I have a big Google Apps Script project working on Google Spreadsheets and I am trying to convert it to an office-js add-in that works on Excel Workbooks. I understand that it is good practice to put everything that will be calling excel specific functions (directly interacting with the workbook) into an Excel.run() function so it does a proper clean-up and no memory leaks occur. I also understand I should do context.sync() as little as possible to optimize performance.
Here are my questions, (I think some of them come from my incomplete grasp of how js works; these things GAS handled without me needing to question them) :
1a) When we put our block of code in
Excel.run(context => {
//code that does stuff with context;
where does the context come from? Is this equivalent to
Excel.run(()=> {
let context = new Excel.RequestContext;
//code that does stuff with context;
1b) Also, if context gets generated with every new function why would I ever return context.sync() and not just context.sync()?
Is a new, second context generated in this case and what happens to it?
function handle_error(e){//second context generated in case of error
let context=New Excel.RequestContext;
await context.sync();
some_logging_function(context.workbook.name, e);
function data_func(some_data: Non-Excel-Interface): Other-Non-Excel-Interface{
//manipulate data
//in case of error
//continue with data massaging
return altered_data;
Excel.run(context=>{ //first context
let values = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem('Sheet1').getUsedRange().values;
let some_data: Non-Excel-Interface = {sheetName: 'Sheet1', data: values};
let new_vals = data_func(some_data);
context.workbook.worksheets.getItem('Sheet1').getUsedRange().values = new_vals.new_data;
If I put my main code inside Excel.run, then pass and return context: Excel.RequestContext and range: Excel.Range in other functions do I need Excel.run() in those functions, too? In other words, should the code inside functions a() and b() be inside Excel.run()?
function a(rng: Excel.Range, values:string[][]):Excel.Range{
rng.values = values;
return rng;
function b(context: Excel.RequestContext): Excel.RequestContext{
context.workbook.load('name');//load name property, but don't context.sync()
return context;
Excel.run(async context=>{
context = b(context);
let rng = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem('Sheet1').getUsedRange();
await context.sync();//values property and workbook name property must be available now
rng = a(rng, [['aa', 'bb', 'cc']]);
await context.sync();//new values must be available now
console.log(context.workbook.name, rng.values);//should show the title of the workbook and the newly assigned values of the range
Also, what is the advantage of asynchronous functions if I have to explicitly wait every time I need a value? I mean, if I am going to use context.sync() sparingly, that means I use it only when I desperately need it, so it must always come with await. So why not make context.sync() synchronous by default?
I'll try to answer some of these questions and try to get some help for the others. I also recommend the book Building Office Add-ins for an understanding of the Office JavaScript library. See this too, if you haven't already: Application specific API model.
1a. Yes. That's essentially correct. Under the hood, Excel.run creates an Office.RequestContext object and passes it to the batch function parameter. (But your two code blocks are not literally equivalent. You would not call Excel.run AND explicitly create a RequestContext object.)
1b. From skimming the book I linked to, I think that you have to return what the book calls the meta-promise so that the Excel.run can resolve the Promise that it returns. Here's an example from the book:
Excel.run(function (context) {
var selectionRange = context.workbook.getSelectedRange();
return context.sync()
.then(function () {
var rowCount = selectionRange.values.length;
var columnCount = selectionRange.values[0].length;
for (var row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) {
for (var column = 0; column < columnCount; column ++) {
if (selectionRange.values[row][column] > 50) {
selectionRange.getCell(row, column)
.format.fill.color = "yellow";
From skimming the book I linked to, I think that the answer is yes; the Excel.run always creates a new context object and passes it to the batch function. There are techniques and an override of Excel.run that enable you to pass an object created in one context to another call of Excel.run, but these are intended for use with independent calls of Excel.run, not nested calls, as in your case.
No. You should not call Excel.run inside a or b.
