Ember.js re-render links on locale change - javascript

My application uses the ember-i18n addon. For SEO purposes, I wanted to put a /[lang-code]/ in the URL.
When changing the language, history.pushState can change the URL and its alright, but the links on the page do not change for the new language, even though router.rootURL is changed.
So far I can just change the window.location.pathname, but thus a new network request is being made.
I tried overriding the href-to helper (from ember-href-to addon) and added this:
_recomputeOnLocaleChange: Ember.observer('i18n.locale', function() {
It executes on locale change, but apparently recompute does nothing. Even with setTimeout (because perhaps rootURL didn't change yet). Links are all the same.
Can you suggest anything? Would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!

In the didTransition hook of your router.js file, check if the locale has changed and set a property on a service to the new locale if it has. Then in your helper, you can check that property.
In router.js:
oldI18nLocale: null,
didTransition() {
// ...
let i18nLocale = this.get('locale.i18n');
if (i18nLocale !== this.get('oldI18nLocale')) {
this.set('someService.i18nlocale', this.get('locale.i18n');
this.set('oldI18nLocale', i18nLocale));
In your helper:
recomputeOnLocaleChange: Ember.observer('someService.i18nLocale', function() {
Hope this works.


Shopware 5, open BatchProcess window from Own Plugin

I hope its not to harsh to ask not to mince matters.
Here we go:
I have a problem developing a custom Plugin for Shopware 5.
I already have a working plugin which lists orders for certain criteria.
Now I want a Button (which i already have) in the toolbar of this grid-window.
The Button should open the Batch Process Window which is already available in the native "Order" Window of shopware.
Q: How Can I open this app with the selected Ids of my grid?
Heres what I have:
createToolbarButton: function () {
var me = this;
return Ext.create('Ext.button.Button', {
text: 'Batch Processing Orders',
name: 'customBatchProcessButton',
cls: 'secondary',
handler: function () {
onClickCustomBatchProcessButton: function(me){
var thisGrid = me.getTransferGrid();
var records = thisGrid.getSelectionModel().getSelection();
name: 'Shopware.apps.Order',
action: 'batch',
params: {
mode: 'multi',
records: records
It always opens the normal view of the order window. (no error in console)
Anybody has a suggestions?
That would be great!
Thanks for your time :)
Hey, thank you for your reply so far.
I managed to open the Batch-process-window like this:
orderStatusStore: Ext.create('Shopware.apps.Base.store.OrderStatus').load(),
records: orderRecords,
mode: 'multi'
But now the Problem ist, the Event for the Batch-Process isn't applied on the button on the form...
I am still on try and error.
Many Shopware ExtJS SubApplications can be executed from another app with certain parameters exactly the way you're trying to. Unfortunately I don't see any code in the Order plugin that might lead to the desired result. You can see what actions/params a Shopware SubApplication supports by reading the init function of the main controller -> Shopware.apps.Order.controller.Main
Shopware.apps.Customer.controller.Main from the Customer plugin for example accepts an action like you are using it – it is checking for this:
if (me.subApplication.action && me.subApplication.action.toLowerCase() === 'detail') {
if (me.subApplication.params && me.subApplication.params.customerId) {
//open the customer detail page with the passed customer id
In the Order plugin there is similar code, but it just takes an order ID and opens the detail page for the corresponding order. It apparently doesn't feature the batch.Window
You might be able to reuse this class somehow, but that might be a ton of code you need to adapt from the actual Order plugin. If you really need this feature, you can carefully read how the Order plugin is initializing the window and its dependencies and have a try.
I'd rather go for developing a lightweight module in this scenario (It's a frame within a backend window that just uses controllers and template views with PHP/Smarty/HTML)

What is the best practice for maintain a menu after a page reload? I have this custom code which feels wrong

