to be specific to each. I call that function from search_links(card_id);.
function search_links (card_id, form) {
var search_str = document.frm_search.linkcard_search_string.value;
/* alert('search_links '+search_str); */
return search_linkcard(search_str, card_id);
var IE4 = (document.all);
var n = 0;
function search_linkcard(str, card_id) {
alert (card_id + ' ' + str);
var txt, i, found;
if (str == "")
return false;
// Find next occurance of the given string on the page, wrap around to the
// start of the page if necessary.
if (IE4) {
txt = window.document.body.getelementbyid(card_id).createTextRange();
// Find the nth match from the top of the page.
for (i = 0; i <= n && (found = txt.findText(str)) != false; i++) {
txt.moveStart("character", 1);
// If found, mark it and scroll it into view.
if (found) {
txt.moveStart("character", -1);
// Otherwise, start over at the top of the page and find first match.
else {
if (n > 0) {
n = 0;
search_linkcard(str, card_id);
// Not found anywhere, give message.
alert("Not found.");
return false;
My specific questions are those at the beginning of the question: How do I specify a text range for the div? Is the syntax I have right? Are there scripts that already do what I want, i.e. search the contents of a specific div?
Did the search with :contains. Did not do one match at a time. Highlighted all matches.
// Open search
function open_search(card_id) {
$('#'+card_id).append('<form id="frm_search" name="frm_search" class="editableToolbar frm_search_links"> <input type="text" placeholder="Type a string..." name="linkcard_search_string" class="txt_form" onclick="clear_search(\''+card_id+'\', this.form);"> </form>');
var frm_elements = frm_search_link.elements;
for(i=0; i<frm_elements.length; i++) {
field_type = frm_elements[i].type.toLowerCase();
switch (field_type)
case "text":
frm_elements[i].value = "";
// Close search
function close_search(card_id, form) {
$('form.frm_search_links', $('#'+card_id)).remove();
var card_select = '#'+card_id;
// Search links
function search_links (card_id, form) {
var search_str = document.frm_search.linkcard_search_string.value;
var search_select = '.link:contains('+search_str+')';
var card_select = '#'+card_id;
var result = $(search_select,$(card_select)).addClass('search_results');
if (result.length == 0 || result.length == null) document.frm_search.linkcard_search_string.value = 'Not found.';
// Clear search
function clear_search (card_id, form) {
document.frm_search.linkcard_search_string.value = '';
var card_select = '#'+card_id;