I think there are scenarios in which you would not need to await context.sync. For example, when all the code in the parent function that comes after the context.sync only affects the UI of a task pane and does not depend on reading any data from the current Office document. The good practice of minimizing calls of context.sync is because it requires a round-trip between the document and JavaScript runtime in which the add-in code is running (on the user's computer). This would be true regardless of whether context.sync is synchronous or not.
For 1a, here's one of the descriptions of how the Run function works which I'm getting from ScriptLab's intellisense:
A function that takes in a RequestContext and returns a promise (typically, just the result of "context.sync()"). The context parameter facilitates requests to the Excel application. Since the Office add-in and the Excel application run in two different processes, the RequestContext is required to get access to the Excel object model from the add-in.
In terms of 1b, I don't think so. RequestContext does not seem to be an object you can instantiate yourself.
EDIT: actually it does look like this is possible. Please see below:
$("#run").click(() => tryCatch(run));
async function run() {
await Excel.run(async () => {
let ctx:Excel.RequestContext = new Excel.RequestContext();
let wb: Excel.Workbook = ctx.workbook
let rang: Excel.Range = wb.getSelectedRange()
await ctx.sync()
/** Default helper for invoking an action and handling errors. */
async function tryCatch(callback) {
try {
await callback();
} catch (error) {
// Note: In a production add-in, you'd want to notify the user through your add-in's UI.
I'd recommend against using this approach. Passing in anonymous functions, like in the original example, is very common in JavaScript. So this would likely be considered a bad practice.
I don't know this is possible, but I have some special situations requiring it.
//Obj is a class with nothing.
Obj.prototype.v1 = function(){
//this is a normal statement.
//it could be something else
return 3;
//or it can be any way to declare a function:
var v1 = function(){return 3};
Obj.prototype.v2 = function(){
return this.v1()+2;
How to make it directly returns 3 here? It's like the function v1() is something like pseudocode this.return(3) for v2(), and certainly nothing can be reached after the first return.
If I'm generating the code dynamically and it has to be a return in the second function. (So it can easily get unexpected token for return (return 3).v2(), while trying to get the inside function to be called behaving like it's part of current function.)
Is there anyway to make this.v1() directly cause outside function v2() to return, for the first return it encounters? Preferably by focusing on modifying v1().
Is there anyway to make this.v1() directly cause outside function v2() to return, for the first return it encounters?
The idiomatic solution is to express this logic in v2. For example, you could cause v1 to modify a flag that decides what v2 does:
Obj.prototype.v1 = function(){
this.v1.continue = true; /* XXX: Continue? */
this.v1.continue = false; /* ... or not? */
return 3;
Obj.prototype.v2 = function(){
var ret_val = this.v1()+2;
if (!this.v1.continue) {
/* XXX: Insert more code here */
We're talking about rather basic JavaScript here. Do you have a book?
Preferably by focusing on modifying v1().
I'm sure it's possible to circumvent the control of execution that v2 has when v1 returns in some situations, but that doesn't make it a good idea. Think about how difficult it'll become to debug this code!
For example, you could throw an error which v2 doesn't catch, and catch it further upstream. Such a hideous abuse of throw would be worse than the abuse of goto! Don't modify your code flow in such an unclear manner; it makes maintenance and debugging a nightmare!
I have a simple javascript error logging mechanism in place and it looks somewhhat like this:
window.onerror = function (ErrorMsg, Url, LineNumber, Col, Error) {
// ajax these to the server, including Error.stack}
The problem is that I'd also like to get the value of the local variables and function parameters when the error occurred. Is this even possible?
I'm thinking about modifying the Function prototype so that each time a function runs, its arguments are stored in a global array of strings and then the error handler would just add this array to the ajax call. Can JavaScript do this?
#1 Can local scope be recovered in onerror() without black magic?
Without this being bound in the scope of window.onerror() or the surrounding variables being directly accessible, it's impossible to regain access to the variables you had set.
What you're mostly wanting access to is this.arguments or arguments or the equivalent, but that's destroyed. Any hope of obtaining a key-value associative array or hash-like object would involve meta-programming ( i.e. reading the function definition to obtain the variable names, and obtaining an exception report to attempt to salvage data ).