I have a custom Menu which loads a new MVC View for each click as I want.
I load the new View by setting window.location.href. To make it work I have to set the baseURL (the name of the website) each time. To Store the state of the menu I use URL's querystring.
My concerns is in the use of:
'/WebConsole53/' // hardcode baseurl i have to apply each time manually
Setting window.location.href to load the new View from JavaScript // Is this the best way or should I use some URL/Html helpers instead?
I store the state of the selected menuItem in the querystring ("menu") // Is it more common to store that kind in Session/Cookie?
Any thoughts, corrections and suggestions would be much appriciated - thanks.
var controller = $self.data('webconsole-controller');
var action = $self.data('webconsole-action');
var menu = "?menu=" + $self.attr('id');
var relUrl = controller + "/" + action + menu;
var url = urlHelper.getUrl(relUrl);
window.location.href = url;
var urlHelper = function () {
var getBaseUrl = '/WebConsole53/',
buildUrl = function(relUrl) {
return getBaseUrl + relUrl;
var getUrl = function(relUrl) { // relUrl format: 'controller/action'
return buildUrl(relUrl);
return {
getUrl: getUrl
I Use MVC 5.
You can save this problem using Route. Through the route you know exactly where you are located in you application.
_Layout.cshtml is definetely not the place to have this javascript. Maybe you are missing some MVC concepts, I would recommend you to read a bit more about routes and routelinks
I hope this helps you a bit: RouteLinks in MVC
'/WebConsole53/' // hardcode baseurl I have to apply each time manually
sometimes you need to access your root from javascript where you don't have access to server-side code (eg #Html). While refactoring may be the best option you can get around this by storing the baseurl once, using server-side code, eg in _layout.cshtml:
<script type="text/javascript">
var basePath = '#Url.Content("~")'; // includes trailing /
... load other scripts after the above ...
you can then reference this everywhere and it will always be valid even if you move the base / migrate to test/live.
Setting window.location.href to load the new View from JavaScript // Is this the best way or should I use some URL/Html helpers instead?
Depends on your requirements - you could use $.ajax (or shortcuts $.get or $.load) to load PartialViews into specific areas on your page. There's plenty of examples on SO for this and the jquery api help.
Or just use <a> anchors or #Html.ActionLink as already suggested. Without needing menu= (see next) you don't need to control all your links.
I store the state of the selected menuItem in the querystring ("menu") // Is it more common to store that kind in Session/Cookie?
If you change the page, then you could query the current url to find which menu item points to it and highlight that one (ie set the menu dynamically rather than store it).
This would also cover the case where you user enters the url directly without the menu= part ... or where your forget to add this... not that that would happen :)
Additional: You can specify which layout to use in your view by specifying the Layout at the top of the view, eg:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/AltLayout.cshtml";
(which is also one of the options when you right click Views and Add View in visual studio)
Without this, MVC uses a configuration-by-convention and looks at Views/_ViewStart.cshtml which specifies the default _layout.cshtml.
If you don't want a layout at all, then just return PartialView(); instead

How to trigger a JavaScript function using the URL

I really didn't know how to explain my question in the title, so I tried.
Anyways, this is my problem. I have a webpage which is basically a puzzle. The basic premise of it is that when you visit a certain link, it will trigger a function and show the next piece.
Here's one of the functions that will show the piece -
function showone() {
var elem = document.getElementById("one");
if (elem.className = "hide") {
elem.className = "show"
The reason that it's built like this, is because the pieces are constructed and placed using an HTML table, using classes to hide and show them.
What I need to do, is somehow create a URL that will trigger a new piece. For example, "www.website.com/index.html?showone" is what I'd like. This would trigger the "showone" function.
I don't know how to do this though, and after a fair bit of searching, I'm more confused than I was to begin with.
The reason I'm using JavaScript to begin with, is that the page can't refresh. I understand that this might not be possible, in which case, I'm open to any suggestions on how I could get this to work.
Thanks in advance, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Javascript web application frameworks can to this for you, they allow to build web application without refresh page.
For example you can use backbonejs it has Router class inside and it very easy to use.
code is easy as :
var Workspace = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"help": "help", // #help
"search/:query": "search", // #search/kiwis
"search/:query/p:page": "search" // #search/kiwis/p7
help: function() {
search: function(query, page) {
is also you can use angularjs it is big one that supports by Google.
Maybe this solution can help you?
var link = $(e.target).prop("href"); //save link of current <a> into variable
/* Creating new icon-tag, for example $("<img/>", {src: "link/to/file"}).appendTo("next/dt"); */
e.preventDefault(); //Cancel opening link
return false; //For WebKit browsers

