Dropzone upload in background (PHP) - javascript

I'm trying to upload multiple large files at once with Dropzone. I want to do so in asynchronous way.
It means, when I drop the files into Dropzone I want all of them to start uploading right away and at the same time I want to be able to leave the page (while uploading still continues).
When I drop multiple files now, they start to upload, but I cannot change the page immediately - the browser is waiting for the first file to be uploaded, then it finally goes to another page.
Is it possible to do the above with Dropzone? Is there some other way how to do this in PHP? Thank you.

I want all of them to start uploading right away and at the same time
I want to be able to leave the page (while uploading still continues).
Leave the page while uploading isn't possible.
A solution would be to use a singe page application, so you have never to reload the hole page. If you only change the content, it is possible to sill upload the content.


Prevent file preview Images when dragging/dropping files over browser

I want to handle a custom Image from my react-code when a user drags files over my App.
I know there is setDragImage, but I think this is for elements inside the App, because it only can be called with onDragStart, which won't get triggered when I move a file from a file-explorer over the app.
So in other words: how to get rid of this picture when moving files over the browser:
I dont want this
If this only can be achieved within the browser, how to do this with WebView2 / WebKit?
Thanks a lot! :)
I tried DataTransfer.setDragImage() with an empty image, but the problem is onDragStart did not get triggered because the drag operation is coming from "outside".

Jquery drag n drop file loading progress

I am building file uploading/drag and drop.
I used this jquery plugin: https://github.com/jaysalvat/ezdz
Dnd is working well, but I just wanted to upload huge size of the file, over 1GB.
When I drag and drop the file into dropzone, it always takes too long time to load the file in the browser(not upload - didn't click "upload" button. Just loading to the browser to load that file.)
So, I just wanted to check this progress(loading file to the browser). This is not checking uploading progress, I think this is something different with checking file uploading progress.
Is there any solution to check this?

Using dropzone.js allow selecting one file at a time but can upload many

I'm using dropzone.js
The Issue is i want to allow user to select only one file at a time (when selecting from pop-up window/dialogue-box)
And when one is uploaded he can add more but with above restriction
Will you guys please help me out
I tried maxFiles:1 but what it does it allow user to select one file from pop-window(perfect), but after that, if a user tries to add another one it crashes,
A new section for uploading image opens (an image preview, status bar and delete button (preview remains null))Upload button turns to loading and it keeps loading and loading
And on inspecting
inspecting that second loading image section in Google console
I got that it is giving an error message that you can't upload more file...
<div class="dz-error-message"><span data-dz-errormessage="">You can not upload any more files.</span></div>
Please help me out, I shall be very thankful

Is it possible to serve up a different file than the intended one to be downloaded via JavaScript?

At work they want to do this to prevent people from downloading images easily from our site. They won't go the disable right click option, so they want to do what Flickr is doing:
If you right click and try to download that image it downloads the entire html page instead. Can this be done via JS or is it something handled by the server?
I know all this goes against usability and doesn't actually prevent people from ripping off images but it's what the ticket I'm assigned asks for.

executing code after download starts

I would like to add an animated loader image, which would appear after the user triggers downloading of an attachment, and disappear after the download actually starts - when the browser starts downloading the file (or displays the download confirmation dialog). The reason for it is that the attachments are quite complex documents generated on the server side, which takes some time and an animated loader would reassure the user that the page is working (and disable the download button until the download starts).
The attachment has properly set Http headers.
Here is what it looks like now:
var link = $("#download-link");
link.click(function () {
$(document).load(link.attr("href"), function () {
return false;
The main problem is that the load method obviously doesn't do what I would like to achieve. Is there a way to capture the actual start of downloading, triggered by window.location change?
You can do is.
Disable the whole screen until the Download is ready ( the server side processing).
And the user clicks a button download and the user directly downloads the file.
Approaches followed by most of the downloading website.
eg. Mediafire.com
PS: Disable the whole screen mean a System type dialog. disabling other options.
Why don't you show the loader image first?
If I understand correctly now, the problem is that you want the loader image to disappear once the file begins to download, and at present it disappears once the file has finished downloading?
I don't think there's an easy way to do it with jQuery, but if you drop down to using the normal JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object directly, you will get several callbacks at various stages of downloading that you can access through the readyState property.