See this answer for more on something similar:
Getting All Variables In Scope
But this "lacking functionality" is a good thing:
If you could gain access to what you're asking for, that would likely be a fault in the Javascript engine. Why? Because the variable states and contents themselves are what caused the exception/error, assuming bad code wasn't the issue to begin with.
In other words, if you could get access to a faulty variable, that might be a door into an infinite loop:
Failure due to variable contents.
Error handler triggered.
Trace contents of variable.
Failure due to variable contents.
Error handler triggered.
Trace contents of variable.
#2 Can Javascript store all arguments of every function call by voodoo?
Yes. It can. This is probably a really bad idea ( see #1 ) but it is possible. Here is a pointer on where to start:
Is there a way to wrap all JavaScript methods with a function?
From there, what you're wanting to do is push this.arguments or equivalent to a stack of function calls. But again, this is approaching insanity for many reasons. Not the least of which is the need to duplicate all the values, lest you reference mutated variables, or be unable to access the data at all... and like I said above, the problem of bad data in general. But still, it is possible.
Is this even possible?
No. A stack trace is proof that the stack has unwound, all stack frames and all the local variables they contained are gone. As for getting the name of a variable, that is not even possible at run time.
To start off i accept #Tomalak completely.
I was also put in your situation where i needed to debug a remote running app in case of crash.
As a work around I have forked my code for you in a fiddler. Please modify according to your need.
Caveat: You have to wrap the function body with try{..}catch(e){..} as illustrated in the fiddler code.
Please read the inline comments for understanding.
window.onerror = function (errorMsg, url, lineNumber, column, errorObj) {
window.addEventListener("reportOnError", function(e){
/*Send to the server or any listeners for analysis.*/
function ExceptionReport(ex, args, scope) {
var self = {};
self.message = ex.message;
self.stack = ex.stack;
self.name = ex.name;
self.whoCalled = args.callee.caller.name == "" ? "Window": args.callee.caller.name;
self.errorInFunction = args.callee.name;
self.instanceOf = scope.constructor;
self.KeyPairValues = getParamNames(arguments.callee.caller.toString(), Array.prototype.slice.call(args)); //Contains the parameters value set during runtime
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('reportOnError', {'detail':self}));
function getParamNames(fnBody, values) {
var STRIP_COMMENTS = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg,
ARGUMENT_NAMES = /([^\s,]+)/g,
result = fnBody.slice(fnBody.indexOf('(')+1, fnBody.indexOf(')')).match(ARGUMENT_NAMES),
fnBody.replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, '');
if(result !== null){
for(var i=0; i < result.length; i++){
obj[result[i]] = values.length !==0 ? values[i] : null;
obj = null;
return obj;
This is a testing/sample function that throws the error
function testing(a,b,c){
dummy(1,2) ; //This line throws the error as reference error.
ExceptionReport(e, arguments, this);
//Class Emulation: For instanceof illustration.
function testingClass(){
this.testing = testing;
//Named self executing function: This calls the function
var myvar = (function myvar(){
//Illustrating instanceof in exception
var myVar2 = new testingClass();
//Calling from global scope this is Window
//Without variables
I have used examples to illustrate the behavior of functions called in different circumstances.
Below signifies the varialble used for
self.KeyPairValues : Used to store the function parameter set/passed during runtime
self.errorInFunction : This stores the name of the function error was caused in.
self.whoCalled : This stores the function name that invoked the defective function
self.instanceOf : This stores the name of the instance is called creating a new instance.
