Give '%' on Bar Chart Datalabel Chartjs - javascript
I am working with chartjs and I am wondering how to give '%' on datalabel of bar chart. My code like below:
data: {
datasets: [{
label: 'My Label',
data: <?php echo json_encode($myData); ?> // contains number like: 77.43, 78.22, etc
datalabels: {
align: 'end',
anchor: 'end'
labels: <?php echo json_encode($myLabel); ?>
I tried to put string '%' like this data: <?php echo json_encode($myData); ?> + '%' but it returned nothing but a blank page. So anyone can help me to fix this?
You can setting the tooltip in the following way:
data: {
datasets: [{
label: 'My Label',
data: <?php echo json_encode($myData); ?> // contains number like: 77.43, 78.22, etc
datalabels: {
align: 'end',
anchor: 'end'
labels: <?php echo json_encode($myLabel); ?>
options: {
tooltips: {
callbacks: {
label: function(tooltipItems, data) {
return data.datasets[tooltipItems.datasetIndex].label +': ' + tooltipItems.yLabel + ' %';
Reference :
So, I found the solution on Chartjs Official Github Page. I just need to put
formatter: function (value) {
return value + "%";
inside datalabels
It acts similar with callback in yAxes option.
See this link
add quotes around php code and end with a comma: data: "<?...?>",
Highchart : Line Chart not Loading the data from Database on screen
I am Trying to make a HighChart's Line Chart Based on the data from the Database. I Fetched the Data from The Database as I can see that data in the console . The php Code I Used is : <?php $query = " SELECT YEAR(created_at) AS year, MONTHNAME(created_at) AS month, COUNT(*) AS count FROM users GROUP BY month ASC ORDER BY created_at ASC " ; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query) ; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $data1[] = $row['month']; $data2[] = $row['count']; } ?> Now I Fetched the Data in Highchart's script as Follows : <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $('#container').highcharts({ chart: { type: 'line', }, title: { text: 'Download Trends' }, credits: { enabled: false }, xAxis: { categories: ['<?php echo join($data1, "','"); ?>'], }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: 'No. of Downloads' } }, plotOptions: { column: { pointPadding: 0.2, borderWidth: 0 } }, series: [{ name: 'Qty', data: ['<?php echo join($data2, "','"); ?>'], }] }); }); </script> I using the container div with id container as follows : <div id="container"></div> The Problem is that the data is not showing in correct Manner . its been showing only half of the data as you can see below : its not showing the Line. Please Help
Your data serie is made of strings, and Highcharts works with numbers for this kind of graph. Remove the simple quotes in the data section and it should works : data: [<?php echo join($data2, ","); ?>]
Passing data with a search variable to Highcharts not working
