Changing Height in CSS with Variable in JavaScript - javascript

So I'm trying to make the height of my DIV's respond to the width of the window. The code:
var w = window.innerWidth;
var mathW = parseInt(w);
var divHeight = mathW*0.16;
document.getElementById('demoDiv').style.height = divHeight;
With the CSS being:
#demoDiv {
margin: auto;
background-color: red;
width: 100%;
height: 50px; //just to start with SOMETHING
Obviously I'm having trouble with that! I've played around with it and definitely can change the height if I just use regular integers, but even using parseInt('divHeight') did nothing for me!

You are calucalting the height in a correct way. But in order to set the height you need to add dimension to the value (say px).
You dont need to do parseInt as window.innerWidth is a property with typeof number.
var w = window.innerWidth;
var divHeight = mathW*0.16;
document.getElementById('demoDiv').style.height = divHeight+"px";

What stops you from applying a pure CSS solution?
#demoDiv {
height: 16vw;
Requires no Javascript, is much shorter and performs faster, and no need to apply any resize handler when window size changes.


Convert vh units to px in JS

Unfortunately 100vh is not always the same as 100% browser height as can be shown in the following example.
body {
height: 100%;
body {
overflow: scroll;
.vh {
background-color: blue;
float: left;
height: 50vh;
width: 100px;
.pc {
background-color: green;
float: left;
height: 50%;
width: 100px;
<div class="vh"></div>
<div class="pc"></div>
The issue is more pronounced on iPhone 6+ with how the upper location bar and lower navigation bar expand and contract on scroll, but are not included in the calculation for 100vh.
The actual value of 100% height can be acquired by using window.innerHeight in JS.
Is there a convenient way to calculate the current conversion of 100vh to pixels in JS?
I'm trying to avoid needing to generate dummy elements with inline styles just to calculate 100vh.
For purposes of this question, assume a hostile environment where max-width or max-height may be producing incorrect values, and there isn't an existing element with 100vh anywhere on the page. Basically, assume that anything that can go wrong has with the exception of native browser functions, which are guaranteed to be clean.
The best I've come up with so far is:
function vh() {
var div,
div = document.createElement('div'); = '100vh'; = 'none'; = 'content-box';
h = div.clientHeight;
return h;
but it seems far too verbose for calculating the current value for 100vh, and I'm not sure if there are other issues with it.
How about:
function viewportToPixels(value) {
var parts = value.match(/([0-9\.]+)(vh|vw)/)
var q = Number(parts[1])
var side = window[['innerHeight', 'innerWidth'][['vh', 'vw'].indexOf(parts[2])]]
return side * (q/100)
viewportToPixels('100vh') // window.innerHeight
viewportToPixels('50vw') // window.innerWidth / 2
The difference comes from the scrollbar scrollbar.
You'll need to add the height of the scrollbar to the window.innerHeight. There doesn't seem to be a super solid way of doing this, per this other question:
Getting scroll bar width using JavaScript

How do I set a responsive proportional image that is relative to its own height – NOT its width

How do I set a responsive proportional image that is relative to its own height – NOT its width?
simply setting...
width: auto;
height: 100%;
doesn't give me proportional dimensions for my image.
How can I do that?
I've found the only consistent solution was a javascript one.
Introducing naturalWidth and naturalHeight.. supported on all browsers except IE8.
There is also a work around for IE8. ( )
If you don't mind using jquery and underscore you could set each width like so.
$(window).load( function() {
function imgWidth(){
$("img").each( function(){
nWidth = $(this)[0].naturalWidth;
nHeight = $(this)[0].naturalHeight;
nRatio = nWidth/nHeight;
curHeight = $(this).height();
$(this).css("width", curHeight*nRatio);
var updateLayout = _.debounce( function(e) {
}, 500);
window.addEventListener("resize", updateLayout, false);
Image manipulation becomes stupidly convoluted in HTML/CSS. The height tags directly on the img get ignored in a lot of scenarios, depending on div properties. I think the simplest way is to create a div with the image in question set as the background.
.img-div {
height:x; width:x;
background-size:auto 100%;
Here's a demonstration:

