Jquery val function join array inside existing values - javascript

I am working on a imageUploader.
If my idinput has a value i want to keep the values which ones are already existing and join the new values inside the val function.
See my if else statement. The If is working fine just need the else.
See my code :
if(imgIdInput.val('')) {
} else {
// imgIdInput.val(attachmentids) + new values which are saved as well in attachmentids... so the old one + the new values.
hopefully someone has a solution :D

It's hard to understand, what exactly you need without related html.
First of all, if you need to check, if current value is empty, you are doing it wrong. if (imgIdInput.val('')) will set value to empty string. To check, if it is empty use if (imgIdInput.val() == "").
To add new values to the ones you already have use imgIdInput.val(imgIdInput.val() + ", " + newValues). I used comma as separator just to show how it works.
If this is not what you are looking for, please clarify your question.


How to compare string variable using JavaScript

I am trying to compare the variable using javascipt:
response value: ""test#gmail.com""
response value i am getting it from server.
var str1="test#gmail.com"
var str2 =response;
However not getting the proper result.
any idea on how to compare them ?
There are a few ways to achieve your goal:
1) You can remove all " from the response when doing your equality check:
if(str1===str2.replace(/['"]+/g, ''))
2) Change your server code to not include ". Doing so, would mean that your Javascript will not need to change.
3) Last option, add " to your str1:
var str1='"test#gmail.com"'
var str2 =response;
Obviously I don't know enough about your requirements to tell you which one you should do, but my suggestion would be choice #2 because I think it's strange to return an email address wrapped in quotes, otherwise I would recommend #1.
You are trying to compare '""test#gmail.com""' with 'test#gmail.com'. They would never be equal.
Actually ""test#gmail.com"" is not a valid string. It might have been represented as '""test#gmail.com""' and "test#gmail.com" is a valid string (Same as 'test#gmail.com').

jQuery won't count up variables

I have a little problem with my jQuery script: instead of counting up all variables, the script puts them next to each other. How do I count up the variables? (I am new to jQuery, so maybe I overlooked something or made a stupid mistake).
This is the line of code that should count up the variables.
totalcost = ((commissioncost + paypalcost) + qrticketcost);
Often when you retrieve a value from a field using jquery's .val(), you'll get the string value (String type) instead of the numeric value you desire here. For instance, the field value may be 37.50, but you're getting "37.50" from .val()
So when you do this:
commissioncost = $('input[name=price]').val();
You'll get the String value.
So instead, try this:
commissioncost = Number($('input[name=price]').val());
This will convert/cast the value into a Number for you.
Also, a word of caution: just be sure whatever value is in that field, it can be evaluated as a Number, otherwise comissioncost will equal "NaN" (not a number) and will give you the same grief you're experiencing now. The rudimentary method to check if the type conversion was successful is:
commissioncost = Number($('input[name=price]').val());
// oops, value wasn't a number!
// hooray! value was a number (most of the time - but that's a longer discussion)
commissioncost is being treated as a string. So when you add it thinks you're wanting to concatenate.
When you pull it from the input, explicitly tell Javascript that it's a number/float.
commissioncost = parseFloat($('input[name=price]').val());

javascript regex match not working as expected

I'm trying to do something very simple, but I can't get to work the way I intend. I'm sure it's doing exactly what I'm asking it to do, but I'm failing to understand the syntax.
Part 1:
In the following example, I want to extract the part of the string between geotech and Input.
x = "geotechCITYInput"
The result:
["geotechCITYInput", "CITY"]
I've been writing regex for many years in perl/python and even javascript, but I've never seen the ?: syntax, which, I think, is what I'm supposed to use here.
Part 2:
The higher level problem I'm trying to solve is more complicated. I have a form with many elements defined as either geotechXXXXInput or geotechXXXXList. I want to create an array of XXXX values, but only if the name ends with Input.
Example form definition:
obj0.name = "geotechCITYInput"
obj1.name = "geotechCITYList"
obj2.name = "geotechSTATEInput"
obj3.name = "geotechSTATEList"
I ultimately want an array like this:
I can iterate over the form objects easily with an API call, but I can't figure out how to write the regex to match the ones I want. This is what I have right now, but it doesn't work.
geotechForm.forEachItem(function(name) {
inputFieldNames.push( name.match(/^geotech(.*)Input$/) );
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You were missing the Input and List suffix in your regex. This will match if the name starts with geotech and ends with either Input or List and it will return an array with the text in the middle as the second item in the array.
geotechForm.forEachItem(function (name) {
var match = name.match(/^geotech(.*)(Input|List)$/);
if (match) {

javascript variables always not equal

I have two variables, totalGuess and condensedAnswer. I am creating a jQuery click event and if totalGuess doesn't equal condensedAnswer then the click event will not occur and a div called message will display the message "Sorry, but your answer is incorrect. Please try again."
The problem is, totalGuess in the if statement is never equal to condensedAnswer. I've tried seeing typeof and they are both strings. I've tried console.log(totalGuess+"\n"+condensedAnswer); and they both return the same value. I've tried hardcoding the condensedAnswer, and totalGuess was able to be equal to the hardcoded answer. But when I tried comparing condensedAnswer with the hardcoded answer, it's not equal, even though the console.log value for condensedAnswer is the same. I'm not what's wrong.
Here's the code snippet:
var totalGuess = "";
var condensedAnswer = answer.replace(new RegExp(" ","g"), "");
totalGuess += $(this).val();
// if incorrect guess
if(totalGuess !== condensedAnswer) {
$('.message').text("Sorry, but your answer is incorrect. Please try again.");
// if user wins, congratulate them and submit the form
else {
return true;
If it helps, here's the page, just a random test cryptogram plugin for Wordpress:
The problem has nothing to do with the check. The problem is the fact your value you are checking against has hidden characters. However you are getting that string has the issue.
Simple debugging shows the problem
> escape(totalGuess)
> escape(condensedAnswer)
It has a null character at the end.
Now looking at how you fill in the answer you have an array with numbers
Look at the end we have a trailing comma
when you do a split that means the last index of your array is going to be "" and hence why you get a null.
Remove the trailing comma and it will magically work.

How to find number string inside delimited string

I've been working on this all day and just cannot seem to figure out why it won't work. I am grabbing a delimited string from a hidden field. I need to test to see if a string is contained in that original string. The simple example below should work but does not.
var orgStr = "091300159|091409568|092005411";
var newArr = orgStr.split('|');
console.log("inarray? " + $.inArray(newArr, "092005411"));
It seems to work if I can wrap quotes around each value but all attempts are unsuccessful.
In JQuery's inArray function the value needs to come before the array.
console.log("inarray? " + $.inArray("092005411", newArr));
You could also use the native indexOf operator as such:
console.log("inarray? " + newArr.indexOf("092005411"));
Both should output "inarray? 2" to the console.
Have a look at the $.inArray docs.
The first argument is the value and the second the array. You did the opposite.
$.inArray("092005411", newArr) correctly returns 2.