As said in the title, I'm actually making a small application where you can look for a random name into a database and it shows you the adequate chart (the chart that shows the searched name's data). It works well when I tried that by puting a static name in my data.php file (from where the chart takes the data). But when I used $_GET[ 'search' ] instead it didn't show anything. (I checked my data.php and it returns the JSON correctly) so I guess it comes from HighCharts. Do you by chance know what could be the problem please? Here's some parts of my code so you can understand what I'm saying. data.php <?php try { $bdd = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=nsui', 'root', '', array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION)); } catch (Exception $e) { die('Erreur : ' . $e->getMessage()); } $sql=<<<SQL SELECT `Period_start_time`, `Segment_Name`, `csf_bh`, `drp_sd_bh`, `ec_tch_bh`, `ec_hors_cong_bh` FROM `call_succes` WHERE `Segment_Name`='{$search}' SQL; $reponse = $bdd->query($sql); $bln = array(); $bln['name'] = 'Period_start_time'; $rows1['name']='csf_bh'; $rows2['name']='drp_sd_bh'; $rows3['name']='ec_tch_bh'; $rows4['name']='ec_hors_cong_bh'; while($donnee=$reponse->fetch()){ $bln['data'][] = $donnee['Period_start_time']; $rows1['data'][] = $donnee['csf_bh']; $rows2['data'][] = $donnee['drp_sd_bh']; $rows3['data'][] = $donnee['ec_tch_bh']; $rows4['data'][] = $donnee['ec_hors_cong_bh']; } $rslt = array(); array_push($rslt, $bln); array_push($rslt, $rows1); array_push($rslt, $rows2); array_push($rslt, $rows3); array_push($rslt, $rows4); print json_encode($rslt, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); $reponse->closeCursor(); ?> chart.php <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var options = { chart: { renderTo: 'container_call', type: 'line' }, title: { text: 'Call Setup Failure', x: -20 //center }, subtitle: { text: '', x: -20 }, xAxis: { categories: [], title: { text: 'Date' } }, yAxis: { labels: { format: '{value} %' }, min: 0, title: { text: 'Percentage (%)' }, plotLines: [{ value: 0, width: 1, color: '#808080' }] }, tooltip: { valueSuffix: '%', shared: true }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'middle', borderWidth: 0 }, series: [] }; $.getJSON("data.php", function(json) { options.xAxis.categories = json[0]['data']; //xAxis: {categories: []} options.series[0] = json[1]; options.series[1] = json[2]; options.series[2] = json[3]; options.series[3] = json[4]; chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options); }); }); </script> In my search page I've put a code like : <?php ... ... global $search; $button = $_GET [ 'submit' ]; $search = $_GET [ 'search' ]; ... ... $html.=<<<HTML <div class="box alt"> <div class="row 50% uniform"> <div id="container_call" class="6u 6u(xsmall)"> HTML; include ('chart.php'); $html.=<<<HTML </div> </div> </div> ... ?> And of course with the adequate javascript for highcharts etc. When I click on the button search in my home page it redirects me to my search page. Thank you in advance.
No chart is shown using HighCharts
I have started using HighCharts and I have come up with the below code to test it out but the problem is that no chart is shown. I want a simple line chart with dates running along the bottom and numbers running upwards. Code <?php $sql = array( 'user' => 'removed', 'password' => 'removed', 'server' => 'removed', 'db' => 'removed' ); $conn = oci_connect($sql['user'], $sql['password'], $sql['server'].'/'.$sql['db']); if (!