Changing Div Width via Javascript

I'm making a website for my art gallery. Part of what I need to do is display images to the viewers in a way in which they can view them. And I want to do this without reducing the quality of the images, or having to save all of my images in many different sizes to cater to every user.
So, I've made a Javascript function to resize my images to fit completely on the viewer's screen. My code looks like
<img src="[image.png]" onload="setGoodHeight(this);">
where the function setGoodHeight(element) is defined as:
function setGoodHeight (element) {
if(window.innerHeight-50 < element.height) {
var h = element.height;
var w = element.width;
element.height = window.innerHeight - 50;
element.width = w * element.height / h;
if (window.innerWidth-100 < element.width) {
var h = element.height;
var w = element.width;
element.width = window.innerWidth - 100;
element.height = h * element.width / w;
In shorthand, this first checks whether the image is higher than the screen it's trying to be displayed on, and if it is (it usually is) the image is resized to fit comfortably on the screen. Then it checks if, after this, the image is wider than the screen, and if so it shrinks it further. I have verified that this code works.
However, the image is contained within a class called .post I want the post area to wrap to that of the image, at least in width, and so at the end of my javascript function, I added this code:
element.parentNode.width = element.width + 40;
But the post doesn't resize itself. For reference, the code on the actual webpage concerning this can be boiled down to
<div class="post">
<img src="[image.jpg]" onload="setGoodHeight(this);">
and if you need to look around it a little more it can be found at this link.
How about a pure CSS solution, it will also update magically if the user resizes their browser.
html, body, #fullscreen {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
#fullscreen {
background: url('') center center no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
<div id="fullscreen"></div>
Check the doc for background-size. There are other values like "contain" that might suit you better.
I think you're looking for
I was using these in a function to set the max-height & max-width
function imageLoad(item) {
$(item).attr("max-height", item.naturalHeight);
$(item).attr("max-width", item.naturalWidth);

Programmatically Resizing Divs

I'm working on an HTML5 browser game that can be divided into 3 parts: two UI panels on the left and right of a center set of square canvases for the playing surface. The three panels need to be horizontally aligned, and the total game needs to keep an aspect ratio of 16:9. The left and right panels should be of equal widths, and all three panels must be of equal height. I have specified a minimum width and height inside a resize() function called when an onresize event is detected.
Currently, each panel is a div, and all three are contained inside a section. Right now, the section isn't necessary, but I want to keep the game separated from extra content at the bottom of the screen that I might choose to add later.
The CSS style is as follows:
* {
vertical-align: baseline;
font-weight: inherit;
font-family: inherit;
font-style: inherit;
font-size: 100%;
border: 0 none;
outline: 0;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
#gameSection {
white-space: nowrap;
overflow-x: hide;
overflow-y: hide;
#leftPanel, #centerPanel, #rightPanel {
display: inline-block;
#leftPanel {
background-color: #6495ed;
#centerPanel {
background-color: #e0ffff;
#rightPanel {
background-color: #b0c4de;
Right now, I have set the background color of each div just to show me when I'm correctly setting the size of each div.
The body of my HTML document is as follows:
<body onresize="resize()">
<section id="gameSection">
<div id="leftPanel">Left Panel.</div>
<div id="centerPanel">Center Panel.</div>
<div id="rightPanel">Right Panel.</div>
And finally, my resize() function (I created a separate function for resizing the game in case I add more elements below later):
function resize() {
var MIN_GAME_WIDTH = 800;
var MIN_GAME_HEIGHT = 450;
var GAME_ASPECT_RATIO = 16 / 9;
var width = window.innerWidth;
var height = window.innerHeight;
var gWidth, gHeight;
if(width < MIN_GAME_WIDTH || height < MIN_GAME_HEIGHT) {
else if ((width / height) > GAME_ASPECT_RATIO) {
<!-- width is too large for height -->
gHeight = height;
gWidth = height * GAME_ASPECT_RATIO;
else {
<!-- height is too large for width -->
gWidth = width;
gHeight = width / GAME_ASPECT_RATIO;
resizeGame(gWidth, gHeight, GAME_ASPECT_RATIO);
function resizeGame(var gWidth, var gHeight, var aspectRatio) {
var gSection = document.getElementById("gameSection");
var lPanel = document.getElementById("leftPanel");
var cPanel = document.getElementById("centerPanel");
var rPanel = document.getElementById("rightPanel");
gSection.height = gHeight;
gSection.width = gWidth;
<!-- should the below be taken care of in the CSS? -->
lPanel.height = gHeight;
cPanel.height = gHeight;
rPanel.height = gHeight;
cPanel.width = cPanel.height;
lPanel.width = (gWidth - cPanel.width) / 2;
rPanel.width = lPanel.width;
I've tried a number of different commands to resize the divs, but it just isn't working for me. When I try adding test canvases, color appears, but the boxes still aren't the correct size. I have also considered loading an invisible background image to each div and scaling it to the desired size; however, I was able to resize my canvas using the above method before and it seemed to work just fine.
Additional Notes
While I've already had pretty good success resizing a single canvas, I don't want to use just one canvas for the game because not all parts of the UI need to be drawn at the same time.
I'm trying to keep this solely in Javascript.
I suspect that I could just use CSS to handle resizing by fixing the aspect ratio to 16:9 and using width:56.25% for the center panel and width:21.875% for the side panels, but that limits me to one aspect ratio and doesn't explain why my above script isn't working.
I can provide the entire HTML file if needed. This is what it's supposed to look like:
End Goal (without right panel)
Thank you!
I got it kind of working here. I made a lot of changes/minor fixes to the code before finding what was wrong (other than various syntax errors):
You were using .width and .height instead of .style.width and .style.height, and you were applying integers to these instead of strings with "px" appended to them. Both of these things are completely understandable to miss.
I also moved the onresize from the body tag into the JS, don't know why it wasn't working on jsfiddle, but this is good practice anyways.
In the future: learn how to debug JS using the console and when you ask questions, use small examples, not your entire codebase. This question could have been simplified to "How do I resize a div?" with one line of JS and one div. You also should consider not doing this specific thing in JS, and using flexbox as redbmk said.