Other variables are same as in Error object
The others answers here are spot on, but I might be able to offer a suggestion for a slightly different way to accomplish this. Instead of trying to track all scope in your program, why not add a tagging function that tracks the scope of one function's parameters without affecting the runtime of the function. For for example:
var globalRecord = {};
function record(name, fn) {
return function () {
var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
var record = globalRecord[name] = {
args: args,
arg: {}
args.unshift(function (name, value) {
return record[name] = value;
fn.apply(args, arguments);
// Then, you track variables like this
var func = record("func", function (record, a, b, c) {
record("a", a); // named parameters are accessible now
record("b", b); // if some error occurs in the function body
return a + b + c;
// Calling func still behaves as before.
func(1, 2, 3);
// Errors handled like this:
window.onerror = function () {
globalRecord.func.args; // ==> last set of arguments past to function
globalRecord.func.arg.a; // specific arguments recorded with names
You could even use this method to track scope without using a function by anonymously calling the recorded function.
record("test", function (record) {
var a = record("a", /* whatever */);
var b = record("b", /* ... */ );
// do scope specific stuff that might fail
Of course, this isn't a polished implementation by any stretch, but with a little work, I think you might be able to get the behavior you're looking for without any seriously black magic. By selectively adding and removing record calls as the need presents itself, you can have precise control over what is logged without any intrusive hacks.
You can find your answer in this link.
Before taking bundles from the server, you must modify them. For example, to solve your problem, you can do changes in the mentioned link as follows. In the BuildBundleContent Class make this change:
string.Format("if(customErrorLogging)customErrorLogging({0}, this){1}",
errVariable, hasContent ? ";" : ""));
If in the modules you have to use something like:
var self = this;
You can use:
string.Format("if(customErrorLogging)customErrorLogging({0}, self ? self : this){1}",
errVariable, hasContent ? ";" : ""));
And in added js file:
"use strict";
var customErrorLogging = function (ex, module) {
//do something...
I hope help you.
JavaScript has all amounts of crazy flexibility. I decided to take advantage of it and have a function change itself on the first call. Is this a bad thing to do? It works like this:
var nextAfter = function(){};
Something.prototype.next = function(){
//do pre-start actions.
this.next = nextAfter;
This function is called inside of a main loop, so it gets called many times, but the instance is only ever "supposed" to be instantiated once.
It is a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
For example, It can be a useful way of implementing state changes in a state machine, but I'm sure that you could find many other uses.
You may also want to look into how to implement the same functionality with closures -- it may be cleaner depending on the use case.
Edit; example of a closure which doesn't change the prototype
Something = (function(){
var next = function() { next = nextAfter; console.log("A"); }
var nextAfter = function() { console.log("B"); }
return {
next: function(){ next(); }
The benefit of the closure is that you don't change the global prototype function for that object type, and you can now have multiple independent object where each closure object can keep their own state.
I was reading an article about private/protected members "emulation"
with javascript ( i know it's not a best practice but it's for research purpose )
For example, in this code we've:
var Class = (function() { // Open closure
var caller = null;
var mayAccessWrapped = false;
function wrapmethod(method) {
mayAccessWrapped = true;
if (method.__getWrappedMethod) {
method = method.__getWrappedMethod();
mayAccessWrapped = false;
var wrapped = function wrapper() {
var prevCaller = caller;
caller = wrapper;
var returns;
try {
returns = method.apply(this, arguments);
finally {
caller = prevCaller;
return returns;
wrapped.__getWrappedMethod = function() {
if (mayAccessWrapped) { return method; }
throw "Error: only the wrapping function may access the wrapped method";
return wrapped;
return Class;
})(); // End Class closure
"wrapped" method is used multiple times from same object and it uses caller variable to "inject" informations about the "caller" with "called" method ( alternative to deprecated arguments.callee).
But, in a concurrent scope, is this way thread safe? Is it possible that another method can change the value of caller variable invalidating data consistency?
If you literally mean "thread-safe," I think that the first question must be ... is your JavaScript interpreter thread-safe? Does it allow two or more threads to own their own interpreter-context? Is it designed with the necessary internal mutual-exclusion mechanisms to permit two or more threads to simultaneously access an interpreter's internal context/state? (And if so, are you using these facilities in exactly the prescribed way?)
If not, your program is quite certain to crash. The threads will wind up scribbling on the interpreter's internal state and "down she goes."