$conn) { $e = oci_error(); trigger_error( htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR ); } $result = oci_parse($conn, "SELECT EntryDate, COUNT(OrderNo) FROM Orders GROUP BY EntryDate"); oci_execute($result); while ($row = oci_fetch_array($result)) { $data0[] = $row['0']; $data1[] = $row['1']; } ?> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container', type: 'line' }, xAxis: { categories: [<?php echo join($data0, ',') ?>] }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Orders' } }, series: [{ data: [<?php echo join($data1, ',') ?>], pointStart: 0, pointInterval }] }); </script> <div id="container" style="height:100%; width:100%;"></div> Results <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container', type: 'line' }, xAxis: { categories: [01-NOV-12,02-NOV-12,03-NOV-12,05-NOV-12,06-NOV-12,07-NOV-12,08-NOV-12,09-NOV-12,12-NOV-12,13-NOV-12,14-NOV-12,15-NOV-12,16-NOV-12,19-NOV-12,20-NOV-12,21-NOV-12,22-NOV-12,23-NOV-12,24-NOV-12,26-NOV-12,27-NOV-12,28-NOV-12,29-NOV-12,30-NOV-12,01-DEC-12,02-DEC-12,03-DEC-12,04-DEC-12,05-DEC-12,06-DEC-12,07-DEC-12,10-DEC-12,11-DEC-12,12-DEC-12,13-DEC-12,14-DEC-12,17-DEC-12,18-DEC-12,19-DEC-12,20-DEC-12,21-DEC-12,03-JAN-13,04-JAN-13,05-JAN-13,07-JAN-13,08-JAN-13,09-JAN-13,10-JAN-13,11-JAN-13,14-JAN-13,15-JAN-13,16-JAN-13,17-JAN-13,18-JAN-13,21-JAN-13,22-JAN-13,23-JAN-13,24-JAN-13,25-JAN-13,28-JAN-13,29-JAN-13,30-JAN-13,31-JAN-13,01-FEB-13,04-FEB-13,05-FEB-13,06-FEB-13,07-FEB-13,08-FEB-13,11-FEB-13,12-FEB-13,13-FEB-13,14-FEB-13,15-FEB-13,16-FEB-13,18-FEB-13,19-FEB-13,20-FEB-13,21-FEB-13,22-FEB-13,25-FEB-13,26-FEB-13,27-FEB-13,28-FEB-13,01-MAR-13,02-MAR-13,04-MAR-13,05-MAR-13,06-MAR-13,07-MAR-13,08-MAR-13,11-MAR-13,12-MAR-13,13-MAR-13,14-MAR-13,15-MAR-13,16-MAR-13,17-MAR-13,18-MAR-13,19-MAR-13,20-MAR-13,21-MAR-13,22-MAR-13,25-MAR-13,26-MAR-13,27-MAR-13,28-MAR-13,02-APR-13,03-APR-13,04-APR-13,05-APR-13,08-APR-13,09-APR-13,10-APR-13,11-APR-13,12-APR-13,15-APR-13,16-APR-13,17-APR-13,18-APR-13,19-APR-13,22-APR-13,23-APR-13,24-APR-13,25-APR-13,26-APR-13,29-APR-13,30-APR-13,01-MAY-13,02-MAY-13,03-MAY-13,07-MAY-13,08-MAY-13,09-MAY-13,10-MAY-13,13-MAY-13,14-MAY-13,15-MAY-13,16-MAY-13,17-MAY-13,18-MAY-13,20-MAY-13,21-MAY-13,22-MAY-13,23-MAY-13,24-MAY-13,25-MAY-13,28-MAY-13,29-MAY-13,30-MAY-13,31-MAY-13,03-JUN-13,04-JUN-13,05-JUN-13,06-JUN-13,07-JUN-13,10-JUN-13,11-JUN-13,12-JUN-13,13-JUN-13,14-JUN-13,17-JUN-13,18-JUN-13,19-JUN-13,20-JUN-13,21-JUN-13,24-JUN-13,25-JUN-13,26-JUN-13,27-JUN-13,28-JUN-13,01-JUL-13,02-JUL-13,03-JUL-13,04-JUL-13,05-JUL-13,08-JUL-13,09-JUL-13,10-JUL-13,11-JUL-13,12-JUL-13,15-JUL-13,16-JUL-13,17-JUL-13,18-JUL-13,19-JUL-13,22-JUL-13,23-JUL-13,24-JUL-13,25-JUL-13,26-JUL-13,29-JUL-13,30-JUL-13,31-JUL-13,01-AUG-13,02-AUG-13,05-AUG-13,06-AUG-13,07-AUG-13,08-AUG-13,09-AUG-13,12-AUG-13,13-AUG-13,14-AUG-13,15-AUG-13,16-AUG-13,19-AUG-13,20-AUG-13,21-AUG-13,22-AUG-13,23-AUG-13,27-AUG-13,28-AUG-13,29-AUG-13,30-AUG-13,02-SEP-13,03-SEP-13,04-SEP-13,05-SEP-13,06-SEP-13,09-SEP-13,10-SEP-13,11-SEP-13,12-SEP-13,13-SEP-13,15-SEP-13,16-SEP-13,17-SEP-13,18-SEP-13,19-SEP-13,20-SEP-13,21-SEP-13,23-SEP-13,24-SEP-13,25-SEP-13,26-SEP-13,27-SEP-13,28-SEP-13,30-SEP-13,01-OCT-13,02-OCT-13,03-OCT-13,04-OCT-13,05-OCT-13,07-OCT-13,08-OCT-13,09-OCT-13,10-OCT-13,11-OCT-13,12-OCT-13,14-OCT-13,15-OCT-13,16-OCT-13,17-OCT-13,18-OCT-13,21-OCT-13,22-OCT-13,23-OCT-13,24-OCT-13,25-OCT-13,28-OCT-13,29-OCT-13,30