how to center and make various images sizes fit in a container

I'm using bxslider to have a carousel of images. The thing is though, the images it receives to display are of somewhat unpredictable sizes. The container size is 243x243. And we know that no image will have a side smaller than 243. So...I'd like to center the image in the container. And either zoom in until the shorter of the two dimensions (L vs W) fills the container at 243, and the longer dimension overflow is hidden.
For the images I'm working with, doing this will be perfect for getting the important details of the picture in the frame.
But I'm having trouble...
I've tried the following to center the picture in the frame:
jQuery(".bx-container").each(function() {
var img_w = jQuery(this).children("img").width();
var img_h = jQuery(this).children("img").height();
var pos_top = (img_h - containerHeight) / 2;
var pos_left = (img_w - containerWidth) / 2;
var pos_top = (243 - img_h) / 2;
var pos_left = (243 - img_w) / 2;
'top' : pos_top + 'px',
'left' : pos_left + 'px'
And I've tried this to position not square images into the frame:
var refRatio = 1;
var imgH = jQuery(this).children("img").height();
var imgW = jQuery(this).children("img").width();
if ( (imgW/imgH) < refRatio ) {
} else {
I've messed with both scripts and the css but I just can't seem to get it work. It either centers but doesn't resize right. Or resizes but centers wrong. Or does both wrong.
Here's the jsfiddle:
Could someone help me out?
New jsfiddle...the portrait ones work right. The landscape images still squish. :(
I THINK it has something to do with relatively positioned elements not being allowed to overlap. Trying to find a fix. If anyone knows, edit the last fiddle I posted.
jQuery(".bx-container img").each(function () {
var w = jQuery(this).width();
var h = jQuery(this).height();
if (w > h) $(this).addClass('bx-landscape');
else $(this).addClass('bx-portrait');
Check this Updated JSFiddle
jQuery(".bx-container img").each(function () {
var w = jQuery(this).width();
var h = jQuery(this).height();
if (w > h){
var trans= -243/2;
else if(h > w){
var trans= -243/2;
check this JSFiddle
Update of Update
Found the issue with landscape, the plugin is setting max-width:100%; overriding it with max-width:none; fixes the issue...
Update Of Updated Fiddle
Try this:
Simple an clean.
I did a couple things to your jsfiddle.
First I changed the order of your resize and center functions, so the resize comes first. This way, the smaller images get resized, then centered. I also uncommented the first portion of your code.
You also had a couple of errors in your css. There was an extra closing bracket after img style declaration. Your .bx-portrait img and .bx-landscape img declarations were set to 100%px;.
Change the css in your two .bx classes to:
.bx-portrait img {
height: 100%;
width: auto;
.bx-landscape img {
height: auto;
width: 100%;
And add a clearfix to your ul:
.bxslider:after {
content: '';
clear: both;
display: table;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
The height is clipping because .bx-viewport has a set height of 243px but also has a 5px border, which makes the actual internal height 233px. You'll need to make the height 253px to account for the 10px of border. This is why they don't look centered vertically.
Why don't you just use background images instead and center them. Here is a demo from your original code
If you want to show the full size image, just remove the background-size:contain; from the css.