Allowing href links with hashes on them to bypass SammyJS routing

I have the following server-side URL mappings defined:
I've added SammyJS routing support so that I am able to do the following:
/main/item1#/ /* main view */
/main/item1#/topups /* topup view */
I've set up SammyJS like so:
s.app = Sammy(function() {
this.get('#/topups', function() {
console.log('Initializing topups view.');
this.get('#/', function() {
console.log('Initializing main view.');
The problem is, I have a summary section in my page that redirects to the topup view of a different "item". E.g., I am at the url /main/item1#/, and in this page, there exists a tag item 2's topups.
I expect to be redirected (page refresh) to the new URL, however, it seems like SammyJS is intercepting the /main/item2#/topups call and simply running the this.get('#/topups') route I've defined.
I expect that since the URL paths before the hash, /main/item1 and /main/item2 are different, the SammyJS routing won't be triggered.
Is there a way to prevent this behavior from happening in SammyJS?
I don't know much about Sammy but I can tell you from the way any router behaves, is that it catches the first match in the routing possibilities, and so, anything that ends with #/topups will be considered the same as long as it's after the hash sign.
so you better define the router this way:
this.get('#/topups/:item', function() {
console.log('Initializing topups view for item: '+ item);
and then call the pages with URLs like:
item 2's topups
I hope this is what you're looking for
I'm pretty sure using the full URL redirect you.
Item 2 top ups for the lazy coder
However, that will cause the page to reload. If you modify Labib's answer you can have an even better solution:
this.get('#/topups/:item', function () {
console.log('Doing some post processing on current item');
console.log('Now redirecting you to ' + this.params.item);
window.location.href = 'http://example.com/menu/# + this.params.item +#/topups';
Again this will cause the page to reload, but if you do not mind that, then just either method.
NOTE: Sammy will also check form submission for you. This trips me up EVERY time I use it. This post has the solution.

Backbone route on IE

I'm trying use the history backbone root but it doesn't work fine on IE (or other browsers which don't support history api).
My webapp has this map, where each module makes a request, but actions should call a function:
var MyRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"moduleA/": "homeA",
"moduleA/action1/:id": "action1",
// ...
var app = new MyRouter();
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true});
I'm navigating using this:
(I'm getting links click events and calling navigate(link.href,{trigger:true}) )
Every is working fine on Chr/FF (browsers with history api support), and the url is updated in the browser and the function is call.
However, in IE the url is replaced by this hash format: site/#moduleA/
In order to solve that I've tried set the root in history.start
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true, root:'/moduleA/'});
But, now IE replace the url using this format: site/moduleA/#moduleA/ or site/moduleA/#moduleA/action1/432432.
So, Why IE is repeating the root in the url ?
How can I solve this?
Thanks in advance
By setting root to '/moduleA/' you are telling backbone to use site/moduleA as the root, this is the expected behavior.
Rememeber in backbone
routes: {
"moduleA/": "homeA", // #moduleA/
"moduleA/action1/:id": "action1" // #moduleA//action1/:id
is different from
routes: {
"/moduleA/": "homeA", // #/moduleA/
"/moduleA/action1/:id": "action1" // #/moduleA//action1/:id
its good to keep this in mind when using app.navigate.