-OCT-13,31-OCT-13,01-NOV-13,04-NOV-13,05-NOV-13,06-NOV-13,07-NOV-13,08-NOV-13,11-NOV-13,12-NOV-13,13-NOV-13,14-NOV-13,15-NOV-13,18-NOV-13,19-NOV-13,20-NOV-13,21-NOV-13,22-NOV-13,25-NOV-13,26-NOV-13,27-NOV-13,28-NOV-13,29-NOV-13,02-DEC-13,03-DEC-13,04-DEC-13,05-DEC-13,06-DEC-13,09-DEC-13,10-DEC-13,11-DEC-13,12-DEC-13,13-DEC-13,16-DEC-13,17-DEC-13,18-DEC-13,19-DEC-13,20-DEC-13,02-JAN-14,03-JAN-14,06-JAN-14,07-JAN-14,08-JAN-14,09-JAN-14,10-JAN-14,13-JAN-14,14-JAN-14,15-JAN-14,16-JAN-14,17-JAN-14,20-JAN-14,21-JAN-14,22-JAN-14,23-JAN-14,24-JAN-14,27-JAN-14,28-JAN-14,29-JAN-14,30-JAN-14,31-JAN-14,03-FEB-14,04-FEB-14,05-FEB-14,06-FEB-14,07-FEB-14,10-FEB-14,11-FEB-14,12-FEB-14,13-FEB-14,14-FEB-14,17-FEB-14,18-FEB-14,19-FEB-14,20-FEB-14,21-FEB-14,24-FEB-14,25-FEB-14,26-FEB-14,27-FEB-14,28-FEB-14,03-MAR-14,04-MAR-14,05-MAR-14,06-MAR-14,07-MAR-14,10-MAR-14,11-MAR-14,12-MAR-14,13-MAR-14,14-MAR-14,17-MAR-14,18-MAR-14,19-MAR-14,20-MAR-14,21-MAR-14,24-MAR-14,25-MAR-14,26-MAR-14,27-MAR-14,28-MAR-14,31-MAR-14,01-APR-14,02-APR-14,03-APR-14,04-APR-14,07-APR-14,08-APR-14,09-APR-14,10-APR-14,11-APR-14,14-APR-14,15-APR-14,16-APR-14,17-APR-14,22-APR-14,23-APR-14,24-APR-14,25-APR-14,28-APR-14,29-APR-14,30-APR-14,01-MAY-14,02-MAY-14,06-MAY-14,07-MAY-14,08-MAY-14,09-MAY-14,12-MAY-14,13-MAY-14,14-MAY-14,15-MAY-14,16-MAY-14,19-MAY-14,20-MAY-14,21-MAY-14,22-MAY-14,23-MAY-14,27-MAY-14,28-MAY-14,29-MAY-14,30-MAY-14,02-JUN-14,03-JUN-14,04-JUN-14,05-JUN-14,06-JUN-14,09-JUN-14,10-JUN-14,11-JUN-14,12-JUN-14,13-JUN-14,16-JUN-14,17-JUN-14,18-JUN-14,19-JUN-14,20-JUN-14,23-JUN-14,24-JUN-14,25-JUN-14,26-JUN-14,27-JUN-14,30-JUN-14,01-JUL-14,02-JUL-14,03-JUL-14,04-JUL-14,07-JUL-14,08-JUL-14,09-JUL-14,10-JUL-14,11-JUL-14,14-JUL-14,15-JUL-14,16-JUL-14,17-JUL-14,18-JUL-14,21-JUL-14,22-JUL-14,23-JUL-14,24-JUL-14,25-JUL-14,28-JUL-14,29-JUL-14,30-JUL-14,31-JUL-14,01-AUG-14,04-AUG-14,05-AUG-14,06-AUG-14,07-AUG-14,08-AUG-14,11-AUG-14,12-AUG-14,13-AUG-14,14-AUG-14,15-AUG-14,18-AUG-14,19-AUG-14,20-AUG-14,21-AUG-14,22-AUG-14,26-AUG-14,27-AUG-14,28-AUG-14,29-AUG-14,01-SEP-14,02-SEP-14,03-SEP-14,04-SEP-14,05-SEP-14] }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Orders' } }, series: [{ data: [543,555,91,488,626,498,639,516,553,687,616,887,514,483,643,443,699,436,131,389,721,475,878,431,409,19,513,841,631,636,286,701,746,574,597,404,561,772,450,367,122,380,552,111,383,460,640,573,423,469,758,680,550,206,350,464,363,702,595,467,646,589,713,409,499,672,682,670,506,581,495,866,602,566,211,477,605,568,809,647,577,791,517,808,319,201,515,831,611,653,431,453,737,510,573,621,163,65,810,870,631,774,648,639,714,697,589,543,395,738,548,883,670,745,629,553,572,676,806,860,605,686,766,693,712,594,657,579,927,867,657,723,643,826,552,824,730,726,910,485,200,715,799,697,879,579,178,705,865,766,532,734,776,700,764,688,781,643,725,818,560,616,865,828,730,548,698,533,796,850,581,590,569,904,746,376,603,940,548,893,486,713,708,744,978,675,642,737,759,632,715,446,992,756,863,507,532,744,812,538,709,577,815,590,831,575,620,768,618,878,621,806,776,814,555,524,958,752,853,774,613,923,720,888,671,6,483,626,639,755,681,325,547,759,788,520,617,458,611,1021,878,909,653,139,515,794,750,708,555,155,549,744,755,997,531,534,801,702,824,550,574,773,829,705,475,603,688,881,805,645,634,873,644,748,619,655,791,655,800,632,585,814,646,743,693,564,823,699,848,539,580,726,587,722,504,562,557,408,443,285,517,299,483,536,610,731,509,554,667,651,570,544,570,650,688,503,598,699,655,676,612,566,632,730,706,707,569,591,885,728,780,504,648,691,840,664,648,746,760,651,629,499,674,843,582,764,745,767,724,661,831,584,788,954,716,690,581,719,926,807,749,454,681,945,798,856,686,603,905,711,845,470,604,845,753,615,767,713,852,546,819,864,831,746,600,862,733,907,717,770,868,789,997,605,886,808,763,652,721,633,698,760,713,681,898,821,819,721,787,738,767,728,540,660,759,767,620,615,687,852,751,727,527,680,733,735,750,623,862,811,845,805,720,772,811,861,755,648,773,799,884,801,652,605,700,884,896,714,877,808,810,669,774,784,766,989,794,741,810,870,818,576,629,676,744,733,679,750,880,878,604,450], pointStart: 0, pointInterval }] }); </script> <div id="container" style="height:100%; width:100%;"></div> Please can someone let me know what I am doing wrong?
I see two issues. First one is categories should be a list of strings, as other people already have mentioned: categories: ["<?php echo join($data0, '","') ?>"] Second issue: new Highcharts.Chart() is called before #container exists in the DOM. So you have to wrap the whole JS in a function to call it after DOM has loaded. This little jQuery piece will call the Highcharts function after the DOM has loaded. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { // your JS-code }); </script> Btw, both of these errors are logged in the JS console (don't know which browser you're using and thus how to access it).
Your categories must be strings - currently their output as simple characters after eachother. var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container', type: 'line' }, xAxis: { categories: ['01-NOV-12', '02-NOV-12'] }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Orders' } }, series: [{ data: [543,555] }] }); You can achieve this by changing your categories: [<?php echo join($data0, ',') ?>] to the following: categories: [<?php echo "'".implode($data0, "','")."'" ?>] The implode(seperator, array) function will put all of the values in your array right after each other, seperated by the given characters - expanding that to begin and end with an apostrophe will result in your dates being output as string category names. Also you've got a pointInterval attribute there at the end of your JS without any value, that was also resulting in the failure of the code. I've deprecated some of your sample data, but you'll get the point.
The categories should be an array of strings categories: ["<?php echo join('","',$data0) ?>"]
The javascript code isn't executed on document ready event. Thus perhaps the div with id='container' hasn't been created yet and the chart has nowhere to be drawn. Try putting the code after the div like that: <div id='container'> </div> <script> //highcharts config code </script> You could also put the javascript in a anonymous function and execute it after the declaration: <div id='container'> </div> <script> (function(){ //Highcharts config code here. } ()); </script> Also as the other answers are pointing out, the config is in json format so you should use valid JSON values e.g. string, number, true or false, or null.
Try change this line categories: ["<?php echo implode('","',$data0) ?>"]
Highcharts using JSON - graph not displaying mysql data
I have been able to produce results from mysql using: $myArray=array(); $tempArray = array(); // Get all records while ( $row = $results->fetch_assoc()) { $tempArray = $row; array_push($myArray, $tempArray); } echo json_encode($myArray); $mysqli->close(); ?> And I then included this to produce a chart on my page index.php by using the following Javascript. what concepts/code am I not understanding/missing to produce a chart based upon my ajax json? EDITED - SOLUTION: Final PHP code to produce the json: while ( $row = $results->fetch_assoc()) { $tempArray[0] = $row['unix_timestamp(auct.end_date)']; $tempArray[0] *= 1000; $tempArray[1] = $row['winning_bid']; array_push($myArray, $tempArray); } echo json_encode ($myArray, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); $mysqli->close(); ?> Final javascript code: $('#btn_search').click(function(){ txt_search = $('#txt_search').val(); $.ajax({ url: './php/search.php', type: 'GET', data: {search: txt_search}, dataType: 'json', success: function(rows) { chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'chartdiv', type: 'line', marginRight: 100, marginBottom: 50 }, title: { text: 'Whisky Tracking', x: -20 //center }, xAxis: { text: 'EndDate', type: 'datetime' }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Price', color: '#CC680E' }, plotLines: [{ value: 0, width: 20, color: '#CC680E' }] }, series: [{ name: txt_search, xAxis:0, data: rows, dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function() { return '£'+ Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 0); } } }], }); } }); goToByScroll('tracker'); return false; }); Sample Data from the JSON: [1306732000000,160],[1306745000000,45],[1306788000000,65],[1306788000000,50],[1306712000000,130],[1306733000000,240],[1306744000000,60],[1306788000000,250],[1306710000000,145]
The problem is that values are strings, for example, your data: ["2011-05-30 00:00:00","130"] Should be instead: [1306706400000, 130] To it's timestamp in ms and true value. You can read about JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK option for json_encode(string, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK) to change strings to numbers. But dates to timestamps you need to change on your own. Edit: Also the problem was with setting data in doubled array, changed from: data: [rows] to: data: rows
Highcharts Pie chart data Format via php
Am using Highcharts for pie chart. Below is the JS code for it : $(document).ready(function () { var chart; var graphData = $("#graphContentdata").val(); console.log(graphData); var options = { chart: { renderTo: 'graphContainer', plotBackgroundColor: null, plotBorderWidth: null, plotShadow: false }, title: { text: 'SOV' }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.percentage +' %'; } }, plotOptions: { pie: { allowPointSelect: true, cursor: 'pointer', dataLabels: { enabled: true, color: '#000000', connectorColor: '#000000', formatter: function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.percentage +' %'; } } } }, series: [{ type: 'pie', name: 'Browser share', data: [] }] } chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options); chart.series[0].setData("["+graphData+"]"); }); And PHP Code for generating the Data : foreach ($sumArray as $key=>$value) { $sumArray[$key] = array_sum($value); $percent = (number_format(($sumArray[$key]/$sovGrandTotal)*100,2)); $data[] = "['$key', $percent]"; } $data = join(",", $data); ?> <input type='hidden' id='graphContentdata' value="<?php echo $data; ?>"> The Data format Am getting is : ['', 0.23],['', 0.25],['me', 99.52] Problem is : chart.series[0].setData("["+graphData+"]"); not creating graph, but if i copy paste the value from console at palce of graphData variable, its working like: chart.series[0].setData([['', 0.23],['', 0.25],['me', 99.52]]); is working. What's the mistake am doing here???
The problem is your are passing your data as a String when you are using chart.series[0].setData("["+graphData+"]"); You need to set your data as an Array. You could do that by converting your String using eval: chart.series[0].setData(eval("["+graphData+"]")); You could also use jQuery to convert your String to JSON, but in that case you must use double quotes to open and close Strings: $.parseJSON("[[\"\", 0.23],[\"\", 0.25],[\"me\", 99.52